Ch. 22

♔∂єѕтιиу♔ : SM Girl Group

Ch. 21 | Party


*Ding dong* (No, not ring ding dong guys xD) 

Haze rubbed her eyes as she got out of her bed. Who could be up this early in the morning? She thought as she checked her phone for the time. 7:03. Normally the DestinY members would wake up earlier than her, but because the previous night was when they performed late at night when they were still tired, so they were more tired than before. Haze went down the stairs and the doorbell rung two more times. She yelled at the door,"Okay, okay, I'm coming! Jeez..." When she stepped in front of the door and her eyes widened as she saw the handsome face looking at her. 

"Minho-sshi!" She put her hand over in surprise. Indeed, it was the Choi Minho of SHINee. She looked up at his face and it almost made her fangirl in real life. Wait - she never had this feeling before, not even when she met Kris. Was she ...? No, impossible. Never! She looked away from Minho's face and asked,"So what are you doing here, Minho-sshi?"

"Um, I just want to let you know that you sang really good last night, Haze. I watched the news and was really shocked on how your voice was. Uh, bye. Here, take this." Minho said shyly as he handed her an envelope. He quickly ran out the door and closed it. 

Weird She thought and opened the envelope and started to read it. 

Dear Lee Min Hyo, 

  You are invited to the annual party on the 28th of August, 2012 at 6:00 pm. This is a secret party, you must not tell anyone about this or the party would be ruined. Please dress formally and prepare a date to come with you. 


the CEO of somethingplacehere. 

Haze bit her lip, not knowing whether to go or not. She could go because she didn't have anything to do today, and it's been a long time since she's been to a formal party. On the other hand, she didn't have a date or any formal clothes. Besides that, she didn't want to keep it a secret from her friends. Is she going to go or no...?


Jin sighed as her unnie moved her face, which made Haze's eyeshadow ruined - again for the 5th time. "Unnie, stop moving your face. I have to start all over again." Jin told Haze, cleaning her eyeshadow. Haze bit her lip and apologized," Mian, Jin ah, but I'm nervous. Who's going to be our dates?" Haze figured out that Jin was also invited, but didn't want to go because she was tired from parties.

Jin shrugged her shoulders and continued to apply Haze's makeup. She styled it like T-ara's Jiyeon's signature make-up look and applied a soft pink lipstick on her unnie's lip. She gestered her to stand up, but Jin wasn't satisfied. Haze's makeup was fine, but her hair is still... plain. Haze sat down and closed her eyes while Jin curled Haze's straight black hair and when she opened her eyes again, her eyes widen. She didn't look Haze, the eldest of DestinY. She looked more mature and prettier, more mysterious. 

Suddenly, the door bell rung and the duo ran downstairs, wondering who it was. Jin opened the door and grinned widely. "Minho sshi, please sit down. Are you bringing Haze to the party?" 

Minho had a confused face on. "You know?"

"Yeah, but I declined. Anyways, do you want some tea?" 

"Tea? Aniyo, I'm just waiting for Haze. I was thinking we could go together," Minho explained, looking around the house, his eyes wandering everywhere. "Where is she?" 

Jin stared at him weirdly, and glanced at Haze who was timidly hiding behind the still opened doors, and laughed,"Don't you see Haze, Minho?" 

Minho looked around again and spoke up,"Is this your friend, Jin?" 

"Minho, that's Haze..."

"Really? Haze, you look...different..."Minho gaped, not leaving his sight off of Haze. Haze blushed then Minho stood up. "Jin, I believe it's time to go. Come on, Haze," 

Haze waved goodbye to Jin and saw Minho's black BMW car. As she was about to get in it, suddenly it opened! "Sit please, madam," Minho chuckled. Haze was surprised, but sat down anyways. When he sat next to her in the driver's seat, she blushed but the darkness of the night hid her red face. It was an awkward silence until Minho broke it. 

"So uh, Haze. Do you know what this party's for?" Minho casually asked, looking at Haze then turning his sight on the road. Haze replied,"Aniyo, do you?" 

Minho shook his head. "I don't know either. Eunhyuk hyung gave me the invitation, but he said he didn't know either." 

"Sounds pretty suspicious to me," Haze thought out loud. "Do you know why - AHHHH! MINHO - SSHI, LOOK OUT FOR THAT CAR!" Haze screamed holding onto her seatbelt. 

Minho turned to the left, avoiding the speeding car that was going the opposite way. Minho cursed silently to himself,"That motherf***ing car. I swear if I get into an accident, I'll kill the bast***." 

Haze didn't know why, but she laughed extremely hard. So hard that she had to gasp for air to laugh again. Minho stared at her weirdly. "Why are you laughing?" 

But somehow, that made her laugh even more! Finally, she calmed down and replied,"I actually don't know. It's just so funny seeing a quiet guy suddenly curse." Minho back by saying,"Well, I didn't know a quiet girl could laugh and scream for much and loud." 

"Hey! It wasn't that loud..." Haze pouted, making Minho smile. Then they arrived at the party and went out of the parked car. 




Miss A's Breathe was playing in the background as Minho and Haze entered the huge mansion. There were celebrities everywhere, some were people that Haze couldn't recognize, some were famous legendary singers or actors.


Minho whispered,"I'm going to get us a drink. Be right back." He said as he went off to the kitchen. 


Haze waited for about 3 minutes, and got bored, so she decided to walk around the mansion for a bit. Suddenly she felt a hand grab her on the shoulder. As she turned around, her eyes widen. 

"Hyukie?" Haze gasped. 

Eunhyuk grinned at her. "Haze. I knew you're here already. Come on, let me show you someone." He grabbed her hand and lead her to the patio. 


"Eunhyuk, why are we here?" Haze asked with a confused look on her face. Eunhyuk just grinned and told her to wait by the chairs. A minute passed and people dived in the swimming people, making the water splash on her clothes a bit. Haze sighed and just scooted farther away. Then Eunhyuk appeared with a girl next to him. 

"Haze, do you remember her?" Eunhyuk said with a mischevious look, and a glint in his eyes. Haze studied the girl's face and suddenly she squealed,"Omo! Lee Da Eun! Is it really you?" 

A girl about nineteen smiled, showing her perfect white teeth. Her brown hair was tied in a messy low bun, and her elegant black dress looked completely stunning because of her skinny figure. Some guys behind her was drooling and his girlfriend slapped him. Haze couldn't believe how Da Eun could look so perfect over 10 years. 


"Unnie, it's been such a long time since we've met. I've missed you," Da Eun gushed, hugging her unnie. Haze hugged her back, tears almost forming in her eyes. 

"Why did you run away, dongsaeng? I provided you with a comfy home, you had friends like Eunhyuk and me, why?" Haze asked, shaking Da Eun's shoulders. Da Eun looked at the ground, not wanting to look at her unnie's eyes. 

Da Eun began. "That was the problem, unnie. You provided me with so much, but I couldn't provide you with anything. I had no job because I failed school. I made you suffer because of the bills. And you had to pay for umma's medicals bills too," 

"Dongsaeng, you're so wrong. Because of you, my life was much easier. I could smile, laugh, and be happy. True, it was hard paying for everything, but I did it, didn't I?" Haze said with a smile. 

Eunhyuk watched Haze's smile and immediately blushed. Suddenly, Minho appeared. 

"Ah, Haze, here's your drink. Oh, Eunhyuk hyung! And who are you?" Minho asked Da Eun.

"I'm Haze's sister,"

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Whoa. Long lost sister!!! What is the party about anyway? It sounds almost like a plot to kidnap some idols...
Who is "she"? And granddaughter or not, I've never met anyone that rude too a person who is in that generation.
jokokekemato #3
This granddaughter seems like a little brat...
Hmmmm.....It seems that Lee SooMan's granddaughter isn't very good at being told no.
I bet Hyuk Jae is going to help Kris get Haze. Well at least I hope so.
jokokekemato #6
I loved this chapter! The love triangle~
Interesting love triangle you have going on there! It looks promising and the boys fighting over Haze are really cute. I can't wait to read more!
myunghee_0780 #8
ohhhh so many love triangle hehehehe exciting