Chapter 16

A Matter of Trust

Jun got to his feet, letting out a huff as he stood rigid after walking to stand protectively in front of Yunhyeong, glaring at Hongseok with the coldest expression on his face. Eric and Jacob had dropped their human illusions and went to stand on either side of Jun, the both of them growling. "You just lost all sympathy I ever had with you," said Jun, his voice void of all emotion. With that he rushed forward, with Eric and Jacob following suit.

~A few hours earlier~

"Jun," said Daewon. "What's up?" Asked Jun as he turned to Daewon. "A head's up, something may happen soon," said Daewon. "Some of my sources have claimed to know what Hongseok is up to," he said. A growl left Jun at the mention of Hongseok's name. "I still need to get back at him for that," he said. "I'm sure you will," said Daewon. "But for right now you need to stay calm, Kevin and I are honing in on your emotions, and if you get too pissed off well," he said, shrugging. "I know," said Jun. "I have to be careful," he said.

"Be more careful around him when this confrontation happens," said Daewon. "He knows how to disable you now," he said. "I know," said Jun as he nodded. "I'll do my best," he said.



Kevin was lost. No, he wasn't physically lost as he was just sitting with Jun in their usual spot outside again, he was just lost. He didn't know what Jun was feeling, it was like Jun shut off that form of communication from him.

"What are you feeling right now?" Asked Jun as he turned his head to look at Kevin. "...I don't know," said Kevin as he looked at Jun. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Nothing," said Jun. "I'm relaxed right now, so I don't know if you feel that or not," he said. Kevin blinked. "I don't feel anything right now," he said. "Good, it worked," said Jun as he got up. "Wait, what's that supposed to-" Started Kevin before the rush of emotions overwhelmed him, causing him to pause. "Jun, don't go doing something stupid alright?" He asked. "I'll be fine," said Jun.

"That doesn't reassure me," said Kevin. "You don't need to worry," said Jun. "I may disappear for a day or two, Yunhyeong's been busy with things," he said. "Promise me that you'll do something to let us know if something goes wrong," said Kevin. "I promise," said Jun before he rushed into the woods behind the property. Kevin was overwhelmed with a feeling of dread, something he hadn't felt in a long time when it came to Jun. He hoped that Eric and Jacob were faring better than he was.



It took 4 hours before Kevin felt the contract react to something, the back of his neck feeling like it was burning. He immediately ran to where he knew Daewon was, appearing slightly out of breath as he burst into Daewon and Jinhwan's room. "It's Jun, something's up," said Kevin when Daewon turned to him. Daewon got up when he felt the chip reacting to something on Jun's side so he rushed out with Kevin, Jinhwan following after them both after making sure to inform the pack in case Eunwoo was needed.

"Do you know where he is?" Asked Daewon as Kevin tried to stay human as long as possible while they stood in the backyard trying to get an idea of where Jun was. "I think so," said Kevin. "I think he may be in the forest somewhere," he said, shuddering when the contract reacted to something again. It was Jacob and Eric, his brothers were here somewhere Kevin knew. "Something is seriously wrong," said Kevin as he paused, looking around the forest again.

A howl was soon heard and Kevin shivered again, feeling the rush of emotions from Jun. "What's wrong?" Asked Jinhwan. "That's not Jun," said Daewon. "That's Hongseok," said Kevin. "Jun's very pissed off right now," he said, rushing into the forest after dropping his human illusion. "Stay here," said Daewon. "Wait 'til we come back alright?" He asked, turning to Jinhwan. Jinhwan looked like he wanted to protest, but saw how serious Daewon was. "At least let me wait 'til Eunwoo gets here," he said. "Fine," said Daewon. "We may need him anyway," he said before rushing into the woods after Kevin.



"You've done it now dog," snarled Jun as he leaned over a severely injured Yunhyeong, looking over him with what medical knowledge he knew, with Hongseok standing a good 10 feet away in his wolf form. Jacob and Eric were standing nearby, ready to attack as Kevin came running into view, spotting Yunhyeong and Jun before finding his brothers and immediately going to check on Jun and Yunhyeong. Jun patted Kevin on the head. "I got this, keep an eye on him alright?" He asked. Kevin nodded.

Jun got to his feet, letting out a huff as he stood rigid after walking to stand protectively in front of Yunhyeong, glaring at Hongseok with the coldest expression on his face. Eric and Jacob had dropped their human illusions and went to stand on either side of Jun, the both of them growling. "You just lost all sympathy I ever had with you," said Jun, his voice void of all emotion. With that he rushed forward, with Eric and Jacob following suit.

Daewon came running into view as Jun let his wolf take over, changing on the spot and tackling Hongseok. The rage that took over Jacob and Eric as they attacked along side Jun was even felt through Kevin who whimpered slightly as the contract was reacting to them but not Jun.

"Jun better come back from this," said Daewon as he checked over Yunhyeong's injuries, finding that his healing was kicking in. "I can't stop his wolf, not when it's taken over," he said. "If I restart the chip, I'd have to shut down mine too," he said, grunting when his own chip pulsed, causing him to grip his head from the sudden migraine that took over.

Kevin whined, bumping Daewon with his snout. "I'll be fine," said Daewon. "Can you be human right now?" He asked. Kevin shook his head no. "Damn," said Daewon as he got to his feet.

The fight was just ending, though Jun didn't kill Hongseok. Severely cripple him maybe, but not kill him. Even his wolf knew better than to break 'shifter law, it was a sacred thing after all. Mates stayed alive no matter what. Eric and Jacob had backed off as soon as Jun did, and Jun soon turned his sights to Daewon who was looking warily at him.

Jinhwan soon appeared with Eunwoo and Moonbin, who spotted Jun having a staring contest with Daewon. "Don't move," said Daewon. "I'm going to need one of you to shut down the program as soon as I give the okay to okay?" He asked. "I can do it," said Eunwoo. "You can read Chinese?" Asked Daewon. "I can," said Eunwoo. "Good," said Daewon as he quickly turned and threw his phone at Eunwoo who caught it before Jun pounced on him.

Daewon crashed to the ground onto his back as Jun landed on top of him snarling. "Oi," said Daewon. "Jun I know you're there, snap out of it will you?!" He shouted, kicking Jun off him and quickly getting to his feet. Jacob and Eric moved to attack but Kevin snarled at them in warning. Kevin was going to go against the contract, but that was fine with him. He needed to distract his brothers from Daewon.

Jun tackled Daewon again but Daewon managed to move out of the way just in time and grab Jun bringing the wolf into a headlock. "Jun," said Daewon. "Wrestle back into control, I know you can do it," he said, tightening his grip on Jun as the wolf started to struggle.

Jun returned to human form, though Daewon knew something was wrong as soon as he did. Jun elbowed Daewon in the stomach, forcing Daewon to let go and Jun to turn to look at Daewon. "I am not here to fight you Jun," said Daewon. "I helped you remember?" He asked.

"What kind of help can you provide me now?!" Snarled Jun, his wolf still in full control as his eyes were golden in color. "I can help you heal," said Daewon. "We all can," he said. "Please, let me do this," he said. "Not a chance," said Jun as his chip pulsed, causing him to rush forward and crash into Daewon. Daewon managed to stay standing even though he skidded back a few fet, grunting from the impact. "Jun," he said, managing to grip onto his shoulders and forcing Jun to look at him in the eyes. "It's okay," he said. Jun seemed to hesitate, the golden color fading slightly before coming back in full swing.

"Now Eunwoo!" Shouted Daewon. Eunwoo immediately shut down the chips, both Jun and Daewon jolting as the chips pulsed before stopping. Jun fell to his knees first, and then Daewon fell to his knees, coughing up blood as everything started to catch up to him. "Wait on it," said Daewon as he kept an eye on Jun's eyes. He was fading quickly though, but he tried to stay awake for as long as possible.

It seemed Jun was not coming back, as it kept switching between gold and dark brown eyes. "Wait on it..." said Daewon as he struggled to stay awake now. Eric, Jacob and Kevin were standing still, the three of them seeming like they were in a trance.

When Jun's eyes finally faded back to their dark brown color Daewon let out a sigh of relief. "Now Eunwoo!" He said, letting his eyes shut as Eunwoo pressed the correct button to start the chips. Both Jun and Daewon jolted as they felt their chips restarting before Daewon fell unconscious.

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L_Chan #1
congrats on getting the bid!!! (つ´∀`)つ
Congratulations ♥
mastermind #4
692 streak #5
Congrats on winning the bid! ^^