Chapter 15 - The Hurtful Truth

Fate Brought Me You

Ok! Let's see if I can hit 60 subcribers with this chapter ;) Oh! And review!! (or comment XD)


I stood on the edge of the woods leading to my house. The sky was still dark and my eyes had trouble adjusting to the lack of light. I took a step forward and nearly tripped over a tree root. Kris managed to snatch my arm before I kissed the ground.

"Ugh!" I stomped on the tree root and turned to the 7 vampires who obviously weren't bothered by the complete darkness (stupid night predators and all), "Would someone please explain to me why we have to come investigate this house at this bloodly ungodly hour??" 

Chanyeol beamed at the opportunity to make himself useful, "Well there are many reasons. Firstly, the earlier we come, the more evidence we see before the police sees. Secondly, the real investigation team wont come here until work hours begin, which is not for another 3 hours so no one will question what we are doing here. Thirdly, -"

"Yeah, yeah okay, let's just go!" I grumbled. Sheesh, you'd think Chanyeol was running for president with his speech.

We managed to enter the house without me falling over another plant and killing myself. Su Ho decided that it would be best for us to split up into groups of 2 and search the house. We would shout if anyone of us found anything useful or found someone dangerous. Kris and I headed straight for Aunt Annabelle's office. 

The scent of burnt wood wafted around the house and the floorboards creaked when we walked. It was ominous and I wanted nothing more than to retrieve whatever it was I came to retrieve and leave the damn house.

We found Aunt Annabelle's study without much trouble but the problem wasn't finding the office, it was finding the thing.

"Well, what are we looking for Katrina?" Kris asked me.

"Umm. I'm not sure. I think a letter. That would make sense right?" I replied feeling rather stupid. Kris shrugged and started opening drawers.

I tried to think where Aunt Annabelle would leave something. And suddenly I had the vision of me picking up a book and a wall opening appeared in my head. I held a hand to my head and groaned. Well, it was nice to know that my vision was helping me when I needed it but it was still pretty painful. 

Kris looked at me worriedly. He was regretting the decision of letting me come on the "mission". I ignored him and started pulling books off the bookshelf. Kris looked at me confusedly for a moment but then came to my aid and starting pulling out books as well - at twice my speed. 

Soon, a door to a secret room opened. I went in and Kris followed. The other room was as big as the one we had just left albeit much darker. My vision hadn't had sufficient time to adjust before I was knocked onto the floor. I heard a similar "thump" beside me and I guessed that Kris had fallen to the same fate.

There was a snarl and then suddenly a fireball appeared out of no where. Kris had thrown off his attacker and lighted another fireball, ready to attack. 

"Well Annabelle, you didn't tell me loverboy was a vampire." Uncle Cain's voice floated over from the other side of the room. I would've gasped if there weren't hand on my neck trying to choke me. I clawed at the hands desperately as my lungs burned for oxygen.

"Well I didn't know that!" Aunt Annabelle's sharp voice rang in my head. I must have imagined that because Aunt Annabelle was dead. She wasn't in that room, trying to strangle me to death. Or at least I thought until Kris threw his fireball at my attacker and she immediately dumped me and sped to the other side of the room.

I coughed and gasped for my precious oxygen as Kris knelt beside me. 

"How?" I finally managed to croak. "I thought you were dead!"

"Well of course you had to think I was dead!" Aunt Annabelle rolled her eyes. "If you didn't find the need to avenge our dead family you wouldn't have returned to this house! And I need you to return so I can kill you too!"

Tears gathered in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. "You killed them? How could you! They're your family!" I cried out. 

She rolled her eyes again, "Obviously I didn't kill everyone. I'm a newbie, I'm not strong enough. Cain here was a big help."

"A newbie murderer?" I raged.

"A newbie werewolf." Kris hissed. "Cain is a werewolf. He's turned your aunt." I was beyond shocked.

"Well at least someone here has the brains. Now I just need to get rid of you." Aunt Annabelle cackled.

"Why would you want us dead?" I asked terrified. Werewolves were the biggest enemies of vampires. A bite could kill Kris and it was 2 vs 1. He was disadvantaged.

"Oh so many questions. But since you're going to die sooner or later, I'll indulge you. The power of the sight is distributed among members of this family. When a family member dies, his or her ability goes to someone that is alive."

"So the two of us." I whispered.

"Exactly. Haven't you noticed that you're able to see things at will?" Aunt Annabelle asked me.

I remembered the vision I had about the secret doorway. "You want to be able to use the power of the sight at will?"

"I can be invicible!" My aunt gloated.

"But the pain is terrible!"

Aunt Annabelle snorted, "That's why I needed Cain's help. I'm immortal now. I'm stronger now. Those petty little headaches don't affect me."

I was terrified and horrified. 

"Storytime is over child! Time to die!" Aunt Annabelle sang. Both she and Uncle Cain flew at us. Kris tried to hold them off with his fireballs but they were fast.

Soon, Aunt Annabelle had me pinned under her. "Sweet dreams!" She chuckled darkly before she opened to expose her elongated canines. She was aiming for my neck but I block her with my arm and her fangs ended up in my forearm. I screamed as her teeth broke through my skin, punctured my blood vessels and ingrained themselves in my muscles.

"Katrina!" Kris cried out but he was having his own problems holding off Uncle Cain.

Suddenly, Kai materialized into the room and pulled Aunt Annabelle off me. I howled in pain as her fangs were ripped out of my body and Lay was immediately at my side. He looked at my arm with intense concern.

The room suddenly got brighter so I guessed that Chanyeol, the other fire user, and Chen, the electricity user, had appeared. But really couldn't care less. My arm was on fire and the blood was getting all over me.

"Make it stop! Make it stop!" I sobbed, delirious with pain. Was I referring to the pain or the bleeding? I had no clue.

"How bad is it?" Su Ho asked as Lay examined my wound.

"It's bad. The werewolf's bitten her. I can't tell if she's infected but the wound itself is already a problem. Infection, blood loss." Lay frowned.

"You can't save her!" Aunt Annabelle cackled as she easily dodged Tao and Kai's attacks. She could tell what they were going to do before they did it, there was no way Tao and Kai could beat her. But Uncle Cain was obviously having a harder time dealing with his three vampires.

"Annabelle! We have to leave!" He bellowed.

They sped out of the room and the vampire were going to give chase but I was and crying and thrashing in Lay's arms and they decided that saving me was more important.

"I'm going to die! I'm going to die!" I moaned.

"No! I won't let that happen!" Kris snapped as his blurred to my side. "Annabelle was only recently turned, I doubt that her bite is venomous enough. We can save her by the venom out."

"Are you crazy?" Kai yelled. "Werewolf venom is poisonous to you too! What if you accidently swallow it?"

"I won't!" Kris yelled back.

"That won't work. She's already lost too much blood. You can take anymore from her. It would kill her." Lay shook his head.

Speaking of blood, Tao was having a hard time controlling his urges. He stared at my bloody arm and his lips. 

"Hey, let's get you out of here." Chen said quietly. "I'll see you guys back at the dorm." And the two of them left first.

"We can probably still save her from bleeding dry if we hurry back to the dorm now." Su Ho said. Lay nodded in agreement.

Kris didn't need another person to tell him what to do. He picked me up and sped out of the room, the others trailing behind.

Everything was a blur. My eyelids were soooo heavy.

And then everything was dark.

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salakue #1
Chapter 21: Awwwww have fun with college stuff!
Chapter 21: kk~ <3
be back soon author-nim~ :D
i wanna know what happens~ xD
this is even better than vampire diaries~
(am i the only one who noticed the plot was kinda similar? in a way~ xD)
it has totally hotter/cuter/smexier guys in it~ xD
even though the cast of vampire diaries was voted the most iest cast... (even beating gossip girl~)
Chapter 21: okee i'll b waiting patiently...^^
and good luck for your college ^^
new reader here ;)

@chap 4 : I'm sooooo happy that u put HunHan moment.. even just a bit :P
Take ur time authornim
we can understand!!!!! Good luck!!!!!
That's fine dear, I understand that well. We'll be here waiting. Good luck with your applications!
Hello, new reader here~ This story is just awesome!
Please update soon~ ^_^
Hi new reader here :D
I love your story :) I feel like she can bond a lot with tao now since they're the same type of vampire. Please update soon! :3
Cuteee! And hm on pregnancy.. it depends if it will work with the overall storyline.