Chapter 10

A Star For A Star
As Xiah finally brought Moniqa home to her apartment, he was very sad that their day together had ended.

“Thank you Xiah . . . . for a wonderful day . . . . or should I say date . . . . I hope you also enjoyed as much as I have . . . . I will never forget this day . . . . This is the first time in a very long time that I felt like a normal girl . . . . Thank you . . .” Moniqa said with a sweet smile on her lips.

“I also enjoyed out time together . . . I hope we can spend some time again . . . . with each other,” Xiah uttered.

“Don’t worry . . . . I’m sure our managers will arrange it again,” Moniqa said with a laugh.

“Good night . . . “ Xiah said with a sweet smile.

“Good night . . . .” Moniqa uttered. She wanted to kiss him good night but she knew it would only make his feelings for her grow more. So she just contented herself as she watched him leave with a sad look in his eyes.

The next day . . . . .

“So hyung . . . . how did your date go?” Max asked with a naughty smile on his face.

Micky laughed. “Judging by the way he is smiling . . . .It went well . . . .”

“So what did you guys do?” Jaejoong asked.

“We had breakfast at a restaurant . . . . then we went to a mall . . . .” Xiah started to narrate.

“A mall?” U-Know and Jaejoong asked in unison. They were all surprised that Xiah was able to stroll in a mall without any escorts.

“Are you crazy? Why did you go into a mall? What if some fans mobbed you and Moniqa?” Micky asked with concern.

“We're fine . . . . actually we enjoyed the whole afternoon in the mall. We were free, without anyone bothering us. We went to different stores and bought some stuffs . . .and then we went to the arcade . . . After that we watched a movie. . . .” Xiah continued to narrate.

“Really? You guys were able to do that without any girls bothering you? And no one even followed you around to ask for an autograph?” Max asked as if bewildered by what Xiah had said.

“Yes . . . I was very much shocked as well. No one bothered us . . . . I guess they really thought we were in a date . . . So they left us alone. . . .” Xiah answered.

“So did you enjoy your make-believe date?” Micky asked with a big grin on his face.

“I certainly did . . . And I think I will remember it . . . . for the rest of my life," Xiah answered.

"Really now?" U-Know asked with a grin on his face.

"Our manager already called and said that we should be early today . . . Because of the sudden cancellation of all our activities yesterday . . . Our schedule for today has been doubled," Jaejoong said with a sigh.

"Sorry . . . I know I am to blame . . . ."Xiah said with a sad look on his face.

"It's all right, hyung. . . . We understand," Max replied with a smile.

"Well . . . come on, we don't want to be late . . . . Better start our day early so we can finish early too," Micky said with a smile as well.

They all wanted to make Xiah feel that they truly didn't mind the double work they were supposed to do that day.

The DBSK boys all hurried to finish their breakfast and afterwards left their apartment in a hurry.

Another two days passed . . . . .

The DBSK boys were already resting . . . . They had just finished eating their lunch. And they were already waiting for their manager so that they could go next to their scheduled interview.

"Boys . . . the interview has been cancelled and it has been moved for tomorrow . . . You are free to go home now," the boys' manager had said as soon as he arrived.

"Really?" Jaejoong asked in disbelief.

"Yes . . . . we're free!" Xiah shouted.

The DBSK boys had been working on a very tight schedule ever since the scandal at Masao's show happened. Somehow the incident just made them more popular, especially Xiah and their already fully booked schedule just became more packed after the incident.

"I thought we were going to be working until midnight . . . I'm so relieved . . . . We can finally take a break," Micky said with a big smile.

Suddenly . . . their manager's phone rang. A few minutes after ending his phone conversation . . . .

"Sorry . . . boys . . . But it seems you still need to do something . . . ." their manager said.

"What? I thought you said we don't have anything to do anymore . . . . What are we supposed to do now?" Max asked with disappointment in his eyes.

"Well . . . . basically . . . . all of you are free for today . . . except Xiah," their manager answered.

"Me?" Xiah asked surprisedly. "What am I supposed to do today?"

"Moniqa has informed us that she's having some friends over at her apartment tonight . . . Ichiro and I have decided that you should go to her apartment too. We wouldn't want any other rumours spreading around. At least if you are there, it would be much safer for both of you," their manager explained.

"She's having some friends over? Can't we come too?" Max suddenly asked.

The DBSK boys looked at Max. "I guess it would be all right if you guys join Xiah . . . That is . . . if you guys want to join him. . ."

"Of course . . . . we want to join him," Micky said with a big grin.

"Micky . . . Don't go fooling around with the girls okay? I've already had enough with Xiah's problem. Don't add more problem to your group," their manager suddenly said.

The other DBSK boys suddenly laughed. Their manager had already guessed what was running in Micky's mind.

"Who ever said that I was going to fool around with the girls?" Micky asked innocently.

Jaejoong laughed. "Even if you don't say anything . . . .It is already written all over your face."

The other DBSK boys laughed again.

"So can we really go with Xiah to Moniqa's apartment?" Jaejoong asked again.

"Yes. . . .that is if . . . . Xiah would allow you guys . . . ." their manager answered.

"So hyung . . . . can we come with you?" Max asked Xiah with puppy eyes.

Xiah suddenly laughed as soon as he saw Max's expression.

"Yes!" Micky and Max said in unison.

"So what time is are we supposed to go there?" Xiah asked their manager.

"Ichiro said that Moniqa is expecting her guests at around 6pm. But I think you guys can go there immediately as soon as you're finished here," their manager answered.

"Well . . . . come on . . . let's get going . . ." Micky said to the other DBSK boys excitedly.

U-Know, Xiah, Jaejoong and Max all laughed at Micky. They were very much amused with the way he was acting.

"So do you think Moniqa will have some special foods prepared for her guests?" Max suddenly asked.

Micky and Jaejoong suddenly burst out laughing. Max was thinking of food again.

"Of course, there will be food there . . . Don't worry . . . We won't let anyone starve you," Micky replied with a big grin on his face as he looked at their friend.

"Let's get going . . . ." U-Know said to the others.

As the DBSK boys all prepared to go to Moniqa's apartment, Xiah was very nervous. He was very nervous . . . . that he was going to see Iqa again after two days.

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koreankendi #1
I was scared during the part of the story.
And i was also happy that moniqa is from the phils! Yey!
Awesome story. Love the family.
omg totally loved the ending .....^_^
sounds interesting ^_^ can't wait to read ^_^