Behind These Masks

(*Sorry, if you read the previous chapter, Taehee wasn't suppose to introduce herself so I've made changes towards the end of previous chapter where only Hoya introduced himself. Just read the last part if you dont get me)



Taehee was hesitant as to whether she should introduce herself. Before she could do anything, her phone rang. It's Taehyun.


"Yah, come home quick will you! So much for making-it-a-quick-one! Its almost dinner time! COME.HOME.QUICK!" 

Taehee placed her phone slightly away from her ear because of her twin nagging and shouting. Hoya just stood there clueless with an eyebrow raised.

"Aish, fine. I'm on my way. Stop shouting will you."


Taehee ended the call and realised Hoya was still there.

"I'm sorry I have to go now, I'm in a rush. Sorry about just now. Nice to meet you. Bye!" Taehee waved goodbye and before Hoya could say much more, Taehee already ran down the street.

"W-Wait! Aish!" With that Hoya stomped off. *What the heck is wrong with that girl seriously*




Taehee reached her doorstep, pressing on the doorbell countless of times, panting. Leaning on the wall, head facing up, closing her eyes. Knees turned jelly, feeling all exhausted. One arm with the box of cream puffs, and another totebag hanging on her elbow, hands clutching onto her waist. The door open, with Chaerin and Taehyun both arms cross their chest, deadly glaring at Taehee. 

"Hwang Taehee!" Both of them exclaimed. Taehee jumped up, eyes widened, startled. Right hand placed on her left chest, feeling her heartbeat. She looked up at both of them.

"What was that for!" Taehee exclaimed, straightening her posture and stomped on of her feet.

"Three long hours, three! One hour was more than enough for me to rest, and for you to be back! And I waited for those for two hours!" Chaerin said, pointing at the box of cream puffs.

"Yeah! I've been waiting for those too! And why are you panting?" The once pissed Taehyun tilted his head, questioning look on his face.

"I'll just, go grab a drink first and I'll tell you guys. For two freaking hours I was helping Dara unnie, unexpectedly. Will you please excuse me and let me catch my breath before telling you my oh-so-awesome story." With that, Taehee walked in between the two of them, bumping their shoulders and made her way to the kitchen.

"Yah! Hwang Taehee!" Both of them exclaimed and turned to each other. Sparks occured and they quickly turn away, cheeks burning. Chaerin followed in while Taehyun still stayed at his spot, composing himself before joining the both of them at the kitchen.

Taehee was sitting at the counter, gulping down the icy plain water down , refreshing herself. Chaerin sat across her, chin resting on her right palm, elbows on the counter, still glaring at her and Taehyun came over, smacking his twin's head and sat beside her. 

"Yah! What was that for?!" Both eyes still on Taehee. "Okay fine Im sorry I made you guys wait. I planned to freshen myself before coming back and did my 'laundry', leaving my training bag there since my shift is tomorrow. I came down soon after but I had to help Dara unnie serve some customers since she had to sort out the accounts."

"You call that an awesome story?" Taehyun added. Chaerin gave out ridiculous sigh, rolling her eyes, leaning her back against her seat.

"I'm not done yet. Here comes the awesome part...I served Teen Top." Both their ears perked up, eyes widened. 


Taehee slighly nodded. "Apparently they were the only ones there, hanging out. I was serving them and the once chaotic them went silent shortly. All eyes were on me and I freaked out badly inside. I was about to walk away when they stopped me and ask me questions." Taehee told them remainings of what happened.

"And you ran home, panting because of that?" Taehyun asked.

"Nope, not only that. I accidentally bumped into someone while you both were texting me. Seriously you two should start making a move to each other further then complaining to me how awkward you feel when you both like each other! Why do you think I'm giving you one hour, no two, wait no, THREE freaking hours!"

"WHAT?!" They both exclaimed, hands slammed on the table.

Taehee facepalmed herself, "Oh . Wait I'm not freaking done yet! I bumped into the dancing machine."

"The dancing machine? Who the heck is...wait...HOYA?!" Taehee choked on her drink when Taehyun slammed on the table again. She nodded.

"He was all pissed and angry. I apologized but his once harsh tone turned soft after that. He introduced himself. Thankfully, you called me and I avoided introducing myself and rushed off once the call ended." Taehee emphasized at Taehyun, while pointing her finger at the tip of his nose.

"I shall go up and wash up, again. You both, have more time to yourselves!" Taehee skip down her seat and ran. She stopped at the kitchen entrance and turned to both of them, stucking her tongue out before running up the stairs again.

"YAH HWANG TAEHEE!!!" Both scream in unison.

"Aish, what is with those kids downstairs screaming since just now." Mr Hwang said to his wife, ruffling his hair. Both of them were at the library, sorting out business documents after going through them at home for the whole day.

"They never fail to amuse us don't they," Mrs Hwang added with a chuckle before heading down to prepare for dinner.


 Another update!  



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Chapter 17: Update please? Pretty please? I've come to feel attached to this story hehe
Chapter 16: I miss your updates like seriously!! I was so happy when i saw the updated notification! Cant wait to read it!
update soon !
ailisu #5
omg!! i love it:)
they should reveal themselves soon!! :D
love_rivals82 #6
Please update soon :3
nope so yep i did not leave u
New reader! Please update very very very soon. :))