The Day

Wedding Wars

CHAPTER 41: The Day

When I woke up... I remember the smile creeping on my face. I remember the sun shining brightly outside and I also remember the feeling of trust in my heart.

Knock. Knock.

She exited the bathroom only in a bathrobe and opened the door, greeting the make up artist and hair dresser as well as her mom and mother-in-law-to-be. They all entered her room wearing bright smiles on their faces. Youngmi was seated infront of the dresser as the make up artist first had her turn to do her job.

Today's the day!”

Heechul's mother clasped her hands together and sang. Mrs. Geum smiled at her daughter through the mirror and Youngmi smiled back

Umma, don't shed tears later”

she teased. Heechul's mother put her hands on Mrs. Geum's shoulders and gave her a comforting rub.

Aigo, Youngmi-ah, it's only normal for your mother to shed some water... it's not everyday her daughter gets married”

Mrs. Geum chuckled and placed a hand on top of one of Mrs. Kim's hand.

Have the boys arrived yet?”

she asked

Not yet dear but don't worry, they'll arrive soon enough”

She let out a sigh, her shoulders dropped a bit. The two mothers smiled at her.

They'll be here Youngmi-ah”

Mrs. Kim said; the two eventually left the room leaving her with the hair dresser and make up artist only. Youngmi asked the hair dresser to get her phone, once she received it she thanked her and called Heechul's phone but it was out of coverage area.

She was growing more nervous.

Heechul... where are you?













I remember putting on my gown.

She tried calling him again but the phone was still out of coverage area and every passing minute was getting heated. She stood infront of the long mirror, looking back at her dressed up self. Her veil was pulled back, her gown fit her perfectly and her hair was cascading down one side of her shoulder.

She was still trying to believe that it was her reflection on the mirror.

Younmgi took a deep breath and tried calling her fiance again.

Sorry but the number you are trying to reach is out of the coverage area

How much she wanted to cry now. A knock on her room came and it opened, Seohyun and Sunny entered the room with gasps. They were dressed up as well and looked rather beautiful.

Omo! Unnie, the dress fits you perfectly!”

Sunny sang in great adornment. Seohyun was still speechless.

Have the boys arrived?”

she asked them. She was just so anxious already; Seohyun let out a sigh and nodded her head sideways

Everyone is downstairs already”

Sunny added and Youngmi just wanted to break down and cry. Her hands were shaking badly and her palms were sweating too. She wished she never asked in the first place; tears slowly gathered on the edge of her eyes but she blinked them away

Hey! Don't cry! You'll ruin your make up”

Seohyun told her. Youngmi sniffled a bit and nodded her head

Well, we'll be going now unnie”

Sunny said and they both quickly left the premises of the room. Youngmi looked down on her phone once again and tried to call Heechul... yet again. This time, it rang





















But there was no answer at all.















Her mother entered her room. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, phone tossed aside and she looked down. Her mom walked over to where she was and stood infront of her with a gentle smile

Let's go?”

in the absence of her father, Mrs. Geum was going to be the one to walk her down the aisle. Youngmi looked up to her mom, fear was in her eyes but the lady just gently and warmly smiled down at her daughter. Youngmi stood up to her feet and forced a smile on her face, her mother cupped her chin

Don't worry... we'll wait for him there together, okay?”

Youngmi nodded her head before she wrapped her arms around her mother.

I love you mom... I always will”

Mrs. Kim smiled



















I remember my eyes shut close before the doors opened. I remember hearing my heart beat.

Her grasp tightened on her mother's hand. She then heard the doors creaking open and she continued to close her eyes behind her veil as she relied on her mother to lead her the way. She didn't want to open her eyes and see him not there.

She didn't want to see an empty altar.










I remember sweet voices fill my ears. The song that made me open my eyes.

Pyuhngsaeng gyuhte isseulge (I do)

the slow and soft violin, piano and flute accompaniments played to the song at such a peaceful and soft pace and the great velvety blend of voices made her open her eyes.

Nuhl saranghaneun guhl (I do)

Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Yesung were standing by the band side were the small orchestra played with the conductor leading. The other boys on the side in a very neat line and the bridesmaids on the other side aswell. Then standing on the center was Heechul with the judge.

Nungwa biga wado akkyuhjumyuhnsuh (I do)

He gave her a smirk and she almost bawled in tears.

Nuhreul jikyuhjulge (My love)






















I remember reaching the end of the aisle and hugging my mom. I remember smiling at him. I remember holding his hand.

I made it”

He told her; she bit her lower lip, keeping the tears from falling down.
















I remember our vows.

Heechul took the ring in his hand, his other hand holding hers and he looked at her directly.

It took me an accident, a critical condition and a broken knee to find you; to know you. So I think to myself, you must really be worth my life. I, Kim Heechul, wholeheartedly vow to take you, Nam Youngmi, as my wife. I will brush your hair when it's a mess, I will put on make up for you if you are ugly on some days, I will give you many children too!”

She chuckled

I'll do my best to be the husband you deserve, I'll be a pain but please understand me and never leave me. I will be a good father aswell and I will always... now until after death... love you”

He then inserted the ring on her finger and it was her turn.

I, Nam Youngmi, take you, Kim Heechul, as my husband. I vow to be a good wife for you, I will take care of you when you are sick, I will comfort you when you are in need of it, I will always be here for you... I will cherish you and I will never do you any harm”

Heechul mumbled something

Is that all?”

And Youngmi smiled

I will always love you, now and until the day we both shall die”

And she inserted the ring on his finger.





















But what I remember the most...

after signing the papers, after the judge had given his word, Heechul pulled back her veil and for the very first time, he looked at her with so much love in his eyes. Sappy, but true.

His hand cupping the corner where her neck and the side of her jaw met then they both leaned in.

A kiss.
























I remember it all.












Yeobo ~ wake up”

Heechul gently shook her awake with an excited smile on his face. Youngmi groaned and looked around the hospital room, his parents and her mom was there. They all looked at her with a smile.

A knock came on the door and a nurse entered with a smile on her face.

Good morning Dr. Kim”

She pulled in a cart and placed it just beside her bed before reaching into it and Youngmi's eyes brimmed with tears as she slowly sat up and the bundle of joy clothed in white sheets were placed in her arms.

A beautiful baby girl.

She looks so much like you”

She told Heechul. The nurse left the room; the grandparents were all in awe. Heechul smirked as he sat beside his wife on the bed.

Ofcourse she does! If she looked like you then she won't be as pretty as she is now”

Youngmi glared at him

I hope she has my attitude though”

What will you name her?”

Mrs. Nam asked; Youngmi thought for a moment as well as Heechul too


Youngmi said with a smile but Heechul protested

Ani! Let's have an English name! Stephanie!”

Youngmi glared at him



Mr. Kim rolled his eyes at the couple and let out a sigh

Here they go again”
















I remember. I remember naming her... our sweet little YoungHee.


Author's Note: Yey! I finally finished it. What did you guys think? The hardest are the goodbyes, but every story must come to an end :) I hope you all enjoyed Wedding Wars! Kekekeke, thank you for the support and votes and comments! New Story Soon!

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Chapter 41: Hi,,
I think you missed something about HanGeng being a best man :'(

I hope you will write a short/oneshot about their happy fluffy married life ^^
Chapter 41: its remind me about sungmin .... ;(
polarlightnoona #3
Chapter 41: Finally. Finished reading it. Its funny and sweet at the same time. I REALLY LOVE IT.
Killa92 #4
Chapter 41: Nice Ending. Hope you make more awsome story baout Heechul :)
aninrara #5
Chapter 41: OH MY GOSH! end already :( I will miss this story! GREAT ENDING!
Chapter 41: THIS IS SO CUTE~!!! <3
sydneymarie #8
Chapter 41: Awwww the ending was so cute :)))
daniiaangel #9
Chapter 41: Do you want me to cry right? Because YOU DID IT girl:3 I FRIKING LOOOVE THIS CHAPTER. Oh god the feelings I have right now:) THANK YOU<3
Chapter 41: Auwwwwww...... so cute! Ahhh.... this really make my day... hee XD