Diva time! wait... What time? Who?

Deja Vu




“Where do you think you’re going?” an authoritivevoice asked her.

“Uhmm. Out I think. I want you guys to have you’re quality time together alone. You know, guy thing. Hehehe” Hyun-ae fake laughed.

“Really? I already have my quality time with them before. Why don’t we have our own quality time alone?” the guys smirked.

He held her arm then dragged her to a room.

“Where are you taking me?” she said. Almost in a hysterical voice.

“Somewhere. Just wait and you’ll see.” Then he winked.

I don’t know but I didn’t dodge him off.

“Good girl.” He then faced the wavy haired guy. “Taemin, follow me later.” He shouted.


That’s Kai-look-a-like’s name?

Then what is this guy’s name?

I think he’s taking me out of the place himself. Just to make sure I’m off the place.

But when they entered a room….


“Hey Mister. I don’t know you and I don’t know why you’re taking me here. Let go of me. I want to go home.” She nervously said while struggled to his hands off her hurting arms.

The guy just looked at me.

Suddenly the door opened.

“Key hyung! Where’s that girl?” a guy said, which is Taemin.

“Here.” The guy who called Taemin as ‘Key’ said.

Key throws her arm toward Taemin who immediately catches the girl.

“Hi.” Taemin smiled sweetly.

O.o << this is what I look like okay?

“Who are you?  I know you don’t know me and certainly, I know that this thing that you’re doing is WRONG!!!!”Hyun-ae shouted.

“Hahahaha. Wrong?” he said mockingly. “You broke my phone! Are you even able to replace it?” Taemin shouted.

“I’m sorry but it’s just an accident and if you---“ she tried to insist.

“An accident? Was it also an accident if you purposely enter this place even you are not supposed to be in here?”

“NO. I’m sorry for entering here and I’m sorry for breaking you phone. I’ll replace it I promise.” Hyun-ae said trying to calm the angry man in front of him.

“Whatever idiot!” he said while pouting.

Did he just pouted? Tsch!

“Bwoh? Let me tell you who the real idiot here is. It’s you!!!!  You bastard, I’ve already said SORRY THRICE and I even promise to replace your ing phone, still you act so childish and so y here and you even called me idiot. What is it that you want huh? Be your slave? Act as if it was really my fault that I even destroy your wasteful life together with that phone? You know what? I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to replace that trash. You!  Just let me go and I’m going home now you ! Hear that? I’m going home now!!”

Hyun-ae shoulders are going up and down.

“Wow Taemin. She snapped. I guess that’s enough. I heard that PD-nim is looking for us now.” Key said who was against the closed door.

Taemin stared at her shoulder for a moment looking dumb, and then in a nick he pushed her hard to the wall.

She just groaned. The unbearable pain that runs though her backbone causes her to body to fell and slumped on the floor.

Her hair fell together with her cap and some of her things in her pocket fell too.


Hyun-ae composed herself then raised her face framed by her hair.

“Are you happy now? Who are you to do this to me? You’re not even human.” She said looking straight onto his eyes.

In a moment, Taemin froze. He didn’t move an inch, even Key. Both of them looked like statues.

Taemin knelt and face her.

“Ria?” Taemin just said reaching his hand towards her face.

Hyun-ae dodged the oncoming hand. She took the weird moment to escape. She stood up leaving the cap and her things on the ground, and the two frozen men.

Minutes later after Hyun-ae escaped, the two revived into their senses.

“Did you see that hyung? You can’t deny it. It’s definitely Ria.” Taemin said still at a kneeling position.

“Yes she looked like her but Taemin you know it can’t be. That girl can’t be Ria. Come on.” Key was now reaching his hand to Taemin making him stand.

When Taemin stood up he said, “Neh. It can’t be. But how come she also said those exact words……….. how come??”

Then in Taemin’s mind a sad scene returned.

a/n: ria. ria. ria. who's ria? yey! updated!!! ^^ hope you'll love this chappie. more revelationsssssss next chapsss. so tune in. (tv? lol) argh! please comment. i'll 'upfreeshieyt' it!! aja hwaiting~

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neko12 #1
update soon