Just Suddenly

A Marriage's Happy Ending: The Sequel


**Jin Ae‘s POV**

It was like a sudden mood swing and he started to throw anything he could grab towards the wall. I shut my eyes tight and had my arms covering my ears with each crashing sound. I blamed his craziness on his accident but I couldn’t. What has gotten in to him? We were just doing fine for the past days and now he’s smashing and crashing.

**Taecyeon‘s POV**

IF YOU WANT TO EN GO BACK THEN GO!” I screamed in anger and frustration towards her.

She slightly shook her head as a refusal and tears streamed down her face.

WHAT THE IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?!” I kept my loud voice on her.

“I…I can‘t leave you…” She muttered still in deep tears.

For a moment, we didn’t look at each other. We kept our eyes towards other things besides looking into each other’s eyes.

I TOLD YOU TO EN LEAVE!” I raised my voice again and she looked at me with only tears in her eyes.

I stormed towards her and dragged her out. She didn’t tug nor did she begged me to stop but let her body unwillingly follow me. After a few steps, I had her standing outside and slammed the door in her face. I leaned against the door like I was trying to keep it close. I felt a sharp pain and I was hoping it wasn’t what I thought it could be.

It’s impossible… right?

**Jin Ae‘s POV**

I was outside left with nothing. No money, no car, a dead phone, no house, nothing but just myself and my feet to take me back home. I was still silently crying as I lifted my right hand and lightly placed my fingertips on the door’s surface. I could already feel his existence against the other side of this door. I sniffed back my incoming tears then made my way away from the door. I felt heart broken or was my heart broken?

The directions were unclear and I was sure I was lost but I kept walking. I cried the whole way for maybe an hour and the motel was already gone from my distance when I turned back to see where I once was. It’s enough for the both of us to go through again.

The sound of a racing car came from a far distance and it made me stop. I slightly turned around and the car went past me just a few yards away then reverse until it was right next to me. It was obvious who it was but I just stood frozen there. He didn’t bother to turn on his emergency lights but got out of the car. He came around and pulled me into the car.

“I don‘t want to go.” I softly refused and tugged my hand out of his grip but he caught it right after my wrist got loose from his grip.

“You‘re coming with me regardless if it‘s death or not.” He strictly told me.

“I‘ll walk until I reach that gas station.” I said when it was barely ten yards away.

“You‘re shaking.” He realized.

“I‘m walking.” I ignored and took a step forth but he drew me back.

“You‘re getting in that car.” Taecyeon demanded.

No!” I refused and he looked deep into my eyes.

I said. This. Is. For. Life. Or. Death. You got no other options.” He gritted his teeth saying a word by word.

“I thought you told me to go back to him? Didn‘t you want that?” I purposely put him in check.

“Just get in.” He ignored me and opened the passenger’s door.

No!” I pulled again.

Look!” He exchanged his grip on my wrist to my arms.

“I don‘t care who the you think you are but you‘re coming with me.”

At the corner of my eyes, I saw a police car coming down the came road as us. The fear of his arrest, I obey and got in the car. The police car past us and he smirked then drove off.

“Why are you doing this?” I asked him and he didn’t answer.

Taecyeon!” I shout his name and he hit the steering wheel.

JUST STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS!” He got angry too and focused closely to the road.

One day, you‘re happy then the next, you‘re angry and crazy. What am I doing that is making you do this, huh? Tell me!” I yelled with tears.

I don‘t know, Jin Ae! You tell me! Who the hell am I?! Why am I feeling like this?! Why am I even doing this to you?!” I frustratingly questioned and I pulled back.

For those questions, I had no responses but I felt the fear he was having inside him.




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YouDunnoMe #1
This is interesting!! Fighting author nim!
Chapter 24: uknow, i never knew a story will be like this, twist everywhere kekeke. but really, youre story is one of kind:))
BlueSolified #3
Chapter 23: Awwww yay~ i loved this ending!!! and "aigoo" doesn't mean cute LOL
Chapter 24: thanks again for a wonderful jae fic..
Chapter 23: aiiihhhh, so sweeeeet! and dramatic too.
anejae #6
wowww sequel:)
Alzina #7
oh this was awesome! totally got me there...hehe!!

good job :D
oh this sequel is so cute..
i really love Jin Ae
ywavy #9
thanks god it was just a freakin nitemare
jenjeneee #10
this was so cute! i'm so glad that was a dream OMG, cus Jae can't die! loveeeeeeeeeeee the happy ending<333333