It’s A Love Story

Jinjoo Oneshot Fiesta
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Summary: Kim Minjoo had lived a dull boring life in the confines of her old dusty tower. Until saw a person with dashing blue hair trip and fall in front of her tower

Word Count: 11345

Hashtag: #JinjooFiesta_ItsALoveStory


It’s A Love Story


“ Kim Minjoo is a maiden in the forest and was equipped with a beautiful voice and talent in using the old guitar that was left with her. She  as used to living in this old, boring, dusty tower. She's already spent 20 years in it without even thinking of going out and she spent most of her time singing while doing chores and staring off the big window that revealed a beautiful view of the forest. 


Minjoo let out a deep sigh, everyday is literally a routine. It's always the same new day. Waking up, cleaning, breakfast, some nap, lunch, singing or playing the old guitar, spacing off, dinner, then sleep, repeat.


Some of you would wonder, why is she stuck in the tower anyway? Can't she just leave and go on an adventure? Well unfortunately, she can't leave the tower. She's like that one Disney princess that was stuck in a tower, waiting for a prince to come and save her. Except she doesn't really need to be saved and that she'd rather stay in the tower.


Besides, it's not like being stuck in a tower is that bad. It's actually quite good. Very peaceful, relaxing and quiet aside from the beautiful tune and music that came from the birds and nature. Also, the absolutely mesmerizing view was a real a bonus.


If there's anyone wondering, why is she stuck in the tower? The answer is simply because the tower was the only thing that she owns and the tower itself was her only remnant of her late mother. She doesn't even have money to live in the village so she'd rather stay in the tower. Besides, her best friend, Chaewon gives her enough essentials every week to survive in exchange of letting Chaewon and her girlfriend use her tower as a refuge from stress.


Today was like any other day for her. It was a Thursday, judging from the color of the banners  in the nearby village. So Minjoo sighs once more. There were five days left before Chaewon and her girlfriend visits her again.


Just as Minjoo was about to rest her chin on her palm while she stared off the vast green forest, a loud thud was heard upon her tower and caught her attention. A person with dashing blue hair was lying on the ground face first. It seemed like the person had bumped to a tree and fell.




Minjoo secretly took peek on the person, avoiding to catch the person's attention. She looked at the person for a good minute before realizing the person still hasn't stood up from their position and was still lying on the ground.


Minjoo stood up from her hiding spot to take a better look on the person. Thankfully, the person didn't seem to be too hurt. They probably just got dizzy from bumping against the tree. 


Then the blue haired person immediately stood up after recovering from the sudden dizziness. The person picked up a brown bag that they probably owned and brushed off the dust that clung on it. The person sighed and looked at their surrounding, still unaware of being watched by the maiden in the tower.


Minjoo quietly chuckled at the antics of the person. She found the person quite amusing and sat on her chair again, still watching watching the person. Now that Minjoo had better look on the person, she noticed that the person had quite the long hair. That was new. It's not like Minjoo saw people with blue long hair everyday.


When the blue haired person finally came to their senses, tey immediately began to inspect the tower. Then they saw a glimpse of the beautiful maiden in the tower. The person let out a quiet gasp, letting their eyes explore the tower while trying to see more of the beautiful girl.


Minjoo then noticed that the person was looking at her. Minjoo stared back at the person and realized the one on the ground was a woman (No wonder her hair was long). Which was also new. Because Minjoo mostly saw men of different ages, sizes and appearance (I'm sorry for the lack of a better word). But never did she saw a woman aside from Chaewon and her girlfriend. 


"My, I did not expect to meet you here!" The blue haired person exclaimed, excitement and curiosity obvious from the joyful tone of her voice. "The words of the men in the kingdom are true! The beautiful maiden exists!" The woman said as if the girl she was talking about was not in front of her.


Minjoo found the voice of the stranger quite refreshing. It was a bit low in tone but it sounded bright and unique. But still, she raised a brow as she stared back at the stranger below. "I'm sorry, have we met before?" She asked.


The other girl shook her head, eyes never leaving the maiden's eyes. "No. But I have heard of the rumors that a beautiful maiden outside the palace was waiting to be saved!" The stranger said, still mesmerized by the beauty of the girl in the tower.


Minjoo felt her face warm up at the sweet words of the person. "I-I think you got the wrong person!" She squeaked, backing off from the window of her tower and attempting to close it to the stranger. Out of the countless people that Minjoo encountered, she's never felt like this in front of a stranger.


"W-Wait! Beautiful maiden!" The person from below screamed. "I know an evil witch locked you in the tower! Forever to be alone there until someone saves you!" By this time, the woman from below was already holding her wooden sword and stood in a fighting stance as if she was ready to take down the evil witch she was talking about.


Minjoo let out a loud chuckle at the bizarre words of the stranger, making the person from below fall into a trance because of Minjoo's beautiful laughter. "Sorry stranger, I really think you got the wrong person." Minjoo paused after getting a surprised look from the stranger. "I'm here because I own this tower and not because some witch locked me here." She added.


When the stranger finally realized what Minjoo meant, her face lit up in a dark shade of red. The said stranger couldn't even form a coherent speech and covered her own face in order to hide her embarrassment. 


Minjoo found it amusing, no one has ever reacted like that to her. Well, aside from when she was teasing her bestfriend about being head over heels for her girlfriend. "Well then stranger, this encounter is quite funny but I think you should head back to where you live before it gets dark. A lot of dangerous creatures live the forest." She added.


Then the stranger looked at her again, "Fear not, beautiful maiden! I am strong enough to defend myself from wild creatures!" The person boasted, tapping on her chest then huffing after. "But you're right, I should head back now. Thank you for worrying about me, beautiful maiden."


Minjoo was about to bite back a snarky remark but held it in when the stranger began to walk away. She sighed, slightly sullen from the sight of the weird stranger walking away. She stood up from her seat to close her window but suddenly-




Minjoo immediately shot her head to the direction of the stranger and saw her standing back where she first bumped against the tree.


"My name is Yujin!" The stranger said, hoping to learn the name of the maiden.


For Minjoo, she doesn't really care about remembering the stranger's name. After all, the visitors she often had forgot about her after meeting her for the first time so she didn't try to remember who is who. But somehow, Minjoo found the stranger's name cute.


"The name is Minjoo." 


Yujin's face suddenly brightened. She flashed a wide smile that made Minjoo's heart flutter. "Minjoo.." Yujin muttered to herself. "That's a beautiful name, Miss Minjoo. Fitting for someone as beautiful as you!" There was something about the way the beautiful girl's name rolled out of Yujin's lips that made Minjoo smile to herself. "Farewell, Miss Minjoo! I shall head back to the village for now. But never fear! I will come and see you again!"


And just like that, Yujin walked away from Minjoo's tower. Leaving quite an empty feeling on Minjoo's chest. For the first time in a while, Minjoo was left with fluttering feeling in her heart. All these years that she spent in the tower, she's had countless encounters with strangers and experienced heart breaks from when the visitors she met eventually came to forget about her. Which is why Minjoo never cared about the strangers she met for the past few years.


It's only been now that she was left with a strong impression with a stranger.


Minjoo wasn't able to sleep well that night. Her mind kept boggling her with the thought of Yujin from earlier. She hasn't felt like this in years and it's honestly strange how she was quickly charmed by Yujin's silly antics. Hopefully, her visitor would keep her words and see Minjoo again.


And so, the night passed by quickly with Minjoo having nothing on her mind aside from the cheeky smile of the stranger from yesterday. It was only four   days left before Chaewon comes to give her supplies and Minjoo couldn't wait to hear new stories from her best friend's adventure.


Minjoo was having a terrible day. Okay maybe not terrible, but she was having a stupid headache from not being able to sleep and follow her regular schedule. She yawned as she stretched her limbs. Oh well, might as well start her day. It's not like she had a lot to do. 


She began her day by cleaning her furniture, dusting and wiping the dirt off the table and chair. Then, she sat on her favorite spot. Which was the seat beside the open window and entrance to her tower. She prepared a little meal for herself and ate it as she enjoyed the view from outside.


She stared at the vast green of the forest. She's always often imagined what her life would had she been born outside. She'd probably have a lot of friends. She would be having fun going to study and learning new stuff instead of being alone in the tower. But it's not really so bad. At least she lived comfortably here.


Minjoo stood up and took her guitar from beside her bed and began to strum a simple lively melody. She hummed along with the tune of her guitar and swayed a little to match the rhythm. Playing the guitar has really helped in keeping her out of boredom in all these years. 


Minjoo remembers when her father first taught her how to use the instrument. She used to struggle when trying to reach the end of the guitar when she was smaller. But now, it seems like the guitar was really made for her. 


Minjoo hums along the soft music of the guitar as she recalled her past memories. Her father often told her that the guitar was the reason why her mother fell in love with her father. 


When Minjoo had stopped playing, a sudden flash of yesterday's memory flashed in her mind. She doesn't necessarily like how the girl from yesterday just kept on entering her mind without consent. Then a new melody entered her mind. She strummed a new soft slow melody on her guitar.


Minjoo closed her eyes as she lost her awareness of her surroundings, focusing solely on the sound of her guitar and it's vibrations that sent shivers down her spine. Her mind began to be cleared of all her previous thoughts except for the same girl since yesterday. 


Oddly enough, the music her guitar makes reminds her of Yujin. The short encounter did quite a number on her and now the warm smile of Yujin eventually made a smile creep up to Minjoo's lips.


By the time Minjoo finished playing her simple piece, she heard a faint clapping from outside. She looked through the window then below. And here she was, the girl that Minjoo thought about since yesterday. 


Minjoo wasn't able to control the grin on her face when she saw Yujin on the ground with a small log serving as her chair and two books laid beside her. Yujin still had her brown bag and wooden sword that she had yesterday. But this time, Yujin's beautiful blue hair was loosely tied in a low ponytail and was hung over her right shoulder. 


"That was magnificent, Miss Minjoo! Not only that you have such a beautiful face, you are also blessed with talent in Music!" Yujin clapped, still amazed by the beautiful tune that she hard from the other.


"Why thank you, Yujin." Minjoo chuckled as she finally let go of her guitar and rested her chin against her palm while she watched the girls from below. "But why are you here though? Don't you have other things to do?" Minjoo couldn't help but ask. Chaewon was always busy when working in the village which makes her only available to visit Minjoo once a week.


"I keep my words, Miss Minjoo. After all, I did say I was going to see you right?" Yujin said. But Minjoo only looked at her with an amused face. With the lack of response, Yujin let out an airy sigh. Somehow disappointed, Yujin answered. "Do you not want my company here, Miss Minjoo?"


Minjoo wanted to say that she's actually thinking about Yujin since yesterday but she didn't want to look like she was desperate for a company so she replied. "Well, not really." Minjoo couldn't help but giggle when the girl pouted, creating a duck like impression with her lips.


Then Yujin raised a brow when she saw the amused look on Minjoo's face. "Are you sure, Miss Minjoo? Your tower looks kind of lonely." She said, earning a cute huff from Minjoo. 


"Hey! Who are you to judge my quiet lifestyle." This time, Minjoo let out a scoff. Yujin grinned, just like the way she did yesterday. It made Minjoo mirror a smile too. "Nah, I'm just kidding. The tower gets kinda lonely too, I guess your company could entertain me for a while." 


Yujin froze for a moment, thinking about the words of the other. When she finally thought about what to say, she let out a breathy laugh. "Then I must say I'm glad to be of use to a human goddess!" She proudly said as Minjoo's face slightly turned red.


"You're quite the smooth talker, aren't you?" Minjoo covered her smile with the back of her hand while Yujin just laughed. Minjoo didn't expect that she would enjoy talking to a stranger like this.


The two kept on talking for more than hours. Their topics ranged from how Minjoo lived her life in the tower to how she learned to use the guitar. Minjoo had to admit, it was the most she enjoyed conversing with someone who isn't her best friend nor her best friend's girlfriend. 


"By the way," Minjoo said, gaining the attention of the other. "Why do you talk like that?" She asked, chuckling to herself when Yujin gave her a cute clueless look. 


"Pardon?" Yujin tilted her to side, somehow resembling a confused cute puppy. Minjoo somehow found it endearing. Minjoo chuckled.


"You talk with such formality." Minjoo claimed. There was nothing wrong with it to be honest, but it felt kind of weird for Minjoo since she's never talked formally with anyone before. "It's like you're someone of a high class. Like a noble or something…" Minjoo paused then she gasped after realizing something. "Are you a noble?!"


Yujin didn't give a response immediately, staring somewhere in the sky. Instead, she processed the others words before laughing. "Pfft- No, I'm not a noble. I just got used to speaking with formalities." She said, words fading as she spoke. "Would you prefer me to speak casually?"


Minjoo hummed in return. "Well, I've been speaking to you casually so I think it's just right for you to speak casually…" She said, slightly scratching the back of her head. Minjoo doesn't even know why she feels giddy and nervous around Yujin. Maybe it's because it has been a while since she talked like this with a stranger.


"Ah, it's okay.." Yujin smiled. "You're cute when you're flustered, you know?" She added, fully grinning when Minjoo's face turned to a bright shade of red. 



"I- wha-" Minjoo stuttered. She wasn't used to being complimented a lot specially because she doesn't usually meet people up close. "I-I- That's enough!" She shout then stared at the beautiful shade of orange of the sun. Her heart was racing and she didn't enjoy the feeling "I-It's getting l-late! You should head back now!" Then she quickly pulled the handle of her windows, accidentally banging it loudly.


Yujin winced at the loud noise. She didn't expect the other to be that flustered with her words. Oh well, Minjoo is cute when she's flustered.


On the other side of the window, Minjoo was sitting on the floor while breathing heavily with her back pressed against the wall. Her face was red and her heart was beating faster than she could ever imagine. She doesn't even know why she reacts like this to a person she's only met for less than 2 days. Maybe she's charmed by Yujin or she was just simply excited to have someone who was willing to listen to her stories. 


Most of the strangers that Minjoo had met below her tower had stories to tell. But as time came by, their stories got repetitive and boring. It was always the brave knight who saved people from danger and or the adventurer who wanted to seek out exciting experience. Well, in Minjoo's defense, even if it was repetitive it still entertained her in a way. 


But somehow, it felt refreshing to have someone who listens to her. All these years, she's only listened to the stories of the strangers she encountered. She didn't even realize she has a lot of experiences on her side despite being stuck on a tower her whole life. 


Meanwhile, Yujin was still outside the tower, checking if Minjoo would open her window again and say goodbye before she heads back to her home. Unfortunately, she doesn't see another glimpse of  the other girl. Yujin assumed Minjoo had enough seeing her today. Slightly disappointed, she sighed.


"I'll see you again tomorrow Minjoo! I hope you have a good night's sleep!" Yujin shout, hoping that Minjoo would hear her. Once she bid her goodbye, Yujin picked up her items and placed them in her bag. She took one last glance at the tower before humming happily as she went back to the forest.


Of course, Minjoo had heard everything. The windows in her tower aren't even that thick. After hearing the other girl's words, Minjoo smiled to herself. At least the other girl will see her again tomorrow. 


Minjoo was really able to sleep well that night, keeping Yujin's words in her mind.


The next three days went on quickly with Yujin visiting her each passing day. Minjoo was not used to having company for four days straight. Tim seemed to go on so fast with Yujin entertaining her. And to be honest, Minjoo liked it.


But today was different. Since it was already the spring, the rain had began to fall. The sound of the rain was heavy and Minjoo is worried. For the first time, she wishes Yujin won't visit her today. The other girl could get sick because of the heavy rainfall and it's even cold today too.


Minjoo sat beside of her window with a light blue fluffy blanket draped on her shoulder. She took a sip of the hot tea she prepared as she stared at the gloomy forest. The forest looked nothing like what she saw just few days ago. It seemed cold and dark.


 But then, Minjoo thought about Yujin again and suddenly her chest felt warm all over. Thinking about the said girl sends a smile to Minjoo's lips and a light tint of red on her cheeks. She doesn't know what she's feeling surely it's not a bad thing… Right? 


Minjoo put down the cup she was holding and leaned against the table beside her, resting her chin to her palm. The sound of the rain was oddly calming for her. Her eyes felt heavy and her mind was clouded with drowsiness. Minjoo slowly closed her eyes as drowsiness finally took over her senses.






"Miss Beautiful!"


What the..




Minjoo flinched at the sudden noise. Her eyes shot open and immediately searched for the owner of the familiar voice. 


No way. 


She was hallucinating right? There's no way Yujin would visit her on a terrible weather right? Apparently not, because when Minjoo looked on the ground, she found Yujin smiling widely with an umbrella on her right hand and violently waving her hand as if she was trying to catch Minjoo's attention. Well, it's not like there's anyone else that Minjoo can give attention to.


"YUJIN WHAT THE HECK?!" Minjoo screamed. She couldn't believe Yujin was actually standing in front of her home. Her clothes were soaked and her hair was slightly disheveled. It looked like she charged through the rain just to see Minjoo. "What are you doing here?! The weather is terrible!" She said, her shock was bow replaced with worry.


"Well, I wanted to see you… Haha…" Yujin said, voice trailing off when Minjoo raised her brow. 


Fortunately for Minjoo, the rain was strong enough to somehow cover the bright red in Minjoo's cheeks for Yujin's eyes. "The thought is sweet, thank you. But you really shouldn't have gone here… What if you got sick?!"


"Oh.." She muttered as she thought about Minjoo's words .The thought itself never really crossed Yujin's mind so she really just went through the rain just to see Minjoo. Then she grinned to herself when another thought came across her mind. "Oh! Miss Beautiful Minjoo is worried about me?" Yujin cheekily said, confidence and pride oozing out of the tone of her voice.


Minjoo scoffed, "Oh shut up! You know you really can't see me more if you got sick." Minjoo massaged her temple as stared at Yujin. The other girl stood still on the ground and her face was hit by realization. 


"I'd rather see you and get sick than not see you at al-- ACHOO!" Yujin sneezed, somehow dropping the umbrella she was holding and effectively getting wetter (is that a word?) by the rain.


Minjoo immediately grabbed the neatly placed rope ladder next to the window where she was previously resting and threw the rope ladder after securing it in place.


Yujin just quietly watched as the scene unfolded before her. She didn't know what to do so she just tilted her head while staring at Minjoo, somehow searching for answers.


"What are you still doing there?!" Minjoo shout. "Get inside! You'll get sick at this rate!" She added.


Yujin quickly approached the rope ladder. She tightly clenched the rough rope with both of her hands as she tested out the sturdiness of it. Once she was sure that it was safe to climb on, she raised her grip on her hand two steps above her head and began to climb. She wasn't used to climbing ladders of this kind and the rough surface of the ladder hurt her hands even if she hasn't gone up a lot.


When Yujin finally reached the top, Minjoo held her arm and pulled her inside. By this time, Yujin was already violently shaking because of the cold temperature. Yujin's clothes were sticking to her skin and looked translucent, revealing her arms and shoulder.


Minjoo quickly grabbed two towels from her dresser and draped one to Yujin's shoulder. She gently pat Yujin's head with the towel and dried her hair while Yujin just kept quiet.


The tower was somehow quiet, save for Yujin's erratic breathing and the heavy rainfall from outside. The awkward silence bothered Minjoo as she dried Yujin's hair. "Sheesh, the rain is really heavy today..." Minjoo sighed, purposefully ignoring Yujin's quiet whine as she gently pat Yujin's hair. "You shouldn't have come here..."


Minjoo doesn't notice the way Yujin's body subtly slump at her words. "So.." Yujin's voice was quiet and thick, nothing like her usual happy tone. "You don't want to see me anymore…?" She added, voice slightly trembling.


By this time, Minjoo already noticed what was wrong. She placed the towed on Yujin's head and stopped drying her hair to face her. Now that she's taken a closer look, Minjoo noticed how pretty Yujin actually looks cuter when up close. Her slight tint of pink in her cheeks and the way Yujin's eyes avoided Minjoo as her heavy breathing made her chest heave makes Minjoo want to wrap her in a blue fluffy blanket and baby her.


Minjoo then, held both Yujin's cheeks with her warm hands in an attempt to make Yujin have an eye contact with her. 


"That's- That's not what I meant… " Minjoo said, feeling guilty with her choice of words from earlier. "I meant that.. It would've been better if you stayed home than risk your health trying to see me." She added, letting out a little sigh when Yujin showed her a cute frown.


"I know…" Yujin whispered, caressing Minjoo's warm hands on her cheeks with her own cold hands. "But I just wanted to see you…" She puffed.


Minjoo couldn't help but smile at Yujin's cute expression. She let go of Yujin's cheeks only to pinch it back again. "Why are you so cute~ Are you always this cute?" She said.


"I'm not cute!" Yujin whined, "I'm chic and coo- ACHOO!" 


Minjoo chuckled and pulled away from Yujin, ignoring the quiet whine of the latter. "Stay here." She whispered. Then she went to her dresser to pull a piece of clothing and gave it to Yujin. "Change your clothes while I prepare supper." Minjoo pointed to her dresser.


After Yujin changed her clothes, she and Minjoo had their supper. The two talked about their current impressions of each other and the other little things they thought. Then Minjoo went to wash the dishes after.


Yujin stood by the window where she first saw Minjoo. She stared at the nice gloomy view of the forest as she listened to the loud crashing of the rain. "Have you ever thought about leaving the tower?" Yujin asked.


Minjoo was somehow taken aback by Yujin's question. She sat on the chair beside Yujin and stared at the same view. "Of course." She said, voice gentle as if she were speaking in a room filled with asleep babies.


"Then wh-"


"Because I have no where to go to…" Minjoo quickly added. "Let's say I did leave this place and got into the village. I still don't have anywhere to go to. I don't even have special skills or anything." Yujin looked at her with sad eyes. "I've been living here my whole life and for the past 5 years, I only relied on my best friend to get me supplies for survival."


Yujin hummed. She wanted to say something but nothing came to her mind so Minjoo took this as a chance to continue speaking.


"To be honest, I feel like I'm a burden to my best friend now. She has to work five days a week and still goes to deliver stuff here once a week." Minjoo sighed. "I..  If I could survive in the village, then I would've left this place a long time ago." 


Suddenly, Minjoo felt a warm body hug her. "It's okay... I think that it's actually amazing that you survived here for a long time. It must've been hard." Yujin said, her hug tightening on Minjoo's body.


"Well... It's not that it's hard. It's just that time f

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