Behind These Masks

"Class, in two months time, there will be the dance competition between schools. You know this competition is held once every four months. Like usual, there are three different categories. First, all students who takes dance classes will come as one, second the girl group battle, then the guys." Mr Park announced to his students at the end of the class.

"But Mr Park, I thought all these while there has been 4 categories?" A student pinpoint, some others nodded too.

"Yeah, won't there be a couple battle like how they usually do. Dongwoo and Hoya have always been our representative." Another said.

"Well I guess this time round is different. When I got the notice, it states there three instead of four so there must have been a change."

The rest nodded in understanding.

"As usual, the school decided to send 4minute to represent us for the girls, and Infinite for the guys. Make us proud again. As for the cohort dance, a notice will be up by this afternoon on the board outside the dance studio. Be sure to check the timings. As far as I know it'll start sometime next week. In any case, updates, on the board. Any questions? No? I assume everyone is clear. If there's still uncertainity, you know where to find me. Class dismiss."

Chaerin noticed Taehee's expression darkened. "Hey, anything wrong?"

"Nahh, I just feel, I dont know what's the right word. Disappointed? Stupid? Ridiculous?" Taehee just blurted any word that came to her mind earning a chuckle from her bestfriend. 

"Spill it Taehee."

"Okay fine. You know the feeling where people notice your talents, loves what you do, loves your vibe, but you cant portray these out when you're a hidden identity?"

"You mean, you as the...?" Chaerin whispered. She dont plan to finish her sentence, who knows someone, anyone, was lurking around and happened to listen to their conversation. Well Chaerin is a very careful person, very. 

Taehee nodded and sighed. "Hmm, yeah. I know one day people ought to know. I understand where my brother is going with all these. Furthermore it was part of my plan to not reveal ourselves as a unique marketing strategy. But sometimes this feeling kills me, you know the not-getting-appreciated-and-serves-you-right-for-hiding-yourselves when people calls us the best and compare us with 'rivals'. The feeling is good when hear others compliment without them knowing we're among them. And its another feeling when people approach you asking you to brush up your skills thats why I have been blending into the background when I had no choice but to do so. Hell yeah our plan succeed when Mr Park came over and said that just now. The part about not getting notice and blending with the background. Have been drowning myself with positivity lately."

Chaerin understood where the conversation was going. "Must have been hard on you. But you know, having a mysterious identity helps in some way. Like you mention, hearing compliments and getting compared with 'rivals'. It helps to boost yourselves further hearing them unintentionally when you're around them. I mean, you cant simply just come forward 'Hey Im so and so, heard your compliments. Thanks!' I thought having that identity is much more, sincere when it comes to compliments and such?" 

Taehee seems to be absorbing Chaerin's words. Soon after, her lips curved into a smile. Nodding with agreement.

"I guess youre right. And Im right about me drowning with positivity after. Thanks Chaerin ah!!"

Chaerin was pulled into a breathless tight hug. Her arms still by her side, her body in Taehee's embraced, she couldnt do anything.

"Y-yah, I know youre thankful and I'm not thankful if you kill me with your hug!"

"Heh sorry."



Mr Park was in his office, looking through the requirements for the dance competition. In fact, there we no changes, it was stated there that there are four categories. He was cracking his brains how to change things around. Yes, no changes have been made. He was approached by the academy's principal, Mr Lee, before breaking the news to the students.

"Mr Park, I appreciate that our dance students have been doing our school proud. But you know, if we keep on sending the same students for the same categories, it seems unfair for those who have always been at the back. The best have always been infront. You failed to get the best out of the rest. Some things need to change, and some things will change. I hope you understand where this conversation is going Mr Park. I'm not saying its a bad decision for 4minute and Infinite as our representatives. But if we keep on sending them for the sake of winning, which they have been constantly able to do so, this shows how we fail to prioritize."

"I understand Mr Lee, I understand it's partly my fault that some students gave up because of me. I do plan to do something about it. And as for the competition, dont worry sir. Leave it to me for I have plans to do some changes. I promise to bring the best out of the rest, even if we dont win." Mr Lee smiled.



Lunch time! As usual, Chaerin and Taehee avoided Taehyun whenever they see him. Taehyun was with his group of dance friends, talking when they brought up the Hwang twins topic.

"So Taehyun, Im sure you've been to dance battles and such. Have you seen the Ssang Hwang in action?" This time round, Taehyun choked on his drink. Like Taehee, he answered them similarly.

"Err, the Ssang Hwangs? Hell yeah they were awesome! Saw them once, the crowd was crazy." *Oh goddd* He thought.

"Man I saw them too, and you are right, they were freaking awesome! I bet if they come face to face with Infinite, it'd be an ultimate synchronization battle! We all know Teen Top is their rival. But man, if Ssang Hwang makes an appearance with both groups there, it would be one heck of rivalry!" One of his closest friends, Jung Hwa said. The rest agreed, Taehyun gave a weak smile and nodded. He gave a quick glance towards his twin and sighs inwardly.

The rest of his friends were so into the Hwang twins conversation. Taehyun chose to focus on his food and paid no attention to the conversation. Mr Park who passed by, came to a stop. "Ssang Hwang? Who are they?"

They looked up to him, Taehyun too. *Oh man...*




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Chapter 17: Update please? Pretty please? I've come to feel attached to this story hehe
Chapter 16: I miss your updates like seriously!! I was so happy when i saw the updated notification! Cant wait to read it!
update soon !
ailisu #5
omg!! i love it:)
they should reveal themselves soon!! :D
love_rivals82 #6
Please update soon :3
nope so yep i did not leave u
New reader! Please update very very very soon. :))