
Deja Vu

(a/n: em a soowon shippah! okay?? hehehe. who are guardians here? lol)



“Ahh. So tired! Aish! I’ll sleep long I promise!” she exclaimed enough for Myunjae to hear.

She was still waiting for Myunjae and Mr. Jung to finished packing up.

She asked Myunjae if the he can walk her home since its past midnight already and no vehicles can be seen on the streets.

Myunjae didn’t want to, but he later on gave up because he too know how dangerous it might be if she went home all alone. But he was also waiting for Mr. Jung who isn’t done packing up tons of his things.

So it was like Hyun-ae waiting for Myunjae who was waiting for Mr. Jung.

And they know it’ll take Mr. Jung plenty of time to finish it. Cause yeah. I said ‘tons’ of thingssss right?

All of them seems like they took drugs.




“Hyun-ae-ssi. Aren’t you going home yet.” She felt a hand on her shoulders while she was taking a nap.

“I’m waiting for Myunjae.” Then she lifelessly pointed at an area.

“Myunjae? Where? I thought they left already?” he said.

“Left? What?” her eyes snapped open. Her eyes roamed around the room. “Myunjae!!! Yah! Kim Myunjae!! Myunkey!!” when no one responded, it was like a horror for her when it struck her that they left her already.

“Aish!” then she messed her hair “Ottoke~~” she mentally knocked her head!


Now I waited here for nothing. They leave me here without saying. OMG~ What am I going to do.



“If you want we can take you home.”

She looked up. Then she had a good look to the guy. She wants to accept the offer but of course she wants to make sure if this guy can be trust worthy.

The man noticed her looking at him.

“I bet you don’t know me. Don’t worry. I’m not a bad person. You can even ask all the remaining staffs around here if you can really trust me.” Then he smiled.

“It’s okay. I’m coming with you. I don’t think you’ll harm me anyway.” She smiled and went with the guy.

Based on her analysis maybe the guy is in late-thirties.

He is also ‘trust worthy looking’.

And beside, she’s really tired to ask and waste time if what he’s saying is true, to verify his real identity.

She trusted him. So now she’s following the ‘oppa’ who offered of taking her home.



When they reached the parking lot, he pointed at a black van.

When the guy entered the driver’s seat, she didn’t hesitate anymore, she entered the van, behind the passenger’s seat.

The inside of the van is dark.

“Where do you live?” he whispered.

She gave the directions but in a whispering manner to. She didn’t even mind if why he whispered.

“Ah. 30 minutes ride only. You can take a nap if you want.”

“Neh.” Then she leaned her head against the window then took a sleep.

The guy smiled.


When he started the engine, a voice spoke.

“Hyung, are we here already?” a voice said in a sleepy voice.

“No, not yet, we’re just leaving. Take a sleep too. I’ll wake you up when we get there.”


The guy nodded. “Yeah.” Then he motioned to the sleeping state behind the passenger seat.

“Whoa! Who is that?” he newly awakened guy said almost shouted.

He was shocked because he thought it was a ghost like ‘sadako’ in that hair.

Hyun-ae’s hair is covering her face.

“Hyun-ae.” The older guy said.

“Hyun-ae? As in Hyun-ae-ssi?? Why is that girl here?? Yah!” then he nudged the sleeping Hyun-ae.

“Stop it. She’s asleep already and she’s as tired as you.” The guy stopped him.

The car was moving already.

“Arasso.” Then he returned to his previous position.


He tried to sleep but he can’t .

His attention was pulled towards the sleeping lady beside her.

Throughout the trip he busied himself looking at her.


Actually, she didn’t do anything wrong.

Why am I punishing her like this?

Why am I giving her a hard time all the time?


What am I thinking?

I really should take a revenge.


Maybe, I should take it a little lighter.

My job is at stake in this project, and both of us were working as a team, so whatever happens to her will affect me either directly or indirectly.

And the date for tomorrow, I think we should take it seriously.





“Taemin, stop staring at her, wake her up. We’re here.” The older guy said when the car came in a full stop.

Taemin didn’t protest about the ‘staring at her’ statement of his hyung. He woke Hyun-ae up.

He went nearer the lady.

“Hyun-ae-ssi, wake up. We’re here already.” He nudged the lady’s shoulder.

Hyun-ae immediately bolted up.


At first he didn’t see the guy beside her because it’s still too dark inside the van.

“Ah, Mister…….. yeah Mister. Thank you for the ride. I really appreciate it.” She said while rubbing her e eyes.

Taemin is just staring at her actions.

“Sure anytime. It’s a pleasure to help you.” He laughed a bit.

“Neh. Thank you again.” Then she went out of the van and bowed.

When she was about to close the van door she asked. “Ahm. Mister, may I know your name? In case I meet you somewhere……… like……… uhmmm. Just, may I know who are you and what your position in the shoot.”

“You really don’t know me.” He smiled. “I’m the manager of SH-----.”

“He’s our manager.” A guy somewhere said.


Hyun-ae looked for the guy who talked.

Then the guy who talked emerged from the dark. (a/n: lmao. Idk but I kinda laughed in this part. Sorry. Hehehe.)

“Taemin?” her sleepiness disappeared.

“Can we talk for a while…………………………Hyun-ae-ssi?”







SNSD's Paparazziiiiiii





Hyun-ae didn’t know how and why, but the formalities Taemin raised a while ago made her come and talk with him.

Talk about something that she doesn’t know what it’s all about.

And Taemin’s voice kept on replaying in her mind.









She didn’t even noticed that minutes later, they’re at the park near her apartment.

Since its 3 am in the morning, no kids will be seen in the area.

They both sat at a swing.



It was awkward.

Really, really, really awwwwwwkkkkkkwwaaaaaarrrrrrddddddd………




What am I going to say?


Why do I even invite her here?


Ok, since I’m here already, I think I should do it.


“About the date.” Both of the said at the same time.


“Yeah? What about it?” she immediately said.

“Ahm……….  Well, I am thinking if we could make it real.” She eyed him. “No. That’s not what I mean. I mean the date is real but us is not. Yeah us is not. Right? Ahmm. How am I going to say this? Do you get what I mean?”

“I think I get what you mean.” She said.

“You do?” Taemin smiled a bit.

“You want us to go on a date, but it’s for a friendly date only. Just to do what Mr. Jung asked us to do, and to try to flatten things between us. Isn’t it?” she asked. Still not facing him.


They’re not facing each other while talking actually.

They’re just keeping their eyes set on the ground.


“Yeah. Sort of.” He said

“But I think it won’t work.”

“I know. That’s what I’m actually thinking.”

“We can’t fix things between us in that instant.” She said.

“Another yeah. But if we can’t, I don’t know but, you know, my career is at stake in this mv. You know that right?”

“Uhuh. Well, I think we really should do something about it. It’s not that I like you or something, but it’ll make me really guilty if I ruined somebody’s life because of my stubbornness.”


There was a long pause.


“I think we should give up----.” She was cut off.


A phone rang.


It’s Taemin’s /Hyun-ae’s.


“I know what to do!” Taemin seems to have a Eureka moment while jumping and holding the phone.

“Hahaha. Yeah I know what your thinking.” She stood up while looking at the phone.

“We somehow have connected minds huh?” then he returned to his y him.

“Because we’re both smart.” She also said in a y type.

But after that they laughed out loud.

Not minding the phone ringing.


Then she raised her pinky finger.


“Promise me.” She said while smiling brightly.

Taemin was frozen at the sudden action.




“Promise me.” She cheekily said.

“What?” he asked.

“That no matter what happens to both of us, we’ll still be best friend forever.” She said still raising her pinky finger.

“Hahahaha. There’s no need. You know how I keep my promises to you.” He refused.

“NO. You have to. This is our first promise as best friends. That’s why you have tooooooooooo.” While making a cute aegyo.

“Okay. Okay.” He raised his both arms.

“You have to promise…” she still insisted.

“I promise.” Then he made the pinky promise. “Happy?” he’s giggling.

“VERY.” She smiled then held his arms and walked together.





“Yah! Are you here?” she shouted.


She saw her hands waving in front of his face.


“What?” he asked with a bit of irritated tone.

“AISH! This guy. You’re really bipolar aren’t you?”

“Bipolar? Me?” he asked.

“NO. It’s me. I’m the one who’s bipolar.”

“Yeah. You’re right. Hahaha.”

“Yeah I’m really right and you’re really really really wrong.”

He was still laughing.

The phone stopped ringing.

It was his manager who is calling.


She raised her pinky finger again.

“Why do we have to do that?” he asked teary-eyed due to laughing.

“Because you have tooooooo.”

Oh no.

Here we go again.

“Okay. Okay. What I am going to promise??”

“You have to promise that you are really going to return my phone after the mv shoot runs smoothly without us fighting. That way, we will be obliged to be friends.”

“Perfect. Just exactly as what I am thinking.” He also raised his pinky finger then tangled it with hers. “Here you go.”

“Oh yeah! Very good. Let’s go.” Then she walked happily away from him, back to her apartment.

“Yah! Wait for me.” He ran after her. When he reached the skipping Hyun-ae he said. “So childish. You’re happy?” he asked out of nowhere.


It was late for him to realize what he asked when she answered.


“VERY.” Then she pulled him through his long sleeves back to the apartment.







Why are you doing this to me?






a/n: *hides* i'm really sorry. this has been the busiest week in my life. omg~ i had to adjust. TT.TT i can't promise anything but one thing is for sure. I AM GOING TO FINISH THIS STORY. yeah! iloveyou all. wish me luck in my studies. and you too. study hard okay?

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neko12 #1
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