Day Twelve

Dear Diary,

LOOK AN UPDATE! Oh whoa that is new of me! Haha okay so the month of November is officially over and well has been for a few days but hey I had some stuff to do with finals being next week and all! But once the semester ends I'm hoping to update in this a lot more and this chapter is dedicated to Ultraviolet because LOOK AT THAT AMAZING POSTER OMG YOU ARE THE BEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!! Saranghae!!!! I hope you like the chapter and everyone else who have been reading this really thank you because you guys mean A LOT to me!


Everything was blurry as if I was looking at my life with horrible eye sight. I knew where I was and I knew who I was, but everything else just didn’t fit. The school looked exactly how it should look even through the blurry vision that I seemed to be cursed with. I have no control of anything I was doing and started walking into the school and towards the classes I remembered taking back in my first year of high school. The classrooms were the same as if this was just a memory being played out in my head—but when I reached my math class it was like the memory became even more blurry.

“This is Lee So Young, she transferred from the upper class math today, sit next to Lee---“ The teacher pointed to a boy with a dazzling smile but that was all I could remember of him. The name just left and the whole image of him was almost nonexistent, but he existed. I remember he existed but yet I don’t remember who he is…

He didn’t talk to me and only talked to the other girls in the class, but still whenever I glanced his way he looked foreign and different. He was completely blurred out so that he was just a silhouette of a man that maybe I used to know. He couldn’t be important to my life if he was just some shadow on my life, right?

Just thinking about him makes my heart hurt and my head spin.

“Are you okay Soo Young?” My mother asked me and I nodded my head trying to avoid the daydream that I was just having. I had to focus on more important things like getting better in this hospital so that I could go home and see everyone I love again.

“When will I be released from the hospital?” I asked her and she smiled at me saying it was not going to be too much longer until we were back in our old house. They were happy that whatever disease I had was curable enough to get rid of quickly after transferring me to another country. What country was I even in right now? Maybe America but I don’t remember the trip taking that long to get here with our things, so maybe somewhere in Europe?

“Will I be able to go to college next semester?” I asked another question and she smiled once more making me happy knowing that I won’t be too far behind in school. I remember wanting to go to a college in Seoul, somewhere close to home but far enough to live there instead of at home. I wanted to go with someone—but who was it? Oh well I bet it was just an imagination and that I just really wanted to go there for myself and not for someone else. Who else is that important in my life besides my friends and family?


The alarm was louder this morning and I nearly slammed my hand on it to stop it before it hurt my ears for much longer. Byunghun was nowhere in sight and I knew he was off to see Ji Young and that just caused me to sigh and think about Daniel and how much he liked her.

“Should I tell him?” I whispered to myself mainly but I just shook my head and decided that it was a problem that they had to deal with, not me. If Daniel wanted to like the same girl as Byunghun then let him even if it will end badly it was his fault for being so different about his feelings for her.

I sighed loudly and got out of bed finally to get ready for the day, besides I had an entry to read this morning and think about my own problems instead of others. Soo Young was still in the hospital, maybe recovering but there was still something off about her that her mom was just not telling me. This worried me greatly and I hoped that it wasn’t anything serious or else I would be booking the next flight to where ever she was.

With Byunghun gone almost every morning it would be a lot easier for me to read her diary I just had to be careful or else yesterday will repeat almost every school day and I’d have one angry boy for a roommate for the entire semester.

I looked at the pillow and didn’t hesitate to take the diary from underneath it and flipped righto to the right page and started reading from where I had left off.

Dear Diary,

                Okay so I admit that I haven’t been updating in this recently but can you blame me? I’ve been spending so much time with my BOYFRIEND its hard to remember something silly like a diary. Well the year just became so much better now that I have Chanhee as an amazing boyfriend and really the semester is almost over, can you believe that? I’ll be going on break soon and we’ll be second year high schoolers not before long. But as long as I have Chanhee I think everything will be fine because he just makes me smile so much and so happy all of the time. I know I sound like some clingy girl and maybe that’ll annoy him but I can’t help it when I’ve been waiting so long for this day to happen. He treated me for White’s Day, we laughed at Black’s Day and we spend all of our weekends together all of the time. He is the sweetest boy ever I don’t see how so many people can call him a player; I’ve never even seen him talk to another girl before. People just don’t want to see me so happy that’s all. Ha! Too bad~ Also we just hit our first month anniversary together and he took me out on an amazing date around the town. We’re already thinking a little too ahead of ourselves but I don’t regret a single thing. He is just too perfect.

--Lee Soo Young

 One thing I loved about Tuesdays was that these were my days off. A time for me to enjoy the free time of college and not have to worry about getting my assignment in on time. I used this free time to just stare out into space with the silliest smile plastered on my face for smiling too long. I couldn’t help it. Soo Young was just as cute writing in her diary as she was in real life and that just made it even better knowing that she held no deep dark secrets. Most relationships in high school don’t last and definitely don’t last throughout college but this love was different—the love I had for Soo Young was everlasting. She didn’t even need to try to get me away from my player ways because I did it without her even asking. Girls meant nothing to me after she came into my life and they still meant nothing to me even after she left my life for a short period of time. Because I know she’ll come back and be right in my arms.

But now here was the hard part of Tuesdays. I had nothing to do and with Byunghun already gone for the day to see Ji Young—which is not good for Daniel—so that really meant I had no one to hang around.

I guess I could spend the day by myself and enjoy the freedom of college for a bit before meeting up with the group for lunch or something like that.

After already being here for almost two weeks I realized that I barely knew anything about the city I was in besides that it was Seoul and the capital of South Korea making it the biggest city in the whole country. It wasn’t that I lived in a small town before this, but nothing compared to the expansion of Seoul and how even taking the wrong subway could get one lost in less than an hour. I didn’t know if I wanted to explore this giant city by myself, but there was no way I was going to bother someone else to come with me.

Getting lost or bothering my newly found friends?

I took this chance to finally be brave and go off on my own but leaving Byunghun a text message saying that I’d be gone for some of the day and to not worry about me.

He responded back almost immediately with a ‘wait!’ and another minute passed by before another text was sent to my phone with him explaining that he had something to tell me and that he wanted to spend the day with me. “Maybe I’ll be brave another day.” I shrugged and responded that I’ll wait in the dorm room for him to come back and tell me whatever he wanted to tell me.

I had a feeling with how rushed his text was it was about the one girl I didn’t want to have any drama with—whether the drama was directly dealing with me or indirectly making me involved. I wished so much that Daniel didn’t tell me about his crush on Ji Young or maybe I wished he said so earlier so I could have helped him.

But then what about Byunghun? I can’t just ignore his feelings just because Daniel said he liked the girl. I had to think not only of their feelings but Ji Young’s as well. Something happened between her and Byunghun to make her like him instead of getting the time with Daniel. Besides it wasn’t like Daniel was going to ask her out anyways so it’d be in Byunghun’s best interest for him to take her instead.

I sat thinking about all of this for about ten minutes before finally the door burst open with Byunghun grinning at me widely and taking me in for a super tight hug the second he got the chance. I didn’t know why he was so happy with me but I just smiled and hugged him back quickly asking what was up for him to tell me the good news.

“She is my girlfriend!” He shouted happily. “It’s all thanks to you!” He almost went to hug me again but stopped and just continued to smile and almost bounce around the room in his excitement.

I had to play dumb for a little since he didn’t know about what I knew. “Oh really? Why is it thanks to me?”

His smile widened even more when I said that and he placed an arm around my shoulder. “Well you introduced me to her.”

Now I was certain he was talking about Ji Young, but of course I had to make sure. “Ji Young?” I asked and he nodded about ten times just to show his happiness.

“I couldn’t help it! I didn’t want to tell you at first since it looked like you didn’t like her, but then you showed some interest in being her friend. But after I found out you had a girlfriend I didn’t mind it anymore so I just asked her out today and she said yes!” He explained a bit too quickly but luckily I already pieced the story together from the information I knew but I just couldn’t be overly excited for him.

And he noticed. “Are you mad at me?” His smile slowly started to fade and I quickly had to think of something to say as to not ruin the mood.

“I-uh, no I’m not mad at you I’m just thinking of someone else.” I averted my eyes and looked anywhere but his face. I didn’t want to see his disappointment.

Should I tell him?

“Who?” He questioned when it looked like I was not going to speak.

I thought about it and finally muttered, “Niel.”

“Why Niel?” He pressed further hoping to get it out of me. I knew I had to tell him now, but I didn’t know what to say about it.

“He, well—“ I thought some more and finally said. “He liked Ji Young too.”

His arm slowly slid off of my shoulder and he walked in front of me to face me completely. He looked angry, but he didn’t look angry at me. “Why didn’t he tell me? Why did he tell you?”

I could sense betrayal in his voice and I knew I said the wrong thing at the wrong time. “He didn’t think you liked her since he had never seen you two talk, and he saw her first when he was with me.” To be honest I didn’t know why he trusted me so much to tell me a secret like that, but that was what I could gather from it.

Byunghun sighed but at least the anger washed away from his face. He slipped his hand through his hair and started pacing around the room. He was thinking long and hard about this situation and what he should say or do about it.

“I’m not telling you to break up with her or even consider breaking up with her.” I added quickly making sure I was not taking sides on this matter but just making it known so that it could be handled in a nicer manner and not something that could end in their friendship being broken.

“I’ll wait for right now.” He finally concluded and turned to face me. “For now, I’ll keep it a secret from the group except for you. I’ll tell him when I can think of the right time.” He nodded but really he was freaking out about this. He looked scared to lose a friend over a girl but he didn’t want to lose his girl either.

He looked like he really liked Ji Young. Maybe he’ll have a nice relationship with her like I had with Soo Young—of course I hoped she didn’t end up in the hospital though.

“In the meantime, let’s just enjoy this day, okay? I planned to take you somewhere and treat you  since you were the reason why I was so happy as well as her.” He finally said and smiled once more. I smiled as well and couldn’t help but feel honored that he wanted to spend the day with me because of this. Though he really should be spending time with his girlfriend now.

But still I nodded, “Okay.”

We left soon after that and took away all of the bad thoughts that had just happened and focused on all of the good things. “I want to know some more about something.”

“Hmm?” I hummed and looked at him hoping he’d ask without me having to actually acknowledge him.

“I want to know more about your relationship with Soo Young.” He smiled but kept it simple. He could tell this was a serious topic for me to be talking about and I even had to consider telling him in the first place let alone anything more about our story together.

These past twelve days have really all been about her and her story on how we met and how we got to know each other from reading her diary. This was the first time since I left town for college to be thinking about it really from my point of view again. Sure I’d think about it when mentioned in the diary but speaking it was a whole different story.

We had arrived at a nice looking restaurant and walked inside finding a table away from the people that were already in the building. I waited for the waitress to come and take our orders and even winking at either me or Byunghun—we couldn’t care less and ignored her.

“So will you tell me?” He pressed the topic a bit more and maybe he was asking out of pure curiosity or maybe he wanted to know the things he could do for his girlfriend.

It took the whole meal and by whole meal I really meant it. From when our drinks were handed to us, taking a break to order food and back to my life story. I spoke of our first meeting and how much of a player I was back in middle school and the beginning of high school. But seeing her changed everything for the better and made my life so much easier. I mentioned our first date and the awkwardness we felt afterwards not knowing what to do. I loved thinking about her for this long period of time but by the time I got up to where I was in her diary I couldn’t help but start tearing up and wanting to stop talking about it for the moment.

He understood completely and remained silent. Maybe he was going over everything I told him about and what he could do for his girlfriend—or maybe he was just at a loss of words. My relationship with Soo Young was something so special to me, something that could not be replaced and hard to sum up in just a few words. My love for her was completely pure and there was nothing that could stop our love.

I knew everything was going to go greatly at the hospital and she was going to recover completely and fully. She was going to return to my arms soon enough and we were going to live the rest of our lives the way we wanted to from the beginning.

And nothing was going to hold us back.

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Chapter 2: another great chapter!!!
Chapter 1: ahh, i know this is only the first chapter but i loved this introduction! revealed the characters and some of the overarching plot very well~ i shall return soon~
Chapter 19: Would not you like to continue? This story is really good. :(
the description is really beautiful and amazing
im curious as hell XD
adding to read list i have so manyyy TT
Chapter 19: I miss this fanfic, was one of the best I have ever read.
Do you still want to upgrade?
Chapter 19: Please let them meet (>∞<)
Chapter 19: I really like how this story is progressing and how you're writing the boys getting together as a group. :)
Chapter 18: oh!
Byunghun is really sweet <3
Please update soon!
Chapter 18: Chanhee and Byunghun's relationship is so sweet in this story! <3
And with Jonghyun and Changhyun! Oh gosh!
Great update! :)
Chapter 17: You never fail to make me happy with your updates! :'D

OHMYGOSH, Teen Top's comeback is amazing!<3
I also bought the limited edition album! :D and listened to all the songs fifty thousand times!
And watched the music video for Miss Right a bajillion times! xD