Chapter 12

A Star For A Star
"Now . . . . Moniqa . . . . do you understand why I couldn't bring my models here . . . . They will certainly get very confused. Since you and Xiah are supposed to be a couple . . . and if Se7en is here . . . they will certainly take notice of how you and Se7en are so close," Masao said with a smile.

"Close?" Se7en asked while laughing. He had sat down on the sofa, while pulling Moniqa to sit down beside him. He was still holding her hand.

"More like he's taking advantage of me . . ." Moniqa said with a laugh.

"I missed my baby . . . ." Se7en said with a sweet smile as he looked at Moniqa.

"Before I forget I have a special gift for my baby," Se7en suddenly said with a smile.

Moniqa laughed. "Are you trying to bribe me? Do you think by giving me a gift I will forget that you stood me up in Korea?"

"No . . . . But at least . . . it can certainly make my punishment a little lighter," Se7en replied.

"I don't think I can forget that easily this time. You always make me wait . . . . and the last time was the worst and the longest," Moniqa said as she pouted at Se7en.

"Sorry . . . ." Se7en said sweetly at Moniqa. Then he gently hugged her.

Xiah avoided to look at Se7en and Moniqa. His heart couldn't bear the pain and jealousy he was feeling at that exact moment.

"My God . . . . Moniqa . . . . Se7en . . . Please stop it! I'm having goosebumps . . . just watching and listening to the two of you," Masao suddenly said.

Moniqa and Se7en both looked at Masao as if shocked . . . and then after a few seconds, they both laughed.

"The two of you are just plain . . . . I . . . .I can't find the right words to describe the two of you . . . .Aaaah!!! You are both crazy and unexplainable . . . . And you still expect me to bring my models here when I know that the two of you are going to be together? Just look at their faces . . . ." Masao then pointed to the DBSK boys. "Judging by the look on their faces . . . . if I said to them right now that the two of you are just friends . . . Do you think that they would actually believe me?" Masao said to Moniqa and Se7en.

Moniqa and Se7en both looked at the DBSK boys.

"No!" they both replied with a laugh.

"See . . . even I . . . sometimes . . . . can't believe that the two of you are really just friends. There are times I keep on thinking that maybe you are just hiding your true relationship," Masao said again.

Se7en looked at Moniqa . . . . then he smiled mischievously.

"Sorry . . . no comment," he suddenly said then he laughed.

"Masao . . . . you know we would never lie to you," Moniqa said with a smile.

"I know . . . I know . . . But frankly . . . the funny thing is . . . I am kind of hoping that the two of you would really end up with each other. At least . . . . in that way . . . I can finally be assured that you would end up with a nice guy who would really love you and take care of you . . . ." Masao said seriously.

Moniqa looked at Masao and then at Se7en. Then some kind of sadness showed in her eyes..

"Sorry . . .. but no comment also," she suddenly said.

Se7en noticed the sadness in Moniqa's eyes and decided to change the topic.

"So . . . . I was really shocked when the news about you and Xiah broke out," Se7en said to Moniqa. "I never expected you to be in a scandal like that . . . especially not with him . . . No offense Xiah," he said to Xiah.

"It's all right," Xiah said with a trembling voice.

The other DSBK boys noticed that Xiah wasn't himself anymore. He was obviously very affected by what he was seeing and hearing.

"Yes . . . you're quite right about that. The one who should be in that kind of scandal with her is you," Masao said with a laugh.

"Xiah just tried to help and it totally went out of hand," Moniqa replied.

"I see . . . Thank you Xiah for helping Moniqa," Se7en said to Xiah.

Xiah looked at Se7en and just nodded.

"So what kind of gift did you brought for Moniqa this time?" Masao suddenly asked out of the blue.

Se7en immediately laughed after hearing Masao's question.

"The usual stuff . . ." Se7en replied with a laugh.

"Usual stuff? Let me guess . . . . chocolates and junk foods . . ." Masao said as he shook his head as a sign of disapproval.

"Yes . . . . " Moniqa suddenly exclaimed with joy.

"You know she loves it . . . . And it's the only thing that she always craves for," Se7en said with a smile.

"You're spoiling her . . . " Masao said.

"Hey stop arguing okay . . . ." Moniqa said with a smile. "Let's just eat . . . I'm already starving . . . . Oh wait! Dong-Wook what do you want to eat? I can cook something for you . . . any special request?" Moniqa asked with a sweet smile.

"Hey! That's unfair! . . . How come you always ask him what he wants to eat and you always cook for him . . . and you never do that for me?" Masao said with a hurt look on his face.

Moniqa laughed. "Okay . . . Masao, what would you like me to cook for you?" she asked with a sweet smile.

"Anything . . . ." Masao answered with a laugh.

"See . . . .That's why I never ask you . . . You always say you eat almost anything. . . . just as long as it is edible . . ." she said.

"As for me . . . I would say . . . anything also. Just as long as you cooked it . . . Do you know how much I missed the delicious foods you used to cook for us," Se7en said with a smile.

"I've already cooked some foods . . . But since you are here I will cook some additional foods . . . just for you . . . Can you guys wait while I cook?" Moniqa asked.

"Sure . . . . Would you like me to help?" Jaejoong asked.

"No, thanks. I can manage . . . " she replied with a warm smile.

"I'll help . . . ." Se7en suddenly said . . . Then he stood up and grabbed Moniqa's hand.

"No . . . . you're tired," Moniqa said to Se7en. "Just rest. . . ."

Moniqa sighed. She knew it was useless arguing with him. He wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"Fine . . . let's cook together," she finally agreed.

As Se7en and Moniqa walked to the kitchen, Xiah couldn't help but stare at the way Se7en was holding Moniqa's hand. Somehow his heart was crying out in pain . . . But he tried to control his feelings. . . He tried very hard to hide what he was feeling.

Masao looked at the DBSK boys . . . then at Xiah. He had already noticed the jealous look on Xiah's face whenever he looked at Moniqa and Se7en together.

Masao suddenly smiled. "You know . . . you're very obvious. Jealousy is written all over your face . . . ." he said to Xiah.

Xiah looked at Masao with confusion in his eyes.

"I know you're confused on why Se7en and Moniqa are so close . . . . Let me tell you how we all met. . . .Moniqa, Se7en and I have been friends for more than four years now . . . I met Moniqa when she was just starting her modeling career. I saw her model while I was in the Philippines . . . and I really wanted her to be one of my models for a fashion show I was about to do at that time. I talked with her manage and he agreed to let Moniqa model for me. And after that a representative from YG Entetainment also asked me if Se7en , who was just training at that time could somehow join my show also. The company wanted him to be exposed in many fields and modeling was one of them. I agreed . . . and that's how we all met. And even though I was six years older than them . . . the three of us somehow clicked together. We all became very close friends after the show . . . And ever since then . . . we have been in constant contact with each other. Se7en and I love Moniqa like our own sister. That's why we treat her very lovingly and in a very special way. Se7en is just really a very sweet guy . . . . and he and Moniqa are much closer to each other," Masao explained.

Xiah continued to look at the direction of the kitchen. He could her Moniqa laughing.

"Come on . . . Let's all go to the kitchen . . . ." Masao suddenly said.

The DBSK boys all followed into the kitchen. As they entered . . . . they saw Se7en hugging Moniqa from behind . . . . while she was busy cooking.

"I missed you . . ." Se7en uttered.

Moniqa laughed. "I missed you too. . . . Now can you please let go of me so I can continue cooking? . . . ."

"No . . . . I am just going to stay right here . . ." Se7en replied with a laugh.

Xiah's heart was shattering into tiny pieces as he watched Se7en hugging Moniqa tightly.

"Sorry . . . love birds . . . But can we interrupt you two?" Masao asked with a smile.

"Masao . . . please ask Dong-Wook to stop bothering me . . . ." Moniqa pleaded.

Masao then laughed. "I can't do anything about him . . . You know, you're the only one he listens to . . ."

Se7en suddenly pulled out something from his pocket and slowly placed it around Moniqa's neck.

"Dong-Wook. . . ." Moniqa uttered as she carefully looked at the heart-shaped diamond necklace Se7en gave him.

"That is my real gift for you . . . ." he said with a sweet smile.

Xiah somehow couldn't breathe. The scene was just too much for him.

"Thank you . . . I love it," she said as she gently placed her arms around him again, and then she gently kissed him on the cheek.

The other DBSK boys noticed how Xiah was trying to avoid looking at Iqa and Se7en. How they pitied their friend. All throughout dinner, Xiah didn't even say a word. He was constantly trying to keep himself busy with the food he was eating.

After having dinner . . . . U-Know and the others decided that it was time they all leave. They didn't want Xiah to suffer anymore. They all knew how hurt he already was.
They wanted to leave already so he would no longer see the Moniqa and Se7en together.

"Good night . . . ." Jaejoong said to Moniqa. "Thank you for a wonderful dinner."

"Thank you for coming," Moniqa replied.

"So we should be going . . . ." U-KNow said with a smile.

"Xiah . . . . are you all right? I noticed that you didn't even say a single word during dinner. . . . Are you feeling all right?" Moniqa asked with concern.

"I'm okay," Xiah answered sadly.

Moniqa wanted to ask Xiah something else. . . but she noticed that he wasn't even in the mood to talk with her.

"Bye . . . . Xiah . . . " Moniqa sadly said.

"Well . . . I'll be going too . . ." Masao said to Moniqa. "Se7en . . . I can drive you to your hotel . . . "

Se7en looked at Masao and then at Moniqa. "I will be staying here tonight."

Masao didn't look surprised by Se7en's reply. Somehow he was already expecting that Se7en would stay behind.

The DBSK boys didn't like the fact that Dong-Wook was going to stay the night with Moniqa. But they all knew that they didn't have any right to say anything. So they just silently left with Masao.

Xiah was totally out of his mind. He didn't know what he was feeling at that time. All he could think about was the fact that . . . . at that moment . . . . Moniqa was left in her room together with Se7en. The thought was totally driving him crazy. How he wanted to run back to Iqa's apartment and just stay there . . .So that he could make sure that she was not alone with Se7en at all . . .

Back in Moniqa's room . . . .

Se7en was sipping a glass of wine on the sofa while Moniqa was silently looking out the window.

"You like him don't you?" Se7en asked.

"Who?" Iqa asked as if she didn't know what Se7en was saying.

"Don't play dumb with me . . . I can tell that you like Xiah . . . ." Se7en said with a serious look on his face..

"I don't know . . ." she gently replied.

"What's wrong? Why are you trying to hide it? If you like him . . . there's nothing wrong with it. . . ." Se7en said.

"You know . . . .I can't. . . . I think it is for the best that I just stay away from him. I have already caused him so much trouble . . . and I don't want to make things more complicated for him. . . " she replied again.

"Moniqa . . . ." Se7en uttered.

"Dong-Wook . . . . please . . . . you know why Xiah and I can't work out . . . It's just going to be useless . . . .We already know where it is going to end . . . So it is better if we don't start anything at all . . . ." Moniqa said sadly.

Se7en slowly walked to where Moniqa was and gently held her in his arms.

"I'm sorry . . . ." he slowly uttered.

"He is a very nice guy . . . . and frankly the first time I saw him . . . I already felt attracted to him . . . . But I'm afraid I can't let myself dream of having a normal relationship anymore . . . . I don't want to hurt anyone, especially not him . . . . So it is better to just stay away and just leave him alone. It is for his own good . . . ." she said as her tears started to fall.

"Moniqa. . . ." Se7en uttered again. How he felt the sadness and the pain she was feeling. . . . He knew there was nothing he could do to help her . . . So he just silently held her in his arms as her tears kept on falling.

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koreankendi #1
I was scared during the part of the story.
And i was also happy that moniqa is from the phils! Yey!
Awesome story. Love the family.
omg totally loved the ending .....^_^
sounds interesting ^_^ can't wait to read ^_^