DOUBLE Dead Meat!

Deja Vu


a/n: no. i am not responsible for the dirty thoughts that entered your mind all of a sudden due to this gif. just want to share cause i enjoyed my previous kai gif. n__________n. now scroll down and read! <3 love lots.



The nth time that we shoot the bumping scene was wasted again!

The other members went home already. Good for them. Aish.

This should have been a two-time shoot, but due to his little friend Taemin over here who doesn’t even cooperate with me, my back terribly hurts now!

He isn’t acting that he also lost his balance due to the ‘bump’ scene.

And for the record, he knocked me really hard each time making me really sit in twinge.

It’s just me who keep on sitting and sitting for the nth time, and whenever I did that he’ll just stand there and look down.

But now was different, he didn’t just stare at me, he also shouted: “Yah! Song Hyun-ae! You’re not doing it right! This is really NG.”



“What?” she shouted back in awe, this time she’s not acting hurt cause her back is really really hurting.

“Whatever!” he looked away.



That’s it!


She stood up.


“You Lee Taemin! Are you the director to say that to me? What do you think of yourself? You think you’re also doing it right? What is your real problem!?!?! My is hurting already can’t you see? Yeah I said and I don’t care! I was like hurting myself the nth time not minding the pain because I was hoping that you your brainless head will at least have the right decision to in' cooperate with me. I don’t really know what your problem is but whatever it is, I knew it’s stupidly pointless!!! If you’re tired, your not alone, all of us here need rest! So will you please stop being stubborn and cooperate? Let’s just say work not for my sake, but for the sake of the people around us who worked too much since yesterday! Be considerate first!” she shouted furiously.


The ‘people around us’ who were the staffs were shock by what Hyun-ae said.


They knew she was right cause they were working less almost 18 hours since yesterday without enough sleep.

The director who was also keeping his temper on Taemin's stubborness, agreed in Hyun-ae’s remark. But he can’t take the fact that his actors were fighting over a simple thing.


This won’t do. Mr. Jung thought.


Hyun-ae continued while Taemin was just staring at her. Contemplating what she said keeping it calm.


“And speaking of stubbornness, I suddenly remembered what you did to me at the backstage! I also remembered my phone! I knew you have my phone.” Taemin looked nervous at a moment but returned being calm again “I saw it last time when you took a selca with Kai. What are your plans with my phone? You have all the money to buy a new phone, so why took mine? You didn’t even bother to return that to me if you’re not interested with that ty phone! I almost want to believe that you stole my phone!”


That made Taemin answer back.


“Stole? Why Hyun-ae? Do you think I’m happy using a phone not mine, while in fact I used to have my own phone before but you broke it! You actually have a debt to pay thank you for reminding me that thing.” He said after he put out the phone.

They were just inches away fighting face to face.


“Debt? You have my phone already? Aren’t you satisfied having my phone already?” she shouted back looking straight to his eyes.

“Your phone only removed only 40% of your debt. Why? You think your phone and my phone is at the same level? In games my phone is level 101 while yours is just level 38 only. It’s a crap actually!” he smirked.

“A crap? You’re unbelievable you idiot! Give me back my phone then.” Then she snatched the phone away from him.


But he is too fast and so he raised his hands making it hard for Hyun-ae to reach.


She jumped and jumped but she didn’t have the slightest chance to snatch it away.


When she got tired she kicked Taemin’s shin.


Making everyone in the place gasped including Taemin who clutched his shin hard.


Then, again tried to snatch the phone but Taemin pushed her away.


She was shocked but she returned to him but he kept on dodging her away.


When Taemin felt better he tried to----



“STOP!!!” that was Mr. Jung. But they didn’t seem to heard it and still continued their violent fights, “STOP or else I’ll throw you two little kids away from here.” He yelled again, as if he was scolding his own kids.


Good thing the kids stopped. They noticed that he was holding a phone. They were puzzled at the moment. They were now meters away from each other panting, catching their breaths.


“This is one of the media devices here who caught how violent the two of you were.” Then they saw that almost 8 cameras are around them, still filming the scene. “I’ll be giving the both of you a day to reconcile. And if I find out that you haven’t reconcile yet when you return the day after tomorrow, expect to see your videos on internet. UNDERSTAND?!?!” he shouted again.


Both of them were frozen for a minute.


“I can’t do that director. I have no reputation to tak—“


“Yeah. You don’t have any reputation or image to take care, but if his fans saw how violently you kicked him, you’ll be dead, they’ll hunt you down and there’s no way to out. I hope you’re aware about that. Have a day out together and you’ll live longer for sure.” Director said.


She gulped.


“I hope I made myself clear to both of you.” He eyed them both. “Guys, pack-up! Let’s meet the day after tomorrow. Arasso?”


“Neh!” all of them shouted.


Taemin and Hyun-ae were zombified.




I just want to take revenge, I don’t want this to happen!! Aish!!


Just give me back my phone!


And because of this effing phone.


My life is ruined again.


If I just didn’t do that, a day wouldn’t have been prepared with….


An awful day in the company of….








It’ll be the worst.



I’m dead meat!!



a/n: oyeah!! lalala~ a date tomorrow~ lol, the indigo stands for both of their thoughts. lmao, it looks like they're having a song duet. kekeke.

well, have you guys seen f(x)'s electric shock mv teaser it already reached a million in a day. and also have you heard their mv??? i love ofc electric shock it's so catchy. but i undeniably love 'let's try' so cute! please comment and subscribe. thankyou. and again enjoy~~~

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neko12 #1
update soon