Chapter 23

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The days have flown by and Thursday has finally arrived. I have agreed to meet my last and final client tonight to say goodbye for good. I have been dreading this day since I decided to quit being an . He was one of my first clients and I kind of fell for him. He showered me with everything from flowers to holidays anything I could ever dream off just so he could spend a bit of time with me till one night being so drunk I broke one of my own rules. I slept with him.


The days after that where strange as I felt so dirty and unclean and he also changed for the worst. Sleeping with someone for money made me regret the choice of job I took. Due to this night happening I swore I would never sleep with a client again and I was proud I stuck to it till the day I met the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life Chanyeol.


When I seen him outside that cafe I knew right then and there I had to have him as my own and I would give up everything just to have him. Here I am now getting dressed for my final dinner with the one guy I regret. Being a big client of mine I have to hold up my chin and just face him showing respect and saying goodbye to his face for good.



Checking myself in the mirror, I hear Kai call from just outside my bedroom. "It's time Baekhyun" he calls making me catch my breath. I was so happy I coloured my hair the other day as I want this to be a fresh start for me and Chanyeol but also to show the other guy that I have moved on.


Opening the bedroom door I step out to the stares of Kai looking me up and down. "Perfect not too dressy and not too casual I love it" he smiles handing me a glass of alcohol as I take it with a shaken hand.


"Kai I can't do this I'm so ing nervous" I move further into my sitting room sitting on the side arm of the sofa drinking the drink. "You are so close to this being over, you got this and once it's all done you can move on and have a future with Chanyeol" Kai pats me on the back as I finish my drink and stand up from the sofa handing him my empty glass. 


"Will you drive me, look I'm shaking so much" I hold out my hands as they tremble. "Baek I never seen you this nervous before, get yourself together" Kai says with a firm tone as he picks up my car keys while guiding me to the front door. "One night and it's all over just keep thinking that" Kai says as he locks my door before we head down the stairs to my car. 


Once out from the underground car park we head to the restaurant parking right outside as I look out the car window towards the restaurant. " I need more drink" I lower my head as I being to panic more now that I am here. "Go inside your already late" Kai reaches over me opening my door as I step out onto the path fixing my jacket. "How do I look?" I ask Kai one last time as he laughs. "You look hot now go say goodbye and I will stay close just incase you need to leave early" Kai smiles as I close the door taking a breathe before I turn around to head into the restaurant. 


Walking through the doors I stop real quick fixing myself one more time as I lift up my head and walk further inside over to the area where he always likes to sit away from other patrons in a private area with a sound proof glass wall that has curtins you can pull if you need more privacy. 


"Wow you finally made it don't you look amazing " He stands up from the table as I walk closer shaking on the inside as he moves to me hugging me into his tall embrace. "Damn I have missed you" he whispers into my ear before I move back. "Come sit" he holds out my chair as I take a seat right across from him as he waves to a waitress to bring us some drinks. 


"So what do you mean your quitting?" he rests his arms on the table staring at me. "I just want out of it all now it's not the job for me anymore" I smile as the waitress arrives with whiskey which I am so happy about. "You loved that job, if I do remember you wouldn't let anything come between you and your job. Sure you even turned me down". He touches my hand as I pull away to pour out the drink. 


Taking a sip I can't seem to looks at him. "Baekkie tell me the truth" he touches my hand again that's holding my glass. I can't help hut look at his large hand touching mine feeling the warmth of his touch. "You love my touch don't you. You remember our first night together when we made love on the beach. How you moaned so loud as there was no one around for miles". He smirks at me as I can't help but think back to that night how the drink got to both our heads and we some how ended up at the beach after walking for what felt like miles till we finally stopped as he grabbed me and kissed me with force making me catch my breath. 


" Remember how I kissed along your neck making you moan more as I stripped your top off leaving us both half . I lay you down in the sand settling between your legs as we kissed with so much passion. Then after awhile we made love right there not caring who saw us" he whispers all this to me making me close my eyes to the memories as I let out a little sound. 


"I'm with someone now" I blurt out as he looks in shock at me. "Your what, when did this happen?" he looks at me with horror and shock in his eyes as I pull my hand free. "It doesn't matter when it happend just that it happend and I am giving up this sort of life to be with him and only him". I watch as he looks around the restaurant shaking his head in disgust. " Baekkie don't be silly I want you, and I know deep down you want me still". He looks at me as my mind drifts off to Chanyeol. 


"I am with someone else now" I tell him as he gets up from the chair so quick that I jump with fright as he moves closer to me grabbing my arm pulling me up from my seat to face him. "You are mine like you always have been. I will not allow this to go on. I was fair with you and this job when you went on dates but no you are mine" he says with gritted teeth as he squeezes my arm tighter. 


"I was never yours Kris, I belonged to nobody and I am telling you now I am with someone so there will never be and you and I" I pull my arm free from his grasp as he starts to laugh. "You won't last long without the money, you love the money too much, you will come back crawling on your knees for dates with me again. I offered you the world and all the money in the world. All the Cars , clothes, houses, everything and you turned me down for some low life that probably has nothing" he shouts at me making me get really annoyed now as how dare he slag off my man. 


"How ing dare you Kris you knew nothing would ever happen more with us we where never a couple. I told you time and time again since that first night it wouldn't happen but you never listened. I have an amazing boyfriend  who is waiting for me now to say my final goodbyes so here is my goodbye to you Kris. "Good riddence" I say right up into his face as he grabs my face by my chin holding onto it tight squeezeing it hard digging his fingers into my cheeks as I feel fear inside me. "You will do as your told and stay and be with me. I payed enough for you so you will repay me my being with me and stop all this nonsense" he says so close to my face that I can feel his breath. 


"You don't deserve anyone as nice as me, you deserve to rot in hell for how you treat people, it just took me long enough to see the real you" I try so hard to pull away from his hold as he moves closer. "Those lips are mine" he leans in kissing me as I reach up and scratch right across his eyes before kicking him in the private parts sending him crashing to the ground. "You little " he screams reaching up hitting me right across the face so hard that now all I can see it black. 


No pov 


Laying unconscious on the floor Kris rolls around the floor in pain after Baekhyun kicked him so hard in his private parts he gets more annoyed. "You will wear this ring too" Kris crawls across the floor sliding an engagement ring onto Baekhyun finger before he kisses him on the cheek. "Why do you have to make me hit you. Why can't you behave" Kris says as he gets up from the floor looking at the beauty at his feet. 


"What the hell have you done to him?" Kai shouts as he enters the private part of the restaurant seeing his best friend on the floor with a small bit of blood coming from his mouth and eye. "Oh it was just a little play fight he will be ok when he wakes from being do dramatic" Kris sits on the chair as he watches Kai try shake Baekhyun awake. "Your a ing you know that" Kai get

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noemimart #1
Chapter 28: This is a really nice story. Both pregnant it is great. Thanks for your stories. Yoy have great talent.
Cherishinglove #2
Chapter 3: Since the story seemed fresh and new. I tried reading it. But its really hard to read it. Sorry, but you need help in editing your story.
Chapter 28: This was wonderful... Specially the special chapter ...It's was extremely special tho ... Imean both pregnant tht to at the same time ...???????
Soraya100 #4
Chapter 28: Thank you so much for this wonderful story. There were all emotions a reader could wish for, love and crime, tears and humor, the last chapter was so funny, I laughed a lot. Thank you again.
Chapter 23: Who's the guy ..... Why Baekhyun so scared to him,is he the one who gave all expensive gifts to him...???

LovelyYS #6
Chapter 28: Nice Story and funny!
Chapter 9: Hmmmm.... Why the sweet D.o become this evil....????

I don't understand him....why you want Chanyeol back if you left him at the altar...

Chapter 28: Ohh this is hilarious
Goldenwing #9
Chapter 28: Awww so cute :) thank you for the update :)
Chapter 28: Awwwwww hahahahaha both idiots are pregnant ...why is this making me smile so much hahahah.