Chapter 4

A Matter of Trust

It was funny how easily the other werewolves and one human were able to talk to Jun after everyone in the 'shifter's side of the pack got to know him a bit better. It didn't take long for the first person to approach him, and this person had honestly surprised him.


"Come with me," said Donghyuk as he stood in front of Jun. "Where are we going?" Asked Jun. "I believe we're going to get Daewon from the airport," said Donghyuk. "Oh, okay," said Jun as he got up from the couch and went to grab his phone and wallet and went to put on his shoes before leaving with Donghyuk.

"How's the headache?" Asked Donghyuk as he drove the jeep to the airport with Jun sitting in the passenger seat. "Almost nonexistent today," said Jun. "Not too bad," hummed Donghyuk. "Mhm," hummed Jun.

"I wasn't expecting a party," said Daewon as Donghyuk pulled up to where he was standing in the terminal. "Hello Jun," he said. "Hello," said Jun. "You are my ride then?" Asked Daewon as he looked at Donghyuk. "For the moment," said Donghyuk. "Hop in," he said. Daewon nodded and opened the back door and put his bags in before getting in the jeep and closing the door. Donghyuk waited a bit before pulling out of his spot and driving back to the pack house.

"How's the pack been?" Asked Jun. "Fine," said Daewon. "Sangbae keeps asking for you," he said. "Not surprising," said Jun. "How is Jaeho doing?" He asked. "Better," said Daewon. "It really took Sangbae years before the government agreed with our terms, and he was left alone," he said. "He doesn't need to be subjected to what what we were put through," said Jun. "No, he doesn't," hummed Daewon.

"What happened?" Asked Donghyuk. "When I returned to the pack the government wanted to use everyone," said Daewon. "But Sangbae fought for a long time," he added. "Years of procrastinating and arguing against it finally let Jaeho live in peace as the newest medic of our pack," he said.

"Didn't you say you were a medic?" Asked Donghyuk. "I am, but since I became the hunter of my pack Jaeho became the permanent medic," said Daewon.

"We're dropping your stuff off at the house before going to the coffee shop by the way," said Donghyuk. "I'm fine with that," said Daewon. Donghyuk nodded and continued driving.



"Aish, this damn headache is annoying," groaned Jun as he rolled over and on top of Daewon who groaned at the added weight on top of him. "You've gained some weight," grunted Daewon as he shoved Jun off of him.

"You two are loud in the mornings you know," grunted Jinhwan as he sat up, glaring at Jun and Daewon. "Blame this one," said Daewon as he pushed Jun off the bed. "Oi," growled Jun as he pushed himself to stand. "You're not the one who woke up with a migraine," he said.

"I know," said Daewon as he rubbed the side of his head to relieve his own headache slightly. "It's annoying as hell," he said. "You get the same migraines too?" Asked Jinhwan. "It's annoying waking up to those," said Daewon.

"What happened to sleeping in Bobby's room?" Asked Jun as he glared at Daewon. "He kicked me out for snoring too loudly," Daewon said with a snort, earning a scoff from Jun as Daewon got up. "You were probably groaning about that damn headache," said Jun.

"I have to update Moonbin on a few things," said Daewon as he stumbled out of the room to get a change of clothes. Jun shook his head and went to put a shirt on before heading out of the room. Jinhwan soon followed after him.

"So what happened to you Daewon? Last time we talked you were more emotional than this," said Moonbin as Jun and Jinhwan walked into the kitchen to get breakfast. "What can I say really? This life changes us," said Daewon as he shrugged, his gaze turning to Jun who shrugged. They had never asked him that question before.

"It's confidential," said Jun. "Ah," hummed Moonbin. "It's always confidential when it comes to stuff like a headache," remarked Jinhwan. "Well, it has to do with what we were doing in China," said Daewon. "And unless we get permission to disclose that information, we can't tell you anything," he added.



"Oi," growled Yunhyeong as he slammed Daewon into the wall. "What kind of person are you huh?!" He snarled as Jun went to grab Yunhyeong by the shoulder and yank him backwards, letting Daewon slide to the floor. "Leave him," growled Jun as he slammed Yunhyeong into the adjacent wall behind him.

"Hey hey, no fighting in the house," said Moonbin as he went to push the two away from each other. "Blame this one," spat Jun. "He slammed Daewon into the wall first," he growled. "Yunhyeong," said Moonbin. "That idiot right there," said Yunhyeong as he gestured to Daewon. "Can't even acknowledge that he found one of his mates!" He said.

"Did you ever think for one second that it had to do with an outside source?" Asked Daewon as his voice sounded cold. "As much as I want to show emotions, I simply can't," he said. "I will approach him at my own pace, and you can guarantee that I won't reject him," he said.

"Who is it again?" Asked Jun. "Who else but the big man himself," said Daewon as he got up. "I've known for years, however that need to be near him has apparently disappeared," he said. "It's no wonder Jinhwan wasn't doing anything about it," he said.

"If I wasn't concerned about getting home I would've stayed, believe me," said Daewon. "I think he knows though," said Jun. "Because just yesterday you were given the go ahead to just sleep in Jinhwan's room while I got switched to Bobby's room," he said.

"Is that enough for you?" Asked Moonbin as he looked at Yunhyeong. "For now," said Yunhyeong. "Don't think I won't come after you if something goes wrong though," he growled, looking at Daewon. "No problem," said Daewon.



Rooming with Bobby was something that was for sure. Bobby had set a clear rule in the room when they were both sleeping, no snoring. He wasn't sure about the snoring part, but Jun was positive that he was going to wake up due to those damn headaches. It wasn't too bad these days but anytime he felt like showing any emotion other than anger or the cold façade that he always had up the pulsing headache from that damn chip would stop him.

Jun was happy for Daewon, don't get him wrong, but Jun couldn't express those feelings except for patting him on the shoulder in passing. It was something they had all learned to do to express any feelings in general, beside the usual cold façade and stoic expressions on their faces. Jun at least knew that Jaeho was spared of that suffering. Being their youngest was a burden that Jaeho was forced to carry.

"Your packmate is annoying," said Bobby as they were in Bobby's room getting ready to sleep. "How so?" Asked Jun as he turned to Bobby. "He just is," said Bobby. "Uh huh," said Jun as he nodded. "I know he is, trust me I've lived with him for years but mind explaining how?" He asked.

"It's just annoying to deal with him sometimes," said Bobby. "I don't know whether to punch him or leave him alone," he said. "What was his role in your pack?" He asked. "Before he became owner of the information network Daewon was one of Sangbae's betas," said Jun. "He naturally has his alpha aura unleashed because of it," he said. "Most of the time people can't feel it but I think you can," he said.

"I'm a beta turned alpha," said Bobby. "So yeah," he added. "Makes sense," said Jun. "I think," he added. "Jota is also a beta turned alpha and before the agreement we had with the government happened he used to get into fights with Daewon all the time," he said. "It doesn't happen anymore though," he added. "So it's a welcome relief," he said.



Junhoe was the first person to directly ask Jun to hang out with him. That actually surprised everyone, as even Daewon joked that Jun had an unapproachable aura rolling off of him at all times. It was how they were taking a stroll through the neighborhood before Junhoe was due to head to work.

"You seem like a chill person," said Junhoe. "Under that cold exterior anyway," he added. "You're the only person to say that," said Jun. "I'm nothing more than your average werewolf however," he added. "I'm human, just like everyone else," he said. "Well, as human as I can be anyway," he added.

"I was human once," said Junhoe as he shrugged. "I'm not saying you weren't," said Jun as he shook his head. "I'm just saying that I was as human as I can be at some point," he said. "I don't even know if that makes sense," he said. "I think so," said Junhoe.



Dami was a strange human indeed, wanting to get close to Jun during one of his bad migraine days. Jun wasn't even doing anything that day, so they let him try and sleep the migraine away. Daewon was able to function today but Jun was bedridden as the chip in his brain pulsed so much he couldn't move.

"The hell do you want?" Grunted Jun, who was lying on his stomach on his bed as Dami leaned down in front of his view. "I heard your headache was really bad today," said Dami. "Mhm," grunted Jun as he turned his head to face the wall.

"Is it because of the chip?" Asked Dami, causing Jun to lift his head and turn to look at her with a surprised look before the pulsing forced his head to hit the pillow face first with a groan.

"I-I overheard you and Daewon discussing it the other day," said Dami as she sounded sheepish. "How much did you hear?" Asked Jun as he managed to turn his head to look at Dami. "Enough to figure out that it was the cause of your headache," said Dami.

"Well," said Jun as he shifted slightly moving his arm to rub the side of his head with the palm of his hand. "I guess that's why the headache has been so bad lately," he said.

"I won't tell anyone else," said Dami. "Good," grunted Jun. "No one else can know about this," he said. "I didn't think anyone was listening to our conversation," he said. "I didn't mean to," said Dami. "I know," said Jun. "It was an accident," he said. "Now leave me be," he said. "I need to try and sleep this damn headache away," he said. Dami nooded. "Okay," she said, turning and leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

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L_Chan #1
congrats on getting the bid!!! (つ´∀`)つ
Congratulations ♥
mastermind #4
692 streak #5
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^