Chapter 28

Stay With Me
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The days following her conversation with Jungkook were tumultuous for Jihyun. She oscillated between memories of their past and the present reality of their situation. The Quidditch tickets he had given her lay on the kitchen table, a constant reminder of the unresolved tension between them. Jihyun found herself frequently glancing at them, unsure of what to do.

The doorbell rang, echoing through the apartment, and Jihyun quickly went to answer it. Jin had invited everyone except Jungkook to the Kim’s house, as Mrs. Kim complained she hadn’t seen her “other sons” for the longest time. She whipped up a feast, and it really did feel like Christmas season all over again - where everyone gathered at the Kim’s to celebrate Christmas. 

It felt nostalgic yet bittersweet at the same time—knowing that they hadn’t been like this since eons ago, and Jungkook and her were the main reasons for it. Jihyun felt a wave of guilt wash over her. She hated how their fractured relationship had impacted not just them but also their close-knit group of friends.

As they filed into the living room, they were greeted by Gyeo-ul, who was playing with her toys on the carpet. The little girl looked up curiously at the new arrivals.

"Hi there!," Hoseok said, crouching down to her level with a bright smile. "I'm Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi."

"Hi, Hobi." Gyeo-ul replied shyly, offering him a small smile.

Jimin, with his typical curiosity, ruffled her hair gently. "Aren't you just adorable?"

Gyeo-ul giggled and looked up at Jihyun, who nodded encouragingly. "These are my friends, sweetie. They've come to visit us." Jihyun could see the perplexed looks on her friends’ face, but they remained silent nevertheless. 

One by one, the group introduced themselves to Gyeo-ul, each of them enchanted by her bright eyes and sweet demeanor. Jimin, ever the charmer, even had her laughing with his silly faces and jokes.

As they settled into the living room, Yoongi couldn't help but look around, his eyes falling on a few framed photos of Gyeo-ul. "So, Ji... I didn't know you had a kid," he said, trying to sound casual but clearly curious. The room fell silent, and Jihyun knew everyone was waiting for her answer.

Jihyun shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "I did.” 

“Do you mind if we ask who’s the lucky guy?” Jimin asked with a tinge of anxiousness in his voice. 

“It's just me and Gyeo-ul." She said, her eyes glazing over Jin, Taehyung and Namjoon, who remained quiet and focused their attention on her. 

There was a brief, awkward silence as the weight of her words sunk in. They exchanged glances but knew better than to probe further into her personal life. 

"Well," Hobi said, breaking the silence with a warm smile, "you've done an amazing job with her, Ji. She's a delightful kid."

"Thank you," Jihyun replied, feeling a mix of pride and relief. "She's my world."

The evening progressed, and the apartment filled with laughter and stories of old times.

Gyeo-ul, despite her initial shyness, quickly warmed up to the group. She particularly seemed to enjoy sitting on Hoseok’s lap, listening intently as he told her stories about magical creatures and his quidditch adventures.

As Hoseok entertained Gyeo-ul with tales of Quidditch adventures, the little girl's eyes widened with fascination. She listened intently as Hoseok described the exhilarating feeling of flying on a broomstick and chasing after the Golden Snitch.

"Wow, that’s so cool!" Gyeo-ul exclaimed, her imagination running wild with images soaring through the sky.

Hoseok chuckled at her enthusiasm. "It is! You should come watch me play sometime. Would you like that?"

Gyeo-ul's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Yes, yes, yes!"

Hoseok turned to Jihyun with a playful grin. "Did you tell her about your Quidditch days, Ji?"

Jihyun blushed, caught off guard by the question. "Uh, no, not really. It's been a long time."

Gyeo-ul's eyes widened in amazement. "Eomma, you played Quidditch too?"

Hoseok nodded knowingly. "Ji used to be quite the Quidditch player back in Hogwarts. She was the captain of the Ravenclaw team!"

Jihyun smiled sheepishly. "Yes, but that was a long time ago."

Hoseok interjected, "She was amazing! I learned a lot from watching her play."

Gyeo-ul looked at her mother with newfound admiration. "Can you show me how to play someday, Eomma?"

Jihyun's heart swelled at her daughter's excitement, but wrenched slightly because she had always linked quidditch to one person, "Of course, sweetie. Maybe one day."

Hoseok, seeing the opportunity, added, "You should come watch me play this weekend. I'll show you some cool moves!"

Gyeo-ul's face lit up. "Really? Can I, Eomma?"

Hoseok turned to Jihyun with a playful grin. "What do you say, Ji? Bring Gyeo-ul to the upcoming match. She’s going to have the best time."

Jihyun hesitated, her thoughts drifting to Jungkook's invitation to the Quidditch match. "Um… Jungkook actually extended an invitation too.” 

A couple of heads turned as Jihyun continued, “I’m still thinking about it.” 

Jihyun glanced at her brothers and Taehyung, seeing the concern in their eyes. She knew they were worried about her, afraid that revisiting the world of Quidditch might reopen old wounds. They had always been protective of her, especially after what had happened.

She could see Gyeo-ul's pleading eyes, filled with excitement and hope. A pang of guilt tugged at Jihyun's heart as she realized how much this might mean to her daughter.

Gyeo-ul's face fell slightly when Jihyun didn't immediately agree. "Eomma, please. I really want to go."

Jihyun sighed inwardly, torn between her own apprehensions and her daughter's earnest desire.

Taehyung, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "I'll take her. I'm free that day, and I'll make sure she has a safe and fun time."

Gyeo-ul’s eyes lit up as she tugged at Jihyun's sleeve. "Please, Eomma? I want to see Uncle Hobi play Quidditch!"

Jihyun's resolve softened at the sight of her daughter's pleading eyes. She glanced at Taehyung, who nodded reassuringly. "Okay, Gyeo-ul. Uncle Tae Tae will take you to the match, but you have to promise to listen to him, okay?"

Gyeo-ul beamed with excitement. "I promise, Eomma! Thank you Uncle Tae Tae!"

Taehyung grinned. "No problem, cupcake. We'll have a great time."

“And how about you, Ji? Will you be there?” Hobi asks belatedly.

Jihyun's heart skipped a beat at Hobi’s question, her mind racing for a suitable response. She wasn't ready to face Jungkook again, not after deliberating over it the last few days and all these years of trying to move on. 

"Um, I... I'll be working," Jihyun replied, the lie tasting bitter on her tongue. It wasn't entirely untrue; she did have a shift at St. Mungo's, but she was sure that Arin would be happy to take over as she had covered for the petite Healer many times before.

Hobi’s brows furrowed slightly, sensing the underlying hesitation in Jihyun's voice. "This is the first match in a long time that we’re in London. We would love for you to come and see us."

Yoongi cut in this time, “And we understand if you don’t want to. We can meet again before we leave.” She heaved a breath she didn’t know she was holding as she mouthed a thank you to Yoongi. He always knew what to say. 

He gave her a knowing look, and didn't press further. He understood that there were things Jihyun wasn't ready to confront just yet.

Deep down, she wished she could muster the courage to go, to face her past head-on. But fear held her back, of reopening old wounds and facing emotions she had tried so hard to bury. It was a battle between her heart's desire to protect herself and her daughter's innocent excitement, and for now, the former won.

The Quidditch stadium was a hive of activity. Fans filled the stands, waving banners and cheering for their favorite teams. The Chudley Cannons were facing off against the Wimbourne Wasps, and it promised to be an intense game.

Gyeo-ul was practically bouncing with excitement as she held Taehyung’s hand. “Uncle Tae Tae, this place is huge! This is going to be so much fun!”

Taehyung smiled down at her, his protective instincts kicking in. “It sure is, Gyeo-ul. Just stick close to me, okay?”

As the players zoomed onto the field on their brooms, the crowd erupted into cheers. Jungkook, clad in his uniform, scanning the stands. He searched for a familiar face, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jihyun, but she was nowhere to be seen. His heart sank slightly, a twinge of disappo

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Tiara1309 #1
Chapter 28: I am still here authornim ❤️❤️❤️
Tiara1309 #2
Chapter 27: Waaaah!!! What a surprise! Thanks for updating authornim 🩷
Tiara1309 #3
Chapter 26: Authornim, we are still here 🩷🩷
Tiara1309 #4
Chapter 21: authornim are you really not going to update this story ? this story is very gooood
kworld320 #5
Chapter 23: Still here… thank you for the updates!
Pesyinja #6
Chapter 17: Oh my god where have this story been my whole lifeee!!!!!! I've come here last night and finished reading it now!! It was exciting i am a potterheads and the professors arggbhbbbbdvnewlavwhwnwabai
kworld320 #7
Chapter 17: The story has been going nice.
You are doing well dear writer!!!
Chapter 11: It's oddly comforting and nice! I love the references to the Potter series and I'll be looking forward to the next chapter! Jungkook's parents sound ty and I wonder if you will show his relationship with her parents? It's so cool so far and I'm excited to see what you have up your sleeve for the future!
kworld320 #9
Chapter 11: Nice reference to HP. Interesting story. Saw this at discover page.
Keep on writing!!!