Behind These Masks

Weekends were well-spent for the Hwangs together with Chaerin. Chaerin learnt that the whole family has a black belt for Taekwondo. She was impressed when they showed her while they gathered in the guest hall or what the twins called their dance studio on Friday.

She was even more shocked when she saw Taehee's well toned body the next day, and her abs killed Chaerin. Never did she realise that underneath all the T-shirts or long-sleeved that Taehee have been wearing lies a hot slim body that is to die for. Not that Chaerin saw her , but they were at the gym working out and Taehee was wearing this (image below) with track pants.


She couldn't took her eyes of Taehee's abdomen and gasps. Eyes wide open, jaws dropped.


"You've got one heck of a hot body?!"

"Err...hehehe" Taehee redden. That was the first time someone ever notice her body. Except for her family since they saw her abs while working out at the gym together.

"Hush, you're the first person I ever reveal my hot body to, hahaha" Taehee added, earning a smack on the arm from Chaerin.

"Full of yourself, but true. That body is to die for!! And looks at those ies, it's a C damn it!!"




Then Sunday came, Mr and Mrs Hwang dragged their twins and Chaerin to the mall. Taehyun and Chaerin have no problem clicking. Once in awhile, Taehyun would steal glances at Chaerin, admiring her features especially when she smiles. Her eye smile was killing him. Taehee noticed and smirked.

"Chaerin ah, you still got a crush on that Kwon Jiyong?" 

Taehee looked at Taehyun and noticed his expression darkened. Jealous much, brother? Let's see how jealous you can get.

"Why the sudden topic?" Chaerin ask, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, just asking. Something that came on my mind out of the blue. Still contacting?"

Before answering, Chaerin looked at Taehyun but he shifted his gaze to his phone, another hand grabbing his mocha frappe, sipping on it.

"Nahh. We've stopped contacting for quite sometime. He was a jerk. I saw him with another girl few days after I ignored him and he gave me that stupid smirk of his." Chaerin said. Taehee kept her eyes on her twin brother, who's expressions seems to change. Eyes still focused on his phone, he slyly grin to himself.

"Ah, jerk indeed. You know, someone is interested in you but has got no courage to tell you," Taehyun jerked up, choking on his frappe.

"Aigoo, Taehyun ah, you okay?" Chaerin said while patting his back. His face got redder from the sudden touch of Chaerin.

"N-neh, thanks Chaerin ah." He shifted his gaze to Taehee and gave her a deadly glare, all he got was a tongue stucked out at him. Taehee laughed it off, leaving a clueless Chaerin and embarrassed Taehyun.




Taehee's P.O.V

Tuesday, dance class! But it when it's your favourite but you can't give your all. The dance steps aren't that hard, well at least it's not to me. I had to act like I dont really know but not to the point where it is sooooo freaking bad. Just while ago, a student named Jaehyo couldn't keep up with the steps and messed everything up that he got told off. 

Whats more embarrassing, the synchronized kingkas were there and together with them, the whole class laughed at that poor boy. Chaerin and I just looked at each other, giving each other the what-the- look and continued with our routine. Dancing is fun but it's so annoying when this glasses of mine keeps on drooping down that I had to adjust them every now and them. This is so not helping me. Needa get new ones that are tighter on the sides.




*What's is up with that nerd. Dancing skills are...urm...fine? Not as good as us. And that droopings glasses, get a pair of freaking contact lenses if that thick frames annoys you* L thought.

"Yah L, you okay. What are you looking at?" Seungyeol said while following L's gaze. "Wait, you're not into that nerd right?!" 

"Aish choding, you crazy?! Is she even my type? Im just looking at her cause of her glasses." Seungyeol place his hand on his chest, heaving a sigh of relief. He thought this playboy friend of his would end up falling for...erm...nerd.

"Ah, ridiculous much. Wannabe."

"Huh? Ah, wannabe much. Yeah wannabe much. Nerds nowadays." L added while they smirked at each other.

"Guys, come on, lets practice. No time to lose!" Sunggyu signalled for the best friends to get back. In an instant they nodded and joined the rest.

After dance class ended, Infinite gathered since their leader called for them. The rest of the students were still packing their bags including Taehee and Chaerin .

"Okay guys. So tomorrow is Wednesday. Hoya told me the Ssang Hwang would be at the Dance Arena as there'll be a dance battle and Hoya will be taking part together with Dongwoo. This is the chance to see the in-sync twins. You guys in?"

Taehee gulped. It's not that she is scared. She knew she has to inform Taehyun as soon as possible for necessary back-up plans. 

"Im in!" "Me too!" "We're in!"

With that, all of Infinite members will be there. Taehee rushed with her belongings, leaving a dumbfounded Chaerin.

"Yah, wait up! Why the rush?" Chaerin asked, panting. She just chased Taehee all the way from the dance studio to their lockers.

"Ah sorry, I need to rush! Needa find my brother and tell him about tomorrow," yes the twins will be there. And yes they're taking part in the battle. What's worst, Infinite will be there and God knows what kind of tricks they'll hold if they're there.

"What ab..." before Chaerin could finish her sentence, Taehee grabbed her hand and fled out of school running all the way to her home.




"Why are you girls panting?!"

"Ask this girl omma, she grabbed me all the way from school till here without stopping, without telling me!" Chaerin said, panting and huffing.

The distance between their school and Hwangs residence is no joke. No big deal for Taehee since she has stamina but it was a total opposite for Chaerin. Taehee has got no time to explain and dashed up the stairs all the way to Taehyun's room. Chaerin was still at the doorstep, breathless. One hand clutching her waist, and another supporting on the door. Mrs Hwang was stunned with Taehee's actions, and she too was left dumbfounded at the doorstep.

"What is that girl?! Is she not tired running?" Chaerin said, almost exploding. 

"Aigoo Chaerin ah. Come in slowly. Get yourself a drink and cool yourself down." Chaerin made her way in, taking her own sweet time and collapsed on the sofa at the dining area. Mrs Hwang just chuckled at the poor girl.



Updating again. Will be posting a chapter or two later.



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Chapter 17: Update please? Pretty please? I've come to feel attached to this story hehe
Chapter 16: I miss your updates like seriously!! I was so happy when i saw the updated notification! Cant wait to read it!
update soon !
ailisu #5
omg!! i love it:)
they should reveal themselves soon!! :D
love_rivals82 #6
Please update soon :3
nope so yep i did not leave u
New reader! Please update very very very soon. :))