Memory Revival (Part 1)

Our Dream

Violet's POV


After about a week of being in the hospital and having the nurses run test after test after test, they finally tell me that I can go home within a couple of days.

My only issue, where is home?

I ask Tethelle if my parents are going to pick me up to take me home, because she is the only one in the room, but she just looked at me weirdly. After a few seconds, understanding registered on her face.

"The five of us live together." She smiled.

Oh, that's great. Not only do I have to put up with her here, but I also have to live with her. How did I live like this before? 

I think it was a Saturday that I was allowed to go home. Tethelle had gotten me a little calender, but I kept forgetting to mark it, so today's date was a mystery to me. I don't know how many days I spent there, but all I know is that I sure as hell was happy to get out.

Tethelle and Saya helped me change out of my hospital gown before they checked me out and led me outside. The instant that we stepped outside. We climbed inside a white van.

"Why are we in a van?" I asked


"We usually ride in the van." Saya said nonchalantly. "SM provides it for us."


"SM Entertainment." Tethelle said. "The company we work for."


The ride was pretty silent. Saya sat by the window, her eyes glued to her phone, while I sat smushed against Tethelle's chest. Does she even have personal space, I didn't object, though. Maybe she's not as bad as I think she is. I just need to give her a chance.


We climbed into an elevator that brought us up to our floor. We unlocked and entered the room at the end of the hallway. Our room was,  very big and expensive looking for a loft.

Saya walked away and went about her business, leaving me and Tethelle standing there.

"I missed having you here." She looked into my eyes and ran her hand through my hair.

 "So, do you remember this place at all?"

I looked around and shook my head, I could've sworn that I had never even set foot in this place before now.

"Well...I'll show you around then."

Tethelle took my hand in her's and led me around the dorm, pointing out different rooms and objects, asking repeatedly if I remembered anything. I didn't remember anything.

"And this is our bedroom." She said.

I winced when she said our bedroom. I should have expected this.

Tethelle led me into the room and closed the door. She pulled me into a tight hug, pressing herself up against me. I hugged her back, awkwardly. I don't understand why she's so affectionate.

I scratched the back of my neck. "I'm sorry, but I don't remember, but I'm sure that I will get the hang of things soon and be back to normal."

Normal...whatever that is. 


Wow two updates in one day

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Awsome, dudes. The story is getting better, :)

Are the girls going to get pregnant? I would really like to know.
LuvGirl #2
Awww man not a CLIFFHANGER.

I love this stoy keep up the good, work. Oh and I can't wait for the next one. either
Nice updated.

update again soon
YEAH. I like the .

You did good. nice story by the way. I love it.

update again soon
Nice updated. I can't wait to read the Minho and Tethelle .

The violet and onew one was good. :)

Just one question thought, Is violet going to get pregnant? Becuase Onew didn't use protection
YEAH. I like the .

You did good. nice story by the way. I love it.

update again soon
I love the update and that's okay, I hope you do well.
Missbalance #8
Since we have to wait until may before you start writing the story could you at least give just a teaser. please

Can you write teaser. please, please please
Awsome can't wait for the new story.

You girl should write more, you're both very good :)