
A Marriage's Happy Ending: The Sequel

Sorry if the last updates weren't as lovey dovey as possible. Haha. Well um I just wanted to get over with this story since there's only several more chapters. You guys are doing great on the comments, keep it up! Um... What else? Okay whatever. Just read :)


**Jaejoong‘s POV**

Okay bye~” I kissed her then took the girls to school.

Appa appa~!” Jin Hae chanted my name once we were on the road.

“Yes, honey?” I answered back.

“Is umma still sick?” She asked.

She‘s getting better but little Jin Hae must eat plenty to give umma some energy and help around the house~” I encouraged her and she giggled, covering with her little hand.

I smiled at the girls who were whispering in each others’ ears now. I was pleased to see how much they have grown. I was glad to be a father, for crying out loud. My daughters AND son are all precious to me like the obstacles that took me to the point where I could never find anyone else to replace their mother.

**Jin Ae‘s POV**

“Huh?” Was all that came out of me when the phone slipped out of my grip.

I fell onto the bed and had my hand firmly on my chest. I had my other hand over my mouth with tears ready to fall.


I sighed and felt like my skin was trembling. I was informed that he suddenly disappeared at one in the morning. I was having the feeling and concerns like one of my children have gotten kidnapped. The thought of him wouldn’t leave my mind. It haven’t been long since he got out of the hospital and now he is gone? He doesn’t even who he is and what troubles will he get himself in?

Jaejoong entered the room with a smile but it turned into a concerned face when he saw my appearance.

“Jin Ae? Are you okay?” He walked closer to me.

“Jin Ae?”

“He‘s gone.” I said as deadly as silent wind.

“You mean Taecyeon?”

“Jaejoong… where can he be at this time? H-He doesn‘t even know himself…H-He might get into a car accident again… I-I--” I stuttered with tears spilling down my cheeks.

“Just… just relax.” He comforted me with his hands smoothing my arms.

“Here. I‘ll go make dinner then I‘ll call you down, okay?” He said but gave no response

Minutes later, I was close enough to die form worrying so much. I looked like I was a drug addict with tired eyes. I totally forgot about eating dinner when Jaejoong walked in again.

“I brought you some food.” He said and I shook my head.

“I‘m not hungry.” I weakly answered.

For a second, he didn’t say anything then madly placed the plate on the table close by him.

Can you stop worrying too much about him?!” Jaejoong raised his voice.

I CAN‘T!”  I gave a harsh response to him.

“I-I-I… I just can‘t. I‘m so worried, I feel like I‘m insane. Or maybe I am. H-He‘s gone. Tae---”


I DO KNOW THAT I HAVE A FAMILY!” I shouted back and we both looked like mad bulls.

“Listen, Kim Jaejoong…” I swallowed the tears that were going to fall.

“In the past, you put Hana before your babies and I. I was hurt. Deeply hurt and scarred but I still got through it. You told me that you cared for Hana as a friend but it wasn‘t that. Taecyeon is MY friend and not just a friend but---”

THAT is all in the past! What we both have now is the present and we have more than what we first started out with! We have three children and we‘re already a happy family until your bestie came back! I have nothing against your friendship with him only if you pay more attention to the needs of your children, to OUR children!

But he‘s my friend!

And I‘m your husband!” He yelled back at me and we both looked at our angry faces.

“Think about this, Jin Ae… I have done you wrong but it was for the reason that I once loved Hana. If Taecyeon is just your friend, you shouldn‘t put him in front of your children…. And me.” He coldly stated then walked out of our bedroom.

**Jaejoong‘s POV**

I just couldn’t stand it anymore. Every since Taecyeon’s accident, it was all about him. All about Taecyeon’s lost memories, his safety, his care, his this and that! Where is mine when I need it now?! It’s all about that stupid jerk when Jin Ae knows damn well she has her own family to take care of! Argh!

Pots and dishes bang as I tried to set my mind at rest. So many angry thoughts scram in my head that I didn’t even realize Jae Rin was calling me.


“Huh?” I turned to her.

“Can you read to me?” She asked even when she look exhausted.

I forced a smile on my face then nodded to the little girl. I picked her up with my arms and took her to the living room where her dongsaeng was silently asleep.

“Once upon a time….” I started to read.

I was probably halfway done with the book when Jin Ae stormed past behind us and shut the door. My eyes were still staring at the front door as she went through it and disappeared. I didn’t realize my daughter focusing on us until she tugged my sleeve.

“Appa… will umma be okay?” She asked and I went back to her.

“Mm-Hm. Umma just have to get some air. She‘ll be back.” I assured her as I her silky hair that was exactly like her mother’s.

I snapped out of my thoughts and went back to reading. I read two more books to JaeRin before she followed after JinHae and fell asleep. I took one girl at a time up the stairs and placed them in bed. I checked on our son and he was still peacefully asleep since I have put him in his crib. I didn’t realize the time until I actually looked at it. It was already midnight and Jin Ae was still out. I took out my cellphone and called her but no answers. I called Soo Hee but she said Jin Ae never came to the house. I did my best but no good results so I decided to go out to search for her. I knew she wouldn’t go too far from our neighborhood since she hated walking.

JIN AE! JIN AE!” I constantly walked within a few steps I took.


“Hello?” I answered.

“Have you found her yet?” Soo Hee asked.

“I don‘t know if she‘s back home or not but I‘m heading back now. I‘ll call if she‘s home.” I insisted.

“Okay. Make sure you call since umma and appa are really worried. They won‘t go to sleep if they don‘t get any news.” She told me.

“Okay. I‘ll make sure I ca---” The feeling of me stepping on something cut me off from what I wanted to say.

I looked down and saw a shining string. I knelt down and it was a necklace but it looked very familiar.

“Jaejoong? Jaejoong, are you okay?”  Soo Hee called my name a few times on the other line.

It was the necklace I bought Jin Ae for our anniversary. I carefully examined the necklace and it looked like someone ripped the necklace from her neck since the chain was broken. There should be no reason for Jin Ae to go this far to throw my necklace to the ground like this unless…



I want my mommy~” Jin Hae started to cry as her fever never really left her.


Only if I didn’t yell at her and just keep my mouth shut!


“Look at all the things I have started with Jin Ae. We‘ve been married for so long and I don‘t want to go through another divorce..."


I woke up and felt like I just woke up from a bad beat up. My limps were sloppy and my muscles sore from here to there.



UPDATED: FEB. 16. 2011

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YouDunnoMe #1
This is interesting!! Fighting author nim!
Chapter 24: uknow, i never knew a story will be like this, twist everywhere kekeke. but really, youre story is one of kind:))
BlueSolified #3
Chapter 23: Awwww yay~ i loved this ending!!! and "aigoo" doesn't mean cute LOL
Chapter 24: thanks again for a wonderful jae fic..
Chapter 23: aiiihhhh, so sweeeeet! and dramatic too.
anejae #6
wowww sequel:)
Alzina #7
oh this was awesome! totally got me there...hehe!!

good job :D
oh this sequel is so cute..
i really love Jin Ae
ywavy #9
thanks god it was just a freakin nitemare
jenjeneee #10
this was so cute! i'm so glad that was a dream OMG, cus Jae can't die! loveeeeeeeeeeee the happy ending<333333