Appreciation || D.O.

Mixtape || Collection


note: I had to write something for Mommy~ xD I think there's just something about the domestic types that really call out to me as writing victims. ¬¬


Oh, imagine the disappointment when your surprise visit turns into something more like a mission.


_ appreciation


Your knuckles touched down on the wood of the door gently, hoping against hope that anyone besides the person you were trying to surprise was nearby to answer the door. When someone with messy, light brown hair popped his head out the door, you could only breathe a sigh of relief.


Ah!” The door opened wide, and Sehun stepped away from it to usher you in, an almost frantic note to his voice. “I'm so glad you're here!”


Your eyebrows scrunched together. Sure, considering you were quite close to Sehun and Jongin, you expected them to be somewhat excited to see you, but not quite at this level. “Umm, I'm glad I'm here too, Sehunnie.”


He tilted his head, apparently a little confused, until he seemed to pick up that you were a little lost yourself. “Oh, right! Sorry, come here, I'll explain.” He grabbed your arm and tugged you into the living room.


Oh, my... Whoa...” Your eyes went wide at the mess that littered most of the living room. Pillows, most of which clearly didn't even belong in the room, were strewn all over the floor. There were a few inexplicable rolls of toilet paper lying around everywhere, some unrolled and draped over the couch. Of course, there were also the clothes and shoes tucked conveniently into the corner that added a nice, familiar little touch to the mess. “What happened here?” you asked breathlessly.


Although, the real question was, how was your particularly neat and absolutely loveable boyfriend taking it?


Kai, who was apparently doing some cleaning behind the couch that you couldn't see from this angle, popped his head up with a gasp. “___!”


The comedy brothers, Chanyeol and Baekhyun, who seemed to be doing some kitchen cleaning duties, hopped out to greet you with the same enthusiasm.


You managed a small smile and waved a shaky hand at all of them, and then promptly remembered that a certain person wasn't supposed to know you were even around. Holding a finger up to your lips, you shushed the excited chatter that followed. “Shh~ I'm supposed to be here as a surprise.”


That dulled the noise a little bit but still left you confused about the ragged state of the place. “Now, explain to me real quick? Do I need to do some damage control?”


Yes!” came the chorus.


You couldn't hold back a laugh at the scared faces that gathered around you to whisper the situation. “Umma is mad!”


Appa is, too, actually...”


Nodding, you crossed your arms in front of your chest. You'd expected as much. “What did you guys do?”


It was Chanyeol's deep voice that protested. “We didn't do it!”


You raised an eyebrow, and he slumped down a little bit, pouting adorably. They were all so cute and just didn't know it sometimes. “Okay, well... we didn't do it alone!”


The other brothers were here, I'm guessing?” you offered, almost rolling your eyes when they all exchanged looks. “And the fun got a little carried away?”


Four bobbing heads confirmed it. “And now they're mad, so we're supposed to clean it up. And Mama won't make us food until we do,” Sehun finished off with a gusty sigh.


I'm hungry...” Jongin whined, walking back into the mess to pick up a roll of toilet paper.


You closed your eyes and resisted slapping a palm on your forehead, although it felt pretty appropriate for the moment. “Okay, okay.” God, how were you going to patch this one up? After all, it was all out of good fun, right? You imagined the majority of them, all except for Kris, maybe, having fun tossing pillows... and toilet paper rolls? You pointed at said item in Kai's hand, muttering, “Those are gonna need some more explanation later, but let me see if I can figure something out so we can all get some dinner, okay?”


Chanyeol and Baekhyun yelped excitedly, running back into the kitchen, where you could only imagine the additional mess. Sehun gave you a bright little eye-smile and got back to helping Kai with the rest of the living room after a quiet “good luck”.


With a determined nod, you crept up the stairs and to the room where you knew he would be half-moping and half-fidgeting just thinking about the mess that was just below him. Pausing to take a deep breath outside of the door, you turned the doorknob without bothering to knock, inching the door open to peek your head into a dimly lit interior.


Sure enough, there he was. His back was to you, and the shadows from the dark hallway did a good job of concealing you as you snuck silently into the room through the tiny crack of the door and slipped it shut behind you. You were willing to bet the last few bills in your wallet that his headphones would be plugged in, trying to tune out the incessant thought to be the kind mommy-figure and cook everyone dinner like he usually did. Chances are though, it was a joint decision between the two parents; you were amazed Kris didn't make the M-brothers stay and help clean up, but there was probably a story behind that one, too.


Yep. You leaned precariously on tiptoes across the bed to see the headphones plugged securely in his ears. Rolling your eyes and fighting off a smirk, you slung your bag on the back of the chair at his desk before kicking off your shoes, being careful to keep your movements to the absolute bare minimum. Then you made sure to take another deep breath before making your move because he was probably going to freak out to some degree.


With a long, quiet exhale, you slid onto the bed neatly and curled yourself around his back, simultaneously reaching to pop one of the earbuds from its place. “Kyungsoo-oppa, I've missed you~”


He rolled off the bed in a heap, yanking almost violently away from you. He hopped right up to his feet though, tearing his headphones out of his ears with shaky, frightened hands to train you with a signature wide-eyed look. “Wh-what?!”


You sat up and held a hand firmly to your mouth to keep the laughter from spilling out. “Hi, oppa,” you said with a tiny wave.


___! H-hi!” He gave a huge sigh of relief, dropping the still-playing music on his bed before following suit, rubbing his hands over his face.


Feeling the guilt crash on you all at once, you shuffled over to sit beside him, patting his back gently. Wow, he seemed a little more stressed than you had anticipated. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. I thought it would be fun...”


He shook his head, leaning over to wrap an arm around you and dropping a kiss on your forehead. “No, it's okay. It's just been a long night.”


You nodded. “I heard a little bit about that, actually. I thought it might have been some fun gone wrong when I saw the happy little mess downstairs.” He groaned and dropped his head back into his hands, and you reached over to rub the tension from his neck. “Tell me.”


So he relayed a little bit of the story, in a voice that sounded more miserable than angry, through the spaces between his fingers. “I know they were just having fun, and it really was fun, even to watch, but...”


By this time, you'd managed to move behind him, massaging the knots from his shoulders. “I know.” You gave it a moment, wanting to see if he'd finish, but when all he did was sigh from the apparent relief the massage was providing, you whispered, “They're working on it, and they really do feel bad.”


Another unhappy groan. “I know.”


Then why are you still up here?”


What am I supposed to do? I'm supposed to be strong and stay up here to make a point.” He turned to face you, and you settled comfortably against the leg he propped up on the bed.


What is the point again?” you offered gently, knowing it was making him feel just as bad not doing what he was so used to for his brothers.


That question was met with a long moment of silence, and then he bit his bottom lip in that ridiculously adorable way he loved to do. “I think I forgot it.”


This time you let loose the amused chuckle. Moving over to lean your head on his shoulder, you poked his chest with one finger. You dropped your voice to a low whisper, deciding to help him with the decision he so obviously wanted to make. “Oppa~”


He cleared his throat nervously. “Wh-what?”


Thankfully, this trick seemed to work on him pretty well. “I'm so hungry~” You looked up from underneath batting eyelashes, giving him a perfectly orchestrated pout. “I came here because I thought you would be cooking dinner tonight, like you always do. I've missed your delicious cooking~”


He blinked down at you owlishly. “R-really?”


Your smile was instantaneous. “Of course I have.” You gave just another light poke to his chest before reaching up to his cheek. “Will you go downstairs with me now so we can watch them finish cleaning up and I can watch you cook us all something amazing?”


He sighed long and loud before nodding hesitantly. “Sure... I'm sure Junmyeon-hyung is hungry too...”


Right!” Feeling elated with the success of the mission, you scooted off the bed and yanked on his arm. “I'm sure we're all hungry, and everyone knows people are just so much happier when they're full.”


He chuckled. “Uh-huh.” Of course, there was no way he didn't suspect this was some kind of planned attack, but he didn't seem to mind as he followed you out the door and down the stairs. The loud cheer that met his descent could only have proven his suspicions.


Kyungsoo-ah~!” Chanyeol greeted with that deep, resonant bass. “We've finished the kitchen!”


He held your hand at his side as he waved the report away with a gentle smile, heading right into the clean-smelling kitchen. “Right, right. Good job.”


Chanyeol and Baekhyun just squeezed by you into the living room with wide grins and a pair of conspicuous thumbs up. From the living room, Sehun and Kai were just sitting on the spotless floor right in front of the small, cleared-off couch, both smiling uncharacteristically wide for the charismatic maknae line. You would have to remember to ask about the toilet paper later.


See, they love you,” you said happily.


Kyungsoo just released your hand with a sigh, opening the refrigerator. Except when he emerged from the inside with armfuls of ingredients, there was a smile on his face. “I know they do. You all should.”


You moved to kiss him, giggling. “You know I love you, Kyungsoo-oppa!”




end note: ^^; First time, I think, that I've written something where I used the 'oppa' weapon. XD Glad it was for Kyungsoo though, that beautiful man~ :3 Feedback would be great, my lovely readers! c: Hope you enjoyed!

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Announcement: This oneshot collection will be closed after the 50th chapter is posted. (: I'll be opening specific group ones later on! (:


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144 streak #1
Chapter 17: This one is really so sweet and quirky, I really love that you did Sunggyu like this!
144 streak #2
This is such a great collection! The characters and the stories are well-written as well.
Silverdeathbat #3
Chapter 30: Payment is one of the most arousing Kris Smits I've ever read. I can't tell you how many time I've reread it so far!
Chapter 48: Kyaaaaaaaaa~ it's been a while since I last read KaiSoo! ♥
Chapter 47: Oh gosh....My mind! XD
Chapter 46: Uggghhh.. I got my nose bleeding. XD
Chapter 45: Awwww....Krissus! How cute and sweet. :">
Chapter 44: I know....I love you more! ♥
Chapter 43: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa~ Daehyun! :">
Chapter 42: And why not? Well.....i'll reconsider it. Lol xD