What About Me?


It wasnt easy being her. What she wanted most was someone to love her and make her feel special but because of how she looked,no one gave a . Lonely and feeling ugly,she finds herself before the man she was madly in love with. Could this be a dream come true or just another harsh reality check? Heart in her hands,she waits and hopes and dreams that maybe...just this once..she wouldnt be left out in the cold asking herself "What about me?"


Hey hey :D. So yeah...this story is dedicated to all my readers and to all the girls out there who think they arent beautiful.Dont ever let anyone bring you down. Youre frickin amazing and dont let anybody tell you different.

The purpose of this story is to tackle the social cliche that fat girls arent attractive. Body size shouldnt matter,being skinny isnt everything. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. Its all about looking yourself in the mirror and with a smile saying 'Hey..Im not that bad looking'.

You dont have to be something out of Girls Generation or 4minute to meet the person you love. Heck..the guy who loves you will sit right next to you and laugh at the skinny girls in tight clothes,turn to you and say "Im glad youre not like them."

So here's a story to give hope to anyone who feels they arent good enough and insecure. Who have loved and lost. Who have been hurt and insulted.

Its all about beating the odds and getting what you want. Because at the end of the day,its all about you.

 I love you all =]

Request: Please do comment. Silent readers,when you dont comment..I feel my story isnt good enough. Please let me know if you enjoy my work. Once again,my twitter id is Shana_DB5K. Feel free to follow me there for updates ^^

I will update over the weekend. These days Im working on a new proper story based on social evils. Its in progress and wont be launched till vacations ^^


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Chapter 13: Great story author.
I really really like your story.
maiquie24 #2
Chapter 13: OMG! I just finished this story and it's s making me cry! I love this story and it's such an eye opening. People who has a lot of securities about themselves should read this. If i could upvote this twice, I would!
maiquie24 #3
Chapter 1: I just this story and gave it a shot. To be honest I canrelate to Jieun because I am insecure about a lot of stuff. I am overweight and average looking. Everytime i'm with my friends, I can't help but be jealous because they have their bf and guys that like them and they're all pretty skinny. But i also think that those things don't really matter cause if the person really likes you they will like you no matter what you look like.
lollipopXcandy #4
Hey I just reading this in 2015 :D
UknowAde #5
Chapter 6: I really glad that you stick to writing your fics about DBSK. dun worry about your fics being featured or not. I believe there are many silent readers who love your stories .. Continue your hard work..
minzyn #6
Chapter 3: i want a boyfriend too!!
you know what jieuna! it's not about weight or look, it's all because boys are weird and think weirder!!
tvxqlover5 #7
I LOVE THIS STORY .______. ;;
ohteefive05 #8
Wow, the best fic I have read since the longest time.
duckbuttjunsu #9
awesome story(:
changyourmin #10
I love this story~