like a puppy....

Deja Vu




SHINee’s Keeping Love Again kept on replaying around the set.

We’ve been here for hours since 5am.

Imagine? I have to wake up too early just for this shoot.


And the staffs were working like it’s already 10 in the morning. They’re moving as if they’re late for something, like it’s the end of the world, like someone or something is after them.

Really O.o

But I shouldn’t complain.

Cause in the first place I accepted this, second there’s no other option and third, it’ll be the easiest way to meet and greet EXO, I heard that they’re going to visit the set anytime soon.

I have to look presentable as usual of course.

Third, Director Jung was not the usual bubbly him today. I found out that he’s a strict director whenever he works. He’s a dedicated person and I salute him for that. But I’m afraid of him. Wanna know why?

He hated my acting at first because he said I’m toooooo stiff.

He stopped the filming seconds after I acted entered the café.

“Cuutt!” Mr. Jung’s voice echoed the café. “Hyun-ae come over here.” Then a he sighed loud.

“Neh.” Hyun-ae was now shaking, cause she really don’t know what to do.

Nobody talked to her or tell tips for acting.

“I know you’re just new at doing these things. But you’re starting point in acting is so simple. Just be natural. You’re not going to say anything. Just read the book naturally. Enjoy the book. You may laugh at times reading this.” He said while holding the book. “It’ll be good if you move a little like leaning at chair, or sipping coffee at times. You should keep in mind the leading lady’s character. We should finish these immediately. The boys will come by lunch.”

“Neh. I’m sorry Director-nim. I’ll do my best. Please understand I’m just new doing these. Please give me time to adjust.” Then she bowed.

She’s really embarrassed because she disappointed Mr. Jung.

“No. It’s okay. I know you’ll do well. Just don’t take too much time to adjust.” The he tapped her shoulders. “15 minutes break!” he shouted.

An hour later.

“Very good Hyun-ae.” He clapped three times calling a complete break. “I guess well stop it here this early since our artist’s performance is impressing.” then he gave Hyun-ae a wink.

“Aniya. Director-nim, thank you for your patience. I promise to do better in the future.” Then she bowed again.

“I trust you. Now take a break. You learned faster than I thought.” He messed her hair a little while smiling at her then left.

Hyun-ae was left dumbfounded. Aside from last sentence Mr. Jung said, he messed my hair like a… like a… puppy.

It’s cute. I don’t care if it’s for puppy. What I know is that, instead of tapping my shoulders he messed my hair. I don’t care if I looked like a madman with messed hair. It’s like an accomplishment for me. That simple gesture is too much for me to handle.

You learned faster than I thought. Hmmm.” Myunjae said.

“Huh? No it’s nothing.” Hyun-ae waved her hands in front of his face.

“I don’t think so. Well I think I should say, CONGRATULATIONS to you. You did well.” Then they hugged each other.

“She did?” a voice said.

“Yeah.” Myunjae said. “Oh. You’re here! Where are the others” he said after he looked at the owner of the voice.

It’s Key.

“Yeah. The members went to Director-nim to look for the shoot this morning, after they heard the rumor that you” then he pointed at her “did well.”

“Then why are you here?” Hyun-ae asked after she regained composure from the sudden appearance that shocked her.

“I’m not interested.” Then he smiled.

“Okay.” She just said. “Ahmm. Myun, after this what am I going to do?” she faced Myunjae this time.

“Just wait for Hyung to call you. The boys are going to shoot after they’re done with their things. Maybe it’ll take 30 minutes.” he meant make-ups, dresses and accessories. “.Then after that if they finished the shoot early, we can start the 2 scenes of you and Taemin together.”

“Ah. I see. But can I go home now?” she asked.

Key left them cause a noona called her.

“No you can’t. Though we still don’t know what time their shoot will end, we should wait for hyung’s order, whether your going or not.”

“Should I ask him then?” then she looked at Mr. Jung. He is currently talking with Taemin.

Taemin caught her looking then grinned.

She looked away.

“No. He’ll announce it later. Just be patient little rat.”

“Aish. Yeah I think it’s not a good idea to ask him now.” Then she pouted. “Could you join me for lunch then?”

“You knew that we can’t right?”

“I’m just taking chances. Besides maybe their shoot will take hours to end. So I won’t let myself to starve just waiting for them.” She sneered.

“Little rat. You still can’t.” he said.

“What do you mean ‘I can’t’? You mean I should really wait for them to finish their shoot?” she asked stunned.

“Yes you should wait for them. Don’t get me wrong but in terms of professionalism, SHINee never fails.”

“What do you mean?”

“The shoot will take half an hour or less.”

“Half an hour or less? They really do that?!?!” she said in a quite loud voice.

Myunjae just nodded.


They’re really something I guess.


25 minutes later.


“Ok. Perfect. 15 minutes break.” Mr. Jung shouted. Then staffs became busy  all of a sudden. “Hyun-ae, prepare. You’ll join us later.”

That’s it.

Inhale. Exhale. I’m going to shoot with these professionals minutes later.

Myunjae’s right, they never fall short in terms of professionalism.

Hyun-ae thought while the noonas were preparing her for the scariest moment of her life.


15 minutes passed too fast.

And Hyun-ae is kinda shaking inside.


But those were gone due to Myunjae’s ‘fighting’ shout and Mr. Jung ‘small mess’ with her hair.

“I see Mr. Jung liked you now.” Taemin said which surprised her again.

The panic returned.

“Will you please stop surprising me?”she asked irritatedly

“But I love surprises.” He said

“Yeah I used to. But that’s before you existed.” She tried to annoy him.

“Ouch. How sad. But I heard you did well this morning on your solo shoot.”

“Hm.” Then left him.


Hours later, they’re doing perfectly fine.

They did the scenes from ‘the time the he saw her reading a book inside a café with the other members as customers’ until the scenes where ‘his pencil broke after three days passed for waiting and sketching her face’.

The next will be where they bumped each other.


When will this stop.

Yeah, I like the feeling of being told that I did well, but I really hate starving.

Yeah, I ate but, it’s like ¼ of what I usually eat.

If it’s not because of Myunjae’s glare I ate more.

I also changed clothes for about forty times?

No, 5 times I think, but still, I’m getting tired like crazy.

And the song, at first I was kinda lip syncing though I don’t know the meaning of it or if I pronounced it right since it’s a jap song but now, it’s getting on my nerves, like puh-lease.



The shoot was about to resume when somebody came.

Somebody came.

Somebody came.

Somebody came.

Hyun-ae’s world was spinning around.

They came!




a/n: no note. em broken. choz. joke. em not in the mood. coz i hate how onew went in and out of twitter yesterday. just like in a flash he'll be there then be gone in a flash.>.<. but i understand him somehow. he's not a netizen like jonghyun. but it disappoints me. hmmmmm. i think, story aside. just enjoy. fighting.

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neko12 #1
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