Chapter 3

A Star For A Star

Xiah was silently looking out the hotel. He was in their room's balcony. It was already passed midnight. But he couldn't sleep at all.

“How could I have been so stupid? I didn't even ask her where she was going to stay . . . . And more importantly . . . . I didn't even ask her about her phone number . . . .Oh!” Xiah said out loud while thinking. Then he cupped his face with his hands.

Micky who had been silently watching Xiah suddenly laughed.

“So you're still thinking about her?” Micky exclaimed.

Xiah was startled. He didn't expect anyone of the other DBSK members to be awake at that time.

“Micky . . . .” he uttered.

“You're still thinking about Iqa? You really got hooked didn't you?” Micky teased.

Xiah smiled. “I don't know ,why but I just can't seem to forget her.”

“Well . . . . she is a very amazing girl. I think she must be very popular in her country,” Micky commented.

Xiah nodded. “I keep on wondering where she is right now . . . .”

Micky laughed. “Don't tell me you're in love? You don't even believe in love at first sight.”

Xiah suddenly sighed.

“Honestly . . . . I am a little bit confused myself . . . . The first time I saw her . . . . I felt something strange . . . . something I can't explain . . . . something I've never felt before.”

Micky looked at Xiah. He could easily tell that his friend was really attracted to Iqa. But as for being in love with her . . . he knew it was very impossible. Xiah wasn't the type who would fall in love so easily.

“Well . . . . . Japan may be a small country but there are a lot of places to go to and to hide. So it may be nearly impossible for you to meet again. So if I were you . . . . I would try to forget her. It's been a week since we met her. Who knows? She may no longer be in Japan . . . . Like she said she never stays in one place for a very long time,” Micky said.

Xiah knew that what Micky had said was right. He really must try to forget Iqa.

“Is it really impossible for us to meet again Iqa?” he asked as he stared out the dark sky.

Several days later . . . .

The DBSK boys had just finished their scheduled activities for the day. Their manager had decided that they should eat at a famous restaurant as a reward for their hard work for the last few days.

The boys cheered after they learned where they were going to eat. They all loved the foods being served in that particular restaurant.

As soon as the boys arrived, they immediately ordered the foods that they liked. They were all busy talking with one another . . . . when Xiah noticed a familiar face enter the restaurant.

At first . . . . Xiah thought that he was just dreaming. But as the girl got closer . . . . his heart started beating faster.

“Hey! Isn't that Iqa ?” Micky asked as he saw her sit a few tables away from them.

“Iqa . . . . Iqa . . . .” Max called out as he also waved at her.

Iqa looked at the direction the voice was coming from. She was surprised to see the DBSK boys again. She had been thinking of them these passed few days . . . . especially Xiah.

Iqa smiled and waved back at the boys. She wanted to join them but she saw that they were with their manager and some other people which she guessed as part of their staff.

“Why don't you invite your friend over? Isn't that the girl you met on the plane?” their manager asked.

“Yes . . . . she is,” Max replied happily.

“Well . . . . she's all alone over there. Better ask her to join us . . . .” their manager said again.

Xiah was very happy. He hurriedly walked over to where Iqa was. “Iqa . . . . would you like to join us?” he asked sweetly.

Iqa looked at Xiah. She had been thinking about him ever since she met him. She was really attracted to him . . . . but she didn't want to give importance to what she was feeling. She had just ended a very painful relationship . . . . And at that time . . . . she wasn't prepared to go into another relationship . . . . especially with someone with a different nationality . . . . and someone who was also popular. She knew that the media in her country and in Xiah's country will certainly have a feast if they ever have romantic relationship.

Iqa sighed . . . . she had been in and out of relationships. And all of it ended with her being hurt. Her stardom was always the main cause of her break-ups.

“Iqa . . . . what are you thinking? I said if you would like to join us . . . . .” Xiah said again.

“Oh . . . . sorry! I was thinking of something. . . .” she said with a smile.

“So how about you join us?” Xiah asked again. He really wanted Iqa to join him and the other guys at their table.

Iqa felt that Xiah wasn't going to accept no for an answer. She suddenly nodded and followed him to their table.

“Hello . . . . everyone!” Iqa greeted the other DBSK boys.

“Hi . . . Iqa! How have you been?” Jaejoong asked with a smile.

“Fine . . . . And how about you guys?” she asked in return.

“Fine also . . . I guess. We have been very busy these passed few days . . . . And now our manager is treating us,” Jaejoong answered with a laugh.

Iqa looked at the boys' manager. She was somehow embarrassed.

The boys' manager stared at Iqa. He could sense that she was feeling awkward in joining them. He smiled at her. He wanted her to feel at ease with all of them.

“Come on . . . . sit down. Don't be shy . . . . these boys won't bite you,” the manager said as a joke.

Iqa suddenly laughed. “Thank you . . . .” she replied.

“What would you like?” Max asked Iqa.

“Here . . . .” Xiah said as he offered some foods that he had already selected.

Iqa looked at Xiah. “Please don't be sweet with me . . . . You're making my heart melt,” she said to him in her mind.

“Iqa . . . . that is your name right?” the boys' manager asked.

“Yes . . . sir,” Iqa answered politely.

“You're a very nice girl . . . . I can see. . . . So what nationality are you? Japanese? Chinese?” the elder man asked again.

“No . . . . I am a Filipino . . . .” Iqa answered.

“Filipino?” the elder man asked again as if thinking where he heard the word.

“I'm from the Philippines. . . .” Iqa added.

“Philippines! . . . . Oh right! We already went there for a commercial . . . .” the elder man said with a smile.

“So Iqa . . . . how long are you staying in Tokyo?” Micky asked.

“Not long . . . .” she replied with a sad look in her eyes.

Xiah suddenly stared at Iqa. His heart somehow stopped when he heard that she will be leaving Tokyo soon. And that meant he would never see her again.

“How long?” Xiah asked again.

Iqa looked at Xiah. She could see the sadness in his eyes. “I don't know . . . . .but maybe a week or so . . . .”

Xiah's heart suddenly started pounding. “You can't leave . . . . Please stay with me,” he said in his mind.

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koreankendi #1
I was scared during the part of the story.
And i was also happy that moniqa is from the phils! Yey!
Awesome story. Love the family.
omg totally loved the ending .....^_^
sounds interesting ^_^ can't wait to read ^_^