Chapter 17

Can You Reach My Heart?♡
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Sooyuns POV

I sat there, tears threatening to spill out my eyes. I wanted to chase after Taehyung, but I couldn't even bring myself to move.

"Wait honey, before we can plan anything, we have to introduce Sooyun to the media," my dad spoke up, interrupting the celebration.

"Don't worry, I'll have a photo shoot set up for her and Taehyung so we can have pictures ready," my mom said nonchalantly.

"Oooo where should we send them on their honeymoon? I would love to have grandkids soon!" Taehyungs mom squealed out in excitement.

I slowly stood up and excused myself. I couldn't stand being in that room a second longer. I made my way to my room and collapsed onto my bed. My headache was coming back stronger than it was this morning.

I just laid there, thinking about how much my life was about to change. If my parents are going to introduce me to the media, then all eyes will be on me from now on. My parents, or rather my mom, will probably become controlling over everything I do.

A flash of lightning and the loud crash of thunder following it broke me out of my thoughts. The sound of rain hitting my window suddenly became really loud.

Taehyung probably got caught in the middle of that storm. Should I text him? He's probably driving. But where did he go? If things weren't great between us before, things are going to be even worse now that we are engaged for real this time.

The sudden loud rumble of thunder made me jump. I just hope he's alright and safe right now. I decided to take a shower to try and clear my thoughts a bit.

After showering, I put on a sweater and some sweats and got into bed. I grabbed my phone to turn off my alarms and noticed that I had a message from Hoseok that I never answered.

Hmm, I hope nothing serious happened with Jimin that Hoseok couldn't tell me... I'll have to talk to Jimin after practice. That is if he stays until the end this time.

I turned off all my alarms and quickly fell asleep.


I woke up after what felt like only 10 minutes of sleep. I tried to reach for my phone to check the time, but my whole body felt weak. I was sweating yet I was shivering. I sat up to reach for my phone again and immediately felt as if someone threw a brick at my head. It was 3 am and I knew I definitely had a fever. Slowly, I made my way downstairs to get some medicine. I took some pills that we had and went back to my room. Just before getting back into bed, I had the sudden suspicion about something. I instantly made my way to the bathroom and, just as I had suspected there was a fresh small red stain on my underwear.

Aren't I the luckiest girl in the world right now.

After changing and putting a pad on, I was finally able to get back into bed. It took me a little while to fall back asleep because I couldn't stop shaking, but the medicine soon kicked in and knocked me out.


I didn't expect to sleep in, but I ended up waking up at 2 pm. My body still felt a bit weak, but I felt a bit better than I did earlier. My headache was still strong though. I had an hours before practice started so I got out of bed and went downstairs to get something to eat.

"Well look who finally decided to get out of bed," my mom said as soon as I walking into the kitchen. "Did you plan on wasting the whole day sleeping?"

"I didn't expect you to be home. I thought you and dad had work to do." I calmly said, not trying to start an argument.

"I decided to stay and have some mother-daughter time with you," she said with no hint of emotion.

I rolled my eyes and looked over to Hana who gave me a sympathetic smile and served me a plate of food. I was about to thank her before my mom spoke up.

"Don't give her any food until I give you permission Hana." She sternly said.

I gave my mom a cold stare before looking back at Hana who avoided eye contact as she took the plate full of food away from me.

"So what, you're going to prohibit me from eating now?" I almost growled at my mom. "You got what you wanted last night, so why am I still getting punished?"

"You have the photo shoot Friday afternoon and I need you to look perfect." She said in an 'as a matter of fact' tone.

"I'm busy Friday, reschedule it." I glared at her.

"You think your little musical is going to get you out of the photoshoot?" she scoffed. "If it weren't for your dad, I would've had you enrolled in only business courses and not having you waste your time dancing."

"At least dad cares about my happiness and well being." I rolled my eyes. "He wouldn't be starving me if he were here."

My mom laughed after hearing my response and started walking towards me. "Yeah, and he also thought sending you to the U.S to dance was a good idea, but look at how you came back. You've gained weight and think you can do whatever you please."

"And what about you? I don't recall you ever being this bossy and y before."


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