No Better

A Marriage's Happy Ending: The Sequel

A/N: I'm going to start puting my notes first then the update. Anyways. Sorry for the long long hiatus. I've been crabby, lazy and... busy...? No second chapter, sorry. x( So next chaptyer is going to be rated , just wanted to point that out and you might go like WTF??!! aha ;P So yea. Just read ;D


**Jin Ae‘s POV**

Taecyeon was in a coma for a week before he woke up with a brain as unconditional as a baby’s. I visited him often and Jaejoong came home the night after Taecyeon’s release from the hospital. It was true as what the doctor has told me. Taecyeon suffered from his flashbacks and would screamed in his sleep.  If I was there, I would calm him down like how I would do to Han Joong. Taecyeon didn’t speak much nor did he liked anyone to be close to him. There were times when he would yell at me if I came a feet near him. I had to admit, I was barely home and I started to feel bad about it so I went home today. Jaejoong’s sister, Cho Hee, watched over the kids for the past days and I wished I could have done it myself but Taecyeon needed me most at this time.

“Where have you been?”  Jaejoong asked me once I entered the house.

“At Taecyeon‘s house.” I sighed out and he caught my arm.

“The kids missed you, can you at least stay tonight with them…? Please…” He requested.


Mommy~!” Jae Rin happily spotted me at the door then ran into my arms.

“Mommy… we missed you a lot.” She pouted with the exact face like Jaejoong’s.

“Really?” I said with a weak smile and bent down to her.

“Umma, Jin Hae has been sleeping all morning. She also… bleh bleh.” She imitated gagging noises.

I looked up to Jaejoong and he didn’t say anything until I did.

“Why didn‘t you call me?” I angrily asked him.

“I tried. No-- I did but you wouldn‘t answer your phone.” He responded back and I checked my phone which, surprisingly, was out of power.

“Come on, honey. Let‘s go check on Jin Hae.” I took her hand and went to their room.

I opened the door and my dear Jin Hae was sleeping on her princess bed. I quietly walked over and felt her forehead like I would usually do. I kissed her burning forehead and caress her cheek.

“Her fever hasn‘t decrease since this early morning when Jae Rin told me that Jin Hae was puking.” Jaejoong informed me.

“Did you try finding medicine for her?” I worriedly asked.

“I did and I even called the doctor. He should be here soon.”

“Dongsaeng~ Wake up~ Umma is home~ Umma is home~” Jae Rin, who was on the other side, softly shook Jin Hae up.

“Sweetie, let her rest. Let‘s get something to eat, okay?” I faked a smile and extended my hand to her.

“It‘s okay, umma~ I want Jin Hae to wake up too so we can eat popcorn again.” She denied the offer and I kind of drew my hand back and turned to Jaejoong with my sad face.

I guess he figured that I needed help so he got Jae Rin to go back downstairs with us. We sat at the dining room and ate some kimchi chips with some fresh squeezed orange juice.

“Umma, I want to go see dongsaeng again.” Jae Rin said.

I looked at her for a bit before I nodded and let her go. I sighed and pulled my hair behind my ears.

“They really need you here, Jin Ae. After all, you‘re their mother.” He started.

“I know…” I frustratingly sighed.

“It‘s just that--- *sigh* Jin Hae is sick with a fever and Jae Rin is very lonely. They are like a perfect couple and one can‘t just stay sick or the other would feel sick too.” I said and I felt my eyes getting watery.

“So… How‘s Taecyeon?” He mentioned.

“I don‘t know… His health is getting better but no memories yet. He gets flashbacks but it scares him, I don‘t know how to help him anymore.” I covered my face with my hands, only allowing my eyes to see Jaejoong.

“It‘s okay for you to care but remember that you have a family that needs you too.” He cupped my cheek and even though his smile seems to be okay with my decisions now, somehow I felt like he was holding in a lot from me.

**Taecyeon‘s POV**

“Taecyeon…” She said my name once then smiled at me with open arms.

One scene flashed after another and I was in sweat.

“Any ring isn‘t worth your love, Taecyeon…”

“We‘re going back to Seoul…”

“…Do Jin Ae love you too…?”

“She‘ll be back…”

TAECYEON~!” She cried in horror.

Lights flickered then crashing sounds flung me out of the horrible nightmare. I sat up, heavily inhaling air. I covered my exhausted face and didn’t want to close my eyes, fearing that I would see those horrible visions again. I got out of bed and thought about them. Nothing made sense to me but I was wondering why Jin Ae were often in my dreams. I suddenly felt this fear crawling up to me. I picked up the cellphone and went through the contact list. None of them were people who I could trust only the people who claimed to be my parents and friends. I scrolled down and ironically, I stopped at Jin Ae’s number.

Can I trust her too?



I moved out of his hands and went to the kitchen table, wiping the surface with a cloth. Slowly he came behind me and firmly grabbed my hand. Somehow I didn’t push him back but I only stood frozen.


It was as if her refusal was cut short and her kindness kicked in. He lifted her onto the table then pushed her dress until he was able to reach for her underwear.


“ing you is like heaven.” He finally moaned and every part of her neck.


“S-Stop. T-This is just too much.” She said with barely any breaths left.



UPDATED: FEB. 1. 2011

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YouDunnoMe #1
This is interesting!! Fighting author nim!
Chapter 24: uknow, i never knew a story will be like this, twist everywhere kekeke. but really, youre story is one of kind:))
BlueSolified #3
Chapter 23: Awwww yay~ i loved this ending!!! and "aigoo" doesn't mean cute LOL
Chapter 24: thanks again for a wonderful jae fic..
Chapter 23: aiiihhhh, so sweeeeet! and dramatic too.
anejae #6
wowww sequel:)
Alzina #7
oh this was awesome! totally got me there...hehe!!

good job :D
oh this sequel is so cute..
i really love Jin Ae
ywavy #9
thanks god it was just a freakin nitemare
jenjeneee #10
this was so cute! i'm so glad that was a dream OMG, cus Jae can't die! loveeeeeeeeeeee the happy ending<333333