Mr. Lee

The Last Song

"Are you sure you want to do this, Soeunnie? I mean.. It's been.. less a month after you got here." Minyoung's fingers loosened the grip on her mug. "Why don't you stay with me longer, hmm? Get to know things better? Familiarise yourself with the country?"  Soeun bit her lip and looked at her sister. Half-hoping, half.. considering what her sister said. She nodded. Well-grounded.

"Yes. I believe my decision is pretty much decided. And eonni.. I'm not a kid anymore," she smiled. Minyoung sipped her coffee and smiled bitterly. Nothing she said would hold back her sister from going back to Busan.  


Junho looked solemn as he walked towards his grandparents' villa's entrance. Long time, huh?  Junho felt a sudden lump in his throat as his thoughts flashed back to the day he lost.. her. The reason he didn't like going back here.. Busan, in general is because everything seemed to remind me of her. Of Jin Ju. He didn't know why, or how, or what his feelings came to be back then. It took him years to realize how much she meant to him. Sure, the time spent between them was short. Too short. But it scarred his life greatly, knowing that the person he loved? liked? is no longer around. 

"Oh, Junho-yah. You're here!" Yookyung exclaimed as she saw her grandson standing in front of the doorway. Junho just smiled bitterly. "Halmeoni, annyeong." 

"Come inside," the woman ushered her grandson. "The maids will take care of your belongings. How have you been, Junnie?" she asked, as Junho laid down on a couch, covering his eyes with one arm. 

"How do I look like to you, halmeoni? Do I look good to you?" he mumbled, sighing. 

"Of course you do. You're always my handsome Junho, no matter what." she joked. She knew discussing about why Junho was sent here would worsen his mood. Her grandmotherly instincts just knew. 

"Where's harabeoji?" 

"At the resort, as usual. With his golfing buddies. Why don't you take a spin there? Stretch your legs..." 

"Excuse me?" A booming voice called. "I thought I heard someone talking about me?" Mongjin called, smoothing his graying mustache. His bulging stomach was protruding through his Polo t-shirt. "You," he hissed, pointing at Junho. "What is it this time, eh?"

"Chagi..." Yookyung started, giving him a look. Not now.

 "Arasso. Aigoo..." He ruffled Junho's hair and threw his car keys into Junho's lap. "Go take it for a spin. Check the resort out." Junho laid still and stifled a smile. He wouldn't give up just yet.

"Oh. Almost forgot. I saw a few foreigners in see-through bikinis earlier..." he winked at Yookyung. His wife hit him softly on the thigh. "Chagi!" 

"Just have fun, boy. But not too much. Just inform the staff if you'd like to stay a night or two, and..." before Mongjin could finish his sentence, Junho already darted towards the door. 

"WOOHOO!" He yelled. "Thanks harabeoji, halmeoni!" Mongjin shook his head. Lee Junho...


Soeun admired her figure in the uniform handed out to her earlier this morning. Not bad for a volunteer, she thought as she smoothed the slight creases of her blazer. People could easily mistake me as the resort manager! She smiled, satisfied. The only thing missing was a name tag. 

"Miss Kim?" the actual resort manager called, startling Soeun. 


"I think you should be attending to the guests, rather than being Miss Vanity in front of the mirror. This is not a fashion show, as you are aware." 

"I.. should get going now." Soeun stomped her way towards the concierge, her ponytail swishing side to side. Aish! "Excuse me, I'm the new volunteer here and I'd like to ask.. if there's anything to be done here? Anything at all?" she asked one of her new colleagues who wasn't on the phone. 

"You're the new volunteer?" she asked, scanning Soeun, raising a heavily-pencilled eyebrow. "Aren't you a bit too young? Shouldn't you be in school?" 

"Excuse me? Do you know that I..." 

A phone call rescued Soeun from getting her first telling-off. Soeun peeked at her nametag. Chief Concierge.. Thank God I didn't mess around. Or I'd lose my job.. and my place to stay. "Name?" she asked in a nasalish voice. Ms. Choi.. Soeun squinted. She obviously left her contacts again. 

"Your name, volunteer." 

"Ah! It's Soeun. Kim. So. Eun.. Ms. Choi?" 

"Yes. Very good. And I'd appreciate it if you would get out of my sight and assist our guest, Mr. Lee. He's the grandson of the resort owner, mind. And I'd like it if you'd show some good manners and attend to whatever's needed. Do it 24 hours if you have to. Just. Please. Him!" 

"Neh?" Soeun tilted her head. "But.." 

"No buts. Presidential Suite, fourth floor."

Soeun hesitated. It's her first day and they already assigned her to someone that important?! "Room number, Miss Choi?"

"Do you not know? The Presidential Suite itself is a floor of it's own. Now!" she snapped. If there was one thing she couldn't stand, it was young, fresh people like little Miss Kim.. Sowhat over there.


Junho ed his shirt off, revealing his toned abs. He chucked his blazer on the floor and checked his watch. It was too early to go down to the beach. From his suite, Haeundae Beach laid out in all its glory. The white sand, the crystal clear turqoise waters. Red and white umbrellas were propped up everywhere, yet not a single 'chick' was in sight. Junho sat down his bed in dissapointment. He almost dozed off to sleep when the doorbell rang. He pushed the 'open' button on the remote next to him. The automatic door slid open. Must be the bell boy, he thought, shutting his eyes, plugging his headphones in. The person walked in cautiously. The room seemed to be empty.. but it couldn't be, she thought. 

"Hello..? Is anyone inside?" her voice echoed. "Mr. Lee?" she admired the spacious suite. Wow.. there's even a mini-gym! She gasped softly, making her way towards what seemed like the master's bedroom. 

"Mr. Lee?" She called again. "It's the..." what should I address myself? Hotel staff? Housekeeper? Room service? Soeun shook her head. Personal maid? She knocked softly. "May I come in?" Her eyes caught an acoustic guitar in it's case on the carpeted floors and admired it. Guitars reminded her of Sunbae.. If only he was here. She strummed lightly the basic chords he taught her. 

TWANGGGGGGGG! Soeun accidentally let her fingers slip, allowing the strings to 'collide' to one another, causing the loud noise. Soeun panicked. She wanted to make an escape when she tripped on the guitar case, causing her to fall on the horribly unmade bed, landing on.. 

"OUCH!" a manly voice yelled, pulling his covers, too trapping Soeun inside. Soeun wanted to find a way out, and she was suffocated under the layers of sheets.

"Just what the hell do you think you're doing?!" She almost fainted in shock. "Mr. Lee.. I.. I.. I can.. OMOMOMOMO!" she turned around, shielding her eyes. He was half-! On his bed! With her! "I.. I'm so sorry I was.." Soeun just froze there, with her back against him, not knowing what to do. 

"Who the heck are you and what are you doing in my room?! ON MY BED?!" Junho paced, not bothering to cover his upper body. Soeun remained in her position. "I'm... I.. aa.. Personal maid!" she blurted, squeezing her eyes shut. 

"Maid? Maid?!" Junho laughed madly. "So Harabeoji was serious when he sent me here to have fun, then. Own suite.. personal maid." he laughed again. Soeun slightly moved her hand from shielding her gaze. Is this Mr. Lee sane? What do I do now?? Soeun gulped.  Soeun made her way towards the door. 

 "What an introduction." Junho scoffed. "Turn around, will you?!" 

 "I would appreciate it if you'd put a shirt on first, Mr. Lee..." 

"Are you giving me orders, now?" Junho got up and went in front of her. Soeun turned around. Junho followed, blocking her way. "Shirt.. on... Mr. Lee..." 

"It's my room, and therefore, my rules!" Junho grabbed her wrists, forcing Soeun to look straight at him.

"Mr. Lee!" Soeun yelled. "What are you doing?!" 

Junho slowly let go. He pointed at her. "You!!!" his eyes widened. "Aren't you...?!" 


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junsolover11 #1
Please please please update this :(
junsolover11 #2
Author-nim please update huhuhu i super love your story!!!
please update soon! it's too looooooooong already :( don't keep us waiting for longer
Drewhajri #4
Please update, missing this story...
zuulfah #5
Chapter 27: authornim !!!!!!! you know its realy amazing story... I lov it soooo much, pleas update soon !!!!!!
adonis90 #6
Chapter 27: Please update soon ;~~~~~~;
bobobibi #7
Chapter 27: please update soon. i really love ur story :)
Sone4eva88 #8
Chapter 27: Yahhhh author nim!!!!!!! I hate you for not making Junho and Soeun tgt...Please make them be tgt in the next few chaps juseyo...!!! *Pouts*
ultimatebookworm #9
Chapter 27: HI! I'M DYING!!! pls update this wonderful story someday <3
Mayrah20_5 #10
pleaseee updateee soon ;(