Just for him

Marriage Certificate


Ryeowook wanted to surprise Kyuhyun by designing a casual shoes for him. She had secretly took his shoes to measure and also observed what kind of casual shoes he liked.

He has 3 pairs of Nike shoes, and 2 pairs of Vans shoes. Ryeowook knew that there are sites, as well as popular athletic brands, that allow her to design her own personalized pair of sneakers. The best part? She could show off her artistic creation to the world in a effective way.

She found out that Nike, the world’s leading company in athletic footwear, has its own custom shoe program called NIKEiD where she could customize Kyuhyun's sneakers by color and by sport. In fact, she could customize anything to get the perfect sneakers. 

It has been a month since the last incident with Miss Park, and Ryeowook felt safer now. Though she has officially resigned, she still dropped by the shoes section whenever Kyuhyun came home for lunch and has afternoon meetings at the department store office. She would tag along and Kyuhyun would leave her in Tiffany's care, until his meeting finished, and he would then fetch her to go home together. 

After her 20th week checkup which would be on the following week, Kyuhyun planned to have a break and visit his parents in New York. His parents were supposed to fly over, but his mother had a bad fall, so the doctor had advised her not to fly. Kyuhyun told her not to worry, and that he would bring his wife to New York instead to visit them. 

However, he needed to confirm with their gynaecologist whether it is safe for Ryeowook to travel very far. When Ryeowook heard about it, she became worried that her Nike-personalised-designed shoes for her husband would not be in time to be delivered before they fly off. 

She calculated the number of days, and informed Nike whether they could send the shoes to her earlier.
She was very lucky, Nike had informed her that as her design was one of the best that they have seen so far, they would deliver the shoes on priority, and they seeked her permission to use her design for their advertising!

"Well, you can, but only after I have given it to my husband. Probably I could take a photo of him wearing it, then I send to you?" Ryeowook said over the phone.

The Nike manager has agreed and thanked her repeatedly for her kindness to use her design for Nike advertisement for personalised design. He also agreed to use her initial trademark "CRW" when they advertise the design.

Ryeowook was seated on the sofa one night an hour after dinner, and rest her head on Kyuhyun's inner shoulder, while he was reading a report sent by his staff in his ipad. His left arm was encircling Ryeowook shoulder.

She felt something, and it was her baby moving! At first she thought that she was having slight cramp, but when she put her palm on her tummy, she could feel it moving again.

"Are you okay?" Kyuhyun asked with concerned when Ryeowook lifted up her head and touched her tummy.

"Kyu, baby is moving!" Ryeowook said with disbelief. All through her pregnancy, she often had cramps, acute pain, air bubbles, hunger pangs, but she could not feel any movement as baby was still small. But now that she was at her 20th week, she was amazed that she could feel her baby's movement! She felt so connected with her baby!

Kyuhyun put aside his ipad and placed his palm on her tummy too. "Where did you feel it?" he asked excitedly.

Ryeowook guided his palm to where she felt the moves. And baby moved again!

"Yes I can feel it too!!" Kyuhyun was so happy! He bent down and said "Baby, we can feel you! Be healthy okay. You will see your grandparents soon too!"

"Kyu, but what if gynae said that I can't fly that far?"

Kyuhyun resumed his sitting position and pulled her nearer with his arm "Well, I will inform my parents that we will only do video call" and he kissed her temple "Your health is more important". 

"But I know that you want to visit your mother. You should just go..." 

"No... I'm not leaving you alone" Kyuhyun shook his head. "It's okay, my parents will understand. Anyway, we just wait for gynae's advise okay?" Kyuhyun smile and felt her tummy again. He laughed happily because baby moved again. 

Ryeowook smile and slowly got up. Kyuhyun held her hand "Where are you going?" 

"I want to make sandwiches" 

"Baby hungry? So dinner not enough for baby. I should order 2 servings next time" Kyuhyun while walking with her to the kitchen. 

Ryeowook laughed, and said "Kyu, you can continue reading. I can do myself..." 

"I want to help...." Kyuhyun smile cheekily and pecked her lips. The whole day today he was busy with his clients, so he didn't have time to lunch at home. So he missed her because he didn't see her for the whole day and he wanted to spend all his time with her, now that he had finished his work. 

"Okay, since you want to help, I have some more spicy tuna in the container in the fridge. Can you take it out for me?" 

"Wait, you only ate sandwiches just now for lunch?" 

"Yes... " Ryeowook said, wanted to take the remaining loaf of bread to their centre island when Kyuhyun stopped her. 

"I thought you said you will cook something?" Kyuhyun sounded unhappy and annoyed because sandwiches were not enough for her and baby. 

Ryeowook was surprised at Kyuhyun's annoyed tone. She suddenly felt sad and looked down "I was suddenly craving for spicy tuna sandwiches this afternoon...." and she felt like crying. 

Kyuhyun realised that he has upset his wife. He pulled her into a hug "I'm sorry I'm sorry, I didn't meant to scold you. I'm so sorry" and he was even surprised that Ryeowook suddenly started sobbing. 'Ohmygod, what have I done' Kyuhyun scolded himself. 

"Ryeong, I'm really sorry" and he lifted up her face and saw how sad she was. Tears were flowing and he grabbed some tissues and wipe away her tears. "I was only concerned that sandwiches were not enough for the two of you for lunch... " 

Ryeowook didn't understand herself why she was sad when Kyuhyun sounded annoyed at her. Maybe in her pregnancy state, she became easily emotional and sensitive. 

"Ryeong, look at me..." Kyuhyun lifted up her face again, and soothed her face "I'm sorry..." 

"I'm okay, I don't know why I felt sad. I did want to do bibimbap for my lunch, but when I opened the cupboard, I saw the can of spicy tuna, and we still have a whole loaf of bread, so I started craving for spicy tuna sandwich..."

Kyuhyun wiped her remaining tears and hugged her again. "Okay I understand now.  Am I forgiven?" 

Ryeowook looked up to him. She knew he was just being concerned and care about her wellbeing. Of course she will forgive him. 

"Why...?" Kyuhyun became sad when Ryeowook looked at him without saying anything "I am not forgiven?" 

Ryeowook smile "Of course you are forgiven" 

Kyuhyun broke into a smile. He kissed her and hugged her again. "Okay, let's do the sandwich. Baby will not forgive me if I make you upset again..." 

Kyuhyun admitted that the spicy tuna sandwich was very nice and quite filling. He ate 2 sandwiches and let mummy and baby ate the rest of 8 sandwiches. Amazingly, mummy finished them all! Baby must be super hungry!

Ryeowook's checkup went well, and though they were dying to know the baby's gender, baby unfortunately was being naughty and turned into a position whereby the gynae could not tell yet. So only during their next checkup, she would determine the gender. 

Their gynae also gave the green light for Ryeowook to travel. But she shouldn't walked too far and tire herself. 

"I will proceed to book our flight tickets ok, and inform my parents" Kyuhyun said happily on their way home. 

"Should we get something for them? Souvenirs or anything from Korea?" 

"Don't think so they need anything but yeah, I'll ask omma" 

"Will they accept me, Kyu?" 

"What are you talking about... of course they'll accept you. And they will be grandparents soon, so omma will definitely adore you and fuss about your pregnancy!" 

"I hope so" 

"Don't worry Ryeong, they are really nice people..." 

Ryeowook smile at him. She would start thinking what to get for Kyuhyun's father. She was thinking probably she would design a low heel shoes for Kyuhyun's mother. She should have enough time to get the shoes done. 

Ryeowook's order for Kyuhyun's shoes arrived sooner than expected! The security guard collected for her from the delivery guy, and brought it up to give to Ryeowook. 

Ryeowook was so happy and took a foto of it. It was very well done and she grinned happily when she saw her initials CRW imprinted at the corner of the heel. 

That night, Kyuhyun came home with her favourite black bean noodles! When she saw it, she hugged Kyuhyun happily and kissed him, making Kyuhyun laughed and pinched her nose. 

While Kyuhyun bathe, Ryeowook placed the new personalised designed Nike shoes on the bed, opposite the bathroom door, just to surprise him. She went out to set the tables for their dinner. 

"Ohmygod, Ryeong, is this for me? You design this for me??? This is so beautiful!!" and Kyuhyun appeared at the bedroom door smiling happily, bare body and only wrapped in a towel on his waist, with his new Nike shoes..

Ryeowook chuckled and wondered how could she take a photo of him wearing the shoes if he was only wrapped in a towel... 


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Chapter 23: Is it the end?
eilrepacta #2
Chapter 21: the baby is coming!! 🎉🎉 and good thing that Ryeowook was not harmed by that intruder. I can't wait for another update. 😊
estoryreader #3
Omo!! Don’t they ryeowook is gonna get harmed. Let them have a beautiful and healthy baby. Please author-nim, Need an update.
loveforsin #4
Chapter 20: Omg.. who is that guy??
loveforsin #5
Chapter 20: Omg.. who is that guy??
eilrepacta #6
Chapter 20: Is it one of Ms. Park's evil plans again? 😱😱 Please hurry Kyu and Hee. 🥺🥺🥺 Please keep updating. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
estoryreader #7
Chapter 19: Its a very positive and heartwarming story. Please keep updating
eilrepacta #8
I really love this story! Please update again! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
estoryreader #9
Please update next chapter!!!!
loreyn #10
Chapter 18: i just saw this story now and it's really good! can't wait for the next update, i hope hee and wook are fine <3