The Company

Wedding Wars


Chapter 30: The Company

Heechul and Youngmi eventually returned to Seoul; when Heechul had taken her home with Leeteuk, Hyunjung was the first to meet them by the door and their umma followed.

What the hell were you thinking Youngmi?!”

Hyunjung shook her sister, holding Youngmi's shoulder firmly. Heechul and Leeteuk stood beside the girl, not saying a word but just watching. Youngmi lifted her head up, harshly shrugged off her sister's hands and a slap echoed through the silence. Their umma came rushing, a disapproving look on her face as she held Hyunjung's arms on the sides.


She called her daughter's attention in a scolding manner but Youngmi only looked at her sister blankly. Even Heechul and Leeteuk were shocked.

Baem (Snake)”

She said; Hyunjung raised her hand to touch her right cheek. She looked at Youngmi with wide eyes.

If you don't want me to get married then don't come to my wedding; I don't wanna live a miserable life like you do”

after that, Youngmi walked past her. Heechul following, carrying her duffel bag. Leeteuk hung his head low and mumbled that he was going to wait in the car. The lady went infront of Hyunjung, looking at her with disbelief

What did you do, Hyunjung?”

Hyunjung looked at her mom, her hand still placed over the area where Youngmi's hand had landed.

Umma, I was just -”

What did you do?”

This time, the lady's voice was stern.

I was only protecting Youngmi!”

From what? Heechul? Why? Hyunjnug, why?”

From the life of always hiding! Umma, didn't you see what's been happening to her?! She's gotten harassed by his fans and they even attacked her in her own home! Umma, Youngmi doesn't deserve that kind of life!”

But you don't make decisions for her!”

Hyunjung was startled. The lady let out a sigh.

It's not your call, let Youngmi do what she wants”

The lady then walked past her, leaving her to stand there alone.


she quietly tapped her fingers on the table as she waited for her guest to arrive; sure enough, a few minutes later, the door slid open to the private room where she had been waiting and the person that she has not seen personally for a long time, entered.

Kim Heechul had a blank stare on his face while Hye Rin smiled. Heechul sat down across her.

Long time, no see”

she smiled sweetly at him, Heechul scoffed to the side and rolled his eyes at her, pure sarcasm washed all over his face.

I have an appointment after this, you have an hour”

He stated bluntly. Hye Rin continued to smile at him, Heechul wasn't amused at all. He wanted to get away as far as possible from her.

Oppa, I just want to talk”

Heechul sarcastically laughed at her

I know you've been snooping around lately with Hyunjung-ssi, so don't tell me all you want to do is talk”

Hye Rin laughed and took a sip of the strawberry juice in her glass.

So, she told you, huh?”

Hye Rin placed the glass back down.

I know you're behind the SM Entertainment contract thing too; tch, why can't you just move on, already?”

Oppa, I can't move on”

She sounded serious but Heechul shrugged it off. Hye Rin bit her lower lip and looked down on her hands on the table; Heechul let out an irritated sigh and got up from his seat.

it up and move on, Hye Rin; leave me and Youngmi be”

Hye Rin stood up aswell and grabbed his leave as he walked away from the table, Heechul didn't even turn. He just stopped.

Oppa, please don't leave yet”

Do you know why I broke up with you?”

Heechul finally turned; her hand shook in fright as he loomed over her, his eyes dark and ruthless, no glint in them at all. Tears began to gather at the corner of her eyes.

Because you're obsessive, you were in my way, you humiliated me and caused so many scandals; I couldn't bear with you anymore and most of all...”

he grabbed her arm forcefully.

You insulted my bestfriend. You can try to stop this wedding but I'm telling you, I'd rather call myself ugly on National TV than have you back in my life”

Heechul released her then walked away. Hye Rin looked at him as he slowly walked away, his back on her and never even looking back to take a glance of her.


Press swarmed infront of the SM Entertainment building, a podium was set up, ELFs were gathered behind the security line and cameras were ready to roll. Heechul went down the elevator, he was going to be doing a speech infront of the press regarding issues about him, the controversial tweet and others that revolved around his relationship. The board was going to be watching and to make sure that Heechul takes things very seriously, the board has invited him an hour ago into the meeting room and showed him the contract of Super Junior and the finely made termination papers.

He wasn't so happy about seeing those but nonetheless, he didn't give any comment whatsoever. He just kept quiet.

Heechul, don't mess up on your words, okay?”

His manager told him as they rode down the elevator. Heechul stuck his hands inside his pockets; the elevator stopped, as he exited, he was surprised to see his hyung and donsaeng. He advanced towards them then stopped.

Do what you have to do, Chullie. We're right behind you”

Leeteuk told him; he was touched, actually. He let out a sigh.

Thanks hyung but I guess I should go now, they're all waiting outside”

he peeked over Leeteuk's shoulder. Sungmin gave him a pat on the shoulder then two thumbs up. Heechul walked past them, Super Junior stayed within the vicinity of the building as the doors opened for Heechul and he stepped out. Questions were being thrown at him, here and there, screams of ELFs had filled his ears and the flashes of light from the cameras made him pull out his sunglasses and put them on.

He tapped the mic to see if it was on and when a blurting sound came, he let out a quiet sigh and finally spoke.

Annyeong haseyo, my name is Kim Heechul”

He introduced himself. He put up his hand to his mouth and cleared his throat.

These past few days have been hectic and complicated, I have done things that no one has seen coming and I apologize for the reasonable troubles I've caused.”

He could feel the members' eyes on his back through the glass doors. He swallowed hard.

Super Junior has always stood by my side; Leeteuk-hyung has always been an exceptionally good leader and my donsaengs have taken care of me and of each other; I owe a lot to Super Junior... which is why...”

Leeteuk closed his eyes and hung his head low. Kyuhyun caught a glance of the leader, Siwon put an arm around Kyuhyun and Ryeowook's shoulders, patting them as he let out a sigh and also hung his head low.

I want them to forever be Super Junior, perform on bigger stages for the years to come and most of all, I want Super Junior to never disband because I know ELFs will support them continuously; my wedding is not gonna be called off”

the people sitting around the table in the board room had gone into pure silence as they watched the screen; Lee Soo Man turned to the President of the company who was just as equally stunned.

I will not be answering further questions. Thank you for coming”

He then turned and went back inside the company as the camera flashes when wild, reported stood up from their seat and security had rushed to keep them from entering. As soon as Heechul took off his sunglasses, Leeteuk ran up to him and wrapped his arms around his donsaeng.

Is this goodbye?”

Yesung asked, afraid. Heechul smirked.

Aniyo, it's not. We're not gonna disband, not now, not ever”

Meanwhile, in the board room. Everyone was fussing, some were awaiting orders from the CEO but he didn't utter a word.

Sir, the papers”

one of the associates said, looking at the folder infront of Lee Soo Man. The door opened to the board room and everyone looked up to see Heechul quietly walk in. he bowed infront of everyone then stood up straight.

I'm sorry but I can't choose between the two but even if I chose Youngmi... you can't afford to lose Super Junior... right?”

Heechul smiled brightly at them all then left the room. Soo Man let out a sigh, he got up from his chair, leaving the papers untouched as he then went though the door leaving the board room.


Youngmi quietly packed her luggage for the conference she was going to attend in Belgium; she had temporarily told their wedding coordinator to put everything on hold but she didn't say what the reason was. She hasn't talked to Hyunjung for 3 days now and whenever her sister approached her, she'd scurry away.

A knock came on her door, her umma entered. She mentally sighed in relief.

Youngmi, you should see what's on TV”

she raised a brow and followed her umma down to the living room; her eyes widened when she saw Heechul on TV and it shocked her even more when he heard what said wedding is not gonna be called off”

her heart began to thump inside her chest; her eyes welled up in tears and she fell to her knees when she had come to the realization that Heechul had made the choice. Her umma grabbed her by the shoulders and told her to stand up.

Super Junior...”

she whispered under her breath before running back to her room and grabbed her phone, quickly dialing Heechul's number. She was close to hyperventilating, her hands were shaking and her feet was growing cold too.

Yeobose -”

Oppa! Wae? Why did you say those?”

Youngmi, I -”

You can't leave Super Junior!”

she wiped the fallen tears with the back of her hand.

Can you listen to me first?”

she pursed her lips together, sniffling a bit.

I'm keeping you and Super Junior, that's a fact”


I'll call you later, I still have a schedule to finish”

Oppa, wait!”

Don't worry about anything, okay? I gotta go now”

there was silence for awhile then Heechul put down his phone. A bucket of cold guilt poured all over Youngmi's head yet at the same time, she couldn't imagine of anyone else to marry but Heechul. She dropped her phone on her bed, running a hand through her hair while the other held her hip.


Everyone in the dorm shook the next day; their manager had not come back yet and they were growing anxious with every tick of the clock; they had never wanted to go on a schedule so badly until now. Leeteuk sat in the living room, leaned oforward, elbows on his knees and hands clasped together, Siwon and Kyuhyun walked back and forth as the rest of the member quietly sat down waiting for the door to open. Ryeowook was about to walk into the kitchen when the door opened and came in their manager.

Heechul stood up from where he sat. their manager let out a heavy sigh; almost everyone had hung their head low by then except for Heechul, whose hands were balled into fists.


Their manager began; Heechul pursed his lips together as their manager looked at them

Why aren't you all dressed yet?”

there was a dumbstruck silence in the air for a moment; Yesung's head sprung up along with Donghae and Shindong's, they looked at their manager who let out a sigh then a small smile crossed his lips

Well? You have a schedule in an hour”

Leeteuk's eyes widened, Eunhyuk hung his head low as a silent chuckle escaped him that eventually turned into tears; Ryeowook's eyes began to water up.

Hy-hyung, I thought we were... I thought we were fired?”

their manager raised a brow at Ryeowook

Bwo? Who said so? There was no notice plus the chairman didn't sign anything”

Kyuhyun jumped from his seat and hugged Ryeowook who now cried; everyone shot up from their seats, screaming in triumph, happiness and relief. Leeteuk shook Heechul by the shoulders then engulfed him in a hug.

Alright, alright, now go and get ready”

their manager told them; Heechul took notice of Eunhyuk crying and Donghae and Shindong comforting him as they laughed. He walked over to Hyukjae and slung his arm over his shoulder.

Yah! Stop crying monkey!”

Eunhyuk sniffled and hugged his hyung who seemed stunned for a moment but then hugged him back. Heechul pulled him to arms length.

Alright, alright, now go get ready! Put make up on too! Geez!”

Heechul turned and met with their manager who let out a sigh and patted Heechul on the back.

You really know your way around, don't you kid?”

Heechul smirked as he made an imaginary circle around his face with his index finger

This face. No one can refuse it, hyung”

Their manager rolled his eyes at the dictator who stuck his hands inside his pockets.

Sure ~ anyway, good luck on your wedding; I didn't even know you'd actually get married”

Heechul's eyes widened

Yah! Why does everyone keep commenting like that! I, Kim Heechul, was born with a beautiful face that women cannot resist! I was destined to make women fall inlove with me! I was destined to be married!”

His manager hyung grabbed him by the shoulders, turned him around and began pushing him

Neh, neh! Now go get ready! Geez!”

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Chapter 41: Hi,,
I think you missed something about HanGeng being a best man :'(

I hope you will write a short/oneshot about their happy fluffy married life ^^
Chapter 41: its remind me about sungmin .... ;(
polarlightnoona #3
Chapter 41: Finally. Finished reading it. Its funny and sweet at the same time. I REALLY LOVE IT.
Killa92 #4
Chapter 41: Nice Ending. Hope you make more awsome story baout Heechul :)
aninrara #5
Chapter 41: OH MY GOSH! end already :( I will miss this story! GREAT ENDING!
Chapter 41: THIS IS SO CUTE~!!! <3
sydneymarie #8
Chapter 41: Awwww the ending was so cute :)))
daniiaangel #9
Chapter 41: Do you want me to cry right? Because YOU DID IT girl:3 I FRIKING LOOOVE THIS CHAPTER. Oh god the feelings I have right now:) THANK YOU<3
Chapter 41: Auwwwwww...... so cute! Ahhh.... this really make my day... hee XD