
30 Days Of Love

"W what are you doing holding my face" Yera startled as Hyunjin suddenly hold her cheeks and give a long stare in her eyes. 

"I'm just checking your condition. You are gloomy these days and seems like you are avoiding me a lot instead you are just focusing on Changbin" 

"No comment on that" 

"Since you are close with Changbin, you are neglecting me these days. You always find Changbin when you have problems instead of finding me,your old friends" Yera sigh hearing those pitiful words coming from Hyunjin lips. 

"It's not like what you think. It's a coincidence that he is there when I was in problem like I can't escape from him" she give excuses . 

"Can you escape from him? I mean , if you want to change the partner for assignment project it's not too late to tell madam about that" 

"No . I won't. We are already half way to finish our project" 

Hyunjin roll his eyes. 

"How's Yuri?" he change the topic. 

"Doctor said that she's still in her critical condition and we aren't allowed to visit her yet" 

"I heard that your parents come to the hospital yesterday" 

"I guess they gave you a call then" Yera said softly while recall the incidents yesterday. 

""Yeah, your mom gave me a call asking about Yuri" 

"She didn't tell you anything about me?" 

"She has. She said that she doubted a guy that accompany you yesterday. She also said that the guy blurt out some rude words to them" 

"Rude words?" Yera furrowed . Obviously her mom just making things up just to show bad side of Changbin. 

"Changbin was accompany you yesterday?" that question just left hanging. 

"Look, Yera . Even your mom thinks Changbin is rude. Aren't you realize it yet that he have bad intention to you?" 

"Bad intention? You mean like he is planning some hidden agenda to me?" 

"Sort of. You can't be blind with his talent, his looks. Just because he brings lots of influence doesn't mean that he is nice" 

"I don't get it. Why'd Changbin need to have his bad intention?" 

"Do you still remember when you guys are fighting? He makes you cry,right?" 

"But he already apologize to me" 

"And you are already falling for his sweet words? I don't want you to get hurt once again with him" 

Yera bite her lips doubting each words Hyunjin said. She recall the last night incident where she was surrounded with Changbin's warm embrace that leads her to deep sleep. 

She turn her head looking outside the window and she caught Changbin's figure with some girls . The girls are laughing and smiling with Changbin . Seeing their actions tickling Yera's heart . Why she always uneasy when there are girls with Changbin? 


"I need you to always be with her. She don't deserve to be with anybody else except you Hyunjin" 

"It's hard to get close to her because of that guy. He always with Yera whenever they go" 

"Do what you can to keep Yera with you. Don't you forget about the promise that I said to you?" 

"I'll never forget it" 

"Do your work then. If its possible, try to break them apart" 

"I'll try" as Hyunjin said that, the car drive away from there. 


"He is with another girl again. Why are girls admiring him so much?" Yera eyed Changbin with a girl coming to cafeteria together. His left hand is holding a chocolate box which obviously given by the girl. 

Yera tries to ignore them by eating the food but they are taking their seats infront Yera. She is uncomfortable looking at them and turn her back from them. 

Soon, her phone rang . Unknown number is shown on the screen. Yera answer the call without hesitation. 

"Hey ungrateful daughter. Do you know who I am?" 

"Why are you calling me?" she is taken aback with the words that the old man said to her. 

"I just wanna told you that a guy from yesterday have blurt some rude words to us and I don't get it why are you be friend with him" 

"Well I think that he might said some facts that hurt you,right?" Yera then hung up the call not wanting to hear the hurtful words again. She glance at her food . She lost her appetite. She turns her face trying to look at Changbin and their eye met. Changbin excuse himself to the girl and goes to Yera . 

"Why are you here alone?" that's the first words come out from his lips. 

"I need some time to be alone" 

"I didn't realize you are just sitting infront me. Sorry for not approaching you earlier,that girl just won't stop budging me asking me about her assignment" 

"Is she your classmate?" 

"No. I don't know what major is she but she keep going to me and asking me bunch of questions" 

"I guess she is your fan then" Changbin chuckles . 

"Oh, I need to record some of preview of the song after this. You want to come with me?" 



Yera couldn't hide her smiles as she see how charismatic Changbin is when he is recording his voice in the studio . His singing voice is so soothing making her heart flutter. 

She is sitting beside Chan and Jisung which is there also helping Changbin with his recording. 

"It's your first time hearing his singing voice?" 

"Yeah. I never thought that his voice could come out nice like that" 

"Did you fall for his voice?" 

Yera look down with her blushing cheeks. 

"Chan? What's with her?" 

"She likes your voice" Chan blurt out making Yera blushing even more. 

Changbin smiles widely in the room while looking at Yera. 

'I..like you too' 


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ctnajihah #1
Chapter 25: <33333333333
Chapter 25: Can't wait for the next chapter^^ This story is amazing!
Chapter 25: This story is soooooo cute i cannuttt. Hope you update soon. Hwaiting!
hakimmj #4
Chapter 24: i think their relationship becomes more strongerrr
hakimmj #5
Chapter 22: Woahhh..hwaiting yera-ah..find your happiness with changbin !! I think that is chan !! That records it :)
hakimmj #6
Chapter 21: Yera-ah...please be safe !! I hope they can reconcile ! :(
puii_baekkie47 #7
Chapter 20: Update please ???
hakimmj #8
Chapter 20: hurmmmm..why changbin-ah..yera is innocent..i hope hyunjin will back away from them...
imyeonjowh #9
Chapter 6: i love this chapter