Chapter 26

A Star For A Star
A month passed . . . .

"Hyung . . . . " Max called out.

Xiah suddenly opened his eyes. "What?" he asked while his eyes were still closed. He was still very sleepy and he wanted to sleep some more.

"You're supposed to go on a date with Iqa today right??" Max asked with a raised eyebrow.

Xiah suddenly opened his eyes. "What? What day is it today?" he asked as if somehow confused.

Max suddenly grinned. "Hyung . . . . she's already waiting outside . . . . So better get up already."

Xiah immediately got out of bed. Then as he was about to go out the room, Moniqa entered with Jaejoong, Micky and U-Know behind her.

"Wake up . . . . sleepy head!" Moniqa said with a big smile on her lips.

"Hey! I am already awake . . . . See!" Xiah answered with a grin.

"Don't tell me you forgot about our date today? . . . . Because if you did . . . . Well, I certainly have to punish you . . . ." Iqa said with a pout.

Xiah laughed. "Sorry . . . . Frankly, I forgot . . . So what would be my punishment . . . . my princess?"

"My princess eh? You're making sweet talk now?" she suddenly laughed.

"Sorry . . . ." Xiah suddenly said seriously.

Moniqa suddenly embraced Xiah.

"Your punishment would be . . . . to hug me whole day long," she said with a laugh.

"That isn't a punishment . . . . but a treat," Xiah said as he suddenly grinned.

"Hey! You guys are already too sweet . . . .ants would surely love to get their hands on you," Micky said as a joke.

"So Xiah . . . . are you ready to go yet?" Moniqa asked impatiently.

Xiah laughed. "Not yet baby . . . . not unless you want to go out with me in my pajamas . . . ."

The other DBSK members suddenly burst out laughing. Moniqa laughed as well. . . . . but then she started pinching Xiah.

"You naughty boy . . . . " she said as she gently pinched him on the arm.

"Just give me fifteen minutes okay?" Xiah said to Moniqa with a sweet smile.

"Okay . . . Hey . . . . Jaejoong . . . Micky . . . Max . . . U-Know . . . . Would you guys like to come with us?" Moniqa suddenly asked the other DBSK boys.

"What? Us? Are you sure?" Jaejoong asked with a surprised expression on his face.

"We certainly don't want to intrude," Micky added.

"Hyung . . . . won't like it if we tagged along," Max said with a smile.

"Don't worry . . . . I assure you . . . it would be fun. . . And besides . . . I know how much he loves you guys . . . . So I think he won't mind if you guys came along . . ." she answered.

"No . . . it's okay . . . We certainly would be a bother to both of you," U-Know said.

Moniqa laughed. "Come on guys . . . .You won't be bothering us, believe me. So please come along . . .I know you guys would just love the place where we are going."

The other DBSK boys all looked at Xiah.

"Don't worry about me . . . . I would like you guys to come along too. The more . . . . . the merrier . . . ." Xiah said with a grin.

"Yes!" Max suddenly exclaimed. He really wanted to come along, but was just too shy to say it.

Both Moniqa and Xiah smiled. They were very happy seeing their friends happy faces.

An hour passed, Moniqa and the DBSK boys were already on their way to their destination.

"Where are we going Iqa?" Xiah asked as he looked out the van.

"It's a secret!" she answered with a giggle.

Xiah looked at the other DBSK boys. They were all very curious as to where they were going.

Another hour passed and the van finally stopped.

"Where are we?" Micky asked suddenly.

The DBSK boys immediately noticed the different vehicles parked outside the big mansion that they were infront of.

"This is Masao's house . . . . If you can call it a house . . . ." she said with a grin.

"Why are there so many cars here? Is there a party going on?" Jaejoong asked curiously.

"Yup . . . That's why I wanted you guys to come along . . . ." she answered with a grin.

Micky's face suddenly lit up with excitement.

"So there are a lot of models here . . . now?" he asked with a big smile on his face.

"Yes . . . ." Iqa answered.

"I totally love this place!" Micky suddenly exclaimed.

Moniqa laughed. "I know you guys would love going here . . . Come on . . . Let's go inside."

The DBSK boys just followed Moniqa inside the Masao's mansion. And as soon as they entered the mansion, they were immediately greeted by several gorgeous women.

"I love this place!" Micky said with a big smile on his face. He couldn't decide where to look.

There were models scattered everywhere. As soon as the girls noticed the DBSK boys, they immediately approached them and started talking with them.

"Hello boys . . . I see you've finally met my girls," Masao said with a grin.

"Yes . . . . they're all very . . . . very beautiful," Micky commented with a smile.

Masao laughed. "Well . . . . enjoy your talk with them . . . . I'm going to borrow Moniqa for a little while okay . . . . Xiah?"

Xiah just nodded and smiled.

Moniqa and Masao then walked to a group of people already conversing in a corner of the room. Then Xiah and the other DBSK boys suddenly became preoccupied with the girls that were trying to talk with them.

As time passed . . . . Xiah was already having fun talking with some of the female models that he had already forgotten about Moniqa. While Xiah was busy talking with the girls, Iqa was silently watching from afar. She was already very jealous. She was already pouting and fidgeting while trying to talk with some of Masao's guests.

Masao noticed Iqa and then he suddenly smiled. He then walked up to where Xiah and the other DBSK boys were and then he whispered something to Xiah.

"Your girlfriend is already jealous . . . . Better get her out now . . . . I don't want her to go mad with jealousy here . . . ." Masao said with a light laugh.

Xiah worriedly looked at Moniqa. He noticed that she already had a strange expression on her face. He suddenly smiled sweetly. "My baby's jealous . . . " he thought to himself.

Xiah politely excused himself from the girls he was talking to. And he hurriedly walked up to Moniqa.

"How about we go out for some fresh air?" he softly whispered in Iqa's ear.

"I thought you already have forgotten about me . . . . " Iqa said with a pout and as she glared at Xiah.

Xiah suddenly laughed."How can I possibly forget about my baby girl?" he asked and he gently pinched Moniqa's cheek.

The other people who saw Xiah's gesture suddenly smiled.

"You two love birds . . . . Better find some perfect place to talk," a man said to both Xiah and Moniqa with a naughty smile on his lips.

"Come on . . . . Let's go . . . . I want to have some time alone with you . . . ." Xiah whispered again to Iqa.

Moniqa smiled and just nodded. And she also excused herself from the people that she was talking to. Hurriedly Xiah and Moniqa went out of Masao's house. Hand in hand, they ventured out into the wide and open space of Masao's villa.

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koreankendi #1
I was scared during the part of the story.
And i was also happy that moniqa is from the phils! Yey!
Awesome story. Love the family.
omg totally loved the ending .....^_^
sounds interesting ^_^ can't wait to read ^_^