Chapter 9 - The Vampire Den

Fate Brought Me You

Hi Everyone! So sorry that I didn't update yesterday! I was busy watching Happy Camp XD Kris <3 

More bad news tho. I'm leaving for vacation on Wednesday so I probably won't be able to update till I come back...which is like July :( I'll try my best to write during my trip but I can't make promises! Please continue to support me :) 


"Hey, I'm not sure that's the best idea!" I squeaked as Kris pulled me out of his room. 

He turned around and flashed me a killer smile. "Nonsense. They already know you're here and you already know half of us anyways." He continued to lead me towards the common room of the dorm. 

I could hear the boys talking and I knew it would be pointless to try and run. It wasn't like I had anywhere to go and if they wanted me dead I had no chance of escaping. So I gulped and clenched Kris' hand with both of mine.

The moment we stepped into the room, everyone suddenly became very silent. I surveyed the room and the people (well, technically vampires) in the room when I suddenly came to the realization that these were the faces that I had been seeing. Everything suddenly made sense to me and I gasped.

Kris looked at me worriedly, "Hey, what's wrong?"

I frowned, "I've know everyone here. I've seen their faces." There was a murmur of surprise from the rest of the room. 

"Well, do you know their names?" Kris asked me curiously. 

I shook my head. "No...I've only seen flashes of their faces."

"But you know me right?!" Se Hun suddenly jumped up and hopped over to me, Lu Han trailing behind him. 

I smiled sweetly at him. "Of course Se Hun, we've been friends since the day classes started."

"Well, the rest of the people are D.O, Tao, Chen, Xiumin and Lay." Kris introduced one by one. I waved politely to each one of them and they smiled back at me.

"I've heard a lot about you. Nice to finally meet you in person." D.O. said as he shook my hand.

"Yeah, Kris gege talks about you so much!" Tao told me.

"Really Kris? What do you say about me?" I questioned.

He shrugged and then bent down to whisper in my ear, "Oh, you know, just how appealling you smell and how wonderful you taste."

I blushed a cherry red and pushed him away. He laughed as I stalked away to Kai.

Kai sat on a high stool and cocked an eyebrow at me. "What, not afraid of me anymore?"

I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, "Um, I'm sorry about before. I guess it was just hard to accept the fact that vampires actually exist."

Kai snorted. "People's imagination can only go so far. Obviously we're real."

"Aiya, it doesn't matter Kai~~" Se Hun came to my rescue. "Now that Rina knows, we don't have to hide around her anymore!"

"We still need to be careful around other humans." Kai pointed out.

"Well I'm very careful!" Se Hun huffed. "It's you that sleeps around and risks getting caught!"

"I'm too good to get caught!" Kai retorted. 

Kris walked over as they started bickering. "Do you want to go back to your dorm to change? Classes start in 2 hours. I thought you might want something to eat."

I nodded and he walked me out of the Exo dorm. Everyone else had gone back to doing what they were doing before I had entered the room. 

* * *

We were both quiet as we headed back to my dorm. 

"What are you thinking about?" Kris asked me.

"I'm thinking that now I know what you guys are, maybe I wont have anymore visions to bother me." I replied thoughtfully.


"What are you thinking?" I asked him.

"I'm thinking...Will you be my girlfriend?" 

I looked up at him, expecting him to be joking with me. He was very serious. "You're serious aren't you?"

"Very much. I've been attracted to you for a long time. And as Se Hun puts it, now that you know who I am, I don't need to hide things from you. So what do you say?" Kris stared at me intently, as if he could will me to say yes. 

If I said I wasn't attracted to Kris, it would be a lie. I wasn't sure if this was the best idea but I was willing to give it a try. Having an extremely handsome boyfriend would never hurt right?

"Okay. Let's give this a try." I decided.

"Great. I promise you won't regret this." Kris said as he let out a breath that I didn't know he was holding. 

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salakue #1
Chapter 21: Awwwww have fun with college stuff!
Chapter 21: kk~ <3
be back soon author-nim~ :D
i wanna know what happens~ xD
this is even better than vampire diaries~
(am i the only one who noticed the plot was kinda similar? in a way~ xD)
it has totally hotter/cuter/smexier guys in it~ xD
even though the cast of vampire diaries was voted the most iest cast... (even beating gossip girl~)
Chapter 21: okee i'll b waiting patiently...^^
and good luck for your college ^^
new reader here ;)

@chap 4 : I'm sooooo happy that u put HunHan moment.. even just a bit :P
Take ur time authornim
we can understand!!!!! Good luck!!!!!
That's fine dear, I understand that well. We'll be here waiting. Good luck with your applications!
Hello, new reader here~ This story is just awesome!
Please update soon~ ^_^
Hi new reader here :D
I love your story :) I feel like she can bond a lot with tao now since they're the same type of vampire. Please update soon! :3
Cuteee! And hm on pregnancy.. it depends if it will work with the overall storyline.