That Faint Guilt Deep Down

Fleeting Embraces, Falling Feelings ~ Naraku X Reader

As they neared I turn to face and greet them.

"Kagome." I call out to her.

"____________! You're awake? You feeling better?" She asks me.

"Ya, I woke up a while ago and came here for some fresh air. Thanks for asking." I smile at her.

"Oh ok good, I thought it was something serious." She replies with a sigh.

Suddenly the young man with the red eyes comes up to me and takes my hand, I look at his hand around mine and then back at him. His bright red eyes looking into mine so intently.

"Uhm Wh..." I start to ask him.

Suddenly he closes the distance between us and his lips finds mine, his smooth skin presses against my own. My eyes goes wide at the sudden action from him, I'm shocked frozen. I don't know what to do. I use my free hand to push against his strong chest, his grip on my hand is strong but it's not hurtful. I push him away and look into his eyes, he looks confused as his bright crimson orbs searches mine.

"_____________?" He asks me.

He knows my name? But who is he? How does this person and Sesshomaru know my name but I don't know theirs?

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" I ask him back.

For some reason, I didn't slap this Naraku person, something told me that slapping him for kissing me was not right. His facial expression slightly turns into one of shock, I look behind him and I see Sango, Miroku, Kagome, and Inuyasha's face all look slightly taken aback as well. What is going on?

"_____________, it's me, Naraku." The young man says.

I turn my attention to him. Naraku?

"Naraku? I'm sorry, but I don't know you..."I reply back to him.

"___________, It's Naraku, he's your one true love, you don't remember? He's the one that you love." Sango says.

"We went on a 3 day journey a few days ago to find the goddess Nüwa so that she can bring him back to life." Miroku reminds me.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know you." I say to this person named Naraku.

"Think___________." Inuyasha orders me.

I try to search my mind, but I can't find anything. I don't remember meeting him, I don't remember knowing his name, I don't remember. For some reason though, all of them are saying that I know him and that we were once a couple. I look back at all of them after giving my all to find this missing piece of my memory.

"I really don't know. I'm sorry." I tell them.

"How could this be..." Naraku says furrowing his brows and slightly shaking his head.

"_________." Kagome says my name with a solemn tone.

"Did goddess Nuwa do something in order to bring back Naraku that we don't know of?" Miroku says to himself.

I feel like they're taking me on a guilt trip, and for some reason, I do feel a sense of guilt but I don't know because of what. I don't know this Naraku, but they make it seem as if I have to or should remember. I back up a little bit, and I feel someone's hand gently touch my right shoulder. The suddenness causes my body to shudder a little and I flinch, I turn to my left and I see the side view of a handsome face. Two magenta stripes laces his cheeks, and his snow white hair flutters in the breeze.

"Sesshomaru..." I say.

"Leave her be, she needs some alone time." Sesshomaru says calmly.

For some reason, his hand on my shoulder feels comforting. I feel his hand turning my body to the side slightly.

"Sesshomaru what are you doing?" I hear Naraku ask from behind us.

"I'll be taking her with me to somewhere quiet." Sesshomaru simply replies.

Where are we going.." I start to ask him.

"Hold on." He suddenly says.

The next thing I know I feel my legs slip out from under me and I feel my legs lift in the air, Sesshomaru has scooped me up without my knowledge. I was taken by surprise that I let out a sharp gasp, my arms instinctively hold onto his neck, his long hair brushes against my arm and it tickles, his face is just mere centimetres away from mine that I can feel his breath. For a second, his amber eyes flickers to mine. Without another second later, Sesshomaru jumps into the air. I close my eyes as I feel gravity trying to pull me down, the wind picks up.

"_________!" I hear Naraku's voice becoming faint as he calls my name.

I open my eyes and look down to see Naraku looking up at us, Miroku and Inuyasha both has a hand on his shoulder preventing him from following after us. My hair flies around me as Sesshomaru glides through the air, not long, the flower field is gone.

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"Somewhere where the nature creates sounds." He replies.

Somewhere where the nature creates sounds? Where could that be? I didn't ask him, instead, I just held onto him and let him take us to this place. A few minutes of being in the air, we finally arrive to the place that Sesshomaru said that created sounds of nature. My eyes opens wide as I see the beauty of the place, Sesshomaru descends onto the sandy ground, and he lowers me down gently, my feet touches the ground and the crunching sound fills my ears. I unwrap my arms from around his neck and I look out to the beautiful horizon, The smell of salt water fills my nose and the sound of crashing waves move in unison in a rhythmic form, Sesshomaru took us to the sea. The afternoon sunlight fills my eyes and I squint at the reflective surface, the sea's wind blows my hair around me. I smile at the beauty of this place.

"Why did you take me here?" I ask him.

"Because I wanted to come here." He answers.

"You wanted to come here but you took me with you?" I ask him again confused.

"Yes. With all those people talking and forcing their words into your ears, I assumed some piece and quiet would have been nice for you." He adds walking towards a grassy part on the beach.

I look out again, the surface of the water shimmers underneath the sun. I smile at the beauty of it all, I then turn around and sit beside Sesshomaru who has sat down on the soft grass.

"I suppose I needed to get some fresh air a little. It feels refreshing." I say closing my eyes and taking in the moment.

"Good." He responds.

I nod and I look out again, seagulls fly overhead and I listen to the soft crashes of the waves.

"Uhm Sesshomaru, do you know that Naraku person?" I ask him after a few second of quietness.

"Yes." He replies.

"Who is he? And how does he know me?" I ask him.

"Do you hate him?" He counter questions me.

I look at him, surprised by the question. His amber eyes turns to me and gazes into mine. His eyes are beautiful to look at, they seem to hold so much within them despite being so beautiful.

"No... I don't hate him, I don't even know him. I guess I was just surprised and shocked when he kissed me out of the blue, who is he to you?" I ask him.

"He was my enemy, in fact, he was the enemy of Inuyasha and the others as well." Sesshomaru says.

"Enemy? How? And why? He doesn't seem like a bad person." I say furrowing my brows a little.

"He's not a person, he's a demon." He corrects me.

"A demon? No wonder his eyes are so unique. So again, how was he your enemy and Inuyasha's?" I ask him again.

Sesshomaru doesn't reply back for a few seconds, he turns back to the afternoon sun, he lowers his eyelids slightly and I see the magenta stripes on his lids.

"If you want to know, perhaps you can find the opportunity to talk to him yourself." Sesshomaru replies looking back at me.

"I guess so...but I feel that it will be a bit awkward since he forced a kiss on me earlier." I say pulling my knees to my chest.

"It is up to you to decide on what to do, it's your path and the decisions are up to you to make___________." Sesshomaru says quietly.

I think on his words, and he's right. Sesshomaru's words seem to lighten up my mood drastically not to mention they are good advices. I look at him, he's looking out towards the sea, the sunlight seem to reflect off of his golden yellow eyes. As I look at him, I can't help but wonder, why can't I remember meeting him? I wish I did, but somehow I feel like I should remember meeting Naraku as well. But, the feeling of wanting to remember my meeting with Sesshomaru overpowers Naraku's. Why did I forget? How did I forget? I lift my head up and look back at Sesshomaru, I can't help but think how flawless he looks. After sitting by the sea together for about an hour or so, Sesshomaru takes me back to Lady Kaede's village. Sesshomaru walks in front, and I walk beside him slightly behind. His hair sways side to side as he walks, they seem hypnotic and beautiful like white silk. The sun has started to set, and evening is rolling in. When Sesshomaru leads me to the big hut, he stops. The crunching of the road underneath our feet goes silent as well.

"I hope your mind is a bit cleared now, take the rest of the day to find what you need to find." He says advising me.

"Ya, thanks for today Sesshomaru, and I wish that I remembered meeting you." I say with a slight frown.

"Yes, but due to circumstances, those memories had to be given up in order for you to gain something more." He simply says.

"And what was that? Can't you tell me? I wonder if the thing that I given up my memories for was worth it." I say with a slight sigh.

I look back up at Sesshomaru, he's glancing down at me with a slight solemn expression. What is wrong?

"Sesshomaru?" I say his name quietly.

"If that "thing" was worth giving up your memories for, I hope that you will know when the time is right." He says without any expression.

I look at him slightly dumbfounded, he says that I will know in time. Could it be that?

'Sesshomaru could it be y..." I start.

"___________!" I hear Kagome's voice call from the direction of the hut.

We both turn to look at the entrance of the hut, Kagome has come out, Sango, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Naraku all came out. Naraku's eyes finds mine immediately, and his red orbs stares into mine with a slight sad expression. Why is he so sad?

"Kagome, guys... Naraku..." I say.

"____________, do you reme..." Naraku says heading towards me.

I instinctively take a step back and grab onto Sesshomaru's white sleeve, Naraku stops in his track as he sees me back up. He looks hurt as his brows slightly furrows, I feel a slight guilt somewhere deep inside but it's not wrong for me to back away from something that I'm not familiar is it? Miroku places a hand on Naraku's shoulder, Naraku slightly backs away.

"I'll leave_________ in your care Inuyasha." Sesshomaru says.

"Thanks for bringing her back Sesshomaru." Kagome says.

"You're leaving now?" I ask Sesshomaru.

"Yes, I have some things to take care of, till we meet next time. ___________?" He replies.

"Yes?" I answer him.

"Keep that smile on your face, a frown does not suit your personality." He says.

Without another word, Sesshomaru turns and walks away. I watch him leave until he disappears completely, I then slowly turn around to face all of them. They all look at me with a slight solemn expression and a hint of some kind of anticipation.

"Do you remember anything of the past___________? Anything?" Sango asks me.

I shake my head side to side, my eyes falls onto Naraku again, he just looks at me in silence and sadness. I clear my throat to clear the air a little bit of the tension.

"For whatever those missing memories are, I'm sure they'll come back on day, but if they do not then there's nothing I can do but to move on. Right?" I say with a slight shrug.

They all look at me with a slight shocked expression, For some reason, another pang of guilt feeling emerge from somewhere inside of me. I glance at Naraku and I have never seen him look so solemn since I met him this morning. They then a let out a sigh, Kagome then comes up and takes my hand. She then shows me a gentle but forced smile.

"I'm sure it will come back to you, for the time being, let's go eat dinner. It's getting late. Shall we?" She says.

"Yea, sure." I reply with a smile.

Kagome then guides me pass all of the others and towards the hut, as she guides me I unknowingly glance at Naraku who stood next to Miroku. He's looking down slightly, His dark lashes hides his red gemstones that are his eyes, he's quiet, very quiet. We then all head inside the hut to eat dinner, Kagome and Sango are beside me, Miroku, Inuyasha, and Naraku sat across from us with Naraku right in front of me. Lady Kaede, Rin, the children, and Shippo sat at the sides, none of us talked much. It was awkward I must say. I noticed that Naraku isn't eating much.

"Are you not hungry?" I ask him.

Naraku raises his eyelids and he looks at me, his face gaining some kind of color again.

"Do you remember me__________?" He asks me with hope in his voice.

"Uhm..... No? I noticed that you weren't eating much so I was just asking if you were hungry or not." I reply with a slight confusion.

Naraku's face seem to fall again, his eyes lowers down and the red of his eyes disappears.

"I see, thanks for your concern, but no, I'm not hungry." He replies.

I nod my head, Naraku then excuses himself and gets up.

'Where are you going?" Sango asks him.

"I want to get some air and some alone time. I bid you all goodnight." He says.

Naraku then walks out of the hut. The whole room stays quiet for a while.

"Is Naraku a demon by chance?" I ask them.

"He is, what made you assume that he was a demon?" Inuyasha answers.

"I see, well, his eyes are....quite unique like yours and Sesshomaru's. No humans have red irises for eyes. Also, Sesshomaru said that Naraku was the enemy of you all. Can you tell me why?" I ask them.

They all look at each other, they look slightly conflicted, almost like they didn't want to tell me. Then Inuyasha stepped up.

"Yes he was, he was our enemy. We actually killed him." He tells me.

My eyes goes wide, he actually died? Then how is he alive?"

"Why did you kill him? And how is he alive right now?" I ask them again.

"I think that is something that you can ask him yourself, also, it could be a way for you to get to know him a bit." Lady Kaede says.

Same thing as what Sesshomaru told me earlier, I guess so. The way he acted towards me and talked to me almost made it feel that he and I were in some kind of relationship with one another. I suppose I can ask him why he did what he did, you know clear things up and...move on. We finish up dinner, had some tea and I bid them all goodnight. I then head back to my hut, I look around the dark village, I don't see Naraku anywhere. I shrug my shoulders and head inside my hut, I take off my sandals and I step onto the wooden floor board. I unfold my futon from the corner, apparently I didn't notice this before. The futon was big, it's not a futon for one person, but two. Did I share a room with someone? If I did, who was it with? I finish setting up my futon and blow out the candles, I then lay down and look up at the roof. The quietness fills my senses, and I can hear my own heartbeat through my ears. I thought about everything that happened today, but I managed to divert my thoughts onto Sesshomaru. He seemed to have helped me a lot today. I feel grateful towards him, he looked cold, but his intentions are good and thoughtful. I smile as I think of him, I really want to get to know him better. Then somewhere in my mind, Naraku enters. Why am I suddenly thinking of Naraku? I shake my head and close my eyes, in no time I fall asleep. I wake up to the morning sun shining in through the window of the room, I yawn and I get up. I feel woozy and drowsy still but I know I should start my day, I sit up and stretch. I glance up at the window and I caught something black and wavy just disappear from frame.

"Wonder what that was." I think to myself.

I get up, put on my red kimono and put away the two person sized futon. I head out and wash up, after washing up I head to the big hut. I lift the curtain to the entrance and I see Kagome, Sango, and Lady Kaede just starting to prep breakfast.

"Morning everyone." I greet them.

"Oh,___________. Good morning." Kagome says with a smile.

"Where are the others?" I ask them helping them with breakfast.

"They went to go get Naraku." Sango answers me.

"Ah, how about Sesshomaru?" I ask then again.

They all look at each other and then at me. I look at them slightly curious.

"What?" I ask looking at each of them.

"You seem to be pretty close to Sesshomaru aren't you?" Lady Kaede asks me.

"Uhm well, I suppose I am. He may seem cold on the outside but he's actually very considerate and kind." I say with a smile.

They all look at each other again, Sango then stands up and sits beside me. She takes my hand and lets out a sigh.

"What is it Sango?" I ask her slightly concerned.

"____________, listen, you and Na....." she starts.

Suddenly the hut's curtain opens and Miroku walks in, followed by Inuyasha and Naraku. Naraku's eyes are looking down and after he enters, he lifts them up and sees me. His wavy pitch black hair gently sways as he walks. His face looks expressionless and solemn at the same time.

"Morning guys." I greet them.

"Morning____________." Miroku says with a slight smile.

They then all sit down, Naraku sitting across from me again. We waited for Rin and Shippo with the kids and we ate breakfast together, Naraku excused himself from the table again before we finished and leaves the hut. I wished he could stay till after breakfast but I guess being a demon has their own rules? After breakfast I help them tidy up while Inuyasha and Miroku go out to do their work. After I finish everything I head towards the flower field, the morning sun warms my skin as I walked. I smile at the beautiful and warm weather. As I near the flower field I look up from the ground and I smile, his long hair sways in the gentle breeze. I walk up to him as he stand there looking out towards the horizon.

"Sesshomaru! What are you doing here?" I ask him.

Sesshomaru's flawless face turns slightly and he looks at me, his golden amber eyes gazes into mine. His expression is soft like how I met him.

"For my daily walk. I see that you have that usual smile on your face." He says looking back at the horizon with a gentle expression.

"I see, well, you told me that a smile suits me more than a frown, and I'm happy right now so why shouldn't I be smiling right?" I reply with a slight sassy tone.

Sesshomaru glances back at me with a slight raised eyebrow, I smile at him again and he let's out a quiet sigh. He then shows me a subtle smile, seeing his smile makes my heart beat a bit faster. He then turns around and start to walk away, my eyes follows him as his white kimono sways as he walks.

"Where are you going?" I ask him.

"I'm going to a flower field." He says as he walks.

Flower field? Wonder if it's any different than this one in Lady Kaede's village. Curiosity peaks my interest.

"Can I come with you?" I ask him.

Sesshomaru stops and I just look at his back side, tall and elegant. He looks so majestic.

"If you want to see it, then follow as you wish." He simply says.

He then continues walking, I smile at his words and I take a step to follow after him. I then feel a gentle breeze blow from behind me, as I walk I turn my head back to look at the flower field that I was planning on going to in the first place. As I see the field my eyes goes wide slightly.

"Naraku?" I say to myself quietly.

Standing in the middle of the field, is a young man looking out towards the horizon, just like how Sesshomaru was earlier. Without knowing, I stop walking. My body is facing towards Sesshomaru but my head is facing towards Naraku, his long black hair sways in the wind, his navy blue and purple vest kimono is beautiful in the green field, I wonder where he got that kimono? I realized that if Sesshomaru wasn't here, I would have met Naraku in the field. Perhaps I could have talked to him, but right now I want to follow Sesshomaru to this flower field. Maybe next time, I'll talk with Naraku tomorrow maybe, or tonight. Whenever the time calls for it I suppose. For some reason, I feel a slight feeling of guilt again deep inside. Why am I feeling this? What's the reason? I let out a mental sigh, and I turn back to follow after Sesshomaru. Leaving Naraku alone in the field. I followed after him, for a little while. Then he stops and turns to me.

"Hold on to me." He says out of the blue.

"Sorry?" I ask him confused.

"I'm going to fly us to the flower field, it's a bit far from here so I'll be flying us there, if you're still going." He clarifies.

"Ah... alright." I answer back.

I walk up to him and wrap my ams around his neck, wow is he tall, I have to stand on my toes just to reach his chin height. I'm so close to him that I can smell his scent, out of this world and alluring. It just reminds me that he's not human, but a demon. He then scoops me up, the sudden action catches me by surprise and I inhale sharply. His face is right next to mine and I can feel his shallow breathing against my nose. The next thing I know, he leaps off of the ground, gravity tries to pull me down again but Sesshomaru soars higher. Being this close with him makes my heart beat faster than usual, why am I feeling this way? I just met him yesterday. My hair swirls around me as I hold onto Sesshomaru, about an hour later, he finally descends onto a grassy plain that stretches far into the distance. The now afternoon sun hangs high in the sky, I feel my weight once again as gravity does its job. Sesshomaru puts me down gently and I look around, I don't see anything except for the tall green grass.

"Is this where the flower field is?" I ask him.

"Yes." He replies.

"Well, where is it?" I say looking around trying to see if I can find even a single flower.

"It's in the distance." He answers.

"Then come on, let's go see it." I say turning to face him.

"I can't." I simply says.

"Why not?" I look at him confused.

"Because it's a field that has a curse placed on it, any demon that nears it especially demons of beast qualities will suffer from it's curse." He says.

"Really?" What kind of flower field is it? Will it hurt humans?" I ask him a bit concerned.

"No. In fact, I believe that you will love it." The field is called '"The Alluring Field" It keeps us demons away due to our acute senses, but it lures humans to it due to it's overwhelming sweet scent." He explains.

How enamouring, the flower field must be really pretty and enchanting. Now I really want to see it. Sensing my excitement, Sesshomaru points behind me.

"I can not go near the field, but the field is 5 minutes away by walking if you go that direction. I'll be here waiting until you're done." He says.

"Thanks Sesshomaru I won't be too long." I tell him with a smile.

Sesshomaru looks at me and shows me a subtle smile. I then turn and run towards the direction that he pointed, I trust that Sesshomaru will be here like he says till I come back. I run through the field, the grass rustles as I run. Less than 3 minutes later, I finally see it. Flowers of different colors lay across the field in front of me, and right away I can smell the sweet scent. It fills the whole place and like its name, it is alluring. I walk into the field, and the soft velvet petals glides along my skin. As I walk through it, I remember that when I was younger I loved flowers and I know their meanings and symbolism. I almost forgot that I loved flowers, I close my eyes and I tilt my head back to the sky. I remember my youth, how much of a persistent and stubborn child I was, and I think I still am. For some reason, a strange feeling overwhelms me. It's my first time being here, but I seem like I've came here before. With someone, someone that I can't seem to remember, but they seem to be important to me. Could it be Sesshomaru? Did he bring me back here so that I can regain some of my memories? My mind is thinking that, but my heart is telling me something else. I can't quite make out exactly what it is telling me, perhaps that I should take some time to think it through? I know it has been two days but, everything that Sesshomaru has done for me all felt special, I think that...maybe I might have some special feelings for him. I return back to Sesshomaru and he takes me back to Lady Kaede's village.

"Thanks for bringing me back, and thanks for taking me to the Alluring Field, it was beautiful." I say with a smile.

"If you were able to remember something of yourself today in that field, then I suppose that's all that matters." He says.

"I did, thanks." I nod.

Sesshomaru then turns around and begin to walk off.

"See you around!?" I shout after him.

Sesshomaru stops for a few seconds, and then continues to walk away. I smile as I watch him disappear, my heartbeat seem to drop to normal again. I return back to the big hut, at this point it's close to evening. I should help the others prepare dinner.

"__________, you're back. Where were you?" Sango asks me surprised.

"I went to a flower field with Sesshomaru." I say with a smile.

I go and help Lady Kaede, Sango, and Kagome with dinner.

"You are spending a lot of time with him." Kagome says.

"Yes, I was planning on going to the village's flower field this afternoon but I bumped into him along the way. We spent the afternoon going to this enchanted flower field, it was absolutely gorgeous." I say remembering today's events.

"I see." Kagome replies.

"Oh, I also saw Naraku today in the field before I left." I added remembering.

"Did you talk to him?" Kagome asks me with more energy in her voice.

"No, I only saw him moments before I left the place. He was looking out towards the horizon, I was heading somewhere with Sesshomaru so I didn't have time to talk to Naraku." I tell them.

"How unfortunate. Please talk with him when you have the chance, I think you two will get along...quite well." Sango says with a somewhat sad smile.

They really want me to get to know him don't they, guess I will for their sake. After almost setting up the table, Inuyasha and Miroku comes in followed by Rin, Shippo, and the children, all of them are here except Naraku.

"Where's Naraku?" I ask Inuyasha.

"He told me that he's not hungry, he wants to spend some time in the flower field." Miroku says sitting down.

"Oh,I saw him around the afternoon time in the flower field, he's still there?" I ask him.

"Yea, he seem to be spending a lot of time there lately..." Inuyasha sighs plopping down onto the mat.

He's been at the field all day by himself, I hope he's alright. I guess I'll go sought him out after dinner. We all sit down and have a quiet dinner together, Inuyasha and Miroku told us about their day and we listened. We finish dinner sooner than any other days, it seems like all of us seem to be a bit down lately.

"I'm going to go to the flower field for a bit, goodnight." I say to them with a bow.

"That will be nice." Kagome says with a smile.

Her smile looks more energetic when I told her that. I excuse myself and head outside, the bright moon lights my way to the flower field. The crunching of the sandy ground beneath my feet fills my ears, and the cool breeze brushes against my face. After a few minutes I finally see the border of the field, I stop walking and I take a deep breath. For some unknown reason, I feel my heartbeat increase. Am I feeling nervous? Or am I afraid of something? Perhaps the decision of not talking to Naraku right after he kissed me has made this upcoming meeting a bit awkward. But I think I should talk to him, get to know him a bit. I give myself a mental nod, I then walk into the flower field. Under the moonlight I look around the vast place, the tall grass stands tall and strong. Then off to the centre, I see a figure sitting and hidden by the tall silhouette of the blades. He does look lonely, and for some unknown reason, I suddenly feel the urge to want to talk to him. I suppose that side of my personality never faded since I was a child, that sociable side. Without thinking, my legs carries me forward. As I near him step by step, I can see his sleek black wavy hair. He's looking out into the distance, the free stray strands of his hair sways in the gentle breeze. I finally stop a few feet away from him, the rustling of the grass and my kimono stops as well, and the field falls in silence. I just gaze at his back view for a few seconds, no words, just the faint sound of the night. He's still as a statue, unmoving and so solemn like. Honestly, I don't want to have this wall between us anymore.

"Naraku?" I finally say, breaking the silence of the night.

Naraku lowers his head from the sky slightly as he hear my voice, he then slowly turn his head to look at me. When his eyes finally falls on mine, I see the two red gemstones the are his eyes. He looks slightly taken aback by my presence. I can't help but admire them, they are gorgeous as expected of a demon. Although gorgeous like Sesshomaru's, but for some reason, they are more...unique. 


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Chapter 27: i can't wait for more!!~
Chapter 26: oh god, why Naraku?? T-T
Chapter 24: this is so amazing!!~ everyone is finally getting along! XD
Chapter 23: oof!~~
Chapter 21: i'm loving this!!!~~
Chapter 19: even tho i was kinda hoping for something between the reader and Sesshomaru, i'm glad she's going after Naraku and only sees Sesshomaru as an older brother figure! but maybe there will be some kind of drama in the future, who knows?? I just can't wait for the next chapter!!^^ ~~
Chapter 18: i am loving this story so far!!~~ it's so amazing!! u are very amazing, author-nim!
CrayiaS #8
Chapter 17: Looking forward to next update ^^
joyabut2 #9
Chapter 17: update update update.. i'm following.. ;)
Chapter 17: this gets more interesting my friend!!~