Judgement of The Foreign Divine

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X Reader

As the figure approaches all of us gather together with the three men in front, we watched and put our guard up as we watched the figure slowly approach us. The blades of grass around the figure seem to dry out and turn brown as they walk through the beautiful grass, it’s frightening to be honest. I’ve never encountered anything like this, for a demon this is so different. My eyes goes wide as the female figure finally stop a few feet away from us. She has long black hair that falls along her back, it’s slightly messy and covers half of her face, she’s wearing a pale red attire that doesn’t look like a Japanese kimono or attire. She’s quite beautiful for a demon but she also looks quite sickly, her skin is slightly pale and with a slight tint of green. She’s slightly hunched over, her attire has long sleeves that falls around her. If she’s a demon, then why doesn’t she look like a proper demon? She looks nothing like Inuyasha, Naraku, or Sesshomaru, just what kind of demon is she? Also, she doesn’t look like a demon that you would encounter anywhere in Japan.

“Who and what are you?! Where do you come from and what do you want?!” Inuyasha shouts at the woman.

She doesn’t reply, her eyes are slightly red and lifeless looking. Her not replying just chills all of us out, as she stands there the grass around her all turn brown and dies. We just stare in disbelief at the sight of the dead grass.

“She looks sick Inuyasha, perhaps she’s not a demon. We should probably treat her.” Miroku says readying his staff.

“Oh ya let’s just go up to her and tell her she’s sick, I mean look at the grass around this thing Miroku, the grass are dead. Have you ever seen any sick humans shrivel up grass before?!” Inuyasha spits out.

“So what do you suggest then Inuyasha? If this being or human turns out to be more dangerous than we think, we might have to put her down.” Naraku says.

“Looks like it, but who knows how much human is left inside of her...” Inuyasha says furrowing his brows.

The late afternoon sun is casting a long shadow of this figure. She suddenly lifts her head up and looks directly at us, my body freeze at the beauty of this being. She looks so sad.

“Báng wo... jìu wo(Help me... save me)(Chinese.)” She says with a pained tone.

We all gasp in shock, she’s indeed not Japanese. She sounds Chinese, how did she get here? What is she saying though? Although we don’t understand but it seems like she’s asking for something, she holds out her arms out almost to beckon us to her.

“We have to help her.” Rin suddenly says.

She then starts to go to her.

“Rin no!” Lady Kaede shouts.

“Rin what are you doing?!” Inuyasha shouts.

He jumps forward and catches Rin by her wrist, he pulls her back.

“Rin you don’t know what this person actually is!” Sango shouts holding her children close.

Suddenly I see the woman’s face contorts slightly and she lunges at us in great speed, my eyes widen in shock.

“Inuyasha look out!” Kagome suddenly shouts.

The woman’s hair flies around her as she flies at us in inhuman speed. The sleeves of her attire flutters around her, although they look soft and delicate but they also look very deadly if it wraps around your neck.

“Miroku! Naraku! Get them out of the way!” Inuyasha shouts.

Inuyasha then grabs Rin and jumps back to Lady Kaede and Shippo, grabs them and leaps to a great distance away. Miroku dashes to Sango and the children and leaps away as well. Naraku comes to Kagome and I and brings us out of the way just in the nick of time, I hold onto Naraku as I feel the wind flies around me. Naraku puts us down and hides Kagome and I behind his back, my heart is racing and fear fills me to the core. Will Naraku, Miroku, and Inuyasha be able to take down this demon? She alone looks stronger than Naraku and Inuyasha combined, also, she’s a foreign being we know nothing about her weaknesses. She stands up and her hair falls around her again, I can hear her breathing heavily with a slight growl to her voice, it’s frightening. She sounds sick, her head tilts to the side her as she just stands there, the grass around her slowly losing their color. We have some distance from her so we’ll be able to escape incase she lashes out again. Lady Kaede doesn’t have her arrows and same goes with Kagome, Naraku has no weapons except for his demonic powers. Although this female “demon” has nothing except for her demonic powers but who knows just how strong she is. How did such a peaceful day come to this? Although I wish that it didn’t have to come to this, but I’m glad that she didn’t wreak havoc among the village. Then again... who knows how long she has been in Japan already, she might have already killed hundreds of people already and we don’t even know. The thoughts sends shivers through my spine.

“If this continues then we really need to bring her down.” Miroku shouts at us.

“Try exorcising her first!” Inuyasha shouts at Miroku.

“I’ll give it a try, Naraku, Inuyasha help back me up!” Miroku shouts taking out his sutras.

The three of them all lunge towards the female, trying to pin her down and perform an exorcism on her. I pray that it will work, suddenly she turns and lunges at Inuyasha who’s behind her and is pulling his Tessaiga out from its sheath. Inuyasha’s eyes widen in surprise. Her momentum and strength hits Inuyasha hard and she manages to send him flying back a few feet away. We all gasp in shock, she then turns and flings her attire sleeves at Miroku. It ties around his hand that is holding the sutras, with a pull she sends him flying and pull the sutras out of his hand and towards her. She then turns and lunges towards Naraku, my heart drops as I can only watch the horrific scene. Naraku stops mid track and jumps out of the way just before she can touch him.

“Inuyasha!” Kagome shouts.

I see Inuyasha sits up with a groan, Miroku props himself up with his staff.

“She took all of my sutras, I can’t perform and exorcism on her anymore. I don’t have my wind tunnel anymore either, this looks bad!” Miroku says.

The woman stands up and rips the sutras into pieces. What are we going to do? It seems like all three of them might not be able to take her down, are all Chinese demons like this? Are they all this strong? If Sesshomaru was here, will he be able to take her down? We all just stare at her, she turns back around and looks at all of us that are scattered around. Sango and the children are priority. The demon holds her head and looks at us with a pained expression, why does she look so conflicted?

“Báng wo...(help me)” She says.

What is she saying? What does she want?! She then lets out a scream that sounds almost like a distorted pained growl. She then lunges at us again, especially at Inuyasha.

“Inuyasha get out of the way!” I shout at him.

“You don’t need to tell me that!” Inuyasha yells as he jumps away just in the nick of time.

We all gather together with our defence up, she then suddenly collapses onto the ground. We all look at her in shock. She then starts coughing violently, but then stands back up again and turns around with her head tilted. My eyes widen as I look at her face, it’s slightly more green than earlier, she has blood coming out of and she’s breathing heavily.

“She looks really sick Naraku, what are we going to do? We have to subdue her and figure out what is making her cough up blood.” I say.

“I think she’s far from saving_________.” Miroku says.

I feel frustrated, is she actually a demon? Or is she a human who’s possessed by a demon? Kagome holds on to me, I turn to look at her. She shakes her head with a distraught frown. I realized that it may actually be a lost cause. Miroku can’t perform an exorcism on her because all of his sutras are gone, Inuyasha’s Tessaiga won’t be able to get her if she’s able to agilely avoid its attacks. The rest of us can’t do anything either to subdue her.

“I’ll divert her attention, it’s up to you Inuyasha to finish her.” Naraku suddenly says.

“Divert her attention? Naraku what do you mean?” I ask him feeling unease in my heart.

“I need to take her attention away from Inuyasha so that he can take her down without being noticed.” Naraku replies.

“It’s dangerous Naraku, don’t do this.” I say grabbing onto him.

“It’s the only way, don’t worry_________, I’ll try my best to keep out of harms way. I promise.” Naraku says.

“Naraku stop blabbering she’s coming!” Inuyasha shouts suddenly grabbing Shippo by the tail and Lady Kaede, and Rin jumping onto his back.

We all turn to look at the woman’s direction, she’s literally flying at us with yellow wide eyes. She’s looking less and less human. She has blood around and flowing from her nose. Naraku grabs me and Kagome, Miroku grabs Sango and the children, we all jump away as she whip her long sleeves at us. Although she may be a demon, but her attacks are beautiful with the long black hair and beautiful attire. She was beautiful a few minutes ago, now she looks sickly and more demonic.

“There’s no time to waste, we have to act now!” Miroku shouts.

The three of them nod to each other, Naraku lets go of me and dashes towards the woman who’s regaining her composure. Without knowing I reach out to grab him but all I’m grabbing is the weightless air. My mind blanks out as I watch Naraku charge towards danger, I can’t do anything and it’s killing me. Naraku manages to land a blow on her back, Miroku and Inuyasha spreads out and waits for an opportunity to strike. The woman flies out a few feet away and slides along the wilted grass, Her hair is now in disarray, she props herself up and she coughs and holds her chest. I turn back to look at Naraku, now there’s two more of him. I realize that by diverting her attention is by making multiple version of him and trick her, just like how he did with Inuyasha that night. I clasp my hands together praying that everything will turn out fine, and that her reign of terror will end. She stand up, I can see blood covering her whole lower chin area, she has blood coming out of her eyes now as well, her eyes are red and her irises are yellow, also, her two lower canine teeth are now longer than usual and is protruding out of . She looks more like a demon now, but on the verge of dying. She then rips of her long sleeves to reveal lengthy claw like nails, her skin is now in a medium tone green. I’ve never seen such a thing, and to see it transform before our eyes like this in such painful stages is frightening. She then spreads her clawed hands and lunges at the Narakus, I gasp and my eyes widen in shock, would she know which one is the real one? She lunges for the one on the right, we don’t even know which one is the real one. She then aims her claws together almost like a spear and towards Naraku’s heart. Inuyasha readies his Tessaiga and gives Miroku a nod, they then run towards her. I return my attention back to Naraku, all of this within a few seconds. Naraku isn’t moving, but as she approaches him bit by bit, I suddenly see his red eyes slightly widen in shock.

“Oh no…” I unconsciously say.

She then s her long claws at his heart, Naraku then suddenly shifts his body. Her long claws pierces into his chest close to his left shoulder, but just barely. She got him.

“Naraku!” I gasp in shock.

I try to run to him by Kagome and Sango grabs onto me. Inuyasha and Miroku all stop in shock. She was able to detect the real Naraku, just how strong is she? We know nothing about foreign demons. Naraku flinches at the pain and grabs onto her wrist as she pins him down onto the ground.

“Inuyasha! Do something!” I shout him and Miroku to save Naraku.

Miroku regains his composure first and dashes towards him as Naraku has a hold on her hands. Miroku slides his staff across her chest and locks her in place. He pulls her off of Naraku, I watch as her claws pull out of his chest with blood flying in the air like rain drops. Naraku still has a grip on her hands, Naraku’s demonic strength is able to keep her confined. She’s struggling, by now her once flawless skin is now peeling away, her teeth has now become longer and sharper like fangs. She’s completely losing her human appearance by the second.

Let’s end this!” Inuyasha shouts raising his Tessaiga.

Naraku hits her across the chest, she coughs up blood, Miroku then throws this now demonic woman back and she hits the ground. Naraku and Miroku then leaps away, she doesn’t have enough time to get up and retaliate. Inuyasha then brings down his Tessaiga, and the wind turns into blades it aims towards her. We all take cover from the strong attack that makes the whole field shake, whoever this demon is, it’s finally the end for her. Her eyes widen, the yellow of her eyes are now dark yellow, she holds her clawed hands in front of her to try to shield herself with any power that she has left. She lets out a growl, the Tessaiga’s attack envelops her completely. We all close our eyes as her growls fades, I cover my ears, I can’t see anything and all the sounds are muffled. A few seconds later, I open my eyes slowly, I lift my head and I see Inuyasha looking exhausted, his Tessaiga is on the ground as he hold’s the hilt. Miroku is leaning against his staff. I turn my attention to Naraku, he’s holding the puncture wound that is bleeding, his hands are covered in blood. I feel sick to my stomach and I feel the life drain from my face, my feet unconsciously carries towards Naraku. Sango and Kagome run to their respective loves. I grab onto Naraku’s arms and support him, he turns his red eyes to me, they are still beautiful and unique just like the first day that I saw him. Except now, I’m seeing him injured and it pains me. I feel tears come to my eyes.

“Naraku are you alright?” I ask him with panic in my voice.

“I’m fine, it’s just a wound that’s all I’ll be able to heal soon.” He replies holding my hand with a smile.

“Thank goodness it didn’t puncture your heart, or else it could have been fatal. You said that you wouldn’t get hurt.” I say hugging him.

“I’m sorry_________, I thought that I could fool the demon, but she saw through my illusions. It’s over now.” He replies quietly.

I nod in response. We all walk up to the now lifeless body, It didn’t disintegrate from the Tessaiga’s attack. it’s like a completely different being now. The once beautiful but sickly woman is now gone, in her place, is a green monster like demon with sharp jagged teeth, it has a strong physical body but with a feminine look to it overall. Just what type of monster is this? Blood laces its cheeks, nose, and mouth. How can such a beautiful woman from a foreign land turn out to be a horrific demon.

“What are we going to do now?” Rin asks.

“I think it’s best to leave this place, we’ve put it down now. Luckily no one is seriously injured. Miroku suggests.

We all nod, suddenly the sky darkens and lightning strikes across the sky. We all gasp at he sudden shock of weather.

“Now what?!” Inuyasha yells.

The lightning strikes one after another all around us, the wind blows and the trees sway, but it’s not hitting us. I hold onto Naraku as he’s still holding his wound. Suddenly, a loud lightning strike lights up the whole area that we have to cover our ears and shut our eyes. I hope Sango’s children will be alright.

“Sango take Rin, Shippo and the kids out of here!” Lady Kaede shouts.

Sango nods, she grabs the kids and beckons Rin to follow her. Without waiting to see what is going to happen they all run with Lady Kaede following. It's good to have theme escape first before things escalate.

“I think we should leave too!” Kagome shouts through the lightning and thunder.

“We can try, but it seems as if it’s directed towards us!” Miroku shouts.

We all turn to run, but a lightning comes down in front of us and stops us in our tracks with a few feet from hitting us. This looks bad.

“It’s time to face your judgement.” A booming voice suddenly echos across the plains behind us.

We all turn around to see who the voice belongs to, Standing not too far away, further away from the dead demon is a large figure with muscular build. He’s looks fearsome and almost out of this world, he has blue skin, hands ending in claws and large bat wings on its back, All it’s wearing is a loincloth with gold lining and yellow and red designs that almost looks Chinese. Surrounding his biceps and flowing behind him is a red ribbon like cloth that flows around him like a ring of halo. A necklace made out of what I assume, jade orbs hangs around his neck. He has flaring red eyebrows and bright yellow eyes. His face almost has a bird like appearance. In his right hand looks like a hammer, and in his left is a large chisel. Hanging on his right hips is a drum. As I look closer, I can see a faint glow around him. He doesn’t look like anything that I have seen. Inuyasha and the other seem to be shocked as well, This being is about three times the size of a normal human.

“Now what?!” Inuyasha groans.

“Who are you?” Miroku asks the being.

The being hits the drum that’s hanging on his hips and the whole earth shakes with a thunderous quake and lightnings flash through the sky. We all cover our ears, my heart is pounding in fear, why is today like this? We all look back up at the being with flaring yellow eyes. 

“I am the Chinese God of thunder and lightening, Lei Gong(Lord of Thunder/Lightning).” The being booms.

My eyes goes wide in shock, is this happening? Standing in front of us, is a god? A Chinese god? I have heard of demons, encountered demons, but never have I come face to face with a god. This world that we live in… it’s filled with endless surprises. Inuyasha, and Miroku stands in front of us, Inuyasha take out his Tessaiga again and holds it ready.

“Why is a Chinese god here? How can you communicate with us in our language? What is your purpose here and why did you come to us?” Miroku asks again.

“A god is able to speak in many tongues, I have come here because I have a task to fulfill.” His voice echos across the plains.

“What task?” Kagome asks.

The god looks down at the body of the demon that Inuyasha and the others killed, the god then points his hammer at the corpse.

“This demon, was once a human, She has been overtaken with two types of sickness ghosts, Gao Huang Gui, which lives near the heart and causes ill thoughts and physical illness. The other ghost was the Fu Gui, which lives in the stomach region and causing pain in the internal organs which leads to death. As the being that you see now, is the final form of a demon called, Hua Pi Gui(Painted Skin Demon) It overtakes its hosts and eventually sheds the outer skin. This woman that once inhabited this body has causes chaos in her region after being consumed by evil, unfortunately, the wrong doing were not severe enough to be punished. Eventually, her action eventually lead to death because of the Hua Pi Gui’s hunger for humans. As the god that punishes both mortals and demons, I was tasked by the Jade Emperor to punish this demon. Unfortunately, she has escaped China and entered into your land, As a god of the Chinese culture, I was not able to enter without permission from your deities. But now, I was granted permission and has come to punish the demon, but it seems like you have killed it already.” The god explains.

So that explains why she was coughing up blood, the ghosts were killing her slowly from the inside. Such things exists…. How fearsome.

“We had to, it was too dangerous to be set free.” Kagome explains.

“That is not your choice to make, At the time, her soul still lives, the demons and ghosts that are residing in her could still be vanquished with a proper exorcism.” The god roars.

“We were planning to, but she took my exorcism sutras before I could perform one on her. If we didn’t take it out it could have causes casualties.” Miroku shouts.

“So what is your purpose here now that the demon is dead?” Naraku asks.

The god spreads its bat wings, almost the size of two large boats.

“I have come here to punish the demons that has killed an innocent soul, and by punish, death may be inevitable.” The god says.

“You cannot punish us as we are not of your land. We did nothing wrong!” Inuyasha yells in anger.

“How foolish, I may be a foreign god, but I am a god. The judgement has been given by the divine and I’ll carry out the task that I was assigned. Gods stay within one’s territory of origin but circumstances have changed since this demon has ventured into your land which has allowed us gods to take responsibility to get rid of any loose ends.” The God proclaims.

The gods can do that? Without a second later, The god smashes his hammer onto the ground, and the ground shakes and cracks across the once beautiful plain and towards us. Naraku pushes me and Kagome out of the way. Miroku and Inuyasha jumps to the other side. The earth cracks between us, looks like the god is not joking, he is going to punish us.

“I’ll take you down!” Inuyasha roars.

“You cannot kill a god, foolish demon.” Lei Gong booms.

“Well I can try!” Inuyasha yells in frustration.

He wields his Tessaiga down and blades of light travels across the field towards the large being, He’s just standing there, he then grabs his drum from his hip and holds it in front of him. The Tessaiga’s attack hits the drum and repels elsewhere, just like the sounds of a real drum. When it hits the drum, booming thunder fills the land again. I feel that this god won’t leave until one of them is dead. The god then throws his chisel towards Inuyasha, lighting trails behind it.

“Inuyasha! Kagome shouts.

Inuyasha jumps out of the way just in time, the chisel lodges itself into the ground and the grounds cracks and splinters like spiderwebs. Although Naraku is injured, he is protecting Kagome and I. Miroku can’t do anything either, he once had a wind tunnel in the palm of his hand but it’s gone, also, would a wind tunnel work on a god? Inuyasha then jumps into the air and wields his Tessaiga again. The god flies into the air and dodges the attack in great speed. The god then flies towards Inuyasha again with its claws spread and ready to crush Inuyasha. My eyes widen in shock, Inuyasha won’t have to time to escape.

“No!” I hear Kagome shout from beside me.

Suddenly something white flashes and grabs Inuyasha, the god’s claws jabs into the ground and the earth shakes. I feel my heart stop beating for a split second, Naraku Miroku, Kagome, and I all look around to find Inuyasha. Standing in the distance on the ground is Inuyasha, Beside him is an elegant figure with pure white hair. The familiar white kimono and the bundle of fur on his shoulder tells me who he is right away.

“Sesshomaru!” I shout with relief in my heart.

“Get up Inuyasha.” Sesshomaru orders his younger brother.

Inuyasha grumbles and gets up with the Tessaiga’s support.

“Another demon has meddled in this affair, I have no choice but to punish you too.” The God says.

“Getting me first makes all the difference.” Sesshomaru replies furrowing his brows.

Sesshomaru then slowly start to transform. His once beautiful amber eyes turns red and his size grows as well. His face slowly turns into that of a dog, in no time his whole physical forms has turned into a large dog, the bundle of fur that was once on his shoulder has turned into his tail. The magenta stripes on his cheeks has become jagged and he has sharp claws and fangs. He is now a fearsome large dog with clouds like fur around him. He stood almost to the size of the god. I have never seen this form of Sesshomaru, I gasp at the sudden transformation. The god does not budge, he is indeed a god if he’s not afraid of such feared demon such as Sesshomaru.

“A dog demon I see, I will not be backing down, come at me with all you have, dogs. I will punish you all if it takes all day.” The god booms.

"Who you calling a dog?!" Inuyasha retorts.

Sesshomaru growls and with Inuyasha beside him, they both rush towards Lei Gong. Lei Gong bends down and picks up his chisel and with a smash of his hammer, he lodges the chisel back into the ground, the ground shakes, Kagome and I both fall down onto the ground, cracks explode from the earth and it causes both Sesshomaru and Inuyasha to lose their balance and sends them flying back. Sesshomaru growls and narrows his sharp red eyes, his mouth his drooling and his fangs glimmers in the early evening sun. Inuyasha manages to find his balance after he lends. This looks really bad, two against one and they can’t even defeat this God of Thunder.

“This looks bad Sesshomaru.” Inuyasha says to his brother.

Sesshomaru growls and he lowers his stance. Naraku all of a sudden stands up.

“Naraku what are you doing?” I ask him.

“I have to help them.” Naraku says.

“Sesshomaru and Inuyasha can’t even touch this god, how can you?” I ask him in frustration.

“I’ll have to try.” Naraku says.

With his hand covered in his own blood, he dashes towards Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. I feel so frustrated and angry that I can’t do anything, Kagome holds me close to her, protecting me with what she has. Then all three of them charge at the god, The god himself charges at them and he extends his claws. He aims for Sesshomaru first, He dodges Sesshomaru's jaws and grabs Sesshomaru’s front left leg, and flings him to the side. Sesshomaru hits the ground hard and slides a good few meters away. The god then opens his bat wings right away and the force of the wind around him pushes Inuyasha and Naraku back. They hit the ground hard. Inuyasha and Naraku being flown into different directions.

“Accept your punishment!” The God roars.

“Never!” Inuyasha shouts standing back up.

Sesshomaru gets back up and lunges at the god again, the god turns and flings his hammer at Sesshomaru, Sesshomaru opens up his large jaws in mid air, but the divine hammer hits him on his left shoulder from the side and causes Sesshomaru to get thrown to the side again. Inuyasha at the meantime attacks with his Tessaiga, blades of lights flies from his sword and towards the God. Naraku isn’t moving, and I fear for his life. I have to help him, I have to get him to safety. Then I see Naraku slowly getting up with pain on his face, a light of hope fills me.

“I have to go to him.” I tell Kagome.

“___________ don’t it’s dangerous!” Kagome shouts.

I manage to free myself from her grasp and I run towards Naraku. Naraku’s eyes sees me and it widens in horror.

“_____________ don’t!” Naraku shouts.

Inuyasha’s attack flies towards Lei Gong, Lei Gong agilely turns and lifts his drum, the blade of light hits the drum and once again repels. The thunderous boom fills the air again and it stops me in my track, I turn to look and I see the light blade coming straight at me. I couldn’t move, I was frozen. Everything seem to freeze around me, no sounds no movement, nothing. My feet isn’t carrying me away from my upcoming death, I’m going to die. Suddenly something pushes me out of the way, and I fall onto the ground hard. I see the flash of light zoom pass me.

“Naraku!” I hear Kagome shout in the distance.

Naraku?! What has happened to Naraku? I prop myself up and I frantically look around for Naraku, I finally see him lying on the ground in the distance, the light blade slowly fading away, from his heart area. I feel my heart stop, my eyes widen in fear. I couldn’t breathe. He’s not moving, Naraku’s not moving anymore. I feel the life drain out of me.

“Enough!” A voice echos through the air.

We all turn to look and see where the sound is coming from, it’s a heavenly voice of a female. Even Lei Gong himself stops. Then a halo of light appears in between Lei Gong and Inuyasha, Sesshomaru growls and the fur on his back stands. The light then slowly start to take form, it’s a woman. She’s wearing a beautiful silk like white dress with a cloth draped over her head, she has a red gem on her forehead, long black hair falls around her and a section of her hair is formed into a bun on top of her head with a gold lotus shape hair ornament, she’s holding a willow branch in her right hand and a green jade bottle in her left. She looks absolutely divine and beautiful, she looks like a goddess.

“Return to the Jade Emperor Lei Gong, enough damage has been done here. The green demon has been sent to the afterlife, and a life has been taken. No need to drag this out any longer.” She says to the God.

The god of thunder glares at all of us once more and lets out a booming growl.

“Very well. I’ll report back to the Jade Emperor. Consider your punishment to be dismissed.” Lei Gong says.

With a flash of lighting, the fearsome god has vanished. The female figure turns to all of us, her soft eyes falls upon me, a sad look fills her face.

“Dear child…” She says quietly.

With a bright light, she vanishes as well. The whole world seems to be dead silent again, the cracks fills the earth and the once beautiful grass has turned brown. Sesshomaru transforms back into his humanoid form, he holds shoulder where the hammer hit him. I turn my attention back to Naraku, I push myself off of the ground and run to him. I throw myself onto the ground beside him, tears are streaming down my face now. His eyes are closed and he’s not moving. The wound that he sustained has stopped bleeding but now he’s lifeless. I lift his head up and I hold him in my arms, I shake his face and his body.

“Naraku! Wake up! Naraku talk to me, say something!” I shout at him.

Inuyasha and Miroku runs over, Kagome sits besides me and holds my shoulder trying to calm me down. I’m a mess right now, I’m covered in dirt and tears stain my face. I’m trying to get the one I love to open his eyes. I’m so in distraught right now.

“I think my attack repelled and hit him in the heart.” Inuyasha says.

“Naraku is stronger than that, he’s not going to die this easily.” I say trying to convince myself.

“___________ We know how you feel, but hitting the heart is fatal to any being, demons or humans.” Kagome says.

“No… this can’t be! Naraku wake up! Please!” I shout at him.

His once flawless skin is now covered in dirt and wounds, I can’t see his red eyes anymore as they are now covered by his eyelids. I shake him and cry. Then I feel myself overcome with dizziness and sickness. The whole world around me start to spin, I’m losing my consciousness and strength.

“_____________, what’s wrong?’ I hear Sesshomaru’s fading voice ask me.

I then lose my consciousness and I fall over.

“_____________!” I hear all of them shout as I hit the ground.

Blackness overwhelms me and I lose my hold on Naraku. 

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Chapter 27: i can't wait for more!!~
Chapter 26: oh god, why Naraku?? T-T
Chapter 24: this is so amazing!!~ everyone is finally getting along! XD
Chapter 23: oof!~~
Chapter 21: i'm loving this!!!~~
Chapter 19: even tho i was kinda hoping for something between the reader and Sesshomaru, i'm glad she's going after Naraku and only sees Sesshomaru as an older brother figure! but maybe there will be some kind of drama in the future, who knows?? I just can't wait for the next chapter!!^^ ~~
Chapter 18: i am loving this story so far!!~~ it's so amazing!! u are very amazing, author-nim!
CrayiaS #8
Chapter 17: Looking forward to next update ^^
joyabut2 #9
Chapter 17: update update update.. i'm following.. ;)
Chapter 17: this gets more interesting my friend!!~