Chapter 16

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Once finished in the shower we both throw on some clothes and head down to the kitchen to be greeted by My dad and by my Mom sitting ever so quietly at the table in front of my father.

"Mom, Dad is everything ok?" I walk closer letting Baek's hand go. "Son please sit, your mother has something to tell you" he pulls out a chair making me worried now. "I should go and leave you all alone" Baek says before going to walk out of the kitchen. "No you don't Baekhyun, this has to do with you as well, please sit beside chanyeol", My dad says making me really worried now that he asked Baek to stay. It must be about him being a , has he told my mother, is this what this meeting is for?.

"Ok well now we are all here, I want to tell you son that your mother here has something to tell you"  he looks at my mom waiting for her to speak as she looks at him nodding her head no.

"Mom are you sick?" I look at both of them as I reach for her hand comforting her. " chanyeol sweetheart I'm not sick" she looks back down at the table trying to hide from me. "Tell him now" my father says with a firm tone.

I watch her take a deep breath and look up at me with such sadness in her eyes. "Chanyeol sweetheart I knew about D.O" she looks back down at her hands as I rub hers. " What do you mean you knew about D.O, you mean what he tried last night?" I look towards the others as my father shakes his head from side to side.

"Mom what do you mean?" I shake her hand making her look up at me as tears fall from her eyes. "I knew he was cheating on you sweetheart" she says as I let go of her hand looking at my father. "Dad did you know as well?" I feel a lump form in my throat looking at both my parents. 

"No son, I found out last night after I came back home from finding Baekhyun, I was as much shocked as you are now son" he gets up from the table and grabs his favourite bottle of scotch and grabs some glasses placing them on the table. I feel a hand go to my thigh giving it a squeeze as I look towards Baek giving me a comforting look as I touch his hand on my leg.

I take off my glasses and place them on the table as I rub my eyes. "I cant believe you knew and never told me mum" I cant even look at her as I grab one of the glasses from the table with the dark liquid inside and take a sip of it. 

"I'm sorry sweetheart"  she mumbles making me more annoyed at her lame apology. "How long did you know mum?" I look at her as she finally looks up at me again. "From day one" I stand up and throw the glass at the wall behind her smashing it making her flinch and cover her head. " You knew from day one and you never told me, you let me stand at the top of that alter and wait for him like a fool knowing he wasn't going to show up" I shout at her leaning over the table as Baek pulls me back to sit down. 

"I didn't know he wouldn't show up" she looks up at me with tears flowing down her face. "Mom you knew he was cheating on me , why didn't you tell me?" I feel my heart break in my chest but I hold back my tears with everything I have inside me.

"Your my mum, your suppose to protect me being your son" I fall back onto the chair and lay my head in my hands feeling baek rub up and down my back. 

"Why did you let me go through that day of getting ready for my wedding if you knew he was cheating mum tell me that at least" I grab hold of my hair in my hands waiting for her answer. " needed........a.......good man care of you" she stutters making me laugh.

"Are you serious mom, he was cheating he was far from being a good man" I shout again at her as I look at my father. "There is more son" he says nudging my mother to tell me more. "I didn't tell you because I didn't want you showing up our family and pulling out of the wedding, we had a lot of guests and D.O had money he would have supported you, he was such an amazing catch to find and he was going to be taking over his fathers company soon" I stand up and move away from the table and hear cries from outside the kitchen. Stepping around the wall I see Yoora crying sitting on the floor listening to my mother.

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noemimart #1
Chapter 28: This is a really nice story. Both pregnant it is great. Thanks for your stories. Yoy have great talent.
Cherishinglove #2
Chapter 3: Since the story seemed fresh and new. I tried reading it. But its really hard to read it. Sorry, but you need help in editing your story.
Chapter 28: This was wonderful... Specially the special chapter ...It's was extremely special tho ... Imean both pregnant tht to at the same time ...???????
Soraya100 #4
Chapter 28: Thank you so much for this wonderful story. There were all emotions a reader could wish for, love and crime, tears and humor, the last chapter was so funny, I laughed a lot. Thank you again.
Chapter 23: Who's the guy ..... Why Baekhyun so scared to him,is he the one who gave all expensive gifts to him...???

LovelyYS #6
Chapter 28: Nice Story and funny!
Chapter 9: Hmmmm.... Why the sweet D.o become this evil....????

I don't understand him....why you want Chanyeol back if you left him at the altar...

Chapter 28: Ohh this is hilarious
Goldenwing #9
Chapter 28: Awww so cute :) thank you for the update :)
Chapter 28: Awwwwww hahahahaha both idiots are pregnant ...why is this making me smile so much hahahah.