The family

The little vampire


A small girl shivered as she tried desperately to find somewhere to shelter herself from the cold rain. suddenly she heard a voice. "Hey you come here!" She looked and saw a little girl about her age. She waved for her to come over. Shuhua quickly ran under the bridge where the little girl was. "Here." The girl scooted next to her and spread her blanket so it would cover them both. "I'm Yuqi what's your name." The shivering girl looked at Yuqi then at her hand which she was extending and shook it carefully. "I'm Shuhua... Thank you... You didn't have to do all this. My dad's gonna come back and find me!" Yuqi nodded. "Where's he at?" Shuhua looked sad. "He went to go fight in the war." Yuqi looked down looking sad. "Mine did too but he's dead..." Shuhua looked worried. "Where's your mom?" Yuqi squared her shoulders with an angry look on her face. "She said 'I'll never find another husband to take care of me if I'm stuck with a little brat' and she kicked me out. Just wait til I'm bigger I'm gonna kick her out!" Shuhua pulled the blanket back around Yuqi as it had fallen a bit from her movements. "My mama died when I was born. Dad always said she was really pretty and nice." Shuhua hummed. "Maybe my dad will take you home with us!" Yuqi nodded. "I'd like that..." 


Once the rain let up Yuqi stood up helping Shuhua up as well. "Come on lets go find some food." Shuhua looked around. "I don't know... it's really dark..." Yuqi puffed up her chest a bit. "I'm a big girl I'm not scared of anyone! I'll protect you!" She started walking twords a nearby store digging in her pocket. Yuqi having lived out on her own for a little while now had been doing little jobs for people shining their shoes or carrying their groceries. Whatever someone would pay a six year old for. She had a bit of money but not much. "Five and six... I think we can get something with this right?" Shuhua looked at the money. "Maybe... You must've worked hard for this you shouldn't spend it on me..." Yuqi shook her head dismissively. "Your dad is gonna take me home with you right? So I should take care of his daughter til he gets back." Shuhua teared up and hugged Yuqi tightly. "I promise I'll help you get more!" 


Yuqi tiptoed handing the woman the money. "I'm sorry honey this isn't quite enough. Is your mom waiting outside? I can hold this while you get some more money from her." Yuqi was about to speak up when a woman with long black hair stepped up. "No no I'm right here go ahead and add my stuff." Shuhua looked up at her. She was pale with a small nose and a bright smile. Yuqi waited til the woman paid and took the bag. The three of them walked outside. Yuqi stopped and tried to hand the woman the money. "Here's all I have right now thank you for the help." The woman smiled and knelt beside them. "I don't want you to pay me don't worry dear. I do want to know where your mother is though. She must be worried sick. You two are soaking wet. Come with me and I'll give you a ride home." Shuhua looked sad and Yuqi held her hand. "We don't have any homes. Thank you for the offer ma'am. But Shuhua's dad will be back from the war to get us soon!" Yuqi bowed deeply. The woman hummed. "Would you like to stay with me while you wait? As capable as you seem two little girls shouldn't be out here on their own eating..." The woman looked at the bag. "Junk food. And you're both soaking wet you'll get a cold in no time." Shuhua shook her head. "Daddy won't be able to find me if I'm not close!" Yuqi looked at the girl and nodded. "I stay with her." Shuhua pouted. "If you wanna go you can. I'll be fine I promise." The woman smiled. "Well Shuhua what if we leave a note for your dad where you used to live so he knows where to find you?" Shuhua looked conflicted she knew Yuqi wouldn't go without her and it sounded good but what if her dad couldn't find her? "O-okay... But we gotta make sure he'll see it!" Miyeon smiled. "I'll make sure of it myself." She stood up straight and held her hand out to the little girls. "Come on lets get you dried off and warm." 


Several years passed and the woman along with her wife treated both girls as if they were their own daughters. They made sure the girls were fed well and the girls even took well to the news of them being vampires. It didn't take long for Yuqi to take to the two and start calling them Mom and Mama. Shuhua on the other hand was a different situation. 


A ten year old Shuhua stood at the window crying as she did most nights. And just like most nights as well she felt a pair of arms wrap around her lifting her up off the ground. "Minnie unnie.." She whined as the woman laid back on the little girls bed snuggling her. "What's wrong buttercup?" Shuhua sniffled and snuggled into the woman. "H-he's not coming back for me is he?" Minnie gently rubbed the little girls back holding her close. "I don't know. I wish I did. You know I'd do anything to make you happy. I hate seeing you cry it breaks my heart." Shuhua looked up at her. "Even if he took me away from you?" The tears could still be seen in her eyes. Minnie used her shirt to wipe the little girls tears away. "Well.. I would miss you... We would miss you Miyeon Yuqi and I. We think of you as our family. And as our family we just want you to be happy. I would miss you so sooo much and I'd be sad. But at least I'd know you were happy then." Minnie had taken an instant liking to the girls as soon as Miyeon brought them home. She readily did everything she could for them giving them all the time and attention she could. When Yuqi called her Mama for the first time she had to leave the room because she couldn't stop herself from crying. She had more than proven her love for the girls through her actions. Though she didn't always say it for fear of upsetting Shuhua. "I love you too... Mama." Shuhua nuzzled into Minnie's neck yawning quietly. Minnie immediately felt the tears coming to her eyes. She tried to hold it back at least until Shuhua could get to sleep. 


As soon as the little girl was asleep Minnie tucked her into bed and ran to hers and Miyeons room where she knew her wife would be. "She called me Mama!" She cheered loudly. Miyeon looked up from her book surprised. "She did?" She put down her book and opened her arms. Minnie hugged her tightly crying. "She called me Mama. Just like Yuqi does. I never thought she'd call me Mama." Miyeon smiled as she wiped away the woman's tears. It would be a lie to say she wasn't even a little jealous. Shuhua had yet to call her Mom. But she knew it was more important to Minnie who had always wanted children. "I'm happy for you my love. I always told you she would come around to us. She just needed time to heal." 


Several more years passed. They grew closer as a family and Shuhua finally accepted that her dad wasn't coming back. With that they had been able to move. They had migrated to China where Yuqi was born. "I can't wait to turn! Mama said we can throw a party!" Yuqi jumped around excitedly. Shuhua looked at her a small smile on her face. Shortly after both girls turned twenty their mothers sat them down. "We would never force you to. We love you whether you stay human or you become a vampire. But we have talked about it for a while now and... If you want to be turned we will turn you. But just know we will not be upset if you choose not to. And you'll always be welcome home with us even when you're all old and wrinkly." Shuhua was feeling hesitant. She had many fears about changing she didn't like the smell of blood and she was scared that as a vampire she would accidentally hurt someone. Yuqi tried to quell her fears but she knew her sister well enough to know it wasn't that easy. "It's gonna be great! Well get to travel more we won't have to worry about getting sick anymore!" Shuhua nodded. "What if... I don't want to turn. Not yet at least. I know it's stupid but I still have fears." Yuqi pouted. "I'll still be the big sister even if you are aging and I'm not." Shuhua laughed softly. "Of course. I wouldn't dream of not being the baby of the family. It has its perks you know." 


The day finally came and Miyeon showed up at Shuhuas door. "Hey honey are you ready?" Shuhua looked at her with tears in her eyes. "Mom... I'm scared..." Miyeon went to her and pulled her into a hug. "Oh honey you don't have to do it if you don't want to. We'll still love you." Shuhua hugged back crying. "But when I get old and die it'll make you sad." Miyeon cupped her cheek and very gently kissed her forehead. "I would be very sad. Of course I would. I love you with all my heart pretty much since the day I brought you home. Nothing will change that. But if you don't want to change you don't have to. and if you decide you want to layer that'll be fine too. You're still my baby no matter what." Shuhua hugged her more and sniffled. "Just please don't let me hurt anyone...." Shuhua asked almost begging. Miyeon smiled. "I'll be waiting by your side with a bag of blood. That way you won't have to worry about hurting anyone." Shuhua nodded. She still hadn't let go of her mother. "I love you a lot mom I don't want you to ever have to miss me." 


That night Minnie and Miyeon each e of their daughters they carried them together into their own bed so they could make sure they were taken care of til they would wake up. The hours passed and eventually Yuqi shot up first. Her eyes were red as she looked around the room a bit confused. Minnie stood as she was on her side of the bed. "Here honey I've got blood for you come on" Yuqi took the blood from her eagerly drinking it. When she was done she looked at Minnie. "Is there more?" Minnie chuckled. "Once Shuhua is awake we can all go get more. Are you still thirsty?" Suddenly Shuhua also sat up similar to Yuqi she had bright red eyes. Yuqi held her hand and Miyeon gave her the blood pouch. Shuhua bit into it drinking deeply and quickly. Miyeon gently patted her back. "It's okay honey there's plenty of blood we just have to go to the kitchen to get more." Shuhua pouted at her. "More please." Miyeon stood up. "I guess we should go to the kitchen then." The family quickly made their way to where the blood was stored. And Minnie and Miyeon found out their daughters had just as much of an appetite as they had before. Just for blood now. 


Yuqi nudged Shuhua. "What made you decide to change tonight?" Shuhua looked at her. "Well there was no way I wouldn't change I've wanted it. I didn't want Mama and Mom to worry about me anymore. Humans are fragile after all." Yuqi nodded and smiled. "For the record I'm glad we changed together. You'll always be my little sister and I'll always protect you with my life if I have to." Shuhua gently nudged her. "Hey stop getting all sappy on me Woogs." Even though they were now technically dead they knew that it wouldn't change anything. And they were going to continue to live for a long long time as a big happy family. 

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I'm in the middle of writing this next chapter and it's gonna be an emotional one so heads up. It's gonna go a little more into Yuqi's past


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