The Storm

The Last Song

Heavy drops of rain hit Jonghyun's car rapidly. Jonghyun glanced behind, making sure it doesn't wake Soeun up. A sudden phone call startled him to his senses. He was driving, and answering the phone call could cause distraction. He needed to get to the hospital, and quick. Jonghyun glanced  at the screen. It was an unknown number, anyway. And in an emergency state like this, he couldn't think of anything but his wife. The phone rang again. 

And again. And again. Jonghyun finally answered.
"Hello, is this Mr. Kim Jonghyun?"
Jonghyun clipped his cellphone with his shoulders, for driving with one hand can be hazardous. 
"Yes, yes. Kim Jonghyun." 
"This is the Head of the A&E department of Busan Hospital speaking."
Jonghyun's heart beat fast. He slowed down the car. Cars behind was honking like mad, but he didn't notice and kept his pace.
"As you see, Mr. Kim.." he paused. "Your wife was involved in an accident earlier.."
"I am very aware of that, thanks." Jonghyun answered coldly. He was on his way there, and if it weren't for the traffic jams caused by the rain, he'd got there earlier. If anything happens to Minsook.. I'll never forgive myself. 
"I'm sorry, but.."
Jonghyun felt like losing his mind. "Please don't say what I don't want to hear. I'm on the road right now, on my way to see her!!"'
"She.. We.. couldn't do anything. I'm sorry. She did not make it." 
The words struck his ears, matching the lightning flashing outside. Jonghyun hung up. He knew, the worst had finally came. Jonghyun drove faster. He didn't mind if the roads were slippery, he didn't mind if there were many cars. 
All he needed to do was to get the AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 
Jonghyun was speeding at a corner when a loud honk startled him. A massive trailer was heading straight towards their car. 
DAMN! A one way! Jonghyun stepped on the brake, hard. The car screeched to a halt. 
"Appa!!!!" Soeun yelled from behind. She was awake.. and the sight scared her.
The trailer did not seem to go otherwise. Yet, it came speeding towards them. 
"Sit still, Kim Soeun!"
A flashing light blinded Jonghyun's eyes. It was too bright.. and Jonghyun could not see anything.
The trailer was a foot farther from them, and showed no signs of slowing down. Jonghyun grabbed Soeun and shielded her.
Their world went dark. 
"Minsook... Minyoung... Soeun... I.. I'm sorry."  Jonghyun muttered in between gasps of breath.. which may be his last.
Mongjin paced back and forth. A mixture of feelings stirred inside of him. Worry, anxiety.. he himself wasn't sure.
"Why, chagi?" Yookyung asked. "You seem like a cat who's lost her kittens." her husband was sweating, and she was puzzled by his strange actions since earlier this evening.
Mongjin couldn't stand it anymore. He gripped her shoulder. "I have important things outside, and I'll be back late. Don't wait for me, okay?"
"Office matters?"
"Sort of. I need to go. You take care."
News reporters were already crowding the scene. Policemen, forensics.The stench of blood filled the damp air. Everyone felt queasy at the slightest inhale, but it was their job, anyway. Fragments of glass on the roads sparkled in the dim light. Thunder continued to shout loudly, followed by lightning that could strike fear in anyone's hearts.
"You're here, Mr. Lee." the head policeman said.
"The man?" 
"Already rushed to the hospital. He was in a terrible state. They informed me that he might survive.. or be in a deep coma."
Mongjin stared sadly at the remains of the car. Bloody mess on the seats, shattered windows.. 
"His little girl?"
"I'm sorry, but we couldn't find anything but.." he held one shoe up. "We believe she drowned in the river, but my men are still searching."
That girl.. So young an age.. Mongjin felt tears streaming down his face. He cried all his might.
"I'm sorry." the policeman repeated. "This was the best we could do." 
Mongjin felt grieved, and pitied the Kims. What will become of Minyoung? She was probably back from school, and confused that the one who picked her up wasn't any one of her parents, but his chaffeur, instead. How in the world do I tell her that she is now an orphan? 
"Just tell the media that both... did not survive."
"Just do it."
Mongjin had no choice. 
"Breaking news. Earlier today in Dong-gu, central Busan a man and his daughter was killed in a gruesome car crash....."
Yookyung sat in front of the TV with Junho playing by her side. Minyoung, in her school uniform, just sat quietly. 
"Halmeoni... can't we change channels? This is too scary...." Junho whined. He wasn't in a good mood after Soeun left.
"Ssssh. I'm watching the news." Yookyung turned the volume a little. 
"Kim Jonghyun, 35, and his daughter, Kim Soeun..."
Yookyung froze. WHO? It could not be! She turned a volume a little higher.
"Kim Jonghyun, 35 and his daughter, Kim Soeun, 6 was badly hit by a speeding trailer. The driver, Kang Minhyuk....."
"Halmeoni! Isn't that.. Mr. Kim... and Jin Ju? The pictures? Why are they on TV?"
"Kim Jonghyun, who was still alive when they carried him, died on his way to Busan Medical Centre. His daughter, Kim Soeun, was believed to have drowned in the river."
"His wife, Kim Minsook, also killed in a car crash earlier today, but in a separate vehicle. Kim Jonghyun was said to be on his way to BMC before the incident."
The living room when quiet. Minyoung was already silently crying. Yookyung, too crying, hugged the poor girl. Did Mongjin already know this? Was this why he rushed earlier?
Junho tugged slowly at his grandmother's robe. "Halmeoni.. why are you crying? Why is that noona crying?"
Yookyung hugged the boy tightly. "The Kims are gone, sweetheart. They're gone. You.." she gulped, not being able to continue. 
"You won't be able to see your Jin Ju again."
"What do you mean, halmeoni?? Is she moving???"
"She's... not alive anymore." Yookyung couldn't put it any other way.
Junho slumped to his seat and wailed. Minyoung sobbed all her might. 
The night at The Lees' was full of sorrow and mourn as rain continued to pour on. 
Mongjin stared at the person before him. Someone who used to be so full of life, is now lying in front of him.. with drips and wires on his body. He was actually thankful that beyond this horrorific physique, that person is still.. half-alive. A coma could last years, he thought. But at least he's alive. He had told everything to his wife yesterday night. Everything the press reported, that was. He couldn't find himself to tell her that Kim Jonghyun was still alive. He couldn't bear to let Minyoung see her Appa in this state after going to her mother's funeral. It pained him so much, but he just couldn't. And her sister? Somehow in his heart, Mongjin felt that Soeun was still alive. Cold, alone and hungry.. somewhere. He prayed that the they would find her quick, and safe.
"Jonghyun-ah.. I'm sorry. Sorry for being a bad Hyungnim to you, and your family. I.. I had no choice.." 
Mongjin absorbed into sobs as guilt and despair filled him. He still had to attend what to everyone else appeared to be as the Kims' funeral, when it was actually Minsook's, but he just wanted to stay there and clear his thoughts.
A/N : Sorry this had to be a short one! :'(
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I added a new trailer :) it's not good but do enjoy!


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junsolover11 #1
Please please please update this :(
junsolover11 #2
Author-nim please update huhuhu i super love your story!!!
please update soon! it's too looooooooong already :( don't keep us waiting for longer
Drewhajri #4
Please update, missing this story...
zuulfah #5
Chapter 27: authornim !!!!!!! you know its realy amazing story... I lov it soooo much, pleas update soon !!!!!!
adonis90 #6
Chapter 27: Please update soon ;~~~~~~;
bobobibi #7
Chapter 27: please update soon. i really love ur story :)
Sone4eva88 #8
Chapter 27: Yahhhh author nim!!!!!!! I hate you for not making Junho and Soeun tgt...Please make them be tgt in the next few chaps juseyo...!!! *Pouts*
ultimatebookworm #9
Chapter 27: HI! I'M DYING!!! pls update this wonderful story someday <3
Mayrah20_5 #10
pleaseee updateee soon ;(