You Are The Music In Me

The Last Song

Soeun ran towards the lobby towards the main concierge table as fast as she could. Still in her casual clothes, she dashed for the counter. Miss Choi tap-tapped her faux leather heels on the cold hard floor. Soeun panted and puffed. 

"I... apologize for being l-late M-miss Choi." she said, fanning herself as she tried catching her breath. "I.. can explain.."

Miss Choi rolled her eyes. "There's no time for explanations."


"Mr. Lee called for you just now." she raised her eyebrow. "He sounded urgent, Miss Kim." 

"Yeh???" Soeun couldn't believe what she just heard. "Why?" 

"Aren't you appointed as his personal maid? Quit the questioning and go before I change my mind about doubling your allowance." she scoffed. "Don't tell me you don't know where your position is?!' 

"Ah.." Soeun nodded. "Right away..." Soeun turned around to go. "Is he here, Miss Choi?" 

"He's in the music room. I'm not sure what the young master wants but... anyways. Hurry! ! Chop chop!" 

Soeun turned her heel and walked towards the direction of the elevator, going two floors up where the music room is located. Soeun's fingers ran on the surfaces of the musical instruments positioned in the spacious area. Trumpets, acoustic and electric guitars, drums sets, and so much more were positioned neatly. Soeun's footsteps echoed on the wooden floors as she followed the faint piano music that was playing. Soeun looked around, mesmerized. The melodious harmony made Soeun even more curious. Do they always play beautiful music here? she wondered. The tune suddenly stopped. 

"Cool, huh?" a familiar voice echoed from the grand piano. Still looking around, Soeun nodded. 

"Do you... usually come here?" she asked.  Junho patted the seat next to him. Soeun obediently sat, though inches apart from him. 

"Well.. this is literally my playground." Junho turned to face Soeun, sliding closer to her. "How was your weekend?" he asked. 

"It was..." Soeun paused. "Awesome. Perfect!" she said, shrugging, secretly hoping he wouldn't bring up the dreaded matter.

"That's good to hear." Junho kept his eyes onto the piano keys. He turned to Soeun, making her nervous. "I tried calling you, but hyungnim answered." he put on a straight face. "Did you get my message?" 

Soeun squirmed in her seat, her cheeks hot. 

"I guess he didn't. Do you want me to tell it face to face, Miss Soeun?" he asked, a cheeky grin on his face. "How is hyungnim doing? His voice didn't seem well when I spoke to him!" Junho continued on teasing. Junho put a finger on his chin. "I may need to send some cough drops to him.." Soeun looked uncomfortable. Junho laughed, gently pulling her hand. 

"Do a favor for me." 

Soeun pulled her hand quickly. "What for??" 

"Whoa!" he clapped. "It's only been a few days and you've already forgotten?!"  

Soeun wrinkled her forehead. "Forgotten what?"

 Junho's warm aura seemed to fade right away to none. He raised his eyebrow, sneering. "Tsk. Miss Personal Maid pretends to be forgetful again." 

"Aaaaah.. that." Of course I haven't forgotten. It's all I think of everyday. Tch. 

"Do me a favor right now." 

"Aish... what is it?" she whined. 

"Play for me." he pointed to the keys beneath his fingers. 

"Me?!" She asked, shocked. "But.. I've never played before!" which is a total lie. Ever since that someone taught her to play piano, she had been learning it ever since. Even after she went to San Francisco, she would sometimes learn it from Sunbae. But that friend she had.. She couldn't really remember who he was, or how he looked, or even his name, since she was so little back then. If it weren't for the pearl necklace, the only jewelry that adorned Soeun, which she always hides from anyone's view, Soeun wouldn't have remembered who he was. All she does is the first song she was taught, and that he goes by the nickname 'Nuneo'. 

"Well..." she fixed her bangs, getting them out of her eyes neatly with a bobby pin. "I do know one song." 

Junho clapped loudly. "Pretend you're in front of millions of people, this is your spotlight" he made a gesture with his hands. "Wow! Famous pianist Kim Soeun!" he joked. 

"Mwoya.. stop making me nervous!" Soeun cracked her knuckles. 

"Yah.. now you really look like a professional!" he said, his eyesmiles showing. Soeun couldn't help but smile. She thought it was cute when he did so. Soeun started playing the first few verses of the song first taught to her,  softly singing to the lyrics in case Junho heard. But he still did, of course. 

 Last night, if I would've kept thinking about my dream

If I kept looking at the mirror, if I kept looking at the clock

Then someone else would have already took the spot in your heart 

Soeun stopped playing, glancing over to Junho. "I'm a bit rusty.." she scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry." Junho's face seemed full of disbelief. Was I too good? she thought. 

"No, no.. keep on playing." He said shakily but calmly. "Go on." 

Even the stories of forest princesses and princes
Are envious of the fate in the movies

".... Stop trying to look good, stop pretending to be serious, just remember the smile on your bright face.." Junho sang to the lyrics under his breath. Soeun turned, her face puzzled. 

"How did you know...? It's the..." she faced Junho.

".... first song taught to me when I first played the piano." they slowly finished at once. Soeun's eyes made contact with Junho's.

"Strange, isn't it?" Junho said. "A coincidence." 

Soeun nodded. But how could he? "Eyy... maybe your version is different." she suggested. All this while, she only knew that there's only one person who knows this song other than her. It's impossible for Junho to know it, too. Junho started playing.

If you see a princess from a fairy tale yet again today
As if you're nervous, with a kind smile, go and kiss her
Don't hesitate, she's already waiting for you in your dreams

Soeun held her breath. It couldn't be. Junho just stared at her, giving her a questioning look. 

"This song was specially written for me by the person who taught me piano." he said quietly. "Unless.. but it is impossible.." he shook his head. "Too impossible." he sighed. His expression looked so sorrowful, Soeun felt guilt creeping inside of her.. and goosebumps. 

"Junho-ssi..." Junho looked up. "Are you alright??" 

Junho rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Yah. You just hurt my pride!" 

"What did I do? I only asked why?! Are you so concerned about that so-called pride of yours?? Men and pride!" 

"Women, too. Then how come you're still single, then?" he suddenly asked Soeun. 

"How is that even related to pride?! Plus.. how do you know..?

Junho scoffed. "Do you really want me to tell you?" 

Soeun pouted. Junho pinched her cheeks. "That hurts!" she said, rubbing it. "Then stop doing that face." Junho put his fingers on her lips and started playing, his fingers slowly dancing on the black and white keys. Soeun quickly forgot about being angry and immersed herself in the melody. 

"You really do play well," she complimented. "How did you do that.. I always gets this key wrong.." she pressed and an unpleasant sound echoed. "See?"

"Want me to teach you?" he whispered, looking her straight in the eyes. His gaze was so intense.. with a hint of longing? Soeun's heart skipped a beat, shaking the afterthought. There was a sparkle in those dark hazel eyes that Soeun never noticed before. 

"Come sit closer." he beckoned. Soeun obeyed. Junho took her hands in his, guiding her until her fingers too, eventually danced in harmony with his. Sunbae used to teach her like this... but it felt different with Junho. This one was more enchanting. Like it really belonged. Junho didn't stop or let go, her fingers still in his. 

The day I looked forward to
The day that I waited for
The day that came out of my dreams, will come

"The day I look forward to. The day I waited for. The day that came out of my dreams.. what's yours, Soeunnie?" 

Soeunnie again... "Hmm.. I don't know?" 

"Tell me princess.. when did you last your heart decide?" Junho sang. Soeun laughed. "Mwoya.." 

"You tell yours first." she said. 

"Yah.. Who asked whom first?! Tell me~ tell me Kim Soeun~" he waved his hands, octopus-like in front of her. 

"You're such a choding. Fine then! Just to shut you up.." She twirled the tips of her hair. "The day I look forward to..." she paused to think. "Meeting my true love.

Junho spread his arms wide. "Aren't you looking at him right now?" he asked playfully. Soeun shook her head furiously. "Someone corny like you? Never! I just need someone... like..." Sunbae? 

Junho neared his face to hers, waiting for her answer. "I'm listening, Soeunnie." 

"I... honestly..." Soeun sighed. "I don't know. I.... I'm..  I don't dare to let myself fall in love." she finished, not looking at Junho. 

"Sorry for being like this.." she apologized. "This is too awkward! Why am I even in this conversation with you, anyway? Play me a song, Junho-ssi!" she decided to change the topic before it delves even further. 

"Okay.. I'll let you go  just this once." he cracked his knuckles, imitating Soeun. 

"Seriously? Then play me.. Nothing Better." 

"Bah. Too easy." he snorted. "Why choose a such boring song?" 

"I just... like it." 

"Oooooh... any special meaning? Don't lie!" he crossed his arms, closing his eyes. "Miss-I'm-Afraid-To-Fall-In-Love, huh?

"Stop provoking me!" Soeun too crossed her arms. "Junho-ssi..." she said in an aegyo voice, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously. "Can't you play me Nothing Better?" 

"I never knew you had aegyo in you." Junho rolled his eyes. "Do you honestly like this song that much? Must have a really deep, special meaning huh.." he said with a hint of jealousy in his tone. "Pfft."

"Yah.. why are you so upset?!" 

The rest of the evening in the music room continued with Junho and Soeun's bickering and occasional echoes of laughter. To Soeun, other than Sunbae, she never really did hang out with other guys, even from her same age and she was kind of starting to warm up towards this personality disordered Lee Junho. To Junho, Soeun is just different. He discovered one side of her today one he found in common with him, their love for music. Never in his life has he met a girl that sincerely complimented him playing the piano. He was determined to get to know this.. his 'Personal Maid', whom he maybe was starting to fall for, more. 

"It's like I knew you before we met." 

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I added a new trailer :) it's not good but do enjoy!


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junsolover11 #1
Please please please update this :(
junsolover11 #2
Author-nim please update huhuhu i super love your story!!!
please update soon! it's too looooooooong already :( don't keep us waiting for longer
Drewhajri #4
Please update, missing this story...
zuulfah #5
Chapter 27: authornim !!!!!!! you know its realy amazing story... I lov it soooo much, pleas update soon !!!!!!
adonis90 #6
Chapter 27: Please update soon ;~~~~~~;
bobobibi #7
Chapter 27: please update soon. i really love ur story :)
Sone4eva88 #8
Chapter 27: Yahhhh author nim!!!!!!! I hate you for not making Junho and Soeun tgt...Please make them be tgt in the next few chaps juseyo...!!! *Pouts*
ultimatebookworm #9
Chapter 27: HI! I'M DYING!!! pls update this wonderful story someday <3
Mayrah20_5 #10
pleaseee updateee soon ;(