Sold out

Marriage Certificate


Kyuhyun kept himself calm and checked again. Their flight would touch down in an hour's time, that means, the plane was already crossing Sea of Japan and heading towards the Korean peninsula. It couldn't be that crashed plane. He checked again the flight number, and he breathe a sigh of relieved, it was really a different flight!

It was like an eternity when he finally saw Heechul and Ryeowook came out from immigration and walked towards the luggage belt. He felt like crying! He thanked God that they have arrived safely. 

"KimKyu!!" Heechul shouted his name and waved when he and Ryeowook exited from the arrival hall. 

Kyuhyun waved back and he rushed to Ryeowook and hugged his wife. "Thank God that you arrived safely. I missed you so much!" 

"I missed you too" Ryeowook said, resting her head in Kyuhyun's chests. 

Kyuhyun then hugged Heechul "Thanks hyung, for accompanying Ryeong" 

"You are most welcome! There was a thunderstorm and the plane shook like crazy. She practically grabbed my arm and glued herself to my shoulder!" Heechul laughed. 

"Ahhhh.. babe, you know I'm scared of thunder..." Ryeowook playfully punched him, and turned to Kyuhyun "It was bad and the plane was scary. There was one time it dropped in altitute and I felt like fainting!" 

Kyuhyun pulled her into a hug "You did well, braving through it" and then he soothed her tummy and turned to Heechul "Want to grab something to eat?" 

They headed towards the cafe and got a corner seat. They catched up on each other's story and Heechul told them about the grand fashion show that he attended. Ryeowook told Kyuhyun about the Nike visit and that she had secured a contract to integrate with their casual shoe range. Both Kyuhyun and Heechul congratulated her and Kyuhyun felt so proud of his wife! 

It was Friday night, 2 weeks after Ryeowook arrived home. They were sitting on their sofa and she was touching up on her seekers design on her ipad. Kyuhyun was lying down on her lap, reading something on his phone. His head was next to her tummy and he was quite engrossed reading the article. 

Suddenly, he felt a soft kicking at the side of his head. He put down his phone, and at the same time, Ryeowook put down her ipad, and touched her tummy. 

"Baby kicked me! Ryeong, our baby kicked me!" Kyuhyun laughed happily. Her pregnancy was now 7 months and their gynae checkup would be tomorrow. 

"Yes, I felt the kick. Baby's legs are already strong!" Ryeowook chuckled. 

Kyuhyun got up and put his palm at where he felt the kick. And he felt the kick again!  He lifted up his wife's pajama and gently brought down her maternity pants. He soothed her tummy with his hand "Baby, please let us see whether you are a boy or a girl tomorrow okay. Don't hide from us!" and he kissed her tummy all over. 

Ryeowook giggled "Kyu... it's ticklish.." 

Kyuhyun went on and on, and eventually her bra and started her . His wife has started swelling and once he started , he just couldn't resist her. 

"I love you Ryeong, and I can't get enough of you" and he kissed her again and again. 

"Kyu..., let's do it here.." 

"Here? Will you be comfortable?" 

Ryeowook nodded and reached for , earning a loud groan from him.  Kyuhyun kissed her and her tummy and removed all their clothings, and started kissing her all the way down to her opening. 

He entered her and kissed her lips. To him, she looked like an angel, shiny eyes with full of love. He lifted her upper body to a half sitting positing so that he didn't put pressure on her tummy. Once he started moving, Ryeowook moan. Supporting her back with his hands, he gently pushed deeper. As she shouted her ecstasy, he too and kissed her repeatedly. 

"Stay inside" Ryeowook said, looking at him and kissed him back. 

"Your tummy okay?" his voice was husky and full of passion.  Ryeowook nodded and smile at him. 

"If I stay inside, we'll end up with 2nd round..." Kyuhyun said and started kissing her again. 

"Then let's have a 2nd round" 

He chuckled and guided her to lie down sideways, all along holding her body to protect her. He kissed her forehead "You are so beautiful, do you know that? From the first time I saw you until now, you are as beautiful as ever. And you glow more, now that you are pregnant" 

"Am I?" she smile. "Kyu, if it's a girl, will you be disappointed?" 

Kyuhyun shook his head "No, I will not. I'm okay whether it's a boy or girl, as long as you deliver safely" he said and her s. "When will you start having milk...?" 

"I don't know, probably when I reach 8 or 9 months. Why..?" 

"I want to and taste it" 

"It's for our baby" she playfully beat him. 

"I will talk to our baby that I'm sharing too" 

Ryeowook pinched him making him laugh, and he kissed her and started moving again. 

They make love again and after Kyuhyun had cleaned them up, he carried her to their bedroom and put on her pajama for her as she has fallen asleep. He chuckled and soothed her tummy. "Goodnight baby, sleep and let mummy rest ok" and he pulled his wife into his arms before he himself fell asleep. 

At the hospital medical centre, their gynae was smiling at them while showing them the monitor during the ultrasound scan. 

"We can see it today!" she said happily. 

"Doctor, do you mean that we can see the baby's gender?" Kyuhyun asked excitedly. He squeezed his wife's hand gently. 

"Yes, these are the baby's legs, and this 3rd small one shows that your baby is a boy!" she pointed to them using her pen. 

Ryeowook gasped happily and turned to Kyuhyun "Our baby is a boy! " 

Kyuhyun smile happily too "I knew it!" and reached over to kiss Ryeowook's forehead, making her shy because Kyuhyun did it in front of the gynae. 

"And, the baby's growing well and your womb is enlarging well too. You are doing great!" she smile while printing a copy of the scan for them. 

Once they left the medical centre, Ryeowook couldn't wait to tell Heechul. She called him "Hee-babe, you and Kyu have been right all along. It's a baby boy!" she smile happily while glancing at her husband. 

"Wow!! I knew it!! Woohoo! Congratulations!!!" Heechul said happily. He added "What time will you two be here?" 

Kyuhyun mouthed "after lunch" and Ryeowook told Heechul that. 

"Okay see you two later for the photoshoot!" Heechul said happily. 

"See you babe!" she smile and off her phone. "Kyu, I'll text your parents okay?" 

Kyuhyun laughed "Okayyy" and continued driving. They had promised Heechul to do a photoshoot for his magazine followed by an exclusive interview about Ryeowook's successful collaboration with Nike Seoul and Nike New York. Both companies have given clearance for her to mention about it in her interview. 

"Kyu, the photoshoot later, do you think Heechul can just take my upper body? I'm too shy to show my tummy" Ryeowook asked innocently while they were eating lunch at a cafe. 

"Ryeong, hyung purposely waited until your pregnancy is obvious, so definitely he will not entertain your request!" Kyuhyun chuckled. 

"But I look fat..." 

"No you are not. You look very pregnant and I want to show to the World that my wife is really pregnant, and we are expecting a baby" 

"I look ugly..." 

"Ryeong, you are not ugly, okayy" 

Ryeowook took out her face powder mirror to look at herself. She was definitely looked so different now from her old photos when she was working at the shoe department. Now she looked rounder and well, just rounder! 

Heechul has prepared sponsored attire for them and Ryeowook brought along her 3 different pairs of shoes. They started with photoshoot first and the diva asked them to pose so may different style, even with Ryeowook sitting on Kyuhyun's lap, with Kyuhyun's hand hugging her tummy. Heechul asked the camera-man, Chanyeol, to focus on Ryeowook's shoes with the background of the two lovebirds smiling at each other on Kyuhyun's lap. 

Another shot was with a garden backdrop, where the two of them walking closely, with Kyuhyun's arm around Ryeowook's waist. Their casual shoes matched perfectly and Heechul was happy with all their photos! 

"You two are really photogenic!" Heechul clapped his hands and gestured for them to sit on a sofa. "Wookie, you rest first while I help Chanyeol to edit the photos. KimKyu, go to the cabinet there to take some biscuits for Wook, and make her hot milo" he asked Kyuhyun, who made a face at him, and got up to walk to the cabinet. 

The interview started about 20 minutes later, and Heechul was very professional about it. Ryeowook brought along her sketch book and talked about her hobby on designing shoes. It was only after their marriage and constant encouragement from Kyuhyun, that she embarked on designing it at a professional level and was surprised that her designs were a hot catch and her shoes range were always sold-out. 

They also talked about her collaborations with Nike Seoul and New York, and that Nike Seoul would start the Gwanghwamun range next month, while Nike New York would start with all 3 ranges of Gwanghwamun, Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty casual shoes edition on the following month! 

Heechul thanked them when the interview was finally over and promised to personally deliver a few copies of the magazines to their home. 

As per what Heechul has expected, the magazine's special edition was a total sell-out! The front cover was the casual photo of Ryeowook and Kyuhyun with the garden backdrop and they looked so lovely and loving, walking together with Kyuhyun's hand on her waist. The magazine feature story title was very catchy "Exclusive interview with the popular shoes designer, CRW, and her gorgeous CEO husband". 

And due to the sold-out, Heechul has to request for re-printing for the 3rd time, just to meet the backlog orders. 

Smilingly, he started planning to feature these two lovebirds again once their baby was born! 


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Chapter 23: Is it the end?
eilrepacta #2
Chapter 21: the baby is coming!! 🎉🎉 and good thing that Ryeowook was not harmed by that intruder. I can't wait for another update. 😊
estoryreader #3
Omo!! Don’t they ryeowook is gonna get harmed. Let them have a beautiful and healthy baby. Please author-nim, Need an update.
loveforsin #4
Chapter 20: Omg.. who is that guy??
loveforsin #5
Chapter 20: Omg.. who is that guy??
eilrepacta #6
Chapter 20: Is it one of Ms. Park's evil plans again? 😱😱 Please hurry Kyu and Hee. 🥺🥺🥺 Please keep updating. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
estoryreader #7
Chapter 19: Its a very positive and heartwarming story. Please keep updating
eilrepacta #8
I really love this story! Please update again! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
estoryreader #9
Please update next chapter!!!!
loreyn #10
Chapter 18: i just saw this story now and it's really good! can't wait for the next update, i hope hee and wook are fine <3