Chapter 20

A Star For A Star
The DBSK boys, Moniqa and Se7en with their respective managers were all waiting anxiously for the decision of the four companies . . . . SM Entertainment, Avex Trax, YG Entertainment and Sony Music Entertainment were going to make regarding the sudden scandal that Moniqa, Se7en and Xiah were in.

The press had somehow gotten a picture of Se7en embracing Moniqa during the rehearsal that they had a day before. The picture was already printed in all the major newspapers and magazines, and was already making a big commotion in the entertainment industry.

"What do you think they will say?" the DBSK boys' manager asked Moniqa's acting manager.

"Frankly . . . I have no idea," the other man answered.

"I just hope they won't cancel the concert because of this . . . ." Se7en's manager said with a sigh.

Moniqa and Se7en sat beside each other and just stayed quiet. They already knew that there was really going to be a big problem after they saw the picture on the newspaper. The picture had also been posted in different sites in the internet. It was truly a big news and they knew they had to be responsible for the problems that may arise from it.

Slowly Se7en took Moniqa's hand and held it. The three managers just looked at Se7en and then at Moniqa.

"I know . . . . sooner or later . . . . you two would fall for each other. But I never expected that your relationship would be this complicated . . . ." Se7en's manager told Se7en and Moniqa as he shook his head.

"Sorry . . . ." Moniqa uttered.

"It's okay . . . . I understand that the two of you have known each other for years now . . . . And frankly, I'm quite amazed that it took you guys this long to finally admit that you are more than friends," Se7en's manager said again with a smile.

"Hyung . . . what do you think they will demand this time?" Se7en asked his manager worriedly.

"Don't worry . . . . I already know how Sony Music always favors Moniqa. So I think they will surely go easy on the two of you . . . . and I think this thing between you and Moniqa will also be a big help for your concert," Se7en's manager answered.

"But . . . . this isn't a promotion for our concert," Se7en said somehow annoyed with his manager.

"I know . . . but I just think it will help a lot for your concert. Many of your fans are already waiting a formal statement regarding your true relationship," the older man said again with a smile.

Se7en looked back at Moniqa. He was feeling very sorry. He wanted to comfort her and assure her that everything will be all right. She was obviously very worried as well. She was totally not herself and just stared into the open space.

"Why? Don't worry . . . . They will surely go easy on you," Se7en said to Iqa while he held her hand tighter. He wanted to attract her attention and draw away her thoughts from the person he knew she was thinking about.

Moniqa stared at Se7en. . . . then she smiled. "I'm not worried about myself . . . . I'm more concerned with what the companies will do with you and . . . ." she suddenly stopped talking and then looked at Xiah.

Xiah was still trying to look at his friends. He avoided staring or even glancing at Moniqa and Se7en. He was trying to pretend that he didn't care at all.

"You don't have to worry about him . . . . He obviously doesn't care about you anymore. So don't waste your time and energy on him," Se7en whispered to Moniqa.

Iqa just gave a quick glance at Xiah's direction and then she turned her attention again at Se7en. She suddenly sighed. She was very hurt . . . .how she wanted to talk with him and clear everything up. But he just kept on avoiding her calls and even when she tried to talk with him personally, he would just find some other excuses so that he would be too preoccupied to talk with her.

The DBSK boys just stared at Moniqa as she sat beside Se7en. They were feeling the tension as all of them waited for the decision of the three record companies. They also felt that Xiah wasn't even concerned with what was going to happen to him. He was obviously more concerned with hiding and denying his true feelings for Moniqa. The DBSK boys could see that he was very hurt and jealous of Moniqa and Se7en. But he just tried his best to cover it with his anger. He was also trying to pretend that he wasn't affected with what was going on between him and Iqa. He tried to give everyone fake smiles to cover everything up. He had totally lost all his happy and bright smiles, and all were replaced with fake ones filled with bitterness and sadness.

The boys felt pity for their friend. But there was nothing they could to help him. They had tried talking to him. They had tried reasoning with him, but he wouldn't listen. He didn't want to follow their advices. He obviously wanted to deal with his problem in his own way. The boys sighed . . . . they knew their friend was being totally foolish and unreasonable. . . . but they couldn't stop him. He had already made up his mind.

After half an hour . . . . the record companies finally reached a decision. They were all called into the office to discuss everything. Moniqa, Se7en and the DBSK boys, together with their respective managers all nervously went in.

"Let me get straight to the point . . . . " the president of the Sony Music Entertainment said. "I know you are all worried and anxious about what will happen . . . now that Se7en and Moniqa had been exposed in the magazines and newspapers as lovers. We have finally reached a suitable solution for this problem. I hope of all of you will agree and abide by what we have decided," the older man said.

"Can I just say something . . . please?" Se7en suddenly asked the three officials of the record companies.

"Yes . . . what is it that you want to talk about?" the president of Avex Trax asked.

"Well . . . . sir . . . I would just like to say . . . that I am solely responsible for all this mess . . . . Can you please spare Moniqa?" Se7en asked with concern in his eyes.

The president of Sony Music suddenly laughed. "You sure care about Moniqa a lot . . . . Don't worry . . . . we're not here to give out punishments or anything . . ."

"We have decided that your concert with Moniqa will go on as scheduled. And the DBSK boys will still perform in your concert. As for the scandal, regarding you and her . . . . we have decided that after your concert . . . your relationship with each other will be formally announced," the president of YG Entertainment said.

Se7en looked at Moniqa with a worried expression on his face.

"Formally announced?" Se7en asked again.

"Yes . . . . your managers have told us that the two of you have been close for the past years and it is only recently that the two of you have developed feelings for each other," the president of SM Entertainment said.

"So we have decided to end the fake relationship of Xiah and Moniqa. We will be making a formal statement to the press regarding their sudden break-up . . . today . . . . . Then after the concert . . . . Se7en . . . . Moniqa . . . . both of you are already free to go on with your relationship without any worries," the president of YG Entertainment said again with a big smile on his face.

"Don't worry . . . . Se7en . . . . Moniqa . . . . we don't oppose your relationship . . . In fact, we support it. We think that both of you perfectly fit each other. . . ." the president of Sony Music said with a smile.

Xiah suddenly felt very jealous that both the presidents of YG Entertainment and Sony Music Entertainment were supporting Se7en and Moniqa. It was breaking his heart just thinking of them together.

"So Xiah and Moniqa's charade is really over?" Se7en asked again.

"Yes . . . .it is over. . . " the president of SM Entertainment answered.

After hearing that it was really over between him and Moniqa, Xiah finally glanced at her. Moniqa also looked at Xiah's direction. After a very long time, the two finally looked into each other's eyes.

Xiah could see the sadness and pain in her eyes. It was as if his heart had already stopped beating. He didn't want to look at her anymore. It was too painful. He wanted to return to the time that he and Iqa were just starting their love for each other. How he wished that it was still the same.

"Xiah . . . ." Iqa had unconsciously uttered.

Se7en saw the way that Xiah and Moniqa were looking at each other. He could feel jealousy creeping up in his heart . . . but he just tried to brush it aside. He knew he had no right to be jealous. He was the one in the middle . . . . and he was the one who was breaking up Xiah and Moniqa.

"So that is all what we wanted to say. . . . We all hope that you will try to avoid making anymore scandals . . . . like this . . . ." the president of Avex Trax said seriously.

"Xiah . . . . Moniqa . . . . we will be releasing the statement of your formal break-up in an interview an hour from now . . . . Don't worry . . . .the two of you don't have to attend. We will be handling this affair by ourselves," the president of Sony Music Entertainment uttered.

"Well . . . . you can all go now . . . . " the president of Avex Trax said.

The DBSK boys looked at Xiah. He was silently staring at Moniqa.

Moniqa and Se7en with their managers had all stood up and were about to leave, when Moniqa suddenly approached Xiah.

"Goodbye . . . . Xiah. . . . . I will never forget you . . . . . I hope you will be happy . . . . .And thank you for the memories . . . . " she said as she sadly looked straight into his eyes.

Xiah felt like time had suddenly stopped. As he heard her say goodbye . . . . his heart had suddenly stopped beating as well . . . . . and at that exact moment . . . . he felt like he had already died.

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koreankendi #1
I was scared during the part of the story.
And i was also happy that moniqa is from the phils! Yey!
Awesome story. Love the family.
omg totally loved the ending .....^_^
sounds interesting ^_^ can't wait to read ^_^