The Paranoid Fiancé

Wedding Wars


Chapter 20: The Paranoid Fiancé



Youngmi dried her hair with the towel; she entered Heechul’s room and saw him sitting down on his bed, deep in thought. Youngmi walked over and waved a hand infront of him making him snap, he seemed surprised to see her.

“You’re dazing out into the open, oppa”

Heechul let out a sigh and stood up wrapping his arms around her which he doesn’t usually do; he was being weird and she was getting suspicious.

‘Does he need something from me?’

She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him with suspicion in her eyes

“Do you need something oppa?”

Heechul smirked and rested his chin on her forehead making her frown.

“Hey, I missed you, you know ~”


She asked, her eyes squinting some more. Heechul broke the hug and ruffled her hair before slumping down on the bed; he was beginning to feel guilt crawl up on his guts as he lied on his front with his back turned to her. He was avoiding her gaze.

“Honey ~ can you give me a massage?”

He asked; Youngmi’s ears perked up on the new nick name but she shrugged it off. She placed the towel on his computer chair to hang dry as she crawled onto Heechul’s side.

“I’m tired oppa”

“Then should I give you one?”

She chuckled and scooted closer to him as he welcomed her in his arms.

“Ani ~ you’re tired from your schedule too, draining the body of its full energy capacity is bad”

“Aren’t you gonna eat Youngmi?”

She closed her eyes and he bit his lip.

“Ani ~ I’m not hungry anyway, I’ll eat like a buffalo tomorrow morning oppa”

She then fell asleep. It was killing him already, his brain was telling him to tell her the truth and not to leave her clueless but his heart was telling him not to; she has worked far too hard for this wedding and to have her worry more about this girl is stressful, he was going to deal with this problem on his own.

“Goodnight yeobo”

He placed a kiss on her forehead.


Heechul was much more nervous now than he had been before. He’s been fetching Youngmi from work almost everyday and if his schedule was getting in the way he would ask his manager or one of his donsaengs or hyung to pick her up for him and make sure she gets home safely.

He was becoming paranoid and Youngmi wasn’t oblivious towards it; she noticed it the moment Heechul fetched at the hospital that night and asked to sleep over.

With his paranoid attitude, she was beginning to get worried if they could push through tomorrow for their wedding photo shoot so that the invitations could finally be printed out and they would be able to be sent by a month before the wedding date.

Youngmi was slowly drinking her coffee that morning; it was a Saturday and she had no schedule at the hospital because she was given a two day break so other doctors would take over her patients for the time being. Her mother entered the kitchen; her slowly aging face glanced at her daughter who seemed worried.


She called making Youngmi turn to her in surprise

“Omo... umma”

She got up quickly from her seat and greeted the lady with a good morning hug like she usually does. She returned to the table and sat down as the lady took a seat aswell; she stirred her coffee once more, the worried look never leaving her face.

“Is something wrong?”

The mother asked making Youngmi sigh instantly and lean back on her seat.

“Heechul is so paranoid umma! I don’t know why, he’s being such a paranoid guy and I feel like he’s hiding something, now I don’t know if we should push through tomorrow’s shoot because if he’s going to act all paranoid then we won’t be able to have a great day tomorrow”

She moved the cup of coffee aside before slamming her head onto the table almost giving her mother a heart attack.

“Hey, don’t hurt your forehead, its innocent”

Her mother scolded and she muttered an apology but still didn’t lift her head. Her mother let out a sigh and placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Heechul is probably worried; with all the fans going after you who would not be paranoid? Even me as a mother, I get paranoid when you come home very late. Heechul’s worrisome attitude just shows you how much he loves you”

Youngmi lifted herself back up and leaned on her chair, making herself feel comfortable.

“I still feel like he’s hiding something from me, umma”

She pouted and took a sip of her coffee; the lady chuckled

“Aigo ~ don’t be like that; I’m sure that Heechul would tell you something if there’s a problem”


“Did you tell her?”

Leeteuk asked as they were getting ready for their stage performance in Music Bank; Heechul let out a sigh as he fixed his shirt and microphone packet behind his back.

“Not yet”

He mumbled; Leeteuk puffed out a sigh

“You are planning to tell her right?”

Heechul nodded bluntly;

“Just not now”

He finished then followed the others out of the room as they were called to be next on stage. There was a lot on his mind and the past few days have been difficult for him; often times, when Youngmi was being fetched or being escorted to the hospital, not a day passes that he won’t spot Hye Rin. He always made sure they both would not cross paths because he knew what was bound to happen and was afraid of it; Hye Rin was going to ruin everything and he was doing his very best to avoid the things that were about to go down.

Leeteuk and the others have been helping him and he was thankful but it was most definitely not enough. He’s been stressed and Leeteuk has pleaded the manager a couple of times to cut off Heechul’s schedule for a bit but the company would not bulge. He was worried for Heechul, the wedding was dreadful enough and the girl re-appearing in this picture was making everything worse.

After the successful performance, Heechul went ahead for another one of his schedules which involved Youngmi. On the way he sent her a text:

I’m on my way to fetch you; stay indoors, araso? I’ll come knock on your door


As soon as he sent it, he laid back on the seat to rest; he hasn’t been able to sleep well too except for that night that Youngmi slept over. Sleeping by her side was always so cozy for him.

He was driven by a driver today because Leeteuk had successfully forced the manager to give Heechul a driver to avoid any accident because he was just way too stressed to drive properly.


The driver woke him and he instantly did; he told the hallyu star that they have arrived already; Heechul quickly fixed his hair and got out of the car. He cleared his throat and walked up the front steps before smoothly knocking his ever-so lovely hands on the door.

Not a moment later, the door opened and as expected her mother opened the door with a warm smile greeting him; he smiled back at the lady and gave his future umma a hug before entering the house.

“Youngmi-ah just went upstairs to get something; do you want anything Heechul-ah?”

He sat down in the sofa in the living room as he waited

“Please don’t bother umma, I ate”

The lady chuckled

“There are muffins in the kitchen if you want”

His ears perked; it’s been awhile since he has tasted any of Youngmi’s mother’s cooking. He stood up and followed the lady in the kitchen.

“Okay, maybe just one”

As Heechul took a piece of the delicious looking pastry, they were cut off of their joyous atmosphere when they heard Youngmi’s voice shriek and glass breaking from upstairs. Heechul immediately dropped the muffin and his feet dashed towards her door;

“Youngmi what’s –“

He laid his eyes on Youngmi who was on the floor; her right white sleeve was drenched in red liquid... blood. Her hand clasped over the wound and the glass of her window was broken, a rock with a paper attached to it laid in the middle of the broken glass near his fiancée.

Quickly he ran to her aid; she winced a bit.

“It’s not deep; I just bleed too much”

She said; her mother hurriedly got the first aid kit and tended to her daughter while Heechul picked up the rock and took the piece of paper that was attached to it by a rubber band. He read quietly:

Call off the wedding. Heechul is mine to begin with!

He crumpled the piece of paper in his hands and stuck it inside his pocket before turning back to Youngmi whose wound was being treated. The wound wasn’t deep, more like a scratch but she did bleed so much.

“Go wash up dear, I’ll clean up the mess”

Heechul guided Youngmi to the bathroom; he could see the worried look on her face through the mirror. He left the girl and closed the door behind him as he fished out his phone from his pocket calling the police.

This was going way too far already. He filed a complaint, they said they would send someone then afterward he called Leeteuk and told him about the situation, he said he’ll send Siwon to keep Youngmi’s umma in company while they were gone.

“Is it your fans again Heechul?”

The worried mother asks. Heechul nodded his head sideways.

“Aniyo umma... it’s not fans this time”

He took the paper bag full of broken glass from the lady and threw it inside Youngmi’s trashcan. He took a plastic bag and grabbed the rock, placing it inside with a tissue to keep his fingers from brushing through the item. Evidence.

“I don’t think we should pull through today’s schedule”

“Aigo ~ you should go”

He sighed as he heard sirens outside; a knock came on the door downstairs and Youngmi’s mother went to answer it. Heechul knocked on the bathroom door where Youngmi quickly opened it and revealed herself in a robe but her jeans were still on.

“Are you okay?”

Heechul seemed worried so she gave him a bright smile and nodded

“Ofcourse oppa, I’ve been through worst”

She walked over to her closet and took out a random shirt before asking Heechul to turn around so she could change. The dictator quickly complied; he heard shifting movements.

“Like what?”

He asked out of curiosity;

“Seeing you lie down on a hospital bed”

Heechul couldn’t help but smile, he actually felt touched by her words. She told him it was okay to turn around, it was a simple black v-neck that fitted her nicely, she threw on a white blazer over it and as they were about to walk out of the room, she noticed the rock in a plastic bag that he held.

“What’s that for?”

She asked, Heechul just shrugged


They walked downstairs, Heechul leading the way. The police were talking to Mrs. Nam in the living room and they all turned their attention towards the couple as they appeared.

Heechul greeted the officers and handed them over the evidence he found; the feeling was quite badass, he felt like one of those dudes from CSI.

“You two must go; I’ll take care of things around here”

Youngmi’s mother said still with a bright smile

“Are you sure umma?”

The lady nodded and Youngmi gave her a goodbye hug followed by Heechul.

“Siwon will arrive her to keep you company while we’re gone umma”

Heechul assured her. The lady thanked him and turned back to the officers who had stopped Youngmi before she could leave saying that they needed her side of the sotry so she gave them a quick run through then left with Heechul. As they sat inside the car, she popped a question.

“Heechul, tell me the truth... is something bad happening?”

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Chapter 41: Hi,,
I think you missed something about HanGeng being a best man :'(

I hope you will write a short/oneshot about their happy fluffy married life ^^
Chapter 41: its remind me about sungmin .... ;(
polarlightnoona #3
Chapter 41: Finally. Finished reading it. Its funny and sweet at the same time. I REALLY LOVE IT.
Killa92 #4
Chapter 41: Nice Ending. Hope you make more awsome story baout Heechul :)
aninrara #5
Chapter 41: OH MY GOSH! end already :( I will miss this story! GREAT ENDING!
Chapter 41: THIS IS SO CUTE~!!! <3
sydneymarie #8
Chapter 41: Awwww the ending was so cute :)))
daniiaangel #9
Chapter 41: Do you want me to cry right? Because YOU DID IT girl:3 I FRIKING LOOOVE THIS CHAPTER. Oh god the feelings I have right now:) THANK YOU<3
Chapter 41: Auwwwwww...... so cute! Ahhh.... this really make my day... hee XD