
Code Name 7 8 9

All three woke up happy, oblivious about what danger was lurking round the corner.

“Kyu.” Hachi wined rolling in her bed. “Make breakfast!”

“I’m on my way, …” Kyu hissed, rubbing her eyes on the way to the kitchen.

“Good, you’d make a good wife.” Hachi yawned. Kyu didn’t even listen to that nonsense.

Nana sat up in her bed, scratching her head. “I have a bad feeling about today.”

Hachi tapped her chin. “Oh, I see. It’s that time of the month.”

“No!” Nana exclaimed, defending herself.

Hachi tsk-ed. “You can’t fool me, girl.”

Nana growled. “Whatever.”

“Eat.” Kyu said as she placed the food on the table.




“Hachi!” Kikwang shouted after her and waved with his whole arm. Hachi tilted her head and smiled a little as he sat down in his seat beside her. “Hello, Kikwang.”

“You know,” Kikwang blushed slightly, “I had a really great time yesterday.”

Hachi scratched her head confused. “What happened yesterday?”

“You know, our double date?” Kikwang reminded her, a bit disappointed.

“Oh!” Hachi exclaimed and smiled widely. “Me too.”

The door to the classroom opened and silence fell over the class as the clicking sound of heels made its way to the teacher’s desk. Hachi stared her out, completely certain that she had seen her before. But where? Had she guarded her before? She looked around the room and found all the boys in the class staring their eyes out at the woman in the front. What Hachi feared was confirmed when she glanced over at Kikwang beside her. He sat with his chin resting in his palms, a goofy smile playing on his lips.

“Yah!” Hachi hissed at him, placing her elbow in his side.

He jumped and looked at her surprised. “What did you do that for?”

“Don’t stare too much, or your eyes will fall out…”

He scratched his ear, embarrassed since he hadn’t noticed it himself. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled.

A soft whisper had spread across the room, but it immediately died down when the woman bent forward resting her elbows at the desk, all the smiling at them. “I’m your new homeroom teacher, let’s get along well.”

“Nee!” The boys cooed, while the girls simply rolled their eyes.

Hachi was confused. She couldn’t understand the sudden change of mood. So she decided to just focus on remembering who the hell that woman was.

The woman introduced herself as Man Da, as she took out the list and started the callout while walking through the room with her hips swaying. “Kikwang?”

“Here!” He answered happily and raised his hand.

Man Da looked down at him and flashed him a seductive smile, and Kikwang felt his legs turn into jelly and was happy that he sat down.

Hachi slammed her fists in the table and stood up, breathing heavily. Kikwang looked scared at her, placing his hand on her arm and slowly forcing her to sit down. “Are you okay?” He whispered. Hachi just nodded while killing Man Da 20 times in 20 different ways in her mind.




Kyu was just about to enter the classroom when someone tugged her sleeve, gently holding her back. She turned her head and looked down at Taemin who looked desperately back at her. “What’s wrong, Taemin?”
“Noona, you’ve got to help me!” Taemin begged her, his eyes foggy.

Kyu cocked one eyebrow. “Help you with what?”

Taemin held up his book and sadly shook his head. “English…” He admitted embarrassed.

Kyu chuckled and patted his head. “It’s okay, after class I’ll teach you. Besides, we have English now.”

They entered the classroom together and they both stopped as they saw that there was a new teacher standing by the counter. She turned her head and looked at them with a bright smile. Kyu smiled back emotionless while Taemin slightly blushed and waved shyly.

“Please, take a seat.” She told them. “I’m your new English teacher, Man Da. I understand that you’re all tired since it’s the last class before lunch, but please let’s work hard together?”

The boys sang out a yes as an answer while the girls simply mumbled out something not understandable. Kyu had her eyes fixed on the new teacher, certain that she had seen her before. But where?

Kyu was interrupted in her thoughts when she heard Taemin sigh happily beside her. She looked down at his dreamy looking face as he stared his eyes out at Man Da. Kyu felt a of anger strike through her and she poked him hard in the side. “Yah! Pull yourself together!”

Taemin looked surprised at her and massaged where she had poked him. “What do you mean?”

Kyu rolled her eyes and looked at Man Da as she sat on the cathedra and crossed her legs, showing of how long and slender they were. Kyu scoffed and folded her arms across her chest, her eyebrows raised and her face showing disgust, as if to show exactly how much she didn’t like her.

Suddenly Taemin slung his hand in the air. “Teacher, I don’t really get this, could you please help me?”

Kyu looked down at him in shock. “I thought you asked me to help you!” She blurted as Man Da started walking toward them, a seductive smile formed on her lips.

Man Da walked to stand behind Taemin and slowly leaned over his shoulder to point in his book, her slightly touching his shoulder. Kyu could see Taemin’s Adam’s apple tremble as he swallowed hard.

Kyu stood up, her chair falling behind her. She glared at Taemin and Man Da who looked up at her in shock. “I have to go to the bathroom.” She hissed and left the classroom.




Nana walked through the corridor, smiling. Only the thought of meeting Taecyeon filled her stomach with tickling butterflies and she just wanted to hug every single person in the entire world.

Taecyeon had asked her if she could come and see him after his soccer training. Apparently, he had something important that he wanted to talk to her about. Nana got a little nervous by thinking of it, important things to talk about were always either good or bad.

Although Nana had a shouting little voice inside her that told her that she shouldn’t go and meet Taecyeon, or at least wait for a while before she went, Nana couldn’t resist going there a bit earlier than they had appointed.

Just around the corner Taecyeon would stand and wait for her. His big, strong arms stretched out for her to come to him. Nana giggled as she pictured it.

But the sight that met her wasn’t as pleasant as she had imagined. The breath left her as if she had received a hard punch in the chest, an ice cold lump of fear landed perfectly in her stomach. Her mind grew black as she watched a slender woman wipe the sweat from Taecyeon’s neck with a small towel. She was smiling, Taecyeon was smiling, and Nana saw red. The woman’s hands were all over Taecyeon and he did nothing, absolutely nothing to make her stop. He didn’t back away, he didn’t tell her to stop, he didn’t push her hands away. He enjoyed it, it was obvious. Nana bit her lip so hard that she could taste the blood when she saw the woman pouring water into Taecyeon’s mouth, placing her finger at the corner of his mouth and removing a drop that had missed, all the time she had her tongue out, seductively wetting her lips. Taecyeon had his eyes locked to , her pink tongue and plump lips.

Nana clenched her fists. Her whole being trembled as every muscle in her body prepared for a fight. Meantime, she couldn’t ignore the thought that she recognized the woman from somewhere.

Taecyeon looked up and when he saw Nana he smiled, but when he could practically see the thundercloud above her head the smile vanished. His eyes widened and he looked at the woman and then back to Nana.

Nana gave him a forced smile before she spun around on her heels and left. Every step she took felt like it would create an earthquake.

“Nana, wait!” Taecyeon shouted after her, but Nana was too angry to even look at him. He ran after her and grabbed her wrist. “It’s not what it looks like!”

“Who is she?” Nana asked, her voice steady and calm while her inside was raging, her blood boiling.

“She’s Man Da, the new trainer of the cheerleading team, we have practise at the same time.” He explained.

“Great.” Nana said sarcastically and pulled loose from Taecyeon’s grip and stomped away. She didn’t care what the important thing was anymore. Maybe this was the important thing?

“Nana, Nana wait!” Taecyeon shouted after her, but he knew that he had already lost now.




Kyu slammed her fist in the table. “We need to take care of her!” She hissed and clenched her fists tightly, ready for battle.

Nana shook her head sadly. “We can’t eliminate a teacher…”

Kyu sat down, disappointed with the simple fact. “But we can’t just sit around here and wait! We have to do something! Can’t we at least confront her?”

Nana shrugged. “I don’t know, can we really?”

“AAH!” Hachi screamed. “I think I’m going insane!”

A cautious knock on the door made them all jump and Kyu pulled out her knife. “Who is it?”

The door opened and Man Da stepped inside the room, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. “Hello girls.”

Hachi folded her arms over her chest, Kyu scoffed and looked the opposite direction and Nana made a disgusted face. “You…” She said.

“I know you all recognize me, don’t you?”

The three agents looked at each other, knowing that they all did. “Well, yeah.” Hachi said and shrugged. “Where?”
Man Da clicked her tongue, obviously disappointed that they didn’t know from where. “We have the same headquarter, we have seen each other on meetings a few times.”

“So why are you here?” Kyu asked suspiciously, the knife still in a firm grip.

“Haven’t you figured that out yet?” Man Da chuckled.

“She’s here to take our jobs.” Nana stated and looked at Man Da in fear.  

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kpopavid17 #1
Chapter 14: i don't get it.... why is hachi and kyu mad that Nana and taecyeon are together????? don't they have taemin and kikwang for themselves already????
Chapter 13: LOL omg :'D
, remember that thing we had to do?”

“What th- Oh, that thing!”

“Yeah, that thing. Let’s go do that thing.”
I died xD
glotterjongup #4
cocktastic #5
congrats <3
--Nomnom #7
Congrats yo.
Congrats on getting the random feature! ^^
Chapter 17: I really enjoyed this story! It was great!
Oh, & I'm a hardcore BBC too <3
& congrats!