Chapter 16

Can You Reach My Heart?♡
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An awkward silence filled the car after the encounter with Jimin. I kept my eyes on my lap as I fidgeted with my fingers. Hoseok just looked at me through the rear-view mirror and then to where Jimin walked off to.

"I should um..." he cautiously started saying. "I should probably chase after him..."

My eyes met his. "Y-yeah, no yeah you probably should..." I didn't know what to do at that moment. "Um, you can just leave me here then..." Still not fully comprehending what just happened, I stayed immobile in the car.

"Sorry about all this," He said as he quickly turned his car off and got out. The sound of him opening my door snapped me back into reality. "Again, I'm sorry about this..."

"No, don't worry about it," I stepped out his car and gave him a worried smile. "Just let me know once you guys get home, okay?" Hoseok hugged me before running towards where Jimin went. I was about to text my chauffeur to pick me up when I suddenly got the chills. I felt as if someone were watching me.

"What are you doing just standing here?" I looked up to see Taehyung walking towards me.

I didn't feel like telling him everything that just happened, so I decided to just keep my answer simple. "I was about to text my chauffeur to pick me up."

He looked around and scratched the back of his head. "I can give you a ride home... I was heading there either way."

"I'll accept the ride but why were you heading to my house?" We started walking to where his car was parked.

"Your parents didn't tell you? My family is going over for dinner or something," he shrugged his shoulders and unlocked the car. I stood outside of his car for a few seconds, wondering why I didn't receive any warning about this event. "I can't give you a ride home if you don't get in the car you know."

"Yes I know, I'm not stupid," I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. "I'm just confused because I didn't even know my parents were home already." I buckled my seatbelt and looked out the window, noticing little raindrops.

"Well now you know," he said mumbling.

The car ride home was silent, but it wasn't an awkward silence. Taehyung had classical music playing softly in the background. That, mixed with the sound of rain hitting the windows, set a comfortable atmosphere. I had my eyes closed, enjoying the sounds when I felt the car come to a stop. I opened my eyes to see the car parked in front of a coffee shop.

I looked over to Taehyung with furrowed eyebrows. "What are we doing at a cafe?"

"Well, I figured that if your parents didn't tell you about the dinner, it's probably gonna be bad news right?" He rubbed the back of his head. "I thought it would be a good idea to come here and relax before walking into the storm..."

"I thought you didn't like coffee?"

"I don't... but you do right? So let's go," he gave a thin smile at me as he got out the car.

I smiled to myself a bit before getting out the car. Although Taehyung could act cold to me, he sometimes does the nicest things without even realizing it. He pays attention and remembers the smallest details that others wouldn't.

We took a seat at the cafe after we ordered our drinks. We talked for a while about random things that came up. It was still raining outside, but I felt calm and warm inside the cafe. I sat there smiling at Taehyung as he beamed about something that happened to him the other day.

He stopped his story halfway and looked at me with a playful smile. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"I don't know

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