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"Mum is it true what u said to Baekhyun"

"How dare you say like that to baekhyun mum"

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noemimart #1
Chapter 28: This is a really nice story. Both pregnant it is great. Thanks for your stories. Yoy have great talent.
Cherishinglove #2
Chapter 3: Since the story seemed fresh and new. I tried reading it. But its really hard to read it. Sorry, but you need help in editing your story.
Chapter 28: This was wonderful... Specially the special chapter ...It's was extremely special tho ... Imean both pregnant tht to at the same time ...???????
Soraya100 #4
Chapter 28: Thank you so much for this wonderful story. There were all emotions a reader could wish for, love and crime, tears and humor, the last chapter was so funny, I laughed a lot. Thank you again.
Chapter 23: Who's the guy ..... Why Baekhyun so scared to him,is he the one who gave all expensive gifts to him...???

LovelyYS #6
Chapter 28: Nice Story and funny!
Chapter 9: Hmmmm.... Why the sweet D.o become this evil....????

I don't understand him....why you want Chanyeol back if you left him at the altar...

Chapter 28: Ohh this is hilarious
Goldenwing #9
Chapter 28: Awww so cute :) thank you for the update :)
Chapter 28: Awwwwww hahahahaha both idiots are pregnant ...why is this making me smile so much hahahah.