
You love ME right?

Chapter 10:




Who's this noona everyone has been talking about? I fell left out~ Everyone here knows her and has seem her at least once, everyone BUT ME.

I wonder how she is...Everyone here likes her, she must be pretty... Hye Ri...Its a pretty name..right?

Hyung  must like her. Or does he hate her for being pretty?? I CANT TELL!

OH.. she must be a fairy! No that can't be..maybe a hero..a Princess?? NO I KNOW! she is the beauty goddess!!

Or she could be just a beautiful noona, like the one in the Manga I'm reading!! With beautiful hair and her skin soft as petals of a rose, pink lips, shiny/sparkling eyes.. yeah that must be who noona is... 


Taemin kept looking at his hyung, as he (Key) slept next to him peacefully. This was all new to him, he had never seen his hyung get jealous, he is perfect after all, no joke. So this was a rare, very rare, occasion.  

*She must be like a princess...* Taemin decided he was too tired to walk to his room and laid down next to his hyung Key.




Taemins' Dream:


'Hye Ri' "Hye Ri" I could hear my own voice echo around me. Yes, that's the name of the my noona, yes, MY NOONA! but where is she??

'Noona!! where are you?" I kept calling, as I searched for my noona everywhere. 'NOONA!" I yelled panicking because I wasn't able to find her.

"Noona!?" I asked alarmed, as I heard something move on the bushes behind me. I turned to them, with taking precaution, by putting a fighting stance.

A quick thought of it being My noona crossed my mind, and I remembered why I was here, I HAD LOST MY NOONA.

"Noona?" I asked again, and walked for the bush where the noise came from. A smiled made its way to my face, believing my noona was the one behind the bush, playing a trick on me.

"ha scared me, but I know its you." I said and counted quickly to 3 in my head.


I split the bushes' branches in half, My eyes went wide seeing it wasn't my noona who was behind the bush...


"AHHHHHH!!~" I jumped back and closed my eyes, as a reaction, I closed them tightly. Scared of the monster in front of me.

I opened my eyes only to find myself laying on the bed... It was Just a dream...


AN:  Thank you guys, reading your comments make my day all the time <3 Well I hope you like this one..

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Chapter 24: Cute Taeminnie..
*will be waiting for your next update..^.~v
Chapter 24: i pick either tae or onew cuz they are the cutest....but was Hyeri the one hired to do the cleaning?
Archon #3
Chapter 24: It's totally chimps, Hyeri!
banapple195 #4
I pick Key!!! KeyKeyKeyKey!
so excited what will happen next?hehe update soon
so excited
dinodolphin #7
wonder what will be the next chapter ~~^^~~
I will Update really soon~ sorry for taking so long :(