Missing You

A Marriage's Happy Ending: The Sequel

**Jaejoong‘s POV**

A day and night has past by since the day both of them disappear. We filed a report on Jin Ae and Taecyeon, honestly I didn’t want to find that stupid Taecyeon but I have a feeling that they were together. I couldn’t leave the thought that maybe Jin Ae ran off with Taecyeon  because I couldn’t be a good enough husband. As each thought came to me, I sniffed back my tears while at work, during meetings, even with my children. Maybe this was my punishment for doing Jin Ae wrong from the start. I hurt her and left scars in her heart, the scars that she’ll never reveal to me. I thought back to the time when we first got married until now and I just couldn’t believe it. I, Kim Jaejoong, who was the kingka almost my whole life, a conceited , a pretty boy, a player like most people considered me, a cheating bastard is now a father and a husband.  Even though I blamed myself a lot for this, I knew it wasn’t fully my fault. Come on. She was too focus on Taecyeon and forgot about her own family. It was too much for me to handle.

I took the day off since my mind and heart were lost. I laid across the sofa like a drunk lowlife. I stared at our big wedding photo that was on the wall. It brought s slight memory of the first time I felt a spark of like in the girl who I used to call a .


She‘s pregnant?!” My friend asked me like he didn't hear the story clear enough and my response was only a sigh.

He started to hysterically laugh at me.

Yah~ Our Player, Jaejoong is going to a be a appa.” He playfully push me a bit.

“Yah, it‘s not funny, you know.” I told him and pressed my back on the sofa cushion.

“I don‘t know what to say or do. I said I‘ll marry her and I can‘t take it back. It‘ll make me look stupid.”

"Well, you think you guys can last until the baby comes out?” My friend asked.

I bit my lower lip and thought about it.

“I don‘t wish to be with her forever since I know for sure, we‘ll argue every day. She‘s the worst I have ever encountered.” I huffed and my friend scoffed.

“She‘s a to you now but once you two live together, she might be something else.” He said and I turned to him.

“Yea, worse than a is what she might turn out to be.” I commented to his statement.


I parked the car in front of her house as she slowly walked down the stairs and got inside my car. She didn’t want to look at me nor did I want to do the same to her. The ride was in silence even the walk to the entrance of the clinic did not make us utter a sound to each other. We waited until we were called in which took a good ten minutes. After the check up, we were told that the baby was healthy. Oh and I almost forgot. Since I’m the father of this baby, I am responsible to take this to all her appointments. Yea, the old folks are trying to get me prepared to be a father but I guess I kind of asked for it in the beginning. Only if little Jaejoong would listen to me…. sometimes.

As I drove her back home, again we had no words to exchange to each other. I rolled closer to her house and she unbuckle herself and sighed.

“My umma wants you to come in.” She said very irritated.

“You know… if you really want me to go in, you could just say you want me to come inside.” I as I leaned closer to her.

She glared at me with a disgusted face then opened the door.

“Suit yourself then.” She said then slam my door right in my face.

She rang the bell then once the gate opened, she shut it and went up the stairs. I didn’t bother to go up since I knew she was going to make an excuse for me, either it was going to be: He is busy with something at home or simply: He’s didn’t want to come inside, that dumb .

Whatever the case was going to be, I left. There wasn’t much to do at home but the time went by quick. Suddenly,  my phone rang and I picked up.


“Hi, Mr. Kim. This is Dr. Park. I forgot to tell your Ms. Kim that she should take her vitamins twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.” He informed me.

“Ok. Thanks, Dr. Park.” I said then we ended the call. `

I looked at the clock and it was almost nine. I didn’t want to call since I hated talking to her but I had to.




Aissh~ Is she deaf or what?” I hissed and hung up the phone then tried a few more times.

Seriously, I didn’t know why I constantly kept calling but my excuse was my concern for my child.

“Seriously. You make me want to go deaf.” She greeted me with a grumpy tired voice.

“Pfft. Like you‘re the only one wishing that you were deaf.” I said and chuckled.

“An--” I started but was cut short by a click.


“What the--” I looked at my phone and she hung up on me so I called again.




“You know, if you don’t stop calling, I swear your child is never going to see their father.” She warned me.

“What is that suppose to mean? We‘re going to fight for custody now?” I laughed.

“Not when you‘re dead, jerk.” She made it clear and sighed after that.

“What is it that you want? I‘m annoyed by the sound of your ugly voice that sounds like you‘re suffocating.” She said.

“You---” I started but stopped myself.

I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, worst breather ever,

“Dr. Park said to take your vitamins twice, once at night and morning.” I told her.

“I don‘t get why you worry so much, stupid, but after this don‘t call me anymore.” She quickly said then hung up once again.

I had a lot I could argue with this but I kept myself down.

‘She’s the worst on Earth.’

‘She should get hit by a car!’

‘I hope she gets morning sickness until the day she dies!’

‘I hope she falls down a hill and die in a dark pit.’

“No.” I opened my eyes from my thoughts.

I sighed and fell back on my comfy bed. I didn’t really know what was going through my mind but my heart started to fluttered once I caught what I was thinking about. A little smile appeared on my face as my eyes were still closed. I find Jin Ae to be really cute when she gets angry at people. Yea, it’s cute.



**Jin Ae‘s POV**

“I hope you run out of gas soon.” I annoyed him once last time.

“Then I‘ll make you push the car.” He said.

“Yea, down a hill.” I backfired and turned to look out the window.

“Why are you so negative?” He asked after taking a glimpse at me.

“I‘m not being negative. Just that I am annoyed of you and your stupid plan of kidnapping me.” I said and he scoffed.

“And you‘re mad about it?” He asked with a sense of cockiness in his voice.

“Why wouldn‘t I be mad? You.. Ugh… Never mind.“ I gave up in our argument and ignored him.

I was missing my family: my children and husband. I believe I’ll be ok but how about my kids? They’ll miss me, wouldn’t they? Pfft, why am I so stupid? Of course, they’ll miss me.

Light tears twinkled down my cheek and I wiped it away,

‘I’ll be home soon… I hope.’



Let go of me…AH!” She struggled out of his grips.


“… Do you… really hate me that much…? Huh?” She uttered her last words before she fully gave in to him.


“That will never be enough… I know things will repeat so just leave. I want to be alone.”

“Jin Ae… what do I need to do for you to believe me?”


‘Taecyeon… I think the biggest regret in my life was never giving you a chance…’



UPDATED: FEB. 20. 2011

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YouDunnoMe #1
This is interesting!! Fighting author nim!
Chapter 24: uknow, i never knew a story will be like this, twist everywhere kekeke. but really, youre story is one of kind:))
BlueSolified #3
Chapter 23: Awwww yay~ i loved this ending!!! and "aigoo" doesn't mean cute LOL
Chapter 24: thanks again for a wonderful jae fic..
Chapter 23: aiiihhhh, so sweeeeet! and dramatic too.
anejae #6
wowww sequel:)
Alzina #7
oh this was awesome! totally got me there...hehe!!

good job :D
oh this sequel is so cute..
i really love Jin Ae
ywavy #9
thanks god it was just a freakin nitemare
jenjeneee #10
this was so cute! i'm so glad that was a dream OMG, cus Jae can't die! loveeeeeeeeeeee the happy ending<333333