Chapter 23

Back Together




















Babe you seems to look tired.


Well I have been through tough training lately.


It seems like it. So what do you want for lunch.


Babe im not that hungry.


Oppa i think you should get some rest. I will wake you up when dinner is ready.




I know. While you are resting the girls are coming over. They said they want to learn composing


So you are going to be in your recording room till dinner.


Oppa do you want me to accompany you. I mean its been awhile since i put you to sleep.


Babe its just been 2 weeks after a month of resting. You should have your own time


But babe...


Just wake me up when dinner is ready okay. The girls might be here soon. Just have your time with them.


Are you sure babe.


Yes my sweetheart. Im going to get some rest. Love you.


Love you too.....




Guys dont you think that Jongho have been so off lately.


Well more like he have been in his zone for a little while.


Did they have a fight or is it just me that Jongho is sad


They didn't have any fights guys. Jongho been in hectic schedule he just need some rest but he don't want to trouble Yira. She have been taking care of him for quite some time. He kind off feel a burden about it.


Well that explains all of that. So what should we do about him.


Just let him be. Jongho knows when to get back on track. He just need some time since its his first. He needs to understand why he is going through this


As expected, our big hyung is smart at this.


So the girls are there while Jongho is there too.


He must be resting. Yira just text me if theres something wrong with Jongho latey.


Well just reply to her what you know. She will understand. Aside from that we need to work hard for the next comeback. I heard that the girls will help to compose and choreo our title track.


Well that explains why the girls are learning to compose music from the expertise.


They are indeed becoming one. Rina has been following me to the studio lately. I told her to rest but she just wanted to learn more about music. I found it cute


Same goes to Ria. She has been taking care of herself and the boys.


Aren't they going to reach their 4th month soon.


They are that is why we kept telling them to rest but they just follow their head to do whatever they want to do.


You guys had trouble makers all along and look what you get


Just shut it, Yeosang. You will know what it feels when you have one.


Damn that's harsh. Lets just do our work and get it done.


After that we get some dinner since the girls aren't home.


They will be back before dinner. They told us that they are craving for some food. Which i don't know what


Same goes for me. So let's just do our work and go home. They wont take long at Yira house


If thats so. Lets start.




And that's how mixtapes work.


Finally we have a sample for Hongjoong to add magic to it.


You both are so young and energetic. Even when both of you are eating for two


We just want to help as much as we can before we cant do anything. Besides once in a while I'm thanking your father for letting us help out since they know how passionate we are.


Oh he will be glad. Well I will send this sample to the studio so anytime you want to refresh this up you are welcome to my studio at the company.


You aren't going to be there Yira.


I have a matter to settle with my brother at his company. Dont worry about me. I'm doing fine.


What about Jongho. Is he okay.


Yeah he looks so down. You guys are okay right


We are. He is just tired from all the schedules. He need his own time too. I won't bother him that much.


Thats sweet of you. Well we got to go. The boys will be home soon so we have to cook.


Much for her craving which makes me hungry.


See you both soon i guess.


If anything happened just call us okay. We aren't far from you girl.


Yes Yira if you need anything. Just rang the call. We will be there for you.


I will. Dont worry.


Stay healthy okay Yira.


You smile, lead them to the front door and bid them goodbye since they have to go home. After their presence is not in your sight you close the door and sigh. Without any thought you went to the kitchen and start to make a simple dish. Just Kimchi stew and stir fried bulgogi with rice. One you are done. You set the dining table and felt great as you see a wonderful meal prepared by you. You quickly went to your room where Jongho is and saw Jongho sleeping peacefully. You slowly and quietly went beside him and looked at him. You smile as you felt pleased to see Jongho resting as much as he could since after he was discharged. You lightly caress his head and smile weakly. Just then Jongho moves his hand and wraps it around your waist. Bringing himself closer to you. You chuckled and tapped his nose.


You had a good rest babe.


I miss you so much. How can we just stay like this.


I miss you too. But we can't leave the food out there cold.


Its already dinner time.


Yeah. Come on, get up and wash yourself. You need to eat. You have been losing weight.


So you like it when I'm chubby.


I like it when you are healthy and toned up. Boy you really gain and lose those muscle every time. Unlike Wooyoung and San oppa.


Alright alright. I will be healthy for you okay babe. But can i have one thing before we eat


Are you trying to be sneaky love.


Man you caught me. So i can't have it.


Oppa. You have to promise me not to make me feel overly concerned. You have been so down lately.


I'm sorry babe. It's just that I feel like I didn't give much attention to you since I'm flooded with schedule.


Babe even if you are flooded with schedule. Everytime you come back home I'm happy. You are finally getting some rest after a long day. Plus we always call each other. I even came by to your schedule event to just see you are doing fine. Im thankful of everything babe.


Still Yira.....


No no no. You're not wrong of anything. All i want is you to be healthy and not be in this situation okay. As long as I'm still with you. I don't need anything more than just seeing you doing well and not falling sick. Don't need to feel like that anymore okay babe.


Okay... but i still can't have it.


Oh you dummie.


He sat up and smiled. You gave a quick peck on his lips and pinch his nose as you found him adorable.


Oppa go and have a quick wash up then we will have our wonderful dinner.


Alright. Yira ah....


Yes oppa.


I love you so much.


I love you more


Love you the most......


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Chapter 1: Omg this is my first time to read about Ateez ♥️