round one! fight!

Deja Vu




“So we met again?”

“Omo!” she jumped away from the voice.

She was surprised to hear that voice near her ear when she went out of the rest room.

He was waiting for her outside.

 “Hahahaha!” he laughed clutching his tummy hard.

She walked away from him fast.

“YAH Hyun-ae! Wait for me!” he followed her.

She stopped walking-slash-running then faced him.

“Did I really surprise you that much?” he said.

“What now Mr. Lee?” she asked with irritation.

 “Come on. You’re too formal. Call me Taemin. I want to talk to you.” Then he flashed a dorky smile.

“No need to do that. Bye.” Then she walked back the room.

“Why are you so mad at me? I didn’t mean to surprise you.” he asked making her more irritated.


So annoying!

I’m not mad at him; I’m scared being near to him or being with him alone. Really really scared.

Maybe it’s because I got traumatized by what he did to me weeks ago.

She ignored him.

When she returned the room eyes went toward her.

No, actually it’s behind her.

She looked back.

What the!

Taemin was behind her.

Too near behind her.

She actually won’t give a damn about that. She ignored them, and then continued to walk. But the intriguing looks that the people inside the room gave them as they saw them together, made her insides boil.

She walked fast giving both of them enough distance to stop these people stare at them.

I don’t care.


Why is SHINee here anyway? They should be moving out of here since the meeting was already adjourned.

She then noticed that SHINee and Mr. Jung were having fun chatting.

But she can’t neglect the glances the other members were giving to her.


They’re still giving me weird looks.

Actually, I can’t blame them, due to the scene last time.

For heaven’s sake!

He called me baby!






And the last guy said, “Hi. I’m Lee---”

This guy, he’s the one I met before.

What’s his name again?

Ta--- Taeyang? Taeyeon? Taejun? Ah!

“Taemin!” she blurted making all of the boys including the director gave her a questioning look.

Taemin just smirked.

Key laughed.

Me, FML!

 “Yeah baby. I’m glad you remembered me?” then he flashed an irritating smile.




What? Baby?

All of the members were really shocked.

“Oh! I’m glad you knew each other since it’ll require a light sweet feeling from the both of you.” Mr. Jung smilingly said after he looked at Hyun-ae and Taemin. “We can have the storyline discussed now.”

The SHINee boys cleared their throat except for Taemin who eyed her mysteriously.







I’m still getting goose bumps whenever I remember that scene.


I’m in big trouble now.

Should I turn this project down now?


If I just asked details to Myunjae before I accepted this, I wouldn’t be in this whole crap.



Where’s Myunjae?

“He should be around!” moving her head left and right.

“There.” Then someone’s finger pointed towards the other corner of the room.

She followed where it is pointing.

Then she saw Myunjae at the other corner of the room facing his laptop while typing something.

“Oh. There he is. Thank y—” she stopped when she faced the person who helped her.

She saw Taemin who smiled at her again. This time it’s an angelic smile.

How did he know I was looking for Myunjae? Weird.

When she saw him she moved away from him.

She walked towards Myunjae.

“Welcome!” he shouted at her.

She ignored him.

“Yah. Myunkey! Can we leave here now?” she said Myunjae when she reached him.

“No. I can’t. Mr. Jung and I, has too many files to finish for tomorrow. You may leave now. Just take a taxi or something. I’m sorry.” He gave her an apologetic smile.

“It’s okay Myunjae. I got to go. Just tell Mr. Jung that I am leaving first. He seems too busy with the boys.” Then she glanced at them who are now laughing together.

“Sure. Take care.”

“Yeah. Thank you. Bye.”

“Bye.” Then she left.




 It took her almost 30 minutes to wait outside the building for a taxi to come. But still there’s none who came.

Why no taxi is coming?

It’s getting dark.

I think I should ride a bus instead.

Then she walked towards the nearest bus stop.

She was not yet far from the building when a black van stopped beside her.

What and who is this?

I should get away from this.

I might get harmed.

Then she walked fast.

Her heart is beating fast too.

The van’s side mirror went open.

“Hey Ms. Song Hyun-ae!” somebody from the van shouted.

When she looked back, she found out that the one who called her was Jonghyun.

“Jonghyun?” she said.

The van moved slowly towards her.

“Yeah it’s me. You seemed to be alone. Can I offer you a ride you home?”

“Ah. No need. I can handle myself. Thank you for the offer.” Then she smiled at her.

“No. I insist. Look at what you’re wearing it’ll be dangerous for you.”

She looked at herself.

Then she smiled awfully.

Yeah he’s right.

“I guess I’ll acc---“

“Tch. She’s declining your offer. Besides she said that she can handle herself. Let’s go.”

Guess who said that?

It’s the ever annoying Lee Taemin!

I hate my life.

“Taemin, be nice to her.” She saw Onew who was at the passenger seat scolded Taemin who had his earphones on.

“Why? She said there’s no need. Let’s go Hyung.” Minho said to their driver.

Jonghyun looked at him shocked.

Before the car moved away from her, she saw Key looked at her.

With a poker face on.

Then they left.


I thought they were all kind. Especially Minho.

Except for Taemin and Key of course.

They just left me like that.

Then there’s Taemin.

Hours ago, he was like an annoyingly person in a slight good way *I said slight okay?*, but now he’s an annoying sh*t in a really ANNOYING WAY!

Do you get what I mean?

Was he bipolar by chance?

I’m getting really tempted run after them to scoop that ‘bibabo’s’ eyes off of him.a/n: bipolar  + babo = bibabo. she just made that up okay?


The nerve!

He’s really weird!


My whole body was shaking with angriness from that idiot!

This time he won.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

I won’t let him humiliate me next time.

Ready yourself for tomorrow!

Then a taxi came.

this super late taxi.

Before she rode the taxi, she kicked its rear wheel.

The driver eyed him.

“I’ll win this time.” She murmured.

Did I happen to get a crazy passenger?The driver thought eyeing him weirdly.

Hyun-ae noticed it.

“I’m not crazy okay?”

“Really?” the driver said.


What ‘really’?

I really hate you Lee Taemin!!





a/n: how was it? how was it? how was it? how was it? how was it? how was it? oh. i'm being as annoying as taemin. ^^ hehehe. were you (Hyun-ae) annoyed by Taemin? don't worry. Taemin being an annoying cutie will be minimized sooner. i think.hehehe. i'm using the word 'annoying' so much. too much for your day. isn't it? are you tired? anticipate, cause your shoot will start tomorrow. ^^ fighting.

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neko12 #1
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