
A Marriage's Happy Ending: The Sequel

A/N: I was going to update yesterday but I wanted to post up two chapters so I had to finish chapter 14 before I could update. Anyways yea, some reason I just want to post two chapters. Enjoy :)


**Jaejoong‘s POV**

I want my mommy~” Jin Hae started to cry as if her fever never really left her.

“Okay, sweetie. Drink this and I‘ll call your umma.” Cho Hee comforted my crying daughter as I peeked through the crack of the door.

I walked away and went downstairs where there were no Jin Ae to be seen like usual. I held my hot breath that was exhaled out of me like a charging bull and paced around the house. I blame myself for her disappearance.

Only if I didn’t yell at her and just keep my mouth shut!

Only if I could just be a better husband!

Only if I could just stop being jealous!

ARRRGGGHHHH!” I roared with a burned face and a glass vase crashed against the wall.

It shattered in front of my sight like how my marriage was starting fall apart once again. I couldn’t even protect my wife and what are my children going to do without her? My mind went insane and soon, tears ran down my cheeks. I sank myself down to the sofa and Cho Hee came down, with small concern.

“Stupid, this is not the time to be crashing down your house. I got the kids to sleep.” She informed me as my left hand covered my forehead and eyes.

She sat on the sofa closest to me and removed my hand but I wouldn’t look at her.

“Yah, Kim Jaejoong. Would you look at me?” She said a bit irritated at my attitude.

I didn’t want to but I did by slightly turning my head towards her.

“What‘s up, huh? Haven‘t you two got enough of what happened years ago? How much more do you guys want to suffer? I can careless if you two didn’t have kids and attempt to kill each other like you guys did when you were newly wed but… *sigh* The kids. I can‘t stand having them be separated from their mother or father.” She said with a sense of tears in her voice.

“Of course... I‘m also tired of this, noona…” I sat up and fully turned to her now.

“Look at all the things I have started with Jin Ae. We‘ve been married for so long and I don‘t want to go through another divorce. Since we so-called restart our marriage, I have been trying to be a better husband and father. Taecyeon disappeared too, what if they ran away together? Am I not being good enough? Noona, what do I have that is lacking?” I felt my tears raging again and she shook her head.

“Jaejoong, any girl would die to be your wife. Let‘s just hope that she didn‘t run away with Taecyeon. We shouldn‘t think too negative on her disappearance.” She said and I looked down.

“Noona… I really miss her.” I said and she faintly smiled at me as she held on to my hand.

**Jin Ae‘s POV**

I woke up and felt like I just woke up from a bad beat up. My limps were sloppy and my muscles sore from here to there. I was pitifully on the ground and without any second thought, I knew I was kidnapped. I felt dizzy and weak like all my energy were taken out of me. When I was able to focus on my surrounding, I saw a human being walked out of the shadow. I was stunned to see who it was. He came next to me and made me look into his dark eyes.

“Greetings, friend.” He smirked.

I don‘t know why you are doing this but you‘re en CRAZY!” I spat with anger.

“Crazy?” He snickered and lifted up my chin.

“Indeed, I am.” He said.

“Why am I here?” I angrily shout at him.

“Didn‘t you say you were my friend…? I just need a little… time alone with you, I suppose.” He said like it was okay to play with me at a moment like this.

“What do you mean suppose?”

“I can never trust anyone… I can‘t even trust you… You lied to me that you were my friend but you‘re not!“ He accused me and my eyes were raging with tears.

I let out a disbelief blow of air.

“And who gave you a idea like that? Ho-Oh-Tsh.” I kept uttering with ease, hoping that this was just some kind of play.

For a second, I started to wonder how the hell he found handcuffs and where the hell I was. When I saw his expression darken, I knew that this was no joke after all. I jerk my hands apart but the handcuffs was too strong for me to break them. As I struggle with the cuffs, Taecyeon chuckled and relaxed himself next to me. He gripped on to the sides of my jaw and made me look at him.

“Who‘s going to save you now, friend?” He smirked.



UPDATED: FEB. 21. 2011

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YouDunnoMe #1
This is interesting!! Fighting author nim!
Chapter 24: uknow, i never knew a story will be like this, twist everywhere kekeke. but really, youre story is one of kind:))
BlueSolified #3
Chapter 23: Awwww yay~ i loved this ending!!! and "aigoo" doesn't mean cute LOL
Chapter 24: thanks again for a wonderful jae fic..
Chapter 23: aiiihhhh, so sweeeeet! and dramatic too.
anejae #6
wowww sequel:)
Alzina #7
oh this was awesome! totally got me there...hehe!!

good job :D
oh this sequel is so cute..
i really love Jin Ae
ywavy #9
thanks god it was just a freakin nitemare
jenjeneee #10
this was so cute! i'm so glad that was a dream OMG, cus Jae can't die! loveeeeeeeeeeee the happy ending<333333