Snapshot #15 We Change, We Wait

Snapshots Of A Small Town

A/N: If you all thought this universe was done, you were all wrong as was I. 

I just love this universe so much I can't seem to let it go :'( 

Anyways this is just a fun snapshot, the gang have some shenanigans going on, and it gives us a bit a glimpse of what happens after Rosie's heartattack.


William Blake once wrote, “There are things that are known and things that are unknown. And in between…there are doors.”


“Hey, yo’ Chae.” The man stops on his tracks. “Damn. Nice work.”


If you haven’t been living under a rock you’d know the sight that welcomes Youngjae as he walks into Chaeyoung’s room is a rare one. Because there she was Chaeyoung Park sleeping at the very edge of the bed while Jennie slept beside her and Jisoo on the other side. Last time he checked the love triangle had gotten tricky…


Maybe they all found a way to fix their problem and decided to go poly go is he to judge?


“Huh?” Chaeyoung wakes up startled before looking beside her to the girls and back to Younjae. “No. No, it’s not…” She said sleepily, getting up from the bed. “It’s the um…”she gestured to her chest. “The heart thing, they are both worried, I guess.”


Youngjae blinked. “Hey if that’s your story.” He shrugged. “Look, we got to go.”


Chaeyoung blinked sleepily and confused. “What do you mean? Where?” It was way too early. Someone should definitely get her a coffee.


“It 's Bams. He needs our help.”




An hour later and thankfully caffeinated and fed. Chaeyoung sat on her mom’s café with a hot tea on her hand and Youngjae explaining the situation.


“So, it’s been what? About a week since Bam skipped town with Yuna? Then all of a sudden, I get this cryptic message.” He said unlocking his phone. “Sounds like he’s in trouble.”


Chaeyoung nods. “Okay, what kind of message? Like voice mail?”


“No, a text.” Youngjae replied, passing his phone to the brunette.


“Honey Grove, Texas.” Chaeyoung reads. “Please come. Need ?” She looked confused.


“I was thinking he would’ve typed ‘assistance’ but his battery died.”


“Why didn’t he just write ‘help’? ‘Need help’?”


The man shrugged. “Maybe he needs .”


The bell on the door rings and Dawn and Hyuna walk in making their way to pair of friends where sitting.




“Hey, Jae said Bam Bam was in trouble.”


Youngjae nods. “Yeah, he sent this.” He explained passing his phone.


“Need ?”


“We’re thinking it’s assistance.” Chaeyoung explains.


Hyuna nods. “I’m gonna find Honey Grove online.” She said walking away to the computers by the side wall of the place.


As she leaves, Dawn takes a seat in the empty chair on the table, and gestures towards the two new arrivals. “I thought those two hated each other's guts.”


“Apparently their mutual friend having a heart attack is a good excuse to start talking again.”


“Oh.” Dawn said, looking at the two girls in line for coffee. “Is it awkward?”


Chaeyoung sighs. “Honestly? Yeah a bit.” She looks down at her cup for a second. “They talk, small talk mostly, I keep thinking maybe the two just need to have a talk but then again they also refuse to let me out of their sight so…”


“Hey, you guys, what’s going on? Is Bam okay?”


Jisoo and Jennie walk up to them, Jennie placing an arm around Chaeyoung’s shoulder why the older girl stands by her right.


The blonde gives her girlfriend a small smile before passing Youngjae’s phone to them. “It doesn’t sound like it.”


Jisoo reads the text and frowns. “Need ?” She questions. “I don’t get it. Her left with Yuna. Why would he need ?”


“Assitance.” The other three said.


The two brunette nods. “Well, if Bam needs help, then one of us needs to go down to Honey Grove, Texas.”


“I think we should probably all go.” Hyuna appears behind them. “It’s about 90 miles from Dallas, which is like a 20-hours car ride.”


“Hyun, I love you for caring, but you’re pregnant and we got finals.” Dawn said, the two had a baby on the way. Yes it wasn’t on the plans, yes they are aware they both messed up, but the two are also very sure they are meant to be together and so they are both making the best out of the situation and planning their futures around it.


Thankfully their friends are very supportive as well as Hyuna’s family.


Hyuna waves her husband off. “Come on. We’re all graduating soon. It could be a last hurrah. Hopefully, Bam is okay and it turns into a great road trip. But if not, there’s safety in numbers right?”




Later that day Jisoo and Jennie walk of Chaeyoung’s house, a pregnant Hyuna is hauling brown paper bags into the car, Chaeyoung is browsing through some old year books, Young jae is eating twizzlers out of a ziploc bag, and Dawn is watching over his girlfriend.


“Alright, Claire and I made sandwiches, and I got chips and drinks, and we’re all set.”


Youngjae gestures at the ziploc bag. “I brought red twizzlers. You can’t have a roadtrip with red twizzlers.”


“I brought all yearbooks.” Chaeyoung said waving one of the books in her hand for everyone to see. “Might give us a laugh. What did you bring, Dawn?”


Dawn stood by the car with his hands in his pocket. “I brought Hyuna, who brought the food. Jisoo?”


Jisoo blinked. “I brought my hot body and Yuna’s Denali. She might have left, but at least we have her car.”




“Road mix.” She replied heading to the passenger seat of the car.


“Okay, let’s go.” Exclaimed Hyuna, holding onto an ice cream container as the rest of the gang got in the car.


Chaeyoung looked over amused. “You seem rather excited, considering Bam Bam might be in a lot of trouble.”


“Well, I’m choosing to believe that he’s fine.” She replied with a nod. “Besides, it’s Bam Bam, How much trouble could he actually get into? He’s probably having fun.”


Meanwhile in Honey Grove, Texas…


“I don’t know how you do it Conrad, we keep playing…” A police officer moves a chess piece as the guy inside the cell frowns at him. “And you keep losing.”


From the side Bam is watching until he feels the presence of three big dudes behind him. He slowly turned around, swallowing nervously as he did so.


“H-hey, fellas.” He said, then cleared his throat. “I’m Bam Bam.”


One of the guys got closer. “Bam Bam huh?”

Bam Bam coughed. “I mean, uh, Kunpimook. Kunpimook.” He repeated trying to sound as sure as he could. “Listen, guys, I don’t want any trouble. I mean I like girls, really…”


The guys kept looking at him.


“Not that there is anything wrong with liking the same you know? My best friend from Thailand is a lesbian and-and-and some of my friends back home have a weird same triangle going on and I, um…”


Conrad, the big guy who was playing with the police officer, turns to him and grabs him by the collar of his jacket pulling him close.


“You talk too much.”


“Um, if you could just let me go…”


“Or what?”


Bam exhaled, his voice getting higher. “Um, listen, I know you could probably kill me right now… I mean… definitely kill me right now.” He gave a side glance to the distracted officer and the chess board. “But you’re only three moves away from winning your chess match. Knight to G7. I’m sure you were just about to do that anyway… sir.”


Conrad looks towards the board and back at Bam Bam before letting him go.




The two start playing a game and Conrad moves the chess piece the little dude mentioned and smirked.




The guard only looks baffled and scuffs as he walks away.


“No one touches the kid.”




“Okay, Jisoo, freshman year.” Hyuna said, looking at the yearbook signatures. “Lance Bass? Really?”


Jisoo laughed from the driver's seat. “He was cute okay.”


“I’m not sure I’d go there, Hyun.” Dawn popped up from the back seat. “Check this out.” He said bringing another yearbook up. “Chae, stay cool forever! Hyuna.”


The girl frowned. “So, what’s wrong with that?”


“You think that’s bad?” Chaeyoung said next to Hyuna. “Check this out. Jennie wrote to me in my sophomore yearbook.” She cleared and paused from dramatic effect.“Jennie Kim.”


The car laughed as Jennie complained from the front seat.


“Come on! I didn’t even know you then.” She argued.


Chaeyoung gasped. “You know how hard I worked to get my yearbook in front of her? And then she signs her damn name. I was crushed.”


“Okay, how about this one?” Hyuna said with a smirk. “Roseanne, you know you want me! Talia Ryder.”


“I wonder what she wrote in Maya's yearbook.”


“Same thing probs.”


“This one is nice.” Youngjae says. “Chae, you are a really good friend.”


“Who wrote that?”






“Hope Irene is doing good, it’s too bad those two had to miss this trip.”


The gang continues joking around, reading more yearbook quotes while listening to the road mix Jennie made, eating snacks until night time where everybody slept whilst taking turns driving.


“Jae.” Dawn calls out. “Hey.” He shoves him. “Come on man, it’s your turn to drive.”He said once Youngjae woke up. “Four hour shift dude.”


Youngjae takes the will sleepily, drives for a few seconds before pulling over.


“Hey, Jisoo.” He calls out. “Yo, J. Kim. It’s your turn to drive, babes.”




“Four hours.”


Honey Grove, Texas…


“So, let me get this straight. You slept with Shelly.”


“The one with the leather pants?”




“My man!”


“But then you took Jisoo to prom… Kim Jisoo.” Conrad continued.


Lemmy pitch in from Bam Bam’s right. “Is Jisoo the one with the clothing line?”


Conrad nods. “But then you left town with Yuna and all of her fine plastic parts. So what happened, Bams?”


Bam Bam sighs. “Have you ever been heartbroken?”




Back in the car Jisoo continues her driving until a beeping starts and wakes everybody up.


“What’s going on up there?” Hyuna asks.


Jisoo shrugs “I don’t know.”


Much to the annoyance of Jennie, her pillow, Chaeyoung, leans forward. “How long has that light on the dash been on?” She asks noting the beeping engine light on;


“Um, just a little while… bad call?” Just then the car shuts off and starts slowing down. “Bad call.”


Chaeyoung frowned looking at the engine. “Sparkplug is broken.”


“So?” Jisoo asks from the side looking guilty.


“So…” Chaeyoung turns to her, giving her a look. “We are not going anywhere, at least like this it can still be repaired if we continue to drive the engine can be damaged pretty badly and mind you this is not our car, so I’d rather not have to sell my liver for someone most of us don’t even like.”


Jisoo nods sheepishly. “Okay.”


“So what do we do?” Youngjae asks.


“I don’t know.” Chaeyoung replies, closing the car's hood. “But I do know we should have stuck to the interstate and not taken the back roads just so Hyuna could see the sandwich shaped like Elvis.”


“Hey!” Hyuna protested.


“Hold on a second. I, too, wanted to see the sandwich shaped like Elvis.”Jennie said and then gestured to the rest of the gang. “I'm pretty sure we all did.”


Jisoo nodded, raising her hand, while the boys agreed with different yeps, and yeahs, Hyuna thanking her for the support.


“And Rosie, admit it.” She said, pointing at her with a grin. “You wanted to see the Elvis sandwich, too, didn’t you?”


Chaeyoung made a face and rolled her eyes. “Fine. I wanted to see the Elvis sandwich, okay? But that still doesn't change the fact that we haven't seen a car pass by since we stopped.”


As if on cue a bright light appears behind the tall brunette. “Until now.”


“It’s a bus.” Dawn says.


Jisoo smiled. “It’s a tour bus.”


Jennie starts jumping in place. “Please be the Foo Fighters.”


“Please be Kanye.” Youngjae says in the same manner.


The bus stops and Lee Joon, ejem… Hyuna’s ex comes out.


“Well, well.”


Hyuan frowns, leaning further into Dawn. “Stupid Elvis sandwich.”


Inside the Bus…


Lee Joon sits back on his chair looking at the three girls sitting close together across him, Hyuna, sandwiched in between Jennie and Jisoo who were looking at him in a mean and scary way, not that Lee would ever admit to that.


“Let’s see here… Slept with you.” He points to Jisoo who rolls her eyes. “Kissed you.” He points at Hyuna. “Got slapped by you.” He points at Jennie who nods in confirmation with a look that said she’d gladly do it again. “Just like any other night on Lee Joon’s tour bus.”


Chaeyoung appears with the rest of the guys, having come back from talking to the service center. The brunette briefly looks at the singer with a frown on her face before turning back to the girls. “So, they can tow the car to Honey Grove, but we’re on our own.”


“Honey Grove?” Lee pipes up. “We’re rolling right through there. You guys should just crash with me” He paused as if expecting a reaction. “Come on, it’ll be like old times. You know, without Dawn trying to kill me for hanging out with Hyuna.”


Dawn scuffs and rolls his eyes.

Youngjae takes a deep breath. “I’m down for that.” He said, knowing it was either riding with Lee or walking all the way to Honey Grove. “You got some gin in this joint?”


“Full bar in the back!”


“Oh, I’m loving Lee Joon!” Jae replied, already walking down the aisle to the back of the bus.


“Look, I got plenty of room.” Lee explains. “I'm going your way. Hyuna can sleep in my bed.” He tilt his head a bit, looking at the woman in question. “Though you're looking a little plump, Hyun.”


Jisoo gasped silently wrapping an arm around Hyuna while Jennie sat up straighter, definitely planning her next slap attack.


“What the hell? I've had bigger trunk in my bunk.” He said with a sleazy smile.


“I’m pregnant, you idiot.” Hyuna fumed.


“Oh.” The singer sat up straight and raised his hands looking at Dawn. “Dude, totally not mine.”


Later as everyone fell asleep, Chaeyoung, was sitting in the corner of the sofa while Jennie was cuddled next to her, the taller girl traced circles on Jennie’s arm, while the other tapped gently on her leg. Like every night since the heart attack, Chaeyoung had trouble sleeping.


“You think too loud.”


The blonde smiled and looked down to the brunette who still had her eyes closed but her breathing pattern indicated she was awake.




“S’fine.” Jennie mumbled sleepily. “You make a good pillow.”


“Thanks.” Chaeyoung snorted. “I should add that to my resume, Roseanne Chaeyoung Park, student, ex-dancer, good pillow.”


The short brunette frowned a bit noticing the slight change of tone as the mention of the word ‘ex-dancer’ she sounded almost resentful.


“You okay?” She asked, sitting up. She looked at her girlfriend who was looking up, staring at nothing, though Jennie could see in her eyes a thousand thoughts running through her mind.


“I don’t know.” She replied.


For Chaeyoung this was very stressful in an acute sense; initially she felt like she might be dying and felt very anxious about their future health. When she got home she was able to sit back a little bit but now she has no option but to think about her life rather differently from the way she did before.


It was her senior year and it turns out she had a heart condition to think about, so dancing was out of the question now. She was just eighteen years old, she may not have known that she was at risk, and now here she is suddenly confronted with the idea of her own risk. It was too much.


It was upsetting.


It was frustrating.


Jennie knew something was going on. Her and Jisoo had discussed it a couple of days ago, Chaeyoung although physically was with them, it almost felt like she really wasn’t. They were days where she was just angry and would snap at them only to apologize later. Other days she didn’t want to leave the house, even asked them to turn off the music one day.


The problem with Chaeyoung, Jennie thought, was that she had an avoidant way of coping, like she doesn’t really want to talk or think about what is happening and so she’s keeping it all inside trying to act fine without realizing those close to her could tell that was not the case. It’s like she wants to shut it out of her mind and just carry on with what they were doing before and not really think about it.


Jennie thinks she needs to talk about it. But everytime they tried… well angry Chaeyoung was a scary Chaeyoung.


“Hey,” Jennie called out to her gently. “Get out of that pretty head of yours, talk to me.” She says, her hand brushing away a loose lock of hair out of the brunette’s face.


The brunette chuckled humorlessly. “I don’t know what you want me to say.”


“Whatever you want.” Jennie replied. “Just… talk to me, please.”


Chaeyoung took a deep breath and exhaled. “ I keep waking up with a sharp pain in my chest.”


“What? Chae–”


“But it is like a dream, like every time I close my eyes it’s like I remember everything. All the vivid details, lying on the ground half-conscious, Irene’s blood on my hands and I–” She stopped, recounting the details of that night was too much… she couldn’t do it. “I- don’t know what to do, what–”


“Oh baby.” Jennie cooed, she wraps an arm around her shoulder and pulls Chaeyoung’s head to rest on her shoulder. She runs a hand up and down her spine, until the girl intakes a large breath, and then another, before she breaks.


Chaeyoung heaves with sobs, breath coming unevenly, shoulders shaking as she cries into Jennie’s shoulder. And so the short brunette brings up her other hand and cups the side of her girlfriend’s face, pulling her deeper into her shoulder. Chaeyoung takes the opportunity to throw her hands around her waist, holding on for dear life, which is all it takes for Jennie to let out a few tears, because nobody deserves to cry like this; like their world is crumbling all around them.


Especially not Chaeyoung.


Jennie doesn’t know how much time has passed before Chaeyoung finally calms. But when does, she turns gently so she’s now facing her girlfriend. Softly, she wipes the tracks of tears from Chaeyoungn’s face with the end of her sleeve.


“Here’s what we are going to do okay,” She begins. “While we are here, we are just going to try and let go of all the pain on this trip and only focus on the good things in our lives okay?”


Chaeyoung sniffs attempting to smile.


Jennie returns it. “And when we get back home, we are going to get you help.” She said, hurriedly continued before Chaeyoung could protest. “Because this is something I can’t help you with, Rosie, I wish I could, God do I wish I could, but I can’t and we need help okay? And then you, me, Jisoo and your mom will make a plan to figure this out together, okay.”


Chaeyoung swallows harshly, and nods. Jennie looks at her with a soft smile, noticing how much lighter she looks, even if only slightly.


“You are not alone, baby.” Jennie promises. “You just gotta let us in.”




After their talk both girls go back to sleep, even if for a couple of hours. The rest of the gang spends the night in the bus without any trouble, thankfully. It’s early morning when they arrive at Honey Grove, the bus stopping by the main plaza.


“Well, this is it… Honey Grove., The sweetest town in Texas.” Lee jested. “Get it?” He turned to the rest of the party leaving the bus. “Cause of the honey part?”


Youngjae simply gave me a look while the rest of the party ignored him and looked around the small town.


“Now we just gotta find, Bam.” Chaeyoung said, helping Jennie and Jisoo off the bus.


“I guess I’d just ask a cop if I were you guys.”


Jae scoffed. “Right, let’s just walk up to the first cop we see and say ‘Hey, have you seen our friend Bam?”


“Why not? It’s a small town.”


Just then a police officer makes his way to them. After all is not everyday a tour bus stops in the middle of a tiny town like Honey Grove.


“Excuse me!”


“Lee Joon.” The office greets.


“Top of the morning, office friendly.”


“Shut up.” Jae says, walking up to the cop. “Excuse me, sir. We’re looking for a friend of ours. Kind of tall kid, big lips, clearly not from this area?”


“Needs .” Lee said.


“Kunpimook Bhuwakul.”


Lee scoffs. “Damn, our guy’s name is Bam Bam.”


“Shut up.”


Inside the small prison the gang is led to the back cells.




Bam Bam turns around and immediately smiles at the sight of his friends. “Jae! Guys! Man, am I glad to see you.”


“Bam, what happened?” Jisoo asks.


Bam Bam sighs. “It’s kind of a long story. Let’s just get out of here.”


“Hey, we found him.” Jisoo announced once they joined the rest of the gang outside.


“Hey, Bam!”!


“Now I'm really embarrassed. You guys didn't all have to come.”


“What happened though?” Jisoo asked. “ Where'sYuna?”


“Uh, it's kind of a long story. She's just, um... She's gone.” Bam Bam sighs. “Anyway, I tried texting you guys, but my phone died. I just want to go home.”


Chaeyoung appears next to them with her phone in her hand. “Unfortunately the car won't be ready till tomorrow. But there are rooms available at a motel.”


Bam Bam winces. “Sorry, guys.”


“No, don't be sorry.” Hyuna says. “We wanted to come. We're just glad you're okay. Besides, I'm sure we can find something fun to do in this town.” She said, looking around. “ We'll go to prom.”




“Yeah, Honey Grove's prom is tonight.” She said, pointing at a bulletin board that says ‘Honey Grove prom tonight.’ “We should go. Come on, our prom . Our car broke down.”


“We're just gonna crash the Honey Grove prom?” Chaeyoung asks incredulously.


“Yeah, why not?”


“Okay, hold on.” Jisoo calls. “Where are we gonna get tuxes and dresses by tonight?”


“We go old-school. Check it out.” Jae gestures to a store across the street. “I see what I'm wearing tonight.”


“Dude, not if I beat you to it. Come on!”


Both, Jae and Bam race to the store, Lee following behind with Chaeyoung wrapping her arm around Jennie to lead them towards the store. Jisoo and Hyuna following behind.


“It’s good to see you and Jennie getting along.” Hyuna tell Jisoo.


Jisoo nods and lets out a tiny smile. “Yeah. You know, we’ve been staying together at Chaeyoung every night since the incident. It works out, we both care deeply for Chaeyoung so…” She shrugs. “I don’t know, it’s been good for us, I think.”


“I’m really glad.” Hyuna said with an honest smile. “Speaking of… how’s that one doing?” She asked, gesturing towards Chaeyoung in front of them.


Jisoo sighs. “Not well, I’ll tell you that. I’ve known her for my entire life and I’ve never seen her like this.” She says with a frown. “One moment she seems okay, but then she’s pissed then the next she’s not talking.” She exhales, stopping by the store’s door not following behind everyone else. “I’m worried.” She admits. “She hasn’t talked about what happened that night, nor about how she’s feeling and everytime we ask we get lawyer Chaeyoungie.”


Hyuna chuckles slightly at that, but looks at the brunette with sympathy. “I wish I’d know what to say in order to help but I’m not sure what the right thing to do would be.” She says. “I mean the girl is eighteen and has had a heart attack, I’d imagine that has to affect you in more ways than one, right?”


“Right.” Jisoo says, looking at Chaeyoung through the window. “I just wish I’d know how to help.”




The gang ended up renting some rooms at the hotel near the main plaza. And so this is how Jisoo and Jennie find themselves once again sharing the same space with Jennie quietly doing her eye make up, while Jisoo helps with doing her hair in soft curls.


“Penny for your thoughts?” Jennie breaks the silence after a while


Jisoo looks at her through the mirror for a second before going back to her hair. “I’m not sure they are worth that much.”


Jennie frowns slightly.


“Just thinking about V.”


“Oh. Do you miss him?”


V and Jisoo had a thing going on, Jennie wasn’t sure on the details but she had seen them together often. And thought she might not be sure but she does have the slight inkling that what happened with Chaeyoung might be the reason for their follow out. Still she hoped that whatever happened could be fixed, Jisoo deserved to be happy.


“Yeah, I do.” She admits. “Plus, I’m not really a fan of being alone these days.”


Jennie looks down briefly. “Oh, well, I was thinking maybe you could move in with me.”


Jisoo stays quiet looking at Jennie through the mirror.


“My dad is pretty much gone all the time and Chaeyoung…” She trails off. “Well, we can’t keep living with her, even if Claire says otherwise.” She said with a small smile.


“Yeah.” Jisoo chuckled. “I think…” She paused. “I think I’d like that.”


“Really, you mean that?”


“Yeah.” Jisoo says honestly mirroring Jennie’s smile. “Look I know I said we could never be friends like before. But maybe we can be better.” She says. “You look beautiful.”




“Nice outfits. You guys crashing?”


“Who, us?”


“Honey Grove's a small town. We know everybody in our school.”


“Okay, look. Here's the deal. We got stranded here, and our prom really , so we figured maybe we could come to yours. You won't tell anyone, will you?”

“No, it's cool.”


“You guys have fun.”




“So nobody has a fatal heart condition or a severe existential crisis at eighteen because of it?”


The girls around shake their heads.




“You probably have classmates who are married, right? Wife's pregnant? Got married as juniors?”


“Um, no.”




“I started the clothing line after Jendukie and I shoplifted my designs back and got arrested.”


“Arrested? What did your parents say?”


“Oh, I haven't seen my parents in like a year. I live with my friend Chaeyoung. She's so funny, and also very sad.”




“You ever had your heart broken?”


“Yeah, I think that happens everywhere.”




You have stolen my heart

I watch you spin around in your highest heels

You are the best one of the best ones


Jennie and Chaeyoung are slow dancing, Chaeyoung had her arms around the smaller girls waist while the brunette had her arms around the taller’s neck.




Jennie smiles as she looks up to Chaeyoung. “We've just been through so much.”


“You've been through so much.” Chaeyoung says. “Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me.”


Jennie shakes her head, placing her hand on top of Chaeyoung’s chest. “I gave you my heart. When you fall short... when we fall short... I know we're gonna be okay. You're my forever. You're my always. God, the way you look at me sometimes.”


She leans up and closes the distance, unable to stop herself. Kissing Chaeyoung makes her forget all of her sadness, butterflies in her stomach, everything felt like a fantasy. Like she’s literally walking on the clouds.


For Chaeyoung It was The Most Amazing Feeling. Literally. Her senses heightened but the lights still faded out. She loses all perception of where she is. What time is it? For how much time have they been kissing. The answer to these questions I still don't know and they didn’t matter.


It feels like two souls meeting each other.


“Thanks for being so good to me this week, Jen.” Chaeyoung says after they pull away. “You and Jisoo. It means everything.”


“I'd do anything for you.” Jennie replies, leaning in again.




“Are you sure about this?” Chaeyoung questioned, feeling anxious and nervous.


Jennie pushed herself off the brunette, taking a step back as she reached her hand behind her back to her dress, letting it fall to her feet. She stepped out, standing confidently in front of Chaeyoung wearing nothing but her black thong.


Chaeyoung’s eyes widened as they burned with lust. Jennie stepped forward again, straddling Chaeyoung’s lap as she leaned down, kissing heri with passion and determination.


“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”


Chaeyoung swallowed hard, watching her girlfriend attentively as she spoke almost at a whisper. “Why am I so ing nervous?”


“I am too.” Jennie admits “We’ve been through some recently and last year would have been just , and now I…” She exhaled. “I am so in love with you.”


Chaeyoung smiled. “I love you too, Jennie.”

They didn’t rush anything; this moment was special to both of them. After the incident this was the first time they’ll be reconnecting like this. Jennie took her time, giving every inch of Chaeyoung’s body her undivided attention, enjoying the blissful moans and gasps as she built up her intensity.


Late into the night, both women were exhausted from their adventurous activity. Jennie found herself nuzzled into Chaeyoung’s neck, as the woman happily held her while gingerly tracing her fingers up and down her arm, feeling light puffs of air against her with each of Jennie’s exhales. Occasionally the brunette would lean up to kiss her girlfriend, as if they just couldn’t get enough of it.


Chaeyoung was on a cloud of dopamine, stuck in an endless cycle of joy from the pleasure she had endured. She was beyond happy, and grateful for the woman that was snuggled into her.


The care and delicacy of the way that Jennie took care of her, only made her fall deeper in love with her.


Outside of the hotel room…


“So, Kim J, you have fun tonight?” Jae asks as they walk back to their respective rooms.


Jisoo nods. “Oh, I have a good time.”


“You seem a little drunk.” Bam Bam said with amusement.


“Oh yeah, the punch was more vodka than punch.”


“After hours in my room?” Jae asked the pair.


“Sounds good.”


The trio walks to the room, looking to spend a fun rest of the night, knowing the two pairs will probably be celebrating “prom” all through the night. They might as well have their own fun even if it just involves talking and games.


Bam Bam opens the door and…


“Oh my God.”


“Damn, I got to stop doing this.”


There in front of them Jennie was on top of Chaeyoung. “Oh God, I’m so sorry, really.” She said, as she pulled the sheet to cover the two of them.


Jae shuts the door. And turns to Jisoo with a slight wince. “That was uncomfortable.”


Jisoo sighs. “You know what, guys? I think I’m gonna take a walk.”

“You sure? You've been drinking.”


Jisoo smiled dryly. “Trust me, I’m sober now.”


Invitation's only grand farewells

Crash the best one of the best ones

Clear liquor and cloudy eyed, too early to say goodnight

You have stolen my heart


Jisoo walks to the main plaza, she has no destination in mind, after all she doesn’t know this town at all, however she needed the space, needed the quiet that a late night walk provides. She’d do this back at home as well, except she’d go to the river walk, and walk by the river, the calm sound of the water being somewhat calming to her.


“Well, well. Took you long enough.”


Jisoo looks up to see Lee looking at her, the man was sitting by the door of his bus, still dressed in the ridiculous vintage ruffles his “prom” suit had.


Jisoo scoffed. “Don’t flatter yourself.”


“Want to come inside?” Lee asked. “I get really good-looking after a few drinks.”


Jisoo chuckled. “Listen. My last couple relationships have been screwed up big-time. And I also have a terrible fear of being alone. So if we slept together, it would just mean that I'm drunk and trying to kill the pain. It wouldn't have anything to do with you.“


“Works for me.” The man said with a shrug.


“No... No. I got to stop all that.” Jisoo replied. “My broken heart is not going to get fixed by sleeping around. I'm graduating soon. And god forbid I end up like you.”


“So you just want to talk?”


Jisoo raised her eyebrow. “You just want to talk?”


“Sure.” Lee nods, an unfamiliar seriousness in his face. “Lee gets lonely, too, sometimes.”


“I heard that.”


Our dreams assured and we all will sleep well, sleep well

You have stolen my heart


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You know what? Imma just remove the complete flag on this, who am I kidding there's still a lot I want write/explore in this universe.


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Chapter 17: So sweet
Thanks author
Chapter 17: It is a pity for me not to be able to read your update in detail, lately my work absorbs me a lot and I hardly sleep, I hope to be able to read the update on Saturday in great detail. Thank you author you are very cute and cool
Chapter 17: I missed this, thank you for coming back
Astraea21 #4
Chapter 16: 🥰😊👏😘❤️😲
Chapter 16: This was it. Like it answered so many of the little questions I had. But don’t get me wrong, I love these snippets, it’s like I’m growing with these characters yknow
Chapter 16: Thank u so much for the update :D !!!!!
Chapter 15: oh my god this is a roller coaster, when I thought it was all honey flake TT
Jennie, Chaeng and the little baby, be very strong!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 15: My gotta hurt my heart like this after coming back...bruh
skishajs #9
Chapter 15: U really know how to turn up the angst
imakyutiereader #10
Chapter 14: Akkllkkkkkkkkkk moreee stories about park's family please chaenniella luvv